• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    Eve Online Newbro PSA: Mining has changed drastically recently! Please read this before committing.

    Eve Online Newbro PSA: Mining has changed drastically recently! Please read this before committing.

    Newbro PSA: Mining has changed drastically recently! Please read this before committing.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    This is aimed at the newer players browsing the sub. Lots of you are aiming to get into Rorq's, orca's etc. for mining.

    However, I've noticed a large amount of you basing this on posts, guides etc. prior to the recent mining changes. It's important for you to read what's happened in the world of mining before committing to something that might bite you in the ass.

    This isn't to say mining is bad, rather that everything has changed very recently. Educate and be aware.

    Please take note of these patch notes when developing goals, skill plans, etc.



    submitted by /u/Jibrish
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    [CCP News] Announcing a new Localization!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Huge thanks to Fwaming Dwagons, RIXX JAVIX and Friends. The eve community is truly a special one.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Killing the 3 day old Heron pilot in ye wormhole

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    "Krablands Triad" agreement between panfam, TAPI and Goons agreed

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Eve subreddit gets trolled by The New York Times (really)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:21 AM PDT


    "And then there is perhaps the most interesting and infuriating video game of all: Eve Online. If you like spreadsheets and want to translate that into power among thousands of hard-core gamers who have been battling for control of the same virtual galaxy since 2003, this one is for you. Eve is built on the most robust economic and financial simulation in gaming. Or if you just want to fly a spaceship around and say "pew pew" while shooting lasers at everything, that works, too. Eve's learning curve is a tricky one, but with a few visits to the Eve University Wiki and the always helpful Eve subreddit, you'll be a space pirate in no time."

    submitted by /u/Syloom
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    Killing Cynos = Elite, Killing Said Skilled Cyno Hunters = Bullshit Gimmicks L2Bgud No0b blobberzzzzzz

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    The Nullsec PVPer

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    More Dank Leaks From When PL Was Good

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:33 PM PDT


    How to Booshball

    Standard operation for line members in a booshball is to watchlist anchor, and have keep at range set. We typically use 2.5 km. It is important to not orbit, because this can bump booshers. It is also important to not fuck around with ranges. If you are too close to the anchor you can bump the command destroyers. If you are too far away you can fail to make the trip. When you land out of warp, you need to immediately anchor with afterburner on. Landing on grid is the most critical and dangerous situation a booshball regularly experiences. If you fail to anchor up in time you will get left behind and you will die. You also need to make sure that you don't accidentally double click in space, approach something, or otherwise fall off anchor during the fleet. If you fall off the anchor you will die. You need to be paying attention and stay on anchor.

    Boosher alts set keep at range for .5 km. You keep at this range from the anchor and set your top speed to just above the anchor's top speed. If the anchor is going at 500m/s you should set top speed to about 600m/s. You need to be able to catch up if you fall behind. But if your top speed is set too high, when you push the boosh button, your ship will speed up and you may pull to far ahead of the fleet. Afterburner usage depends on the speed of the fleet. Turn on AB's for booshballs that are anchored at speeds where you need them. Otherwise don't bother. Boosh alts need to fill out the boosh squads. 2 alts per squad. 1 alt takes squad command and the other is squad member. Your boosh squad will be labelled "Boosh 1" or "Alpha" or whatever. You need to know the name of the squad you are in. When the FC calls for that squad to boosh, the squad commander immediately pushes his button. The alt in squad member position will count to 3 seconds and push his button at that time. After you boosh you need to remember to anchor up again. Booshing breaks anchor and if you fail to reanchor you will fall out of the booshball and you will die. Tell the FC when your squad is ready to fire again. If you die, move out of the squad position so the FC sees that squad is out of commission.

    A booshball needs a minimum of 5 squads ready to go. This means 10 boosher alts. We highly encourage everybody in fleet to have alts trained to fly command destroyers. You're a shit if you don't. Get good. You all have capital alts. We really want 20 or so command destroyers to allow for rapid booshing and normal losses.

    Note that the anchor can only begin to steer his fleet's booshes after he has spent a few seconds moving in a straight line and the booshers are following behind him with the fleet.

    ECM bursters need to sit in their own coms. The best ECM burst ship is the Scorpion, because it has a bonus to range and strength for ECM bursts. There should be a minimum of 3 bursters but 6 is ideal. When a mass of interceptors land on the fleet the person at the top of the coms channel, will call his burst. After that the next person down will call his burst. We want a sustained ECM burst wave as long as there are interceptors on us. Scorpions fill their highslots with smarbombs. The FC will call if drones or smartbombs will be used for clearing tackle.

    Alternatively it is possible to use command destroyer fits with ECM bursts and not bring Scorpions. Generally this is a good choice for fleets that otherwise would not bring any battleships. For the same reason we fit defender missile launchers to our command destroyers. Getting bombed is not good.

    Target calling operates as normal. But this fleet should not have the anchor boosh caller and the target caller be the same person.

    The need for logistics is minimal. A few T1 logi cruisers, T2 logi frigates, or remote rep fit to the DPS ships is sufficient. If you're taking more damage than that somebody fucked up and you're already dead.

    Meta Evolutions

    When we fought providence with Ravens, their immediate counter was to begin using dreadnoughts with long range capital guns. They would cyno in at 3 or 4 locations around the structure they were trying to defend and it was difficult to not be in range of one of the dread groups. These dreadnoughts were able to hit battleships anchored at 100 m/s. And it did not take many dreadnoughts to be able to alpha strike a battleship. The solution was to fit an afterburner to our battleships at which point capital guns could no longer track. All PL booshball doctrines require committing a mid to an afterburner. If your fit does not include an afterburner, we don't want to hear about it.

    I have had success fighting enemy booshballs with sniper battleship fleets and probers. In Providence our battle line battleship was the armor artillery Machariel. We would load carbonized lead ammunition and warp at 0 to the enemy booshball. They would boosh to 200km away, and be flying directly away from us with no transversal. We would then primary 1 or 2 command destroyers, and repeat the process until all enemy command destroyers were dead. Using standard battleships that could engage at sniper ranges was very successful at clearing early booshball fleets and I don't know why the tactic wasn't used by other groups more often.

    Chemo is the term now used for smartbomb bubble immune T3s. Chemo T3s are very expensive and fragile, but they can devastate clumped hostile groups. Chemo is another reason that we demand that our fits include ABs. I have never FC'd a booshball that was pushed off grid by a chemo fleet. But they are like bombers in that they make loading grids very dangerous. In my opinion, Chemo is not a reliable method of killing a booshball. Sometimes you wipe them out. Sometimes you feed a bunch of T3s. Sometimes nothing happens.

    I have also seen interceptor swarms with scrams. ECM burst is surprisingly good at defending against this. But there is also the ability of the booshball to carry its own AOE damage. I have seen a fleet of interceptors warp to a booshball at 0 and all die to smartbombs. Interceptor blobs make life harder for a booshball FC but they do not reliably force a booshball to leave grid.

    Fighter swarms can occasionally kill something out of a booshball fleet. But they do not travel fast enough to apply regular damage, and fighters often end up staggered across hundreds of kilometers totally failing to reach a hostile booshball.

    One Booshball to Rule Them All

    In the face of increasing enemy booshball use we determined that it was necessary to field a doctrine that could kill enemy command destroyers reliably. I tested a 100km sniper T3D concept using rail Hecates. It was terrible. So we began experimenting with using mid size hulls with extreme range that could track destroyers.

    As Posted by Michael Wilmore:

    It is and will continue to be a fact that stukkas are extremely OP, and that almost all of the current 'counters' have minimal tank and are vulnerable not only to Gokus, but also to chemo T3Cs. In another post I suggested using RLML cerbs with booshers to counter this, but I quickly realised (like an hour after posting) that rapid lights would be shit against goku, because the booshes will always out-pace the flight time of the missiles. In short, your damage would often/never land. Back to the drawing board: what is needed is a tanky support comp with extreme range, and both instant and decent application to AB bombers and command dessies. The answer I arrived at was the eagle.

