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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Eve Online My experience making Isk in wormholes

    Eve Online My experience making Isk in wormholes

    My experience making Isk in wormholes

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:07 PM PST

    My sketch of the Abaddon, with the Star Captain skin

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:55 PM PST

    NC Scheming.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:35 PM PST

    Horde Apocs VS Bjorn

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:21 PM PST

    Fanfest flight ticket cancellation PSA

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:34 AM PST


    If you ordered your tickets trough Icelandic Air and they are the non-refundable/cancellable sort. I'd recommend you still call Icelandic's Air customer support and ask about a refund & mention why you are asking the refund. (Fanfest 2020 cancellation)

    They have been getting several calls about people asking possible refunds due to the event (Fanfest 2020) being cancelled, and they'll have a meeting about it during the next week where they will talk it over. Maybe they'll offer a refund of some kind? They're currently taking up peoples cases about this for it.

    Just wanted to post this here, in case there are others in the same dilemma.

    submitted by /u/Liondrome
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    Creative Writing - Foxholer Orca Heist AAR

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:27 PM PST

    Another fictional AAR post for you guys. I hope the stories I bring are lively enough to keep your blood pumping, and more importantly bring a smile to your faces <3. Again, these are wordy so if you're not a big reader stop here. This one's meant to be a bit sillier, but even so I hope it's enjoyable.

    Edit: This event did actually happen, see link below.


    It was a quiet Eve-ning in Fox Relay Base One. Fox Agent 'Sir Gimli' was just brewing his coffee in the cafeteria, alongside a fully kosher breakfast plate consisting of cheese grits and chicken-sausage. It was much too early for his much-adored cheesy nachos, and he didn't want to get any cheese (or jalapenos for that matter) on his finely trimmed beard. As he raised his coffee mug to sip in the pilots' cafe, an urgent visual transmission came through Gimli's BannanaPad Z from a newly brought aboard pilot; his name, was Key Seven.

    Swiping his BannanaPad right to accept the call, a nod came from Key on visual and was returned by Agent G. "We have an.... interesting situation through the tiny hole next door, you've got to look at this yourself."

    Gimli's eyebrows scrunched together and said, "Well let's see it, this better be important to interrupt my morning 'Frishtik.'" (The Yiddish word for breakfast!)

    Key again nodded, his eyes turned away from his camera as he spoke gruffly and scratched his jet black, straight hair. "AI, onscreen with this silliness. Transmit visuals to Agent G's B-Pad Z." An affirmatory chime came in, as Fox Agent Gimli's pad displayed a Covetor, alongside an Orca. F.A. Gimli sighed and said, "I'm not in the mood to fly through a hole, smaller than my consumption of pork, TO GANK A WHALE-BOAT MINER."

    Key faintly chuckled as the B-Pad shifted and his eyes glinted with pleasure as he told Agent G, "Look closer my angry, hungry friend." Agent G scoffed and looked back as the viewscreen shifted and zoomed in on the Orca. No drones were out mining the asteroids about it; unusual for a miner indeed.

    It was then, that Sir Gimli realized it.

    The time to undock in a pod, had come.

    Fox Agent Gimli raced to the frigate-class hole, in nothing but his capsule. "Give me that idiot's coordinates Key. I don't want any fuck-ups with this one."

    Key chuckled over radio transmission. "Like that time Agent Smoke flew his Stiletto into a mining fleet, only to be bombarded by dozens of drones and wound up home in his pod shouting at everyone, then proceeding to pick up a chair and bash it against the...-"

    Gimli waved his hand as he replied, "Key if we went over every stupid thing Smoke's done he'll probably show up himself and find a way to mess this whole heist up. Please, don't even think about him right now or he's liable to try to bring his Rokh through a destroyer hole."

    Key snickered as his retort came. "If anyone could find a way to do that, it'd be that fool's luck."Gimli rolled his eyes, cracked his neck, and adjusted his orange yamaka. "Blue fire on the frig hole. Lock me in."

