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    Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Eve Online TDSIN

    Eve Online TDSIN


    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    Anyone else ever "see" ships in zoomed out fleets?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    CCP really hit it out of the park with this one.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Raznaborg Damavika was a good decision

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Loot box reward icons are hard

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Thanks project discovery..........

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Say it isnt so TDSIN

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Did you really bend the knee?

    submitted by /u/Crackheadsue13
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    Thanks EVE :)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Loot from 30 T3 Abyssal Darks (Dual Hawks)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I recently started running T3 dark abyssal sites with dual-boxed Hawks. I was limited to T3s because I found two Hawks were not able to reliably clears T4s fast enough. I decided to record my T3s times and loot drops so that other people could see it if was worth their own time to run filaments. My original intent was to record 50 runs, but I found myself in need of isk so I stopped at 30 to sell the loot I'd collected. :)

    The way abyssal sites work for frigates is that a fleet of up to three ships can enter the abyss together. Someone in the fleet needs to have three copies of the abyssal filament that you want to use, and the main loot container in each pocket will have 3X the amount of regular loot. Aside from that the site is the same as doing it in a cruiser, including the difficulty of the rats and the weather effect applied to your ships. You have at most 20 minutes to clear the site or all of your ships will be destroyed.

    TL;DR, here's a screenshot of the final loot and the in-game valuation. The loot took about 7 hours to accumulate and the total buy-in was around 200m for the two Hawks, two sets of implants, and 90 Fierce Dark filaments. I didn't use any boosters, but I did forgot to keep track of my ammo costs.


    Here's the same information as an EvePraisal link, which provides a more realistic estimate of the value since it takes into account current buy/sell orders: https://evepraisal.com/a/qb7kn. Keep in mind that you can always sell the Survey Databases at the full price, assuming you sell it to NPC buy orders at a CONCORD station. Don't sell it to player buy orders in Jita!

    The blueprint valuation is not included in either the screenshot or the EvePraisal link. Most of the blueprints are junk (ammo, meta guns, etc) but faction mods and ship BPCs do have some value. A Kikimora BPC sells for 80m on the contract market at the moment, for example. Since my corp frequently uses Trig ships we'll likely just be running the BPCs for ourselves and extracting value that way. Based on current contract prices the value of the "good" blueprints in the loot adds about ~340m. This will vary quite heavily based on what ships are currently in demand -- the price of a Kikimora has doubled since the start of the year.

    Selling To... Without BPCs With BPC value
    Buy Orders 153.4 m/hour 201.7 m/hour
    Sell Orders 181.8 m/hour 230.1 m/hour

    The isk/hour is quite good and was a nice opportunity to practice multiboxing. Any piloting errors or socket disconnects aren't too punishing either as the ship cost is quite low.

    Raw Data

    I recorded data for each run individually so I could get a better sense of the variability of the loot value and clear times. In total I spent a little over 7 hours running the sites. The shortest run was just over 9 minutes, and the longest was 19 minutes and 30 seconds (cutting it VERY close). Here's the raw data that I recorded: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MzLUUcx7hJb__mN1fLovduJPqPL3mzZfyaOiyjqW-Pw

    The per-run loot value is based on the in-game valuation at the time I completed each run. This is not a perfect system because I didn't do all of the runs on the same day, so they're subject to both price differences over time and the accuracy of the in-game estimate. They're mainly included to get a rough sense of the overall variance between runs.

    Hawk Fit

    The fit I'm using costs about 90m per Hawk, including the implants: https://pastebin.com/raw/qvDL3Wum

    It's based on a video posted a while ago by Artimus -- his original fit can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHqUbBMIdTk.

    The fit is designed for the Dark weather effect, which gives a bonus to ship velocity and a drawback to turret range. Since the Hawk uses missiles it's unaffected by the drawback, and with an MWD running it goes over 3km/s. This means that I can have both my characters lazily orbit the gate at 20km with the MWD active and then focus on target prioritization. The majority of the rats in the pocket will never apply any damage to the Hawks. The shield booster is there for the cases when they do apply damage, such as pockets with Triglavian frigates or Triglavian ships with Vila drones. In both cases those ships are fast enough to keep up with the Hawks.

    The cap booster is to deal with pockets with neuting ships since its crucial to keep the MWD running. If a Hawk is being neuted out, you consume a booster charge to have enough cap to reactivate the prop mod right before its next cycle.

    While trying the Artimus fit on the test server I found that I would occasionally lose a Hawk because it was scrammed by a Damavik, which causes the MWD to deactivate. The Hawk becomes too slow and starts taking damage from the rats in the pocket. Sometimes I could kill the tackle fast enough and sometimes I could not. This caused me to modify the fit to have both an AB and MWD, so that I could use the AB to maintain some speed when a Hawk was tackled. I have not lost a Hawk after making that change, and used exact for all 30 of the runs referenced in this post.

