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    Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    Eve Online The truth hurts sometimes, but then my heart warms when I see my industry spreadsheets

    Eve Online The truth hurts sometimes, but then my heart warms when I see my industry spreadsheets

    The truth hurts sometimes, but then my heart warms when I see my industry spreadsheets

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    The era of having to leave EVE to play EVE is finally over!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    New Skin - Dragon Phoenix Logo, dick included?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    At least the cerebral accelerator is a great thing!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    Needlejack Filamenting: A Guide of Sorts

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    For the past week I've been aggressively using filaments almost exclusively as my form of solo pvp/pve. I've taken around 150-200 or so filaments so I have a decent idea of what to expect from them so I figured I'd do a pseudo-guide.

    There's 2 types:

    Noise: Sends you to a supposedly random system in nullsec. (This isn't exactly true though)

    Signal: Sends you to "Activity"

    How they work:

    You get within 6km radius of the person in the FC spot in fleet. You hit approach on him to make sure you don't have an invulnerability timer from landing out of warp. You don't have any aggression timers in the top left. (Aggression timers) The FC activates one and either 5 max or 15 max ships will be sent automatically into a warp tunnel to a nullsec system in EVE. 25 man filaments are not currently in the game. There will be a "needlejack" filament thing that can be d-scanned briefly by anyone but it will dissapear quite quickly.

    You will appear on a planet somewhere in nullsec with your team-mates all within 2km of you. You will never be at zero on the planet and will usually be around 20,000 km-40,000 km away from the planet warp-in point. You will now have a 15 min logoff timer and can be dscanned by anyone in local. This is generally where you starburst hunting for ratters.

    Only subcaps are allowed. Bowheads are not allowed. Caps are not allowed.

    As far as I can tell, the destination is determined by the in-game map. It is very common to see many other filamenters come out near you in terms of 1-5 jumps near you. I've never seen them arrive on the same celestial. They will often have arrived within 15ish minutes before or after you. There appears to be a bug where if you filament into a system, go 1 jump, wait out your logoff timer and filament again, you can be sent directly back to where you were before (1 jump away). For that reason I highly advise you to always filament to new places from the previous location you were just in


    I've only done 20-30 noises so I'll deal with these first. Anecdotally, they will send you to random places as advertised but they also will send you to the NPC regions much more frequently. (Think Syndicate/Great Wilds/Stain etc) They also seem to hone in on miners within a 1-2 jump range. I'm not sure why this would be, but there you go. Expect to be sent to empty systems frequently. Activity does tend to be near you though. I've only ever had 1 recorded signal send me to a system where nobody else was in local; noises by contrast regularly send you to empty locals.


    I spent the vast bulk of my time doing signals. Around 150 or so signals. You will almost always be in a local with other people. Signals LOVE pve-ers. It is very unusual to be somewhere without NPC kills in the last hour. Signals also seem to try and factor in PVP, but as a significantly less valuable metric.

    • Roughly 94% of all signals I took went to a system that had significant PVE and npc's killed in the last hour.

    • Roughly 35% of the time there was at least 1 player ship killed in the last hour in the system I was filamented into. This number jumps to 71.11% for player ships killed in the last 24 hours.

    The system therefore does seem to prejudice somewhat towards going to systems where both PVP and PVE are present. It really likes PVE though. I should clarify PVE means killing NPCS in anoms or signatures.

    Some other stats:

    • The average NPCS killed in the last hour according to dotlan was: 339.1967213

    • The average "Pirate ships killed in the last 24 hours" according to the in-game map was: 3109.071429

    • The average "people active in the last 30 minutes was" 4.438596491

    • The average people in local, excluding myself, was 8.810810811

    • The average sov industry level was 1.596491228 (Signals didn't seem to care that much about miners that much)

    • The average jumps in the last hour according to the in-game map was: 47.66666667

    • Jove Observatories have no real correlation to signals. Incidence of JO's occured at a slightly higher rate than they exist in terms of galactic prevalence, but it was only 2% of difference.

    Here's a pie chart of the regions I got sent to:


    Some tips/things I learned:

    • Many filamenters appear in the same general area. Blobbers will be on guard for you and it wasn't uncommon to jump into local and see sisters combats and dictors/hics/campy crap already setup, because someone kicked in the hornets nest.

    • For that reason do not bring an orca for reships. If someone in your gang dies then they're fucked and should go back to jita or thera.

    • If you are back in jita and want to get back with your gang, do not try and join up with them using another filament. You will not end up near them unless you are insanely lucky.

    • Most filamenters are casuals who feed. Standing fleets know this and expect easy frags. Expect to have alot of recon pilots whine about how you're a coward for not engaging their obvious cynobait.