    [Eagle, EAGLE: FLANKER]

    Assault Damage Control II

    Dark Blood Power Diagnostic System

    Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

    Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

    Large Shield Extender II

    Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

    Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

    EM Ward Field II

    Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script

    10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner

    250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Iron Charge M

    250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Iron Charge M

    250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Iron Charge M

    250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Iron Charge M

    250mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Iron Charge M

    Medium Hybrid Locus Coordinator II

    Medium Hybrid Locus Coordinator II

    Plus if you squint REALLY HARD the eagle looks kind of like the Su-27 aka 'Flanker', and that's cool IN MY HONEST/HUMBLE OPINION.


    No one else ever decided to either adopt or find a counter to our Eagle booshball fleet. I believe that one Eagle fleet got bombed by stukkas before it could clear all their booshers. Other than that we were able to hold air superiority in a number of battles. Hostiles were not able to reliably use booshballs against us. And this freed up our allies to field conventional subcapital fleets without fear of booshballs. On top of that, our Eagles functioned as a normal HAC fleet applying decent HAC level damage to baddies, while enjoying all of the survivability from being a booshball itself. Times were good.

    submitted by /u/MukkBarovian
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    Quarantine Day 23 - I stumbled across someones handiwork

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    404HD gets April Fools pranked by Fwaming Dwagons

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    Moon Mining Changes In A Nutshell

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Prove yourself to the Triglavians for 10B ISK!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    o7 r/Eve nerds!!

    Let's prove ourselves to Zorya Triglav shall we? On the weekend of April 10th – 12th I'll be running an Abyssal PvP tournament event! The goal is simple, kill as much ISK and ships as you can starting Friday the 10th after DT and ending Sunday night at 23:59 Eve time!

    As of right now, until I get any feedback/suggestions or help the prize is simple, 5 BILLION ISK will go to one person that gets the most kills, and 5 BILLION ISK will go to the person that destroys the most ISK. On Monday I'll tally it all up using Zkillboard and award the ISK once I figure how to do math! I'll try my best to get ahold of some ship skins and other cool stuff and look at awarding cool skins to whoever gets the most kills with certain ships.

    On top of this event, I will be streaming Abyssal PvP on Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th for four hours each day, and any revenue I earn from the streams will go directly to u/Veetor for his work on setting up the Abyssal Loot Tracker and u/Lioneer for setting up Eve Workbench.

    I'll leave these three links for you!


    Abyssal PvP Tracker

    ZKillboard Abyssal PvP Tracker

    submitted by /u/TorvaldUruz
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    Tripwire Users Your Dev Needs some Love

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Oh No!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    How to kill two birds with one stone (Rorquals and minerals)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    • Reduce usage of Tritanium in capital compoments by 90%

    • Reduce usage of Mexallon in capital compoments by 85%

    • Reduce usage of Pyerite in capital compoments by 80%

    • Reduce usage of Isogen in capital compoments by 60%

    • Reduce usage of Noxium in capital compoments by 50

    • Increase the size of R4 Moongoo to 1m3

    • Add R4 moongoo to the build materials for all capital components. Proposed number is around 200,000 R4 for all the parts of a carrier at Parts ME10/Carrier ME8.

    What this does

    • Adds value to R4 goo, which is now the vast majority of stuff that comes out of moons and extremely oversupplied.

    • Keeps rorquals, a ship that self tackles in order to operate, out in space and able to become local objectives.

    • R4 moongoo being bulky prevents the materials for a capital ship from being easy to move.

    • Removes Tritanium as the bottleneck mineral, which it never should have been in the first place. Relieves pressure on subcap costs and makes T1 subcaps cheaper, which is good.

