• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 31, 2020

    Eve Online Well...

    Eve Online Well...


    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    When you tell an alliance member you need bookmarks for the defense timer...

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    2 meters!!!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:18 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Inner Hell, Hard Knocks and friends join forced to evict me from my apartment

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    This morning I woke up to someone knocking on my door, it was my landlord. Apparently some angry Russians with a couple kangaroos stopped by and blackmailed him to get me evicted from my apartment. I had to pack up my things and leave my house, I'm posting this from my phone near our garbage cans where I still get some wi-fi signal, it's weird for some reason one of the bins have TD on it, but anywho this is getting out of hand!

    I've asked help from a strandedteen website because I'm a stranded teen, but for some reason they only help girls. If I ever get to play Eve again I'll make sure to destroy these people!

    submitted by /u/ohhihellohi
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    Only traders will understand this high IQ minimalist meme

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    The EVE Online Ecosystem Outlook | EVE Online

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Result from re-scanning 300+ moons in null

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    So I was scanning some moons for my alliance and was thinking why not share the general finding, I was curious if it was the same across all of eve.

    I did approximately 300 moons in 6 systems of feythabolis. There was one moon that I knew of that started as all moon ores, and it appears that that was unchanged. R16 and r32 moons seem unchanged for the most part. Some moons aren't changed at all, some are slightly better and some are slightly worse, but in general pretty much where we started with how much r16 and r32 overall. Builder moons (those that started with good amounts of regular ores) seem to exclusively have changes to r4 moons. And last but not least r64s have actually been buffed. It seems that they have packed quite a bit of extra r32 r16 and r8s into moons that started with r64s.

    TLDR r64 moons buffed, r32-r16 unchanged on average, r4-r8 nerfed.

    What have you had from your experience in other areas of the game? I wonder if high and low sec are also similar, and wormholes as well.

    submitted by /u/tectail
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    The moon mineral changes are having a severe impact on some krabs...

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    that time SuperCapital FC and Military Director "Vily" of TAPI Alliance commanded his fleet to jump in 100km off PL titans because "they can't hit at that range"

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Practicing social distancing while staying productive

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    TFW you read a dev blog and...

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    New moon update feeling

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Null sec mission is worthless for Corp content

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    I made a null sec mission corp and tried to Corp mates to join it, but they felt hard get in to null sec so I closed the corp.

    What was the problem? I did buy back, SRP, but no one f**king came to null sec.

    Ofcourse, I also mentor to survive from NPC null sec.

    submitted by /u/edgevvalker
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    EVE Online - I Promise To Be Pirate

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    zKillboard - Delays & Issues in delivering kills/corp pages

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    Noticed for the last few days (especially in the evening, EUTZ) that sometimes killboard, besides main page, would stop updating and that some corp pages would simply not load and instead display the following message "There was an error fetching information for the corporation you specified". Am I the only one with those issues ? Tried to reload and refresh cache but didn't seem to fix it. Cheers and thanks for delivering such a great tool Squizz!

    submitted by /u/T0rv4ld
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    PSA : moon mining change happened today at downtime, you might want to check your moons to see If your basic ore were replaced by moongoo

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    title, It can get replaced by R16 at best from what I have seen so far.

    submitted by /u/aria_yatolila
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    "Mauraders suck so bad, if they aren't heavily rebalanced then the least CCP could do is give them Cruiser Escape Bays™ to maybe make them somewhat worthwhile": Give them an alpha damage cap, some capwar resists, and lower their input material requirements to bring manufacturing costs below capitals

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Sure, for certain kinds of solo PVE, Mauraders are alright. If you know what to expect in terms of the enemy's offensive and EWAR capabilities (esp. CAPWAR), and if you're built to withstand it, you're ready for battle. (Fun fact: Mauraders are above average for running L4s, but they are not top tier.) Sure, if you have a fleet you can count on to keep you alive, well... then you can fly anything, so whatever. Sure, if you don't rely on Bastion as your primary mode of operation (you are using it infrequently or during emergencies only because your logi isn't coming to the rescue) then maybe they aren't so bad after all. Maybe.

    But what if you are relying on Bastion heavily? What then?

    Problem #1: You are stationary. Under the current mechanics: in the absence of a alpha damage cap, this means you will be liable to instapop to a far greater extent by alpha strikes than ships whose movement mitigates incoming damage. (An alpha damage cap is not to be confused with the windowed dps damage caps that Upwell POSes have.) A BS running an afterburner will generally incur substantially less damage from alpha strikes than a stationary BS, so why are Mauraders delegated to being almost categorically useless in most high-end PVE or PVP scenarios just because they can't mitigate volley damage? I'm not saying a volley damage cap is the best solution (though I think it is), but how else is a Maurader going to survive against coordinated alpha strikes from long-range dreads in LS/NS or even Attack Battlecruisers in HS?