    • Expect to be baited. The longer you stay in that area of the space the greater the blob being assembled to dunk you. Past 7 minutes you're just playing with fire. You have less time vs Army of Mango, because they are so used to having their teeth kicked in that they're basically a bunch of angry cavemen waving pointy sticks at anything in local at this point. Props to whoever is doing this to them. xDeath typically doesn't care about you. FRT will always blob you. TEST will cover chokepoints and wait for you to feed to them or bait you with supers.

    • I highly advise you to always filament to new places from the previous location you were just in, so you don't take 1 stargate, filament and go backwards to where you just were for another 15 minutes.

    • Having a depot and a cloak felt like a necessity. If you end up in some shit-hole, it feels pretty good to spend the next 15 minutes cloaked up and doing something productive IRL rather than warping safes.

    • Bring multiples of filaments. Too often I found that either a region was either too hot or I'd been there too long or I wasn't going to get any kills. If someone tries to camp you into their ass-end of nowhere system with their Tornado McFalcon son of HICster McVigilant fleet comp you'll be pretty fucking happy to filament out of there while waving them the bird.

    • This is probably the most important point and the entire point of this post. Botting in nullsec in EVE is simply off the charts. You can go within 5 jumps of almost any system you filament into and find a bot. Usually multiple bots.

    • When you see bots in local, leave. You're wasting your time trying to login trap them or drop drag bubbles on their citadels. Most of them will send alerts to their owners or won't operate if they detect a bubble. The easiest way to tell is: do they all have the same name-ish? Are they 5.0 security status and less than a week old? Did they all have the same corp history and same join date and no previous corps? Do all their gilas/ishtars have the same name? Do they all pull drones at the same instant aka by the time you've dscanned twice? Do you jump into local and within 15-30 seconds you see a fleet of gilas/ishtars landing on the fort 1000km off the gate you just came in? Bots.

    • The claim that CCP has made that they're doing a good job at anti-botting is outrageous.

    • This is the second most important point. Local is completely broken in favour of the blobbers who live there. They will not only know who you are and where you're going within 2-3 minutes, but it will also be almost impossible to catch a semi-attentive ratter.

    • Gilas and ishtars are in dire need of a massive nerfbat for how much they're abused used by ratters/botters/afkers.

    • If you want actually nice kills, like faction battleships etc., you basically need a spy in that alliance/blue to them.

    • Once you've been reported, expect some regions to dock everything up and not fight you, because they don't have to. If they are going to fight you, expect them to have a vastly over-whelming force and fight accordingly. (Seriously, they're huge cowards)

    • Filaments are not good for people with less than 2 hours of free time. Anytime someone wants to leave they basically have to hope for a Thera, logoff where they are, WH connection or suicide back to Jita. Hence all the filament feeders.

    • Bring 2 scouts. If one dies and you have a 2nd, you're not screwed.

    submitted by /u/Lelob_from_EVE
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    My first 150hr game-play impressions of Eve Online

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    After you get past the-"This is the MOST INTERESTING game I will NEVER play"-mental barrier and get to actually play it, you will realize the scale and the depth of this game's potential and the enjoyment you can get out of it.

    At first time stepping to the cockpit, it will most likely seem overwhelming in terms of information and underwhelming in terms of game-play. But thereby, you would be judging a book by its cover and possibly miss on what could be a long term favorite.

    I find the UI experience to be as ergonomic as it gets, handy and comes with tweaks and customization you can use to personalize it to your each game-play style, I think there is a little of everything for everybody in this game.

    The Community is very much diverse, rich and helpful, while you may frequently hear about the "toxicity", which is more tied to the game politics aspect of the game. My overall experience so far has been healthy. It comes at the end of the day at how you deal with it.

    CCP's community management framework is in my opinion the best we can get, and their player involvement in decision making is essentially inclusive.

    Game could work on a potato and still look decent; crank those specs up and you'll enjoy a gorgeous and immersing game-play experience. Audio is great as well.

    (Bonus points for Snorlax's Linux compatibility.)

    Wide range of ships to fly, comprehensive ship fittings, Economy is player driven, ability to pay for subscription using in-game money, support is responsive and friendly, game mechanics with high skill cap, so many things to do with intuitive assets, documentation and player made tools & fan-sites.

    These were my 150hr rookie observations and first impressions of the game that I feel like we take for granted.

    Overall, the main regret I have about this game is not joining the fleet earlier.

    submitted by /u/TimeTwisters
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    2 new factions incoming

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Justice for Marauders

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    In the recent Surgical Strike release, all T1 and faction battleships received a 30% scan resolution buff. A couple of days later CCP Rise announced that due to community feedback, T2 battleships will also receive the scan resolution buff.

    As a marauder aficionado, this made me happy!