    It is important to note that fitting the dual prop results in a slight decrease in missile damage and range compared to the original Artimus fit. This was not an issue for me since both my characters have maxed out missile support skills, but the range decrease may be problematic for characters will lower SP.

    T4 Dark Sites

    It's possible to use the exact same fit for T4 filaments, but you need three pilots in order to clear the sites fast enough. I've successfully done about ten T4 Darks runs using the fit, along with a corp mate who can also fly a Hawk. If you're looking for a small group activity or want to multibox three Hawks, then you might as well run T4s. I don't want to make any claims regarding the exact loot value increase in T4s without a large sample size, but it's definitely higher. They're really not any more difficult as the same piloting strategy of orbiting the gate works just as well. Additionally, even if one Hawk dies it'll usually be possible to complete the T4 site with the remaining two Hawks.

    As a final note, the fit can also easily do both T1 and T2 sites solo. I did that while waiting for my second account to finish its Caldari Frigate V training in order to get some practice identifying the different types of abyssal rat. It is sometimes possible to solo T3 sites, but you're limited by dps and will encounter rooms where you can't clear the site fast enough to meet the 20 minute time limit.

    submitted by /u/McSheepeater
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    The Discourse - Sukuuvestaa Salvages Lai Dai Laboratory, Triglavian Fighting Continues

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    CCPlease: skins based on # of killmarks.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Good only on the ship with the killmark. Gets destroyed when said ship blows up.

    submitted by /u/cbdoc
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    Mach in Small Gang: 2 Fights

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Beginner missions insurance fraud

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Hello Eve community,

    I've played the game a little here and there once every couple years, but never really dove in. Now that Is working from home and can mess around in it during the day during lulls of work, o decided to really dive in.

    Anyway, I'm doing the beginner military career path missions and accepted the mission wherein you are gifted a frigate to act as a bomb at a pirate outpost before you capsule out. I thought I would be sly and insured the ship, but I never received a payout.

    Is there something I must do or wait for some type of mail? Or does the game know I'm a dirty cheat and I'm out the 80k lol. No big deal if so, just curious.



    Never mind, just checked my transaction history and it paid out! That's awesome hahahah

    submitted by /u/DirkDiggler_Chiraq
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    New Permaband T1 Cruiser Skin on TQ

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    When I close my incognito browser after a quick break from EVE

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    EVE CS Grand Finals be like

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Did I missed something or CCP nerfed exploration sites?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    As per title. I ran a dozen of relic and data sites. Well I haven't came across a single site with over 2 T2 armor plates. On the other hand relic sites hade a slight bump-in avarage nnow one site comes in 12—15 KK. That's in 0.0 space.

    submitted by /u/jangas05
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    Fit Kitchen: The Deimos

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Billions Worth of Isk STOLEN!!!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    I recently tried to move a moon refinery in a cargo ship, then ran into a lower sec system where I was almost immediately destroyed and ransacked (Caldari Space). Loss: 1.7 Bil Isk

    Then I decided to move some multiple pilot training certificates (approx 1.6 billion isk each) out of Jita using a shuttle and was destroyed before I could use a single warp station on the way out of there. Loss: 3.4 Bil Isk

    I've got two questions and need some expert Capsuleer advice:

    How do I protect high value shipments. And How do I protect a Moon Mining refinery once it's set up.

    I identified a low sec, low traffic system where I can safely set up mining stations (for now) it only has one warp gate that I can see on the map... Is there a way I can armor this system to create a safe home base (where pirates can't come in and loot all my refineries once they're set up)?

    To Summarize, Questions (I am Caldari Omega Clone)

    1. How to protect high value (billions of Isk) shipments (Usually going to from large markets like Jita to very lowsec systems)

    2. How to defend a home system with several high value miners and stations with high value shipments in them.

    Thanks for your advice in advance!

    submitted by /u/purspec
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    Can I play this while working?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    So I am working from home and I am a sales supervisor. I get calls transferred to me complete randomly. Sometimes back to back, minutes apart, or 30 mins +. I've beaten a few single player games during this time and was wondering if this is a game that would work for my situation. Aka I need to be able to stop playing the second a call comes in and I'm not sure that's gonna be possible.

    submitted by /u/kaboshhh
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    Just a reminder that triglavian invasions have massive potential for new players

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    Collapse All Groups!!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    That little button has to be one of the most satisfying things ever added to Eve Online. (Returning to the game Eve from a little break)


    submitted by /u/machacapalmas
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    Uncontrollable Ship

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Anyone experiencing their ship after undocking, or doing anything in space start to orbit 'nothing'? I just experienced that undocking in Jita on an ALT after having to log out my main character while that one was trying to do a combat site for the spring event.

    I was thinking that it might be a feature after a system had a Triglavian Invasion, yet I don't recall Jita even having one.

    submitted by /u/pjhighfield
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    An artist looking for isk!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:45 PM PDT

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