• Breaking News

    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Eve Online With the quarantine and this, now I REALLY never have to leave EVE!

    Eve Online With the quarantine and this, now I REALLY never have to leave EVE!

    With the quarantine and this, now I REALLY never have to leave EVE!

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    PSA - Ichoriya Black Rise

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Greetings friends!

    7 years ago my friend Gil and I built our first Outpost/station null sec, we thought it would last to the end of eve... CCP had different plans.

    Almost 4 years ago, I placed my first Citadel down. I placed it as a remembrance to Gil, who we lost shortly before the release of Citadels. He and I started in Eve in 2003, he was a blood thirsty industrialist. His favorite thing was to build a ship and the go out and try to kill someone with it.... I still miss our late night convos from current game mechanic too which spongebob porn will we link in fleet disguised as a kill mail.

    When we lost him my thought was support what he loves. So i went to Ichoriya. One of the bigger hubs for faction warfare and achored a freeport citadel, followed by a freeport engineering complex. Total tax. .01 (just so i could see how many jobs were being run), and 1isk for clone transfers. I wanted new bros and faction bros to be able to learn to build and fly as cheeply as possible.

    For the past 4 years the over 1.5 million jobs were run and close to 20,000k clone transfers. But as it is all things come to a end.

    In the beginning when ever these were war decked, ex corp mates, would drop there current alliances and form together and to beat back the aggressors. But as the years went by more and more of us won eve. Last December... was the first time we could not form. And thus then engineering complex was lost.

    I had planned to anchor another... but the reality is i have been winning eve myself the last year on and off.

    Today I was able to secure the exact outpost in null my friend I built together. It now sits in my hanger in highsec. Sooo I think its time to remove my presence from EVE.

    So the PSA is .. Overwatch is coming down. You have 1 week to get your clones out. It is not wardecked yet.. and it if survives to it getting withdrawn it will end up with in the same hanger as the outpost.

    When Gil and I built that outpost in Null. We thought it would last to the end of Eve... and now it will. No matter how many times i log on or off, i will log on when the announcement comes that eve is shutting down. I will achor that outpost, log on his account and mine, put the call out to all the old gaurd. To move all toons to that station and we will ride into the darkness together..

    o7 see you all on reddit.

    submitted by /u/harconan
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    Rooks and Kings/Lord Maldoror appreciation thread I guess

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Twitch stream was awesome, first off. LM's gentlemanly air is incredible to witness live and I don't regret spending 7 hours on twitch listening to him.

    One of the most interesting things I took from the whole affair though was his philosophy on the game, on EVE and life and everything else, which is in places a bit different from people I know in game and out of it (I am probably paraphrasing 'cause my memory's bad):

    "Choice has no meaning, if you couldn't have done the opposite."

    "You play the cards you're dealt, and if you're surrounded by people you enjoy spending time with, it doesn't matter what tools the game gives you - it's still an enjoyable experience."

    "Sometimes you have to indulge people, because it's more fun that way - that way, they'll go the extra mile to succeed, not just for you but for themselves."

    Being able to witness what was basically a fireside chat/interview with one of the most well-spoken legends of the game was an experience I thoroughly enjoyed.

    Big thanks to LM for his appearance and willingness to share all this RnK history, and to CCP for the setup and streaming and everything else we're probably not aware of.

    Really hope to see more stuff like this in the future because it's one of the things that sets EVE apart from so many other games.

    Edit: Adding Twitch VOD link so it doesn't get buried in the comments.

    submitted by /u/asasci
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    In Crust We Trust

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    The current wormhole war

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Required reading for aspiring eve tycoons

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Just a cool screenshot I got a while back

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    To CCP - Add a setting to turn off that irritating red dot.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    I'm all for helping newer players when learning the interface, but that red dot desperately needs an off flag in the settings. To be blunt it really shouldn't have rolled out without a checkbox under settings to turn it off.

    Please, for the love of New Eden and long time paying customers everywhere, add a setting to turn off that exceedingly irritating red dot.

    Screw the other updates, put it all on hold and fix this first.

    submitted by /u/OldSchoolBBSer
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    [In Development] PyFa Dark Mode

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    PyFa is great, but it burns my eyes, so I've been working for the last week on fixing that. Here is a video showing off my labor of love: Dark Mode. https://streamable.com/miw1dz

    It's "working" atm, and I wanted to show it to the community, since I'm planning on getting a pull request to the main pyfa project sometime this week (maybe even today if I can get my Gurista Easter eggs done; please don't gank me in a Kiki again, kthx). Kadesh is aware I've been working on something, though I never did say what. If he/she sees this, it'll be a surprise :)

    If anyone wants to support a poor programmer that is just the **worst** at solo PvP, I promise I'll bring you content by way of frigs, dessies, and the occasional cruiser fight as I roam the starry seas. Please donate any isk you'd like to "Elleroth Kendoresh"

    submitted by /u/Elleroth_Kendoresh
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    Signal Cartel PSA + Tender Games - YC 122.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Good evening all.

    It has been a while since last I said I hello on here. I hope you are flying safe, or dangerously as some of you prefer?

    Today I wish to celebrate my Corporation, Signal Cartel. First with a little PSA on who we are and what we do, and then some silly photos of my most recent wormhole adventures.

    EvE-Scout Rescue PSA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTTsALtnrvA&feature=youtu.be

    We recently celebrated the third annual tender games. As in, it is 5 minutes away from finishing as of this post sort of recently. With a rescue cache in 98% of all Anoikis systems, we have broken our personal records, our pilots have visited more systems than can be easily calculated throughout both k-and-j-space over the last 48 hours, and most importantly we had fun! Below is a small gallery of some of that fun.

