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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Eve Online The Small Gang PVPer

    Eve Online The Small Gang PVPer

    The Small Gang PVPer

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    A little fun on the EVE University UniWiki

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    Help! Help! The UniWiki is being invaded by the Triglavians!!! https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main_Page

    submitted by /u/rayanth_drygu
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    Needed a coaster - then I remembered that I got these at the 2013 Fan Fest. I had to choose Amarr as first in line to protect my table.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    Remember this? From two years ago.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Just because we’re sheltering in place doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Hecate for the win

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Monsters' Reborn April 1v1 - don't miss out on the chance to shoot xtra squishy!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Are you tired of squishy's low effort videos?

    Are elite smol gangers and their terrible meme spam driving you nuts?

    Why not do something about it?!

    Come and shoot them in the face on the 11th of April in this month's rendition of the Monsters' 1v1 cruiser tournament, organized yet again by Grim RK, and have a chance to win ISKies and a very questionably fit Apostle!

    9 out of 10 elite smol gangers do not recommend joining this tournament:

    The arena is 100km from the center - they can´t kite forever this time!

    T1 cruisers only - No Vagabonds!

    T1 T2 & Meta modules only - No turbo-blinged Ikitursas!

    All of this shall be supplemented by DTM's exorbitant casting, so lower the stream volume when a Maller loses its shields.

    If you are interested and want to see the full rule set head over to https://eve-cs.challonge.com/APRIL1v1 and sign up!

    The previous tournaments' finals:



    Relevant discord servers:

    EvE-CS: https://discord.gg/TGndnm3

    Monsters Reborn: https://discord.gg/SxMfeND

    submitted by /u/MiraChieve
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    CCP uploaded a NullSec Guide

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Renters, band together and demand a month free of rent!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Don't let your cruel and abusive landlords make you suffer unduly in these trying and disease ridden times!

    submitted by /u/KalaratiriS
    [link] [comments]

    Solo/Small Gang Golem/Vaga EP

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    New trailer coming on thursday - triglavian walking on a planet?!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    New eve software: Hyperwave Eve-Mail Client

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    So for fun I wrote a Eve-Mail client for PC. Why? I don't know really. Maybe it was useful, maybe not. Here it is either way.


    • Read & write Eve-Mails for multiple characters
    • Manages Eve-Mail filters and read states
    • Displays Fully Formatted Eve-Mails
    • Supports Mailing lists
    • Background mail checking with notifications(Optional)
    • WYSIWYG Eve-Mail Writer
    • Full Undo/Redo stack for writing Eve-Mails
    • Spell Checker
    • You can place a link on your website that will open a new eve-mail draft straight from your browser

    More info can be found on the GitHub Page.

    Direct Download

    submitted by /u/Deadmeat_Zukalick
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    CCP you are doing it wrong

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Resource Scarcity was a mistake.

    Mass rorqs wiping out anoms are not a problem. Super umbrellas are not a problem. The problem is PANIC. It's a mod that basically says - "Fuck you nerds, I'm gonna drop a bunch of titans on you". Such a mod should not exist in the game.

    Remove it and witness how the players bring the population of rorquals back to 'healthy' levels. In fact buff the rorqs and excavators, people will be willing to risk their rorqs (even without panic) if they are making 200-300mil/hr (or more) with them.

    We need more death and destruction in the game. For that, you need to give an incentive for both the krabs and hunters to undock. What CCP is doing is basically promoting stagnation as rorqs are unsubbing en-masse.

    submitted by /u/Astero_Sanctuary
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    [VIDEO] Odin's Call - Enforcing the quarantine

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Despite our habit of sticking our fingers in holes where they don't belong, Odin's Call is dedicated to keeping people safe during the pandemic. So when we found four Rorquals stacked on top of each other, not only violating the quarantine, but also the all notions of social distancing, we felt compelled to deliver a swift heath and safety message. Unfortunately the locals doesn't understand that it is all for their own good and spend valuable ozone to drop caps instead of using it to kill germs.

    A shout out to the Rorqual pilot who saw me in local as I was trying to extract my pod and convo:ed me, not to shout abuse but to deliver a GF. Solid response. o7 dude.

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFPlajTj6Gs
    Battle report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=1218&b=9061560&e=150&t=bvvb

    submitted by /u/Urd_Voiddaughter
    [link] [comments]

    I have some criticism about the "EVE Online - Guide To Nullsec [Tutorial]" video.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:48 PM PDT


    All my posts here are unsolicited - Nobody asks to hear my 2 ISk

    But i have a lot of criticism about this recent video CCP dropped about called "Guide to nullsec" that i can't help but find underwhelming and to some extent - uninformative about nullsec and incredibly irresponsible.

    The video in question

    I wanna say that i have respect for CCP, so when i make this post I'm not making it with the intent to make the company or the people behind the creation of this video as incompetent. I just have some criticism about this video and really ways in which it could had been improved. I don't even consider myself an expert about nullsec, i've only started living out here for a few months now - not even a year.

    Where's the footage of nullsec?


    Seriously, where the hell is the actual footage of nullsec? There is more footage of ships orbiting hisec gates than there is actual footage of nullsec gates. I saw footage of the same mission against Mordu's Legion in Minmatar space three times in the video. I could tell because of the Garmur they showed were using railguns, with a dark red nebula and acceleration gate in the background

    I understand this video is aimed towards people living in highsec and is intended to tell them about heading out to nullsec. Though i think it's showing off too much of hisec where it should be showing off things in nullsec, like maybe player structures like keepstars owned by alliances or actual massive fleet battles that the video brags about happening in null security regions.

    Instead, it keeps showing footage of hisec gates...Even at the the 0:37 timestamp the narrator says "The biggest obstacle of getting into nullsec is entering it" and the footage is of the camera jumping into a gate with these big ass CONCORD banners and logo. I can also tell this is all highsec and not lowsec based off the ships they show orbiting the gates, they're 100% the NPC patrols you see orbiting gates in highsec

    I will admit there is actual footage of nullsec in this video - but it's mixed in with so much more hisec footage that i find it drowned out with misleading footage.

    Does NPC null not exist?


    For those that recognize me, I'm a guy that moved out to Venal to start a trade hub. I take a bit of pride in being a resident of this region and I wouldn't want to live in any other part of nullsec.

    If this is a guide to nullsec for newer and uninformed players, i think they should be educated of the existence of select regions scattered across nullsec that aren't owned by players, but instead NPC forces that have permanent stations that are open to everyone to use.

    I personally find this to be a big deal, especially for players who don't want to commit to some giant sov group just so they can live out in nullsec. There are freeports that they never have to worry about being destroyed in these different regions and it could've tied in nicely with the mention of needlejack filaments by suggesting wherever you land, you might find yourself either in or nearby to a region for you to dock up in or even get a replacement ship if you unfortunately lose your vessel.

    I think it's critical knowledge to inform players that such regions exist. Maybe even suggest an alternative than "Returning home" from your nullsec expedition you could instead take up residence in a NPC station out here.

    Explaining would also inform players that they have options to even perform industry and trading out in these remote regions and could potentially even sell their goods out from exploration or PVP out here instead of having to make the trek all the way back to hisec.

    What about Sov warfare?


    I'm aware many players are very critical about the mechanics of sov warfare in this game - I still think it should be explained if you're gonna talk about "Jealously guarding your own corner of New Eden against curious new comers". Why wasn't there a section about going into detail about how sov warfare is conducted? How do you expect the viewer to dream of that ambition if you don't tell them what's expected out of them first to claim a slice of the outer regions for themselves.

    This is gonna be a short note in this rant, because even I don't know much about Sov warfare. This would had been an opportunity to educate me on it. Alas, the chance was missed.

    Explain actual tactics to survive in nullsec


    I think it would add just a minute or two more to the video if they went into depth with using local or their scanner when they brought up in the video.

    I've had to learn some tactics to survive when traveling Venal alone. I"m now someone that feel confident taking any non-Interdiction proof frigate out and getting around safety.

    A brief example of using your D-Scan should displayed here so players know how to bring it up and how to use it to check for gate camps or bubbles ahead of them. Show them about warping to a celestial close to a gate and showing them how to quickly align their camera towards the target, adjust their scanner's settings so they scan just the gate and show them the scan results of an enemy fleet being dedicated and a Interdiction probe. Explain how they can use it to scan around them for ships sneaking around or trying to probe them down.