    Agent G's pod zoomed through the wormhole; flashing teal lights crackled and lightning sparked around the pod. Thankfully CONCORD technology had developed structures capable of handling the pressure from the atmospheric conditions generations ago and passed to the other side with ease. AI Jesus came over Gimli's intercomms, "Now entering system J135543. Fly safe Agent G."

    "Thanks Jesus," came Gimli's reply.

    Gimli sipped on his coffee he brought with him, plugged in the coordinates provided by Key Seven and the warp drive hummed with power as it zipped past the star in the deep wormhole system. Gimli accessed his network of information whilst in warp, installed knowledge & the ability to pilot and Orca whilst in warp with credits he had saved up, and landed just underneath the Orca's access bay. Audio and visual communication channels remained silent, the procurer pilot seemingly oblivious to the increasingly poor situation for him.

    Gimli, incredulous at how easy this was laughed while saying. "Almighty AI Jesus, please load pod into the Orca above us. Access Serial Code F-X-9-5-1-3. Execute system hack S-I-N-0-0-0" Another obligatory chime beeped as the AI accessed the Orca's security, within seconds cracking the bay doors open, and sucking the capsule inside. Agent Gimli was much more cozy inside the Orca than he was in the pod. A giant control room lay in front of him, all equipped with a minifridge, coffee table, even red velvet carpet lined the floor. The captain's chair had a huge panel, though most of the equipment was outdated as AI Jesus came over the intercom in the large room.

    "Executing security override.... Orca owner disbanded. New Owner registered as Agent;" a recording of Gimli's voice cut in - "Sir Gimlidope." "Registration complete. Awaiting orders, Agent Gimli."

    "AI Jesus, check drone bay for combat ready drones." He grinned as his plan came together.

    "Drone bay equipped with Tech 2 Valkyrie drones, full rack ready.""Launch drones and engage the covetor. Surprise this pilot with some holes in his barge!"

    Outside, the orca's drone bay opened, and several Valkyries flew out with a sicadian like buzz. If one were to be next to the covetor in space, one could hear the zips, zaps, and pews. If the pilot inside hadn't dozed off due to an overconsumption of mindflood, a substance quite addictive, he might have noticed this and his alarms blaring off. Alas, he did not. The covetor's demise came swiftly as the hull cracked within minutes; the pilot's pod launched into space, and comically floated into an asteroid, making a soft 'tink' as it came to a halt.

    Rumor has it the orca now resides in one of Fox Relay Base's hangars. Let this be a lesson to those looking to access CONCORD's newest technology of frigate escape bays for battleships coming soon; your coveted ship, if left, isn't safe. Safety is an illusion in the vats of space.

    We are Proud. We Are Vigilant. We Are.... Foxholers.

    submitted by /u/Smoke3244
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    Be RC (BR inside)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:27 PM PST

    > Be RC
    > Only have 3-4 batphones this time
    > Toast Provi staging IHub with a bunch of fax and supers on grid
    > Get your Loki fleet dumpstered by HFIs
    > Panic and warp your Hel off grid
    > Straight into a Provi stop bubble
    > Lose said Hel
    > Drop 19 titans and a bunch of supers onto a defensive Fort grid
    > Watch Provi dreads jump out because your dictors can't hold tackle
    > Panic again because Legacy are coming to kill your titans
    > Jump out and lose half your caps
    > Be RC


    All memeing aside it was a gf.

    submitted by /u/TwilightWinterEVE
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    Ranking nullsec regions by quality for solo pvp

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Hello there, a few months ago, after getting bored of dwelling in wormholes, I decided to start solo roaming in nullsec. I learned a whole lot in this period of time and I'm definetely a much better pilot now(My goal was to learn fighting outnumbered, so in this ranking just bringing larger numbers is not a bad thing). A trend I quickly noticed on these roams was how different each region/alliance was to responding a neutral frigate in local, so in this post I decided to rank those regions I've been in.

    note Biggest size I roam in is cruiser, which does not represent big threat to majority of ratting and mining ships. my roams are purely to find fights and I always try to end up dead in a good fight(fuck burning 40+ jumps back to jita)

