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    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - March 05, 2020

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - March 05, 2020

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - March 05, 2020

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:05 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    EVE Online: Battleships Die Twice

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Hoarding my 100th variation of stuff which i am never gonna wear like

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:45 AM PST

    I live in Nullsec and this could not be more true

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:02 PM PST

    How chinese corp play this game?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Nomad carrier life (c5 noob edition!)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:59 PM PST

    After the success of my last expedition, and the kind feedback you all gave on the thread, I decided to embark again into the rabbit holes of j-space. (what do you call a man with a rabbit up his arse? Warren!)


    Last time I went exploring with two Nestors. This offered excellent mobility and agility, with the Nestors able to fit off each other and align quickly, go through small wormholes, and (obviously) fly in high-sec space to drop off loot. Some of the downsides, however, were the lack of different ship types, and the boredom of doing the same activity every time (c5 sites). This time I decided to embark with a capital ship, the good Chimera L O N G B O I. This would allow me greater flexibility with ship types, and also allow me to carry a small POS. I've never flown a carrier, or set up a structure bigger than a mobile depot, so the possibities for fucking it all up were great... but I was excited to do it anyway!


    My carrier was purchased in a low sec near Jita. I moved my Nestors and an Orca carrying goodies there, avoiding a gate camp using my MJDs. I packed my carrier with everything I thought I'd need, then realised that fuel blocks for a POS and jump fuel for a carrier were actually different things. Another trip back to Jita and another run of the gatecamp later, and I was set to go. While the campers were obviously disgusting mouthbreathers, they still almost caught me -- twice. After some gentlemanly smack talk in local I bid them aideu through a wormhole I scanned out leading, conveniently, to a shattered C5: the perfect place to start my adventure.


    I jump my carrier from the shattered system into a vanilla C5. The hole collapses behind me (why did I bother scanning it so thoroughly?!) This hole is owned by Of Sound Mind. I could bear in their bear den for a while, but anchoring a POS might have been taken the wrong way. Plus the filthy krabs had vacuumed up most of the sites. I find another C5, and on the way through spot a Badger and a Gnosis from some generic mining corp. Excellent. I'll anchor my POS, stash the Longboi, and reship to a Stratios...

    Of course, I soon realise that anchoring a POS requires roles. And I can't be in an NPC corp. And the non-NPC corp has to be active for a week... ugh.

    I come back a week later. The Badger and the Gnosis aren't there anymore. I guess they got bored waiting for me.


    I find a convenient moon and anchor my very first POS, and 15 minutes later I'm sitting inside a soapy, bouncy bubble of safety. What an experience! I've lived in POS before Citadels were around and I never get tired of logging into space and seeing the stars straight away. I actually enjoy shuttling around inside the bubble opening and closing hangers and boarding ships. It feels visceral, like I'm actually there in the world. I understand managing a POS was a pain in the arse, but I still feel CCP went the wrong way with Citadels, because actually using them is duller than high-sec mining.


    I parked my carrier and reshipped to a Stratios and went hunting. There doesn't ever seem to be much going on in j-space, but I eventually find a Prospect sitting at 0 on a gas cloud. Even though it's a straight-forward gank, I still get a rush of adrenaline motoring towards the Prospect while cloaked, watching the kilometers tick down until I'm in scram range. After killing the Prospect I go looking for more targets and find a Gila on a high-sec hole. He decloaks me by accident by launching his drones and the brawl begins. My double-rep fit is more than a match for his (I assume) passive regen fit, and he jumps the hole in armour. He comes back and we brawl again, this time with me pulling range hoping to tempt him off the hole. That doesn't work, so I pop one of his faction drones and hang out at 30km hoping he calls reinforcements. Eventually I get bored waiting and make my way back to the POS and log off in a safe.

    The next day I run sites in my static and scan down my chain again, looking for anything interesting. I get an eve-mail from the Gila pilot saying gf and we share some fits. Probably the most wholesome interaction I've had since my friends went inactive. I clear some gas sites and quickly realise that, despite bringing two ventures, I don't actually have anywhere to store huffed gas. What an oversight.


    I try to run some sites with my carrier, despite being told it was a bad idea. It was a bad idea. The sleepers hate fighters even more than ewar, and it doesn't take long for a low-class gas site to blitz a good quarter of my hanger. I understand not every ship can be used in every situation, but carriers are cool and not being able to use them in WH PVE is lame.


    Life is easy with a POS, and no one seems to care I'm anchored up. I have fuel for 5 days, so I stay and run sites, scan the chain, and look for fights. Nothing exciting happens and I see very few people outside of the occasional scanner.