    Maybe explain that if you jump into an enemy gate camp, you're not completely screwed, that you have a chance of surviving by crashing gates and jumping back into the previous system and warping off elsewhere to shake off pursuers who might give chase - I would argue that's incredibly valuable information to have if you use a needjack to do some exploration sites.

    Simply telling players that they can use needlejacks to be dumped into a random part of nullsec and saying that it's up to them to make it back to safety without going into detail about how they can improve their rate of survival is god damn irresponsible and might burn players more than opening them up to going to nullsec

    Closing remarks


    I watched this video and immediately had to get this off my chest as i felt underwhelmed at this so called "tutorial" that comes off more as a plug for needlejacks than it does an actual guide for players curious about null security space. There's so much missing potential here and I don't think less of CCP for posting this - I present this post as criticism to this so called "guide"

    I genuinely feel this will do more damage than actual good, I don't feel as if it properly educates viewers on nullsec or how to survive and take advantage of the content found out here.



    submitted by /u/-SODANK-
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    Subscription prices and packs

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, so for the past 5 years I lived in UK and I was paying my Omega in £ where things tend to be a bit cheaper. Recently I moved to another EU country with main currency being in €. Omega in pounds is still 9.99£ per month where it's 15 euros per month. This kinda baffles me as if I pay in pounds it is still cheaper than paying in euros. I think CCP has been increasing the amount of money they want us to spend in the game little by little as well. So CCP WTH?

    submitted by /u/Jouji_no_kouma
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    Eve New Orleans Postponed

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone

    Well, wasn't a fun choice to make but the right one as we New Orleans is under a heavy strain from the coronavirus and after discussing it with my team we have decided to postpone Eve New Orleans til later this year. We want to do our part to mitigate this virus and we hope you all understand. We apologize to anyone that has already setup travel plans as we know this doesn't make things easier in our current situation. We will be processing refunds for all those that bought passes on April 3rd!

    We are working with our venue now to get new dates for 2020 as we do not plan on canceling for year. If you have any questions you can join us on our discord https://discord.gg/QxQQkae or check out www.eveneworleans.com


    submitted by /u/quam_kodiz
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    Is PI worth it?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    I started back into this game recently after a several year hiatus. Back in the day when PI first came out, I invested a bunch of training into it to the point that I have 2 million SP in PI, so I have pretty good skills in it.

    So this month I spent some isk and time setting up planets, but the ROI, especially on the amount of time it takes to manage these things, is horrible. I'm lucky to make even 1 million a day on a planet. And of course I have to spend my time flying around and dropping off/picking up things for hours every week.

    So my question: am I doing it wrong? Is PI worth it with certain configurations or certain planets? I'm seriously debating dumping that 2 million SP into skill injectors and using it for other purposes. If I buy skill injectors with isk and sell the full injectors on the open market, 2 million SP translates to about 1.8 billion isk. Even with 6 planets running it would take me almost a year to make that in PI...

    submitted by /u/T0mThomas
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    Eve Online Our Company Character

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Nice afternoon skirmishing with Unreal alliance

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:49 AM PDT


    100m lost 3.3b killed

    Fight 1 lasted just over an hour with the majority of it on a gate. Grid was littered with wrecks over 700km by the end! We flew Gila/Cane Fleet/Vedmak/stilettos


    235m lost 3.07b killed

    Fight 2 was us skirmishing in their staging + surrounding systems. We kept taking the fight to different gates/systems as 2 nyx's were also chasing. We lost a harb navy at the end as he got hard tackled by multiple letto's and then the cyno went up. We flew Harb Navy/Phoon Fleet/Hyena/Kite mega/stilettos

    Full br: https://br.inyour.space/?s=445,839,841,840,838&b=9071305&e=194&t=rvf

    Total lost 335m

    Total killed: 6.37b

    You search for good fights for weeks and it's days like today that make you come back for more!

    Great fun unreal - until next time!

    submitted by /u/CraftyCrocEVE
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    Anyone else have terribly long undocking times?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I've returned to the game after 2 years for the first time today and undocking is taking forever, it's basically unplayable

    submitted by /u/Kryptaos
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    Fanfest ticketholders. Goodies in your mailbox

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 08:20 AM PDT

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