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    Sunday, April 5, 2020

    Eve Online Painted an Ikitursa in abyssal space (Ink wash)

    Eve Online Painted an Ikitursa in abyssal space (Ink wash)

    Painted an Ikitursa in abyssal space (Ink wash)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    PIRAT Astra Armor Timer - Self-baited on a Bump

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Tonight, we reinforced a PIRAT Astrahus' armor timer on the way to clearing a war. We knew from past experience they could form a good 10-20 characters more than us, which combined with having the homefield and structure advantage meant we were facing a potentially very uphill struggle.

    In an attempt to balance the scales, we reached out to a few parties who were also at war to invite them to join our potential (mis)adventure, and formulated a plan: We would serve as the anvil, keeping the structure ticking down and locking any defensive fleet down, while our allies of the hour (big love TRIGG) would bring something a bit more.. hammer-like.

    After setting up on the structure, we were subjected to the usual neutral ship scanner and bumping ships.

    • DT fielded 32 tackle Zarmazd with 12 Leshaks and 5 Bhaalgorns. Holding a few jumps away was a 20-30 man TRIGG Mach fleet.
    • PIRAT burned over 34 armor BS, mostly Leshaks and Vindicators, with 24 logistics cruisers (mixed Zarm and Guard) and a 7 man ECM wing composed of Scorpions and Falcons from Jita.

    PIRAT tethered up on on the Astra and did not engage while we completed the armor timer, but then hindered our attempts to exit grid by using neutral bumping alts. Eventually, we warped off to the Mitsolen gate, but ended up leaving a few stragglers behind. The timer completed, and having been on hold the entire time, TRIGG started going home.

    The combination of these two events stirred PIRAT into action, and they all aggressed on our lonely tackled Leshak.

    Our great and beloved leader, before learning that TRIGG were heading off decided to warp the fleet back in to execute The Plan (TM). At this point we're trying to convince TRIGG to turn around once again and come help us, expecting to start bleeding fast to the many Leshaks and ECM of PIRAT. However, after initial efforts to try and break more of our dps, and losing a few of their own logi, PIRAT began to attempt to disengage and dock.

    At this point, with the fight clearly tipped in our favour, we began to try to hold DPS (slow due to multiboxing) for TRIGG to get some killmails for their efforts. Despite mostly being unable to dock due to our many tackle Zarmazd, PIRAT brought in neutral bowheads and saved a good number of their ships (those that their jams didn't rescue earlier), and by the time TRIGG managed to get in-system, there was only a single Leshak remaining :(

    Battle Report: https://zkillboard.com/related/30000122/202004041900/

    Twitch clip of the battle: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/583382967

    The music drops off a bit in the middle, our video dude is still getting his setup figured out, give him some love, and follow some of our efforts to shoot stuff in null at: https://www.twitch.tv/brothergrimoire

    All eligible parties very welcome to join for the structure timer! 2150 EVE time 5th April in Mahtista (Forge Region).

    submitted by /u/Captator
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    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    Can you wardec my alliance again?? you dropped wardec 2 days go...we want in the fun to slap the shit out of you on that timer..... :)

    submitted by /u/Shak2015
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    When your friends show up to the party, and everyone is dead...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:10 PM PDT


    Hostile covert cyno'd in at 0 with a Tengu.

    Four True Sansha EMP smartbombs were activated.

    Hilarity ensued.

    submitted by /u/seijiroeve
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    AAR - April 1st - We killed a Titan!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Prologue - a very different exact same start to an adventure

    Since the last update we have been working hard, refining our skills, growing through trial and error… mostly error… but growing nonetheless. Our operations have since moved from building our ships every time from parts in the trade capital of new Eden (I know you know I mean Jita), to bringing in pre-built fits to our home pocket. Even stopping on the way to share some of our beloved ships with wormholers in need, by way of high risk paradrops (see link for an example https://zkillboard.com/kill/82729522/)

    But our story this day starts in much a similar scene as before, five ships slowly drifting in the light of a yellow star, four destroyers and an interceptor, a small pile of needlejacks and some belief already damaged from overheating (yeah we overheat our belief, we also warp to the dancefloor, get in line bud!)

    Chapter 1 - Going camping with dad

    Ready for another night of those dank frags that wormholers always talk about, and blazing capsules (even if it's our capsules that are alight), we pop our drug and a needljack and get our dscans ready.

    We land in a busy system in Tenal and start looking for squishy ratters only to find every ship ever thought up by CCP, including a couple heavy interdictors, somehow all condensed in one system. A quick glance at dotlan also gave us the great news that we were absolutely in a dead end system. With no way out we decided that because some guy poo pooed on how we don't engage with overwhelming numbers on the last AAR, we would buckle up and warp into the gate camp and just fight it out!