    When my fuel runs out I decide I've had enough of WH carrier life for now and pack up the POS. Scanning a way out is much harder when you're moving a carrier, and after going around in c5 circles I decide to fight my way out (e.g. die). I warp my carrier to the most active hole I can find and wait. Soon enough there are rolling ships on scan. I warp my tackle-Nestor onto grid and decloak my carrier. They dock up and don't come out again. I try a few more times, but no one is interested in playing. Probably worried about me lighting my cyno and dunking them with supers. Finally I scan a low-sec connection and decide to go gate-to-gate with my carrier, having not packed any fuel for a cyno. The gating leads to Tama, but before I get to that wretched hive I get camped in system by a -10 standing Marshal pilot and friends. Thinking with portals, I scan down a low-low connection and jump through to an abandoned system in Derelik. Derelik! Fuck. Better than a Tama gank, but only just. I gate my Longboi to the closest high-sec and call it a day, surprised no one has ganked me.


    Final thoughts: having a POS and the ability to reship is really neat, but a carrier doesn't seem to add anything that an Orca or Bowhead wouldn't, especially now with the rolling changes. A dread would be better, allowing me to run sites with one character while the other scouted/salvaged/picketed a hole, but it's a lot of isk to do the same thing I can already do: run c5 sites. Sure the dread would do it faster, and I could kill the drifter, but it's still not an activity I particularly enjoy doing on my own. Additionally, I found moving my carrier out of the WH to be a pain, and missed the flexibility of going through low-class systems. If I were to do it again I would probably look at bringing a third character with an Orca. Given my strict (self-imposed) limit of 2 accounts, this would mean a lot of logging of and off, but with a POS and a big container it might be doable. Right now my one month plex subscription is coming to an end and I think I might let it lapse. Aside from cloaky-ganking people in wormholes, which is a lot of scanning and waiting for very little reward, I'm not particularly enjoying the game. I'm happy to have tried the nomad life, and found it to be a viable playstyle if you've got the patience. Hope you all enjoyed the read :).

    submitted by /u/Studram
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    Knock Knock

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:10 PM PST

    In light of upcoming events...

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PST

    It's 2020. Can we please get buttons that accurately respond to our commands?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:16 AM PST

    I have been playing Eve since 2006. There are many things about Eve that your average gamer is not generally used to, such as your shit getting blown up, or the fact that CCP doesn't step in if you get scammed, or that you can be suicide ganked in what used to colloquially and erroneously be called 'safe space' by much of the player base. These are all things I have grown quite accustom to in my time in Eve.

    But one thing I cannot get used to is that I have buttons that were designed by CCP that are meant to accomplish a task and... there's a 50/50 chance they just don't work. Even if you mash the ever loving shit out of them.

    Obviously, I'm talking about the dock and jump buttons, particularly when used in place of warp. It's not that they don't work, it's that they work intermittently that makes this so enraging, even after 14 years.

    Sometimes when you hit the button it works as intended and you'll warp to your station or your jump gate, your ship will set a course to the perimeter, and it will jump or dock as you have commanded it.

    Other times you'll land and set a course to the perimeter and then nothing happens. Sometimes your ship won't even set a course to the perimeter, and in those cases, you can hit dock again to set a course, and then it still will get to zero and do nothing.

    This is not pilot error. In 2020, this is bad design. I could accept excuses for the behavior back in 2006 (though I'm not sure when certain buttons actually got implemented, the docking and jump issue I think has always been an issue, whether or not you could use these buttons to warp, and I know when I started playing we were still default warping to 15km), even in 2010 I could accept excuses. But the fact that this continues this many years into the Eve life cycle is frankly absurd.

    In a game where you can lose your shit at any point in space at any time, the fact that docking and jumping can fail for no obvious reason, in my mind, is just unacceptable game design. It's pretty difficult to not see this in a cynical light this many years in. I'm sure the astute can comprehend the implication of that statement.

    I also understand that a lot of you are going to think I'm just being salty because I lost a ship. And that would be untrue, after 14 years I have learned not to trust these buttons and I will not step away from my machine or minimize my windows until I am successfully docked. In fact, the incident that triggered this QQ was nothing more than I had had multiple dockings fail in a row, and then the one time I warped away in error and tried to turn around before docking, the docking procedure actually worked. I didn't lose anything, the most I suffered was a minor annoyance, but it just does not make sense to me, unless I am to be cynical, why this "feature" still exists in Eve in 2020. I just don't understand it.

    submitted by /u/JustSomeGhost
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    The war in W-space

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:54 PM PST

    As I write this, the forces of good and evil are clashing in W-space. A war in heaven if you will. The evil Russian Multi Boxers are attempting to push more people out of wormholes for their farming pleasure. We're fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, Bob will no longer be known as a wormholer god, but as the god who the wormholers called on in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!

    submitted by /u/Hanzo44
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    Reminder that Clear Skies exist, if you are new to EVE consider giving these a watch!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:50 PM PST

    The Clear Skies series is a classic of eve history and everyone who plays, new and old players alike should watch them.