    From best to worst

    • Pandemic Horde(Kalevala Expanse) - Hordelings are always fun to fight. They do bring higher numbers, but its always smaller ships and even if they do bring something like battleship, they're quite easy to avoid. Many great PvPers are part of horde and I respect them. Great attitude
    • Triumvate(Etherium Reach) - I've only ended up few times in TRI space, mainly due to christmass filaments, but every time I was quite impressed by skill of their pilots. One fight I can recall was 3v1. It started out as 1v1, but due to my error the interceptor pilot got out of my scram-web range and then greatly capitalized on my mistake, manually piloting so he could hold me long enough for his friends to arrive. Great attitude
    • Cone bois, Toilet Paper and other small northern alliances(Pure blind/Tribute/Vale of Silent) - These dudes are definitely skilled, but its quite hard to find fight due to them being small and not having pilots online all the time. I also massively respect them for fighting alliances much bigger their size, like CONE shitting all over GOTG(rest in pieces). Great attitude
    • Legion of xXDeathXx (Tenerifis) - These ruskies are quite quick forming up for home defense. They do bolster high numbers for flash-forms and are always ready to fight invaders, but I haven't seen them do dirty things like drop caps on everything to deter content in their home region. Pretty fun attitude
    • The Initiative(Cloud Ring/Fountain) - Its pretty hard for me to rank INIT on this list, on one hand they absolutely blob the ever living shit out of anyone they can, they're not very skilled and attitude wise many of their members are also not great, but I personally have had a few great interactions with some of their members which resulted in a really satisfying communication and fights. Attitude really depends on who you fight against
    • Test Alliance(Esoteria) - I actually was part of test for a month after 3 wormhole groups I was part of died. Being insider confirmed my suspicions about this alliance. Its full of krabs who don't know each other and dont really care about each other. It's probably symptom of every large group, but TEST is second largest in terms of member count, so yeah. Members of this group have no will to pvp on their own volition.If they cant helldunk you, they will just dock up and ignore you till you go away. Flashformups are almost nonexistent which is why Stain groups like Ferrata can shit all over them while having fraction of their numbers. The only corporation that tries to defend esoteria from small invaders is OMEGA, but if they're not avialable, you almost guaranteed will not get a fight. Ok attitude
    • The Goonswarm(Delve) - Goonswarm federation would be the lowest on this list if it wasn't for the now deceased Darkness. These people dont care about pvp. all they want is to suck rocks in their rorquals and it shows, they're incredibly rich with rorquals in every system. You will never find a small mining ship you can actually shoot in your cruiser sized hull, meaning you cant exactly force any defense so if they just aren't feeling like chasing you they can just ignore you. By far worst part is them almost always bringing ships designed to kill any sort of fun content for their linemembers, such as beam legion that can oneshot your frigate from 100km. If you have group that cant exactly move fast you will also 100% be dropped. In conclusion they do everything to deter any content from delve which makes it absolutely the worst place to bring fun fights to
    • Darkness/GOTG[Rest in pieces](Deklein/Branch) - Absolutely THE WORST place to go for a solo pvp. From the moment you enter region you see dozens of bots that instantly dock up when you enter the system. How do I know they're bots? from the report mails I get in few days after the roam. There has been few weeks when I actively roamed deklein and got up to 30 mails a week. Seeing bots everywhere already hurts your morale, then comes part where it takes these people 30-40 minutes to form up against your single confessor, and what do they bring? 25-35 cruisers WITH LOGI. Worst part of all of this is the fact that while all of this is happening krabs who never undock when you're in system shittalking you in local. I've tried friendly aproaches but they always resort to shittalk, Never have I seen them write good fight in local. Rest in pieces Guardings of the Garbage Bins, You will never be missed.

