• Breaking News

    Monday, April 27, 2020

    Eve Online I acquired my first Battleship today after a few months of playing! Still need to fit it tho, so it'll just sit in Jita until I can do that. I feel proud! o7

    Eve Online I acquired my first Battleship today after a few months of playing! Still need to fit it tho, so it'll just sit in Jita until I can do that. I feel proud! o7

    I acquired my first Battleship today after a few months of playing! Still need to fit it tho, so it'll just sit in Jita until I can do that. I feel proud! o7

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Racial backgrounds for racial isotopes - a ms paint rendition

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Painted by an awesome gal for me.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    CCP need to look into this. a GM is reimbursing pvp losses

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    I've been using my multibox fleet to take revenge on the Hogs Collective bullies who are trying to push everyone else out of Osmon. They are a sad, pathetic alliance who's aim is to destroy all structures in an area of high sec and claim that space belongs to them.

    They are affiliated with PIRAT and use all manner of tricks to win. They also run an alt structure bashing alliance known as AYPABTU to do the structure dirty work and a large ganker group they run called 401 - Ship Unauthorised, which they use to suicide miners to make them leave "their" space. These alt alliances are used so their Hogs Collective alliance who moves in to claim the area can't be hit back. If any corp proves too difficult for them, no matter how tiny, they call in PIRAT. If anyone threatens the Hogs Collective structures, PIRAT will defend.

    Because of their alt shenanigans and PIRAT affiliation the only way for the small guy or small group to hit them back is with a fleet of gankers. And that's what I've been doing. I've scored multiple expensive kills, such as orcas, leshaks, macheriels, and pods.

    HC keeps claiming I use input broadcasting. I don't. But they keep making tickets to support every time I beat them. Today in local they posted a screenshot evidencing that a GM is indeed returning their pvp losses. That's messed up.

    I put huge effort and resources into fighting these toxic sore losers. They are happy to screw other players but if someone beats them they just whine to CCP and apparently their pvp loss is reimbursed?

    JunTuu of HC claims his bumper macheriel loss was reimbursed. He was bumping people to try to make them leave Osmon. I ganked him right in front of his bump victims. He posted a screenshot showing a GM returned it to him. They also claim an expensive orca loss was reimbursed.

    Here is the Mach killmail: https://zkillboard.com/kill/83495918/

    Here is JunTuu this morning in local claiming he got it reimbursed: https://i.imgur.com/Uw9RSex.jpg

    I've checked the screenshot posted in local by JunTuu. It appears to be legit.

    Nevermind the losses and risk I took to earn these wins. That doesn't matter I suppose?

    After all my effort to fight these guys, they whine to CCP and a GM simply reimburses them? What can I do in this situation?

    I've made a ticket to CCP, explaining this.

    submitted by /u/shutup001
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    It's Been Wild Ride - Remembering Lychton Kondur

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    First time wormhole exploration

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    Good morning everyone, Something pretty crazy just happened and I felt compelled to share it, even though it's almost 2am and I should really get some sleep.

    I started playing eve about 2 weeks ago, and recently joined a small newbro corp. I started doing a bit of exploration in nullsec, close to our home base, but today, I decided I would try out w-space exploration. I probed down a wormhole a couple of systems away from home and went through it, then immediately warped to a random celestial within 100km, but then it hit me.

    I forgot to bookmark the wormhole.

    What followed was 2 hours of probing down every single cosmic signature in the system, occasