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    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Eve Online That poor guy in Amarr

    Eve Online That poor guy in Amarr

    That poor guy in Amarr

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Vily Gets Elite Pvp'ed.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    TEST incursion fleet got ambushed?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:11 PM PDT


    It seems that a TEST incursion fleet got ambushed by a combined kiki fleet by NCPL, Dock workers, V0lta and friends. TEST lost 61.3b and the total lost in the amush is 65.4b.

    submitted by /u/Indepedent_1
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    Even a fat porpoise is hard to catch

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT


    On the night of June 19th 2019 I was faced with some rather impossible odds. Since my last chronicle I had purchased a porpoise class mining vessel to use as a gas hauler. This chronicle is about the journey of the Black Beauty.

    My brother Rhaegal had already made the journey to the Vale of the Silent region for a gas harvesting mission. We were to meet in the UL-4ZW system. After finding a longer, but less dangerous route using the Thera wormhole I jumped into 7G-HZD system to find myself in the midst of two large mobile warp disruption bubbles. On grid was a single Loki. I had the choice of either activating my shields and burning back from which I came or trying to flee the bubbles. I chose the latter.

    I activated my micro-warp drive and cloak at nearly the same time to give myself a little booster while cloaking. The porpoise moves like a beached whale compared to the prospect class ship I normally fly and managed a meager 25 m/s. During that time multiple ships warped to the loki. A jackdaw, a firetail, and several others. Since I was so slow the attacking ships over estimated my position and overshot me. They came close to de-cloaking the beauty, but failed. The next 20 minutes was spent by them trying to circle the bubbles in hopes to find me. All I could do was plot a slow course out of the bubbles. Once out of the bubbles I aligned to a nearby anomaly just as a broadsword class cruiser came on grid and activated their disruption field. As I continued to remain aligned to the anomaly it, too, tried to find me. Once out of the field created by the broadsward I plotted a course for a different anomaly and waited. Just as the field was about to be upon me I de-cloaked and activated my warp drive. The Beauty was away.

    The hostiles weren't able to find me save for a loki who was 150km away from where I warped to. I cloaked up there and remained that way. The loki quickly stopped looking and left. The next gate was camped according to D-Scan. So I plotted a course around which added 2 jumps.

    Jumping into the next system I found an astero on grid with me. I aligned to an anomaly and cloaked with the MWD/Cloak technique. A firetail jumped in and managed to de-cloak me. The firetail landed a lock on me, but as they tried to web me I was already in warp. Once I landed at the anomaly a loki landed with me and close enough to de-cloak me. But I was already aligning to another anom. As he de-cloaked me and started targeting I was in warp. Gone.

    For a short time after that there were multiple combat probes on directional scan. Obviously an attempt to locate a fat porpoise. Rather than push my luck I held cloak and waited. I didn't have to wait long. The hostiles clearly got tired and moved off. With only 2 jumps until the gass grounds the remainder of the journey was easy. I am now in the same constellation as brother Rhaegal looking to provide transport for the treasured gas.

    Drogon Barbarath

    Captain of the Leech and Black Beauty

    Somewhere in New Eden

    submitted by /u/Drogon_Barbarath
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    Microsoft mocks Vily {TAPI}

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I have an unfitted Hel stranded in space, what do?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    I got drunk one night a few months ago, blew a load of money on plexes and injectors and made myself a 1 day old Hel pilot, Hel included.

    Being a dirty subcap pilot I didn't realise undocking this Hel from its lowsec station would mean I couldn't dock up again, so he's currently logged off in a lowsec system and I have no idea what to do with him.

    Options include: just letting the hel be killed and suffering the lossmail but being able to use the character; finding someone who would buy a hel from me by sending me some isk and me ejecting from the ship (is that even something that can be done?), maybe making some kind of event where newbs can come get an expensive killmail or something.

    What do, Eve?

    submitted by /u/Spacemint_rhino
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    Inner Hell, Hard Knocks, Lazerhawks and friends join forces to evict 15 men BAG8 corp.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    It is quite pleasant to realise they need more than a 10 to 1 ratio to have a go at our structures ! Being the 3rd eviction attempt on us within a year, we've officially become wormhole #1 punching-ball, and that makes us really proud !

    We will try to get our friends in, of course, so we can have one of these "good fight" they are looking for. We failed to regain hole control this night but at least we tried !


    Sadly Hard Knocks stole all of our french white flags lately so we won't be able to self-destruct our home-def fleet. We'll use it if we can get pods in it ! Jokes on them, we re-anchored our structures this winter so the loot will be quite insignificant :)

    submitted by /u/Mouillette
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    In Rust We Trust 4 - Minmatar PvP

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Connection between Eve Online Articles and Discord

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    on several Discord servers i've seen a channel where the latest update news are linked automatically.

    The people who set these services up are mostly gone or not playing eve anymore, so i can't get in contact with them. Does anyone of you know, how to setup this kind of update channel?

    Is it a webhook with a connection to any Eve developer site? Or some kind of bot?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    submitted by /u/4tt1c
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    I think something is wrong with your bot hunting operation CCP. Fix please!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    So i decided to do a test and for over a month or two already i report only a single botting corp/group in Stain.

    Simply to be sure that i am correct that those are bots

    CCP confirms my assumptions

    Yet this group/corporation just constantly makes new alts. Every few days you see fresh characters joining in that BOT missions in Stain... so i report them, get notification from CCP after a while ... but the operation continues for over 3 months now

    CCP how hard is just to remove this group?
    It is like few people running constantly new bot alts that join to the same corporations, in the same place.

    Something is wrong with your bot hunting process CCP.
    Please Fix.

    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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    EVE is kill

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Let's have a talk about the changes coming to moons and how that will impact industry

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    I've only been playing this game for about 3 months, but I've logged a ridiculous number of hours in that time. So, maybe I'm just too new, but I see major issues with this update:


    From the start of my playtime with Eve, I went toward industry hard. After skilling some of the basic (Magic 14) skills, and up do Caldari BCs, I gunned straight for mining barges and also joined up with a small nullsec indy corp. We ended up getting bullied out of null sec recently by some larger/richer corps with big batphones. So, we made a quick move to low sec. We found a relatively quiet system, and started anchoring athanors, and even brokered a deal to purchase a really great moon with a large portion of spod and arkonor. Perfect for our little indy corp.

    Then this update dropped. Null sec isn't an option if we don't want to join one of the big alliances and deal with their taxes/rules/demands. High sec will soon be completely swarmed by leagues of (previously) null sec indy mining operations. I'm predicting that the belts will get absolutely decimated right after downtime even more than they already are, because base minerals will be in such high demand.

    Low sec is sometimes even more dangerous to try to set up in than null. Again, this still requires you to have some protection in the form of alliance support and/or a big ol batphone. If we were to start camping this system, and set up a fortizar with a couple caps in it, this would draw so much attention.

    This update is honestly only going to benefit the massive corps, while stomping out anybody in smaller scale indy. I had *just* started a couple of mining alts before this update dropped, and bought some packs to get them into barges. If I was deciding on doing this right now, I would save the money, and just go full bore into FW or something. Main problem with that is my skills are very tied up in industry, with not enough in the PvP department. That isn't to say I have zero PvP experience (I was in null right up until now), just that my skills would be outstripped, and I'd just lose all kinds of ships to anyone who even knows half of what they're doing but are properly skillled.

    I'm trying to find the silver lining here, but this is making me reconsider putting any more time or money into this game at all. I don't know how hard it is to get a refund, but I am likely to try to put in a support ticket, anyway, to see if I can at least get the money back for those alts I made and haven't done anything with.

    Thoughts on these changes, and how a small indy corp could even hope to scrape out a living, now?

    submitted by /u/mondayp
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    Can someone gimme the link for the official discord??

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    i jus cant find it, so yea

    thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Intrinsic_Blackout
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    Need advice on the best recruitment methods/tactics

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    To start, I am familiar with the in-game recruitment channel, r/evejobs and gasp the forums.

    What I'm looking for is not so much where to post job/recruitment ads.

    I'm looking for the kind of language/verbiage you have found resonates best with responders (NOT their spoken language, come on guys). Clearly this will change based on the needs and area of focus your corp has.
    Does that language change based on where you're posting? (reddit, vs in game, vs forums, etc)

    Basically, I have a year's old Corp I've always wanted to do something with - but I've never quite figured out how to do recruiting effectively and I don't want to be one of those asshats that spams emails and invites. (does that even work?)

    Tl;dr- looking for the best way to grow my corp

    submitted by /u/SorinOrii
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    Anyone know how to quickly multifit several overpacked Frigates?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Basically, I'm trying to multifit a bunch of Magnates that are packed with 3200s to serve as a cargo container for my battleships.

    The Magnate by default only has a 400m3 cargohold. You can get that up to 1,000m3 with 4 Expanders, letting you carry up to 11 Navy 3200s for your battleship.

    Only problem is, you can't multifit this. Since the Cargohold Expanders are onlined, but don't actually take effect until you board the ship, the cargohold is treated as the default 400m3 and it fails to try and load all 11 Navy 3200s.

    This means I need to hop into each and every Magnate in order to make the Expanders take effect, and then throw in the 3200s.

    Anyone know how to get around this?

    submitted by /u/ChocoScoots
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    Looking to head to low sec eventually...

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Any suggestions on some low traffic spots near Caldari space? I figure I should definitely avoid the faction warfare systems, but not exactly sure where those are (kind of new).

    submitted by /u/_oddballwoofwoof_
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    Extracting stuff from our wormhole, Phobos decloaks on me, whoops

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    What's your go-to frigate to stuff into your battleships now?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    what makes the pvp fun in this game?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    I'm a very new player, but from what I've seen so far the combat is overrated. all it seems to be is orbiting another ship while you shoot each other and wait to see who dies first. i don't know, maybe it is different further down the line or some people just find this fun, and if so i'm sorry, but this really isn't hands-on enough for me. i really had my hopes up for this game, so any tips on how to have more fun with it would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jwtucker04
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    Is there any translation for the Spanish language made by the community or something like that?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    There has to be one. A lot of Spanish people play this game.

    submitted by /u/ElVerdaderoArgento
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