    ***Please remember that this is my own experience AND that this is just a reddit post. Dont take it as some kind of empirical data. There are much more alliances and places that I haven't visited or visited too few times so I wont rank them.

    submitted by /u/JustThatLuke
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    Sometimes, after a long, stressful day, there's nothing like chilling in open space & grooving to the Classic EVE music. Just soothes something in my soul, y'know? Instant internal decompression.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:02 AM PST

    ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つV0LTA is trash༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:36 AM PST

    tama ain't free

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:38 PM PST

    CCP Rattati on Declarations of War (resource changes, Nova/Dust)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:45 PM PST

    EC-P8R Supers vs Dreadbomb fight, Siberan Squads side video

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:39 AM PST

    so friendly pirates exsist.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:31 PM PST

    found this video oabout Jeff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX8bFu0UxQw&feature=emb_title

    anyone can tell how many times hostile rats refuse to shoot our ship? iany lore behind pirates not doing their work?

    anyway its very nice to know that these exsist (as seen in this video)

    submitted by /u/Battleship_Praxis
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    <10: Filaments Return - Ep. 20

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Goddamn, wormhole explorers, how do you stay sane?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:18 AM PST

    Got ganked in very first wormhole i jumped into. Was D-scanning every 10 sec and yet somehow someone jumped in or decloaked and got me tackled, soonely after i got destroyed. Didn't lose much but damn, how do you stay sane knowing you can be destroyed any second?

    submitted by /u/KG_Jedi
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    Horde Paper Pushers purge another FC!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    As the body count continues to pile up for 2020, Horde Directors show no sign of slowing down as they continue to purge their FC team of all dissenters. With Aqui, Jericho, Valla and Helious all leaving the FC team last month, this new month has already added one to the killcount as well!

    After being called out for "only forming feroxes", xtrasquishy pinged for apocs to fight bjornbee, only to be ridiculed by VG High Command shortly thereafter, even though VG's main supercap FC was on grid for the fight. Within the hour xtrasquishy announced he would be leaving Horde.

    It's a damn shame these alliances don't value their content creators.



    He "was not authorised to FC battleships"

    It seems the proper forms were not filled out and the authorisation was lost in someone's inbox.

    submitted by /u/orpheus381
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    CFC Official Statement: The Titan Trap

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:14 AM PST

    Good morning, Capsuleers of the Combined Forces Coalition and New Eden!

    Yesterday, The United Federation of Conifers (C0NE) was accused of AWOXing Siberian-Squads titans during a moveop. The CFC does not take these kinds of accusations lightly; after all, our reputation is on the line, as is Darius Caliente's word. Because of the public outcry from various line members of major blocs, we have decided to conduct an internal investigation into this matter.

    I am pleased to announce the results of this investigation. Darius Caliente, and by extension the United Federation of Conifers have been cleared of any and all AWOXing charges. There was no AWOX. Allow me to produce our evidence:

    • Awox has not been active since 2010 and was certainly not on these killmails.

    • Siberian-Squads were not set blue to either C0NE or the rest of the CFC. In fact, we were in an active war against them in Pure Blind and Deklein.

    • Siberian-Squads were, by intermediary progodlegend of Test Alliance Please Ignore (TEST), notified that while they may use C0NE infrastructure via Access Control List, they are not set blue and will be attacked.

    Given these three matters of fact, this investigation has ultimately concluded that the communication breakdown was on the side of TEST and Siberian-Squads. Therefore, after much deliberation all forces agreed that TEST will fully SRP the lost Titans.

    Thank you. Any questions may be directed to Garric Shadowbane, 2nd In Command of the CFC; Dran Arcana, Chief Diplomat of TEST; or Hanzo Viper, chief executor of Siberian-Squads.

    submitted by /u/cactusjack48
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    Laptop died, favorites/suggestions?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:15 PM PST

    My laptop after 7 strong years is starting to have video card failure, would anyone have a suggestion for a new laptop that supports dualboxing and is a 17inch monitor?

    I'd prefer if its under 3k and I can buy it @ a store in person.

    The worst part about this is that I was finally getting my feet wet in battleships. Of fucking course my laptop tells me to go fuck myself. Fucking gallente fucking my laptop.

    submitted by /u/AlexanderTalar
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    Looking for a post made up to 3 months ago on worm holes.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Around 3 months ago I came across a post that covered a Japanese gamer who had mapped how every nebula in New Eden looked through wormholes from each region. I'm interested in finding this post but my search has turned up nada. Any help would be most appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Ghaullem
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    Small Skirmish PVP Video, First Fight Back Since 2019

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:27 AM PST

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