    It also reminded me of a devblog from two years ago that due to its unfairness will forever be etched into my mind. In the devblog descriptively named Balance Changes Coming in the March Release CCP announced a 20% buff to T1 and faction battleship lock range. There was no follow-up forum post to include T2 battleship. A buff justified as "Longer lock ranges for synergy with MJDs" did not include the only battleship class with a bonus to MJDs! That night I weeped for my poor Vargur.

    "Do marauders really need more lock range," you might ask. The answer is yes. For offensive MJD plays, you are looking at targets 85 km to 130 km away. The biggest victim, the Vargur, has a lock range of 101 km. That limits the Vargur to 30% of the offensive MJD area.

    You need to start locking at least 6 seconds before the MJD spool finishes to acquire tackle instantly. You want to land in front of your target so they don't drift out of tackle range behind you. To land 10 km in front of an Orthrus approaching at 2.4 km/s, you need to start locking when the Orthrus is 125 km away. Not even the Golem is able to do that. By the time the Vargur acquires lock, the Orthrus will be 14 km behind the Vargur burning straight away.

    So yes, marauders need a lock range buff to properly utilize their defining MJD bonus.

    For context, here are all T1 and marauder battleship lock ranges.

    Ship Lock Range
    Rokh 135 km
    Scorpion 135 km
    Abaddon 120 km
    Golem 119 km
    Paladin 114 km
    Maelstrom 112 km
    Raven 112 km
    Kronos 112 km
    Apocalypse 110 km
    Megathron 109 km
    Hyperion 107 km
    Dominix 105 km
    Armageddon 103 km
    Typhoon 103 km
    Tempest 101 km
    Vargur 101 km

    Make things right, CCP!
    Justice for marauders!

    submitted by /u/Tikktokk
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    "Would you kindly unblock ads?" No, zKill, you blew it

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    I had them unblocked for you because you said it was only 2 and they were unobtrusive. I got a fullscreen ad where I had to hunt for the X to get rid of it. Those ads are why I block ads to begin with. Ya blew it.

    submitted by /u/S31-Syntax
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    Wardec Mechanic Changes I would like to see.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    1. Retaliation Mechanic - If an alliance or corporation declares war on you and then drops the war or kicks a corporation out, there should be a 24~ hour window during the cooldown where you as a defender can retaliate against them, issueing your own war that immediately comes into effect (ignoring the usual 24 hour spool up). This gets around some of the exploits used.
    2. You shouldn't be able to put a ship inside an SMA while it's tackled. - This is something that was exploited for a long time with station/gate camps with orcas and carriers until CCP fixed it by preventing you from being able to eject or store a ship in a bay while having weapons timer. However, it's still possible to mass deagress and then store ships into neutral bowheads/orcas. On a Citadel grid, these bowheads and Orcas are 100% invulnerable even against suicide ganks because they can be tethered while having their SMA open for access and then immediately move the ship into cargo deposit making it almost completely uninteractable outside of trying to bump it off the structure. I think by preventing storage while a ship is tackled makes sense, if you can't dock in a structure while tackled why can you store a ship in a maintenance bay? Making the game rules more consistant is also a good thing.
    3. Prevent corp-hopping between offensive wars with a CD timer. This is mostly a problem used to kill structures uncontested when the defenders actually form and the aggressors want to avoid most of the defenders, especially if the Defenders comprise of different entities. I'd suggest making it so you cannot join a corporation that has offensive wars active unless you've been in an NPC corporation for at least 24 hours. This prevents the most egregious corp hopping between offensive wars on the day for very specific timers while not really impacting real players.
    submitted by /u/suitonia
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    zkill stats finally gone?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    is my browser broke or are zkill player,corp and alliance stats finnaly removed?

    will this be the new age for less risk aversion?

    who knows

    submitted by /u/wowfabgroovy
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    when i fly, i fly solo, no crew at all, just me inside my panther.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    The ship has only me inside my pod controlling everything(as we actually do) the rest of the ship is vacuum.

    change my mind

    submitted by /u/lynneff
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    eve is kill?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Launcher shows it's online after downtime and like 6k logged in but I get Connection Failed on all accounts. https://i.imgur.com/LuZ5Z9Q.png

    Tried restarting launcher but doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/pvprazor
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    High Sec and Emerging Conduits - Uncommunicated Danger

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I speak as a veteran wormholer recently returning to the game to see how far I can get in the game with a newer, relatively unskilled alpha account. Primarily living in High Sec these days, it has been a transition to accustom myself with all the quirks of K-Space. I've recently finished a handful of the career agents and am enjoying the challenge that is refusing to tap into my main for additional funds and resources, in many ways it is capturing what I originally loved in this game when I played it so many years ago.