    Link to a playlist with them all in it, not mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5285kr1J4xE&list=PLB6C9BBE67AB8517E

    submitted by /u/ImaginationJunkie
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    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:07 AM PST

    Me showing my Corpmate my terrible idea

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Lasker Logs In, VNI Skirmish

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:33 AM PST

    After blueing or working with most of nullsec, losing 2 big corps over the past couple months, TEST declares war on a wormhole group to give its members ‘content’

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Brothers and Sisters of TEST alliance, a great crisis demands our attention! While we bask in the afterglow of our repeated victories, celebrating the certainty of our superiority, we must not lose track of our morality. It was our sense of justice and courageous self sacrifice that drove us to rid this world of the corrupting forces infesting the CSM. But good deeds are not a currency, and we do not act with righteous indignation because we seek the spoils of war or the admiration of our lessers. When faced with injustice we must respond, no matter how many times we've placed past burdens upon our shoulders. As the greatest force for good in this game, it is our duty to face this tragedy, as an innocent alliance is being raped and tortured by try hard hypocrites with unearned egos who've never done shit in this game worth mentioning and spend all their time picking on people who can't fight back, and then they whine about blobs while having no problem blobbing themselves.

    Over the next 48 hours we will rise to this challenge, and still be back in time to finish off the keepstars that propped up Sort Dragon's empire!

    Starting right now we will be hosting an alliance wide town hall in fleet 1 channel (the old kind of town hall, not the new dumb kind that CNN uses) where we will gather as much support to help with what needs doing today. Go to fleet 1 if you can!

    Then on Friday the real action begins. Starting at 1600 we will need about 100 people to fill a skirmish fleet with special tasks, then at 21:00 we will be forming a big FRIDAY NIGHT STRAT OP EXTRAVAGANZA, that is likely to last longer than usual but it's friday night so that's ok. US tz people you'll be able to catch up later.

    Ops are on the calendar, and the Keepstar ops this weekend ARE NOT cancelled. We will be showing up for all of them.

    I need lots of people to join fleet 1 to help please. FCs too. Also we have strat op tonight 02:45

    During his 'town hall' progod asked people to find wormholes for 5-7 hours tomorrow in order to get into Dark Space Initiative/Scary Wormhole Peoples home wormhole in order to help evict them.

    This seems to be the best 'content' for their alliance they can come up with after working with Panfam to kill sort, blueing up with Siberian Squads, and still being bleutral to goons.

    No wonder brand newbros a corp who strives off pvp content and teaching left, same with Star Frontiers a pvp corp who left due to the lack there of. They seem to be having a blast up in vale however and enjoying the game alot more. Im happy they are and feel bad for anyone left in legacy who has nothing to shoot but people coming for their krabs

    submitted by /u/Ms-China
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    Needlejack Filaments: Fleets to Yeet With

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:02 PM PST

    Turning on Afterburner when MWD is on

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:36 PM PST

    What I'm referring to is when you are a dual prop fit and you have your MWD on and want to switch to Afterburner.

    What currently occurs is if you have MWD active you have to first decycle your mwd and wait for it to turn off and then turn on Afterburner.

    This may be relatively trivial for some but when you have some lag (I live in Australia) - the decycle and cycling is not very clear. While it may look like the MWD has been disabled, it hasn't and the Afterburner doesn't switch on.

    What ends up happening is you have this awkward phase where you're cycling/decycling your afterburner/MWD in a fight when it should be really really simple.

    I can't tell you the number of fights I've had where 5 seconds in you realise your afterburner didn't turn on or is cycled off because you spam afterburner from the annoying interface. In frigate fights those 5 seconds determine everything.

    Anyway to me it makes sense that if you have MWD active and you turn on Afterburner, automatically make it decycle your MWD and switch to Afterburner in one click! It's intuitive and doesn't give a huge disadvantage to lag.

    Don't know if this is a problem with quick ping times but certainly frustrating for me.

    submitted by /u/nathg86
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    Hitler reacts to Frigate Escape Bay

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:52 AM PST

    CSM meeting will most likely mention LS and FW more than once this year ! Rejoice !

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:16 PM PST

    EVE Demographics

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:55 PM PST

    Is there like a list of where most people live? Like are most people in null sec? high sec? etc....

    submitted by /u/Ares2382
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    Counting Dead Dreads In LXQ

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:49 PM PST

    Concord: how many ships do we need?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:29 AM PST

    TEST Comissars Aeon

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:30 AM PST


    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:59 PM PST

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