    Tender Games Personal Gallery

    I could not be flying with a better corp, where I am free to chase what inspires me, to create whether I am inside my pod or not, and to give back to all the wonderful pilots of New Eden. Even those that hunt us for days on end.

    - Kamiti Arcamer

    submitted by /u/Kamiti_Arcamer
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    The learning curve is real.... that is all.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Has COVID-19 inspired a new generation?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    We've had a fresh influx of newbros all trying the game and loving it. Is this the same elsewhere?

    Hopefully a new generation of pilots to wave in local too and enjoy the good fights with.

    submitted by /u/Goldieshotz
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    sometimes.. loot fairy does indeed say fuck you

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    TDSIN to join The Imperium

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    My 500th Solo Kill. 1v1 Hookbills Vs Jevi Vjetar

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Roaming through stain a blingy battleship

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    Please come get me at whg2-7 im bored and need content.

    Got killed by a Blops team ,

    GF Good sax

    submitted by /u/Deaforest
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    People hoard toilet paper, but I, an intellectual, hoard THE ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM'S WORTH OF ORES!!!!!!!!

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Unintended Positive Response: FETID & SNUFF vs Batphones

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! Just a quick AAR from a fight we had in Ravarin today. Us (FETID) reinforced two Athanors in Ravarin with a small battleship fleet a few days ago, a couple leshaks a couple guards and a ninazu.

    We make it to the structure timer and we come in Nightmares, about 35 of us total. We land on grid and start shooting the Athanor. The defenders come in a mix of armor battleships and we kill a couple of them. Horde then warps near us in Feroxes.

    We quickly kill a few Feroxes and Horde leaves the field since we killed both of their anchors. Next up Shadow Cartel warps in Dreks.

    We kill a couple of Dreks before they also leave grid. The defenders put a Revelation and a couple of other capitals on field, we kill the Rev. Horde comes back at range. We kill them again. It was around this point Snuffed Out came in Legions to help us out and get some content for themselves (thanks Snuff bros <3).

    Finally Volta comes in Sacs and we weren't able to break anything so we left grid and the structure repaired but we were content with the fight that we got and killed the second Athanor after it settled down a little.

    GF All!!

    Video of fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LE7JststeQ&feature=youtu.be

    BR: https://zkillboard.com/related/30002697/202004192000/o/%7B%22A%22%3A%5B%2299009584%22%2C%2298226091%22%2C%2298275450%22%2C%2298628319%22%2C%221000108%22%2C%2298358580%22%5D%2C%22B%22%3A%5B%5D%7D/

    submitted by /u/Lightnin_Ahishatsu
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    Newb question on Combat Recon Ships

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    So I've been playing for about a week now. Question is about the combat recon ships that can't be seen on D-Scan. Will these ships show up on the Overview? I would assume so, so enemies should be able to lock onto you via the Overview?

    And as for escaping from gate camps, I assume there is no difference between a recon ship and any other ship? and the only 100% safe ships in this case would be the ones that can cloak while warp?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/JT7777
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    The History of Seyllin

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Lowsec Solo PVP [Armour Harpy]

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    My experience being new to EVE Online

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    I've been playing for around 6 hrs a day for about a week now. Honestly, most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing or what's happening, but I'm having a frickin' blast along the way!!!

    PS. I also learned the hard way that selling Kernite ore is wayyyyy more profitable than reprocessing it.

    submitted by /u/MindfulRain
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    What SovNull corp to join/how to pick?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Hi all. As the title says, I'm interested in packing up my shit and heading out to SovNull space, but I'm still fairly new (2.5months) and don't know much about them all and their differences/conflicts. I've done some research, and while theres things that appeal to me about different areas, seems theres tradeoffs to them all.

    The first place I though of was Dreddit/TAPI, mainly because I wandered through a wormhole and into their space and the people I talked to seemed friendly enough. I do a lot of hacking and ratting for income and I know Sansha space is supposed to be most profitable for that. But their evedreddit subreddit doesn't seem very active, is that indicative of anything going on with them? Are they still active and strong or going downhill?

    Thought about joining Horde, but I like to rat and it seems dronelands are the worst place for that since they don't drop any loot. I do use a lot of drones though, and am learning about industry, so maybe I could use the bpcs and parts that come from there to manufacture augmented drones to make up for it?

    Thought about Brave Newbies because they seem chill and carefree, but are they actually strong or are they too carefree? There's also something else that made me not so certain about them, but I can't remember what.

    Thought about Goons because I like the idea of having a big fortress we all live in that we probably can't be kicked out of and I didn't understand why everyone hates them. But over time I'm realizing a lot of the toxic assholes I run into seem to come from them, and then recently they just gangbang destroyed Space Hobos or whoever it was for laughs, and I'm not down with that shit.

    I'd actually really like to live around the Guristas region and SOE headquarters, but it seems Fraternity owns all that and is primarily Chinese, which I do not speak or read or write. There's the Federation of Conifers, but with 600 people, I also don't want to be on the receiving end of what happened to the Hobos.

    I'd also like to join a corp who's doctrines are kinda close to what I've already been training, which combat wise is mostly Gallente , Caldari, drones, missiles, and hybrid guns. But a lot of them keep their doctrines hidden until after you've joined.

    What information am I lacking that would help me decide? Suggestions and comments? Please be objective if possible. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Anonquixote
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