    Problem #2: When in Bastion, you can't receive logi - this in itself is not a problem since it's one of those risk vs reward things... however: you have have no increased resistance to CAPWAR, nor are you able to receive cap from logi. Even an unbonused frigate with a few neuts will render most Maurader fits defenseless and, in the case of the Kronos and Paladin, unable to fire turrets. (Not saying that "most" fits are particularly good or worthy of high end PVE/PVP, however.) This is all but guaranteed if you face an Amarr T2 EWAR Neut or Blood Vamp ship in battle. Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a Maurader like a Sentinel or Cruor (or their bigger brothers). At least other ships can receive cap from logi, but for a Maurader in Bastion being CAPWARed, those can be the longest 60 seconds of your life. If you're going to withstand being heavily CAPWARed under multiple Bastion cycles, you're going to need some excess capacitor via cap boosters, and if you don't like most of 3200s being CAPWARed and wasting space in your cargohold, you're either going to have to downgrade from X-Large Shield Boosters to Large or Double Armor Reps to Single Reps, and/or you're going to need to use two Cap Boosters running 800s, and in both cases you'll have to employ a lot of module throttling of reps and cap boosters. In 100% fairness, you could wait for Bastion to run out so that you can receive cap logi to counteract the CAPWAR you are receiving, but then you will lose your massive defense bonuses (and mild offense bonuses), and armor/shield logi might not be available or enough to compensate for the loss. While these considerations apply to any ship, they apply doubly so on a ship that can't receive cap from logi AND would readily die from dreadnaught volley attempts (at least FAXes can take a beating) or even Tornado hits moreso than other BSes. Can't the Maurader get a least a little love when it comes to Cap Logi and/or CAPWAR Resists? Maybe apply a partial (eg. 50%) instead of total cap transfer penalty and/or give it some CAPWAR resist? (I'd lean toward the resist since you won't have room to fit batteries for their capwar resists if you're using boosters). I don't think the CAPWAR weakness on its own is worth complaining about, but in combination with the lack of a alpha damage cap on an immobile subcapital ship - the latter is horrible even on a standalone basis. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not eager to fly a subcapital ship that is less able to defend itself in a fleet than a Hyperion...

    Problem #3: Mauraders are way too fucking expensive to lose to either of these massive weaknesses. They already cost more than a carrier and nearly as much as a dreadnaught, so that itself needs to be adjusted as a third issue. Perhaps the solution is to lower BP inputs to lower the cost of input materials to manufacture should be at most that of a T1 carrier preferably significantly less (30% less, maybe? amount is debatable). Perhaps their price should be on on par with or slightly above pirate faction BSes? CCP has already indicated they're making input requirement BP changes in the last patch, so we know for a fact they are amenable to this line of thinking.

    Frig escape bays were long overdue, and are a particularly nice addition to Mauraders because you're probably going to end up using the frig more than the Maurader itself if you're doing high end content and you don't have a fleet of guardian angels shielding you from all those mean old dreads and Tornados and vampires. All I'm saying is that if these three major weaknesses - imbalance of volley damage against an immobile subcapital ship in combination with a excessive weakness against CAPWAR and disproportionately high cost - aren't addressed, then the least you can do is give Mauraders a Cruiser Escape Bays to compensate for their near-uselessness in higher-end content.

    And no, I'm not serious about the Cruiser Escape Bays. Almost Serious, though. Maybe.

    TLDR: Mauraders need an alpha damage cap, CAPWAR resist bonus, and fewer input materials to lower market price. #CCPlease

    submitted by /u/Archer_en_Tilavine
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    Famous last words: PartIII

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    Needlejack Nomad- Ishtar

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    The Thukker caravans have always fascinated me, and in turn I've lived nomadically in C13 space for most of my 2.5 years of Eve. With the introduction of Needlejack filaments, I realized I could use these to jump around haphazardly looking for targets and DED sites when targets aren't close or docking up.