    • Separates the material pool for capital ships and subcaps, giving CCP different knobs to tune for balancing the cost/power of subs and capitals. You can make capitals more expensive by adjusting R4 supply/consumption without making subcaps also more expensive

    • Creates separate roles for Rorquals and barge miners. Rorquals are more effective at mining moon frack R4 rocks, making them better at sourcing capital materials. Barges are better suited to belts for mining minerals for subcap production.

    • This allows CCP to finely adjust the "effort" ratio needed to obtain a capital ship. The number I ballparked (20 0,000 R4) is around 12 full Rorqual cargoholds, which takes around 18 Rorqual- hours to mine up. Scaling up, the "effort" ratio of capitals in my proposal looks something like this (easily adjustable, and intentionally higher than what it is now).

    Hull class Rorq Hours Full Moon Fracks
    Carrier 18 1.3
    FAX 21 1.5
    Dread 24 1.7
    Super 245 18
    Titan 940 69


    • Enforces the "have capitals to get more capitals" problem, since capital ships are needed to protect both your Athanors while they frack and your Rorquals while mining.

    • Might screw over the ability for some NPC null regions that are too close to null blocs to source dreads, since the blocs can blow up Athanors and Rorquals trying to mine the fracks.

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    Some of my random small gang snips, max bad piloting

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:17 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Amarr Militia Vs Minmatar Militia - Citadel Fight

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT


    Battle Report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=2082&b=9073140&e=90&t=zLuaq

    Yesterday in the system of Floseswin, Amarr Militia reinforced the Ushra'Khan staging Astrahus in system, later that day Amarr forces captured the system, meaning Minmatar couldn't tether at the citadel for the timer the following day.

    Today at 18:30 EVE Time, Amarr forces gathered up and formed a fleet of around 40 people, consisting of about 18 Abaddons, 2 Apostles, 3 Carriers and assorted frigates/destroyers.

    Minmatar Militia formed a rather impressive 50 Tornados, fit to snipe from long distance at pings.

    Due to this the Amarrian forces kept their subcaps docked up, hoping the frigate support would be enough to kill enough Tornados to safely bring in the Abaddons without risk of being volleyed straight off the grid.

    Initially the Carriers/Fax warped to the target citadel once vulnerable, and began firing upon it. Shortly after the Tornados returned to grid and started firing at the Apostle in triage, however our frigate gang kept them on their toes and caught a few as they tried to ping around.

    Shortly after a little bit of this exchange, local spiked massively, and a WE FORM V0LTA fleet consisting of around 50 Zealots entered grid, accompanied by a small wing of logistics. They too began shooting the triaged Apostle, and after a while, the apostle succumbed to the combined fire of the Astrahus, Nados and Zealots.

    The Minmatar/Volta fleet soon made short work of the other capitals on grid and the Amarrian forces called to stand down. As this happened a PL fleet consisting of roughly 30 harpies and support jumped in and attempted to skirmish the remaining forces on grid, to no avail.

    With Amarrian forces stood down, the Minmatar citadel managed to survive.

    Thanks to all the Amarr Militia guys who came together to help attempt to destroy the Heathen citadel. GF to Ushra'Khan and Volta!

    submitted by /u/nitroxc
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    Amid the current state of the world, here's a laugh.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Here is something that should make you heathens laugh and at least sing along....if you don't you're a psychopath.


    submitted by /u/Valdaryan_Penken
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    Imagine dying to a merlin

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Kaalakiota Backs Sukuuvestaa Over Lai Dai in "Ghost Ship" Tussle

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Had some fun in Fliet tonight

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    Management hard at work for your benefit

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Frt gets some Chemo treatment

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:39 AM PDT


    AAR: Frt formed 100 talwars to come whore on a fortizar, We proceeded to chemo them as they were landing.. they panicked as we decloaked & smart bombed and drove straight into the PDS to die anyway.

    GG frt.


    submitted by /u/Elkin_Sklor
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