    No, I'm just kidding, we warped around to safes for fifteen minutes till we could filament again… After all, he who fights and runs away. Lives to fight another day!

    Fifteen minutes later we were all safe and ready to pop another filament.

    Chapter 2 - The part where a filmant sends us WAY across eve and we find someone ratting(rattling?) on a gate.

    Flying through the tunnel into the unknown we held our breath, hoping to find ourselves in greener pastures. We came out of the tunnel a Whopping three systems away from where we started - still in the middle of Tenal. Knowing that the world's least Social-distanced camping trip was just a few systems behind us we chose a direction and started to burn, but not without a few well placed d-scans looking for the afk miner or borked bot not warping fast enough.

    A few systems with no luck passed when suddenly I spotted a Rattlesnake jumping a gate.

    Now it may be worth mentioning here that we have never actually fought a Rattlesnake, I mean let's be frank here, we have a grand total of four dessies and tackle cepter, and it's a rattlesnake… but hey, man, forget yo home to bel-ai… err we tackled the Rattle! I think that the rattlesnake pilot had the same opinion of his odds because he readily engaged, yelling in local for assistance as well.

    Taking down the drones as they came out, our remote reppers heated to the verge of breaking, we slowly ground down his attacks. Finally, with no drones left we turned our attention to his shields. As he hit about half shields two new ships landed on grid, a Gila and Curse. The Gila dropped his own drones and engaged us but the curse turned out to be on his own solo roam and decided to pick our side instead. He went right to the gila and we finished off the Rattle as fast as our little guns would let us. Quickly seeing the opportunity to grab two for the price of one I switched point to the gila as he landed on grid and we ended up with a sum total of two down. As the Gila went down one of our own pilots cried out, "shit! There goes my Gila". Confused at first it turned out that during the battle his own ratting gila he had been running on another screen had died to rats. But low and behold, in the Rattlesnake hold guess what dropped? Yeah that's right, a Gila BPC. Gila #alreadyreplaced.

    https://zkillboard.com/kill/82884818/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/82884835/

    Chapter 3 - the Elephant graveyard

    Pushing forward we used our meager reserves of nanite paste to patch our ragged ships as much as possible and went into Cobalt edge, towards the staging system of VVV.

    Landing in their home system, Keepstar looming overhead we ran into yet another ratting on a gate, this time a couple Gilas attempting to warp off. Grabbing the on we piled on top of him, remote reps blazing again as VVV response battleships started landing to assist. We pushed through because we forgot the whole "lives to fight another day" thing I was so proud of eariler in this AAR, but were able to burn through the Gila losing one of our own number in the fight. Finally, gila down and battleships continuing to warp onto grid we disengaged and started burning away and towards Oasa. https://zkillboard.com/kill/82884966/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/82885131/

    May his capsule ever be ablaze! #haveyouheardofblazingcapsules #nobetterwaytotravel

    Burning into Oasa we found ourselves very much alone, system after system devoid of capsuleer life. Eventually slowing down we settled down to wait out our timers. Suddenly one of our pilots pipes up "hey guys… you are going to want to see this…" Quickly warping to him we find ourselves on-grid a small fleet of uninhabited ships. Friggs, dessies, and lots of corvettes, just sitting in space like a spaceship graveyard. Ejecting from our own ships we found that they were indeed fitted, just drifting slowly, forever cold, in the deep recesses of space.

    Saying goodbye to the lonely ships, calling out forlorn yeets into the empty void, we popped another needlejack and onto another adventure .

    Chapter 4 - Silent Vale of the Silent Vale of the Silent

    We found ourselves in a quiet system in the Vale of the Silent (fitting name for a region if you ask me) We blitzed as fast as we could, looking for juicy rabbits, or crabs, or whatever scurries in the dark corner of eve. Most scurried away like roaches, with us landing on their grid only to find wrecks to speak of their existence, sometimes the rare glimpse of a gila or an ishtar as it zoomed off grid, or a peek at one on the Fortizar the moment before docking.

    Finally we caught one, a lone Ishtar still pulling in drones. Grabbing tackle we held him down as our remaining three dessies landed on grid and took him out.


    I'd like to continue to regale you with our heroism but honestly we burned for three regions, ending the shitty space that is Toilet papper's home. Finally giving up we stopped at the biggest brightest star I had ever seen in Eve online, and we stopped for a small photo shoot. Then we yeeted one more time and ended up in friendly space.



    Overall haul for the night - 4.14 bil killed (blue Gila BPC). 154.21 mil lost

    Op success!

    And for anyone who still didn't get it… we didn't kill a titan, it was April 1st….

    Check out my new youtube channel! It's small now but more content to come!


    submitted by /u/Yoatius
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    Now that I've decided to play eve...sub or free??