    On Sunday evening I hopped into a wandering NS connecting to the corp's home wh and I ran 2 anoms to test the ishtar's tank. Shortly after, I started my journey with my Noise-5 Needlejacks. My first system was in delve with a Horde 60 man HAC fleet on dscan. I cloaked up and waited my timer and needlejacked into Outer Ring. I found a Serpentis Base combat sig in system and ran it quickly. A few neighboring systems had pilots in system so I proceeded to Needlejack out. I decided to try and get to the Great Wildlands and I eventually needlejacked into the region. I ran a Radiance combat sig and it escalated 8j away. After running the shortened escalation, I found a Cartel Prisoner Retention. I lost my ishtar at this last site, but was pretty happy since it was my first time killing killing rats in NS, specifically comat sigs. I am taking another run at it with a loki that is built for hunting, unlike the lethargic ishtar.

    Here is my full nomadic log:

    -needeljacked into delve. 60man muninn fleet with support

    -needlejacked into outter ring. ran an unrated serpentis base


    -10 active in local with a rapier warping around with combats

    a few systems later

    -9F-3CR-12j from Great Wildlands

    -O-5TN1-9j from great wildlands

    -Ran into Russian pilot. Running an escalation in an ishtar. Learned a new word: завтра

    -Horde gate camp 2j away, the рускии is horde

    -Realized I left my warp disruption equipment and combat scanners in Amarr

    -5S-KXA-1 gate out-7 in system

    -3 jumps from an empty 8 system pocket

    -2 merlins on dscan

    -getting within range of the gate

    -cynabal on dscan, keeps cloaking at the gate

    -sabre appears on dscan, unknown location

    -waiting to needlejack out

    -hecate on dscan

    -sabre at the gate

    -43 needlejack noise left outta 50

    -OY0-2T-Period Basis-11 in system

    -Thanny, myrm, ares, astero on dscan

    -Ratters dock up within 2.5min

    \-Praxis wasn't used as a roller or bait 

    -all 5 MTUs picked up with 3min timer left

    -Other people hopping on internet, safe logging to conlang

    \-2 Nids, 2 rattlers, praxis, nightmare on d. 

    -Needlejack time

    -HE-V4V-active system

    -5-U12M-combats out

    -[06:41:49] veha Estidal > корабль по другому назови а то мечишься как сука

    -M-YWAL-Great Wildlands-empty system-2 combat sigs

    -Radiance and Angel Fortress sigs

    -Radiance turned into an escalation

    \-Sentient Supreme Alvus Parasite-10mil bounty, 13mil loot \-Tank held up well, never went below 60% shields 

    -safe logging at N-DQ0D. 3j to go for the escalation for tomorrow

    -Clear 3j to UNJ-GX

    -UNJ-GX-empty system

    -first site-killed the sentient, waited 'til the site despawns to warp back for loot

    \-Sentient Supreme Alvus Parasite-10mil bounty \-10mil loot 

    -L1S-G1-empty system

    -Independence combat sig

    \-Sentient Alvus Controller-14mil bounty \-8mil loot 

    -0PI4-E-empty system-2 combat sigsf

    -Ship killed at Cartel Prisoner Retention-kill everything to keep from dying next time, ishtar needs bling or a separate hull

    -86mil in bounties

    -death-cloned back to amarr

    Here is my fit I used by looking at DED Ishtars on zkill:
    [Ishtar, Ishtar]

    AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier

    Drone Damage Amplifier II

    Mark I Compact Capacitor Flux Coil

    Drone Damage Amplifier II

    Mark I Compact Capacitor Flux Coil

    Drone Damage Amplifier II

    10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner

    Thermal Dissipation Field II

    Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

    X-Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster

    Drone Link Augmentor I

    Core Probe Launcher I

    Improved Cloaking Device II

    Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II

    Medium Powergrid Subroutine Maximizer II

    Hobgoblin II x7

    Republic Fleet Berserker x5

    Federation Navy Ogre x7

    Sisters Core Scanner Probe x8

    submitted by /u/shamorunner
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    Frentix production facility

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Is there a recommended ship/strategy to run these sites? Was running a max passive regen gila and about got smashed. Wondering if I'm going about it wrong. I started shooting the neuts first thing.

    submitted by /u/dogownsme
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    How should I go about making isk through incursions?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    What is there to do and what kind of money should I expect? Also triglavian invasions and all of that sort of stuff. What's that about?

    submitted by /u/Kwsagitarii
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    How to view played time?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Solved: Check comment.

    I haven't been in game for quite some time. However, today I got some nostalgic feeling and I wanted to see how much actually hours I have spent in EVE Online. I found an old post on this forum explaining how to do it but then I came to a problem. I also found old reddit post but I keep getting the same error. Here is the picture.

    Error ("token is not valid for any scopes")

    I did click on 'authorize' and I got my ID (94803824) but I keep getting this annoying error. Maybe there is an alternative easier methods?Thanks for the helping.

    submitted by /u/snuffy_mark
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