    Emerging Conduits have been popping up in New Eden spawning extremely powerful Triglavian NPCs. These NPCs are able to warp to asteroid belts and cosmic signatures (Data/Relic at least) and are able to pretty much instantly lock and destroy anything that's not significantly tanked enough to take a volley from them. I've lost three ships so far to Triglavian activities in high sec. Once was while AFK mining in a Venture, I'll grant that. The second time, again in a Venture, I warped to a Relic site that I had scanned down. I landed on top of Triglavian NPCs that instantly locked and killed me before I could warp out again. The third time, taking the knowledge of the previous two deaths, I essentially went into "wormhole mode". I scanned down the site, warped to a celestial near it to confirm that there were no NPCs on DScan and warped to the site. While hacking cans I kept my dscan up and pinging. The moment that I picked them up I began to warp out, but not fast enough to avoid being volleyed the moment they landed, too slow on the uptake apparently. I see no reason to engage with any PvE content where an "Emerging Conduit" anomaly is present going forward.

    I have no issue with Triglavians flipping the board on what is considered "safe space" in New Eden. I have no issue with Triglavians being able to warp to sites that previously would have left its visitors safe and sound. My issue is that Triglavian content up until this point has always been clearly communicated - the danger of different systems they inhabitated was laid out to players new and old so that they knew to prepare themselves before entering. You got a warning before entering a system where they were present and it was clear that, having entered, that you were engaging with a very different part of space from that point on. The red tinted lighting and music punctuated this shift. If they entered and found themselves in a pod 10 minutes later, they knew that they had been given that choice.

    These Emerging Conduits have been popping up all across high sec, but the difference here is that, unlike all other Triglavian content in the game, the uniquely dangerous situation that people doing content in these systems is not communicated in any way.

    I encourage everyone to think about how an alpha with far less understanding of the mechanics of the game would react to these situations. They move 4-5 jumps out of their tutorial system and begin mining belts or dabbling with exploration only to find themselves in a pod with nothing in the way of indication as to what went wrong or how they could have reacted differently. How is a new player, if they even bother to engage with the scanner at all, supposed to make the connection that the Emerging Conduit anomaly is unique among the dozens of other anomalies they'll pass by as they warp from system to system? Why are the systems that we already have in place for highlighting Triglavian content (systems with the tag "Scouts Reported") being ignored for the next big step for the Triglavian invasion?

    I know the instinct is for newer players to "htfu", to prepare themselves for the hard and brutal game that is EVE Online, but I would encourage this community not to mistake poorly communicated mechanics with introducing players to a difficult and unforgiving game. It is possible to have both without leaving our new alphas completely in the dark.

    I love big, world changing events in MMOs and I'm excited to see what CCP has in store for the Triglavian story line. As someone that thought that the Abyssal Content in the game was some of the best PvE content added in years I have been following its developments closely. I have been disappointed however by the "gameplay" introduced with Emerging Conduits.

    Thank you,

    submitted by /u/TheDiscoShark
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    Your promotions are very impressive. You must be very proud.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    New player - what should I do?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    I just finished the Sister of Eve arc. No idea what to do now. I'd like to quest some more or do something else that's a bit structured while I get my bearings in Eve.

    Also, what's a good way to make money as a newbie?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Vrindjes
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    I'm considering getting Eve Online. I always wanted to, but it seems so daunting...

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    I've been looking for a game. Where you have to watch your economy/maintain resources etc. (kind of like "Farming Simulator 19" or "DrugRunners" but more sci-fi like) This game seems to fit the bill perfectly. It's just I don't even know where to start in this game, mainly because it seems like there's almost to much to do...

    Any tips / guides would be appreciated and maybe some confirmation that it is like the aforementioned games above. Because Eve Online does look really cool, I just kind of want to know more about it before I decide to invest a lot of my time into it...

    submitted by /u/sbeeps94
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    Looks just like my ex

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Tfw they add EWAR to real life

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Skill Training Time Calculation

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Is there a known calculation that includes skill points required and attributes to attain total time to train a given skill? I am looking to make myself a calculator of sorts.


    submitted by /u/GThomps
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    Why is everyone saying EVE is dead?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Inactive player here, played seriously for 5 years but married life and work started getting in the way. Until very recently I kept up with news but I am seeing more people commenting that eve is dying and just curious why.

    I mean even before I left the game years ago small gang warfare was something to reminisce about only, it was gate camps and lag infested fleet fights all the way but whats happening now?

    submitted by /u/Yazanic
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    Going Dark.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Locating Ded Rating Complexes in High Sec

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    I am a returning player after being away for 4 years. From what I can see on the ingame map there isnt many ded sites listed & from what I can find sites online there isnt any info listed bout where the sites are located. I thought the sites were fixed beacons, since when did they change this? I am loking for a 2/10 or mayb a 3/10 Ded Rating Complex i am piloting a T2 Assault Frig

    submitted by /u/rothus83
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