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 12:40 AM PDT


    I play....swtor...lol! I'm going to try out eve.

    If I was telling someone who wasn't sure swtor would stick, I'd recommend trying free or preferred before subbing, the best part of the game is the initial release and you dont need to sub to see if you'd love it.

    For eve, I don't mind paying for a sub....but I've been playing mmos since 2005 and I've dumped so much money into games that I play for 8 hours and quit.

    Can you get the "This could be great!" or "No way will this work for me personally... thanks!" from a free account?

    Bonus points...is it as easy as pulling a game code from gamestop or something and upgrading my account to paid if I go free?

    Thanks!! I asked another question earlier and everyone was awesome!! Great greeting for a newcomer on reddit!! Swtor isn't as welcoming... :|

    submitted by /u/Happy_swtor
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    When are small Upwell structures coming?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Idk, just a question. When will small Upwell structures (or forward operating bases if you want to call them that) gonna get some attention? They were announced almost 2 years ago now.

    submitted by /u/Rckmonster9
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    Capital Brawl- Central Point- Anchoring Timer- THIS 11:50 eve time

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Central Point system. Final blow on anchoring Astrahus receives 5B Isk bonus prize, privately deposited to their account. Freeported structure in system. PUBLIC offer, all welcome.


    submitted by /u/DwerthTaymor
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    What happened with walking in stations?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    I remember playing the game back when I was 13, back in 2012-2013 and being able to walk in stations, sit on a couch and look at that TV. Even though there was no point in doing it I enjoyed it. After 2013 I stopped playing for some reason and came back yesterday and saw that docking doesnt send me to my room. Was it removed or?

    submitted by /u/Strikerov
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    Nergal PvP - File 2

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    When Station Games Escalate

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Eve Online Avatar Rework 2020 ENJOY

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I have a cynabal, how do I use it

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    A few months ago I got into Eve Online. I took part in an event and one a few skins that added up to about 400mil isk. After scouring eve uni I settled on the cynabal, I don't want to know why it's bad or what's better. I want to know what's good about it and how it can be best used.

    submitted by /u/Nigagambit
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    Hacking question

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Hello, i've came back to EVE, fitted my heron with hacking equipment and after like 5 null-sec i've detected no data/relic sites safe to hack without enemies, has there been any changes to that?

    submitted by /u/steinbolt
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    What is the maximum strength of a warp scramble

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Was doing some null sec. exploration with an heron and i got scrambled (by a stealth bober) and i couldn't warp even though i had 2 warp core stabilizers fitted, so there is a warp scramble with more then 2 of strength ??

    submitted by /u/hakabi-kun
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    Shout out to Bombers Bar

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    CCPlease Fleet fix

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    So.. as it stands, the fleet system in game has been broken for a long time. By broken, I mean it's random as all hell. Example: You have a standing fleet, someone in your fleet wants their own squad with a few guys so they can squad warp for home defense purposes. Now you have Squad A (Majority of home defense) and Squad B(Small group squad warping) Some new guy joins fleet. He has a random chance of either joining Squad A or Squad B, or any other various squads that have people in them.

    When someone joins a fleet, they either need to be placed in the default squad, ie the topmost squad in the tree, or give us the ability to designate a squad as the default via right click menu dropdown.

    And no, the small squad that wants to squad warp joining their own fleet isn't a viable answer as the rest of the fleet may need to actually warp to them when they have tackle or whatever else it is they're doing.

    submitted by /u/fuzzybat23
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    The Safari Roam Challenge!!! (5b isk prize pool!) <5-man team filament Challenge>

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Hello & welcome lady's & gentleman to the #SafariRoam Challenge!!!! Today at 17:00 the event will be going live!

    I'll be launching pings out in roughly ~1hr to give everyone time to get to Jita where the event will be staged!

    Please send to Corp: "North Face Force" your 50m isk entry fees w/ your allegiance in the reason field (IE: Panfam, Goonswarm, TAPI, PH, Independant, etc) to specify how we're going to break you into the random team generator!

    As promised comms will be announced at 17:00 & we will all find our ways onto those comms for your initial event briefing!

    Hop on the discord's shared in the original post & refer to the original post to answer any questions. During the briefing we will open up the floor for any additional questions!

    CCP has their eyes on this event so please keep in mind we have the potential to make eve history! Ask yourself, how will you be remembered!

    Good Hunting! -Hab0k

    Original post ultimate 5 man safari roam challenge

    submitted by /u/Hab0k-
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    W-Space is so empty now days

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    I've been visiting and living in w-space for the past 4 years. I've never seen it so empty , no explorers no ratters completely empty and quiet , even the anoms respawn so rarely.

    Is it my idea ? can anyone else confirm that ?

    submitted by /u/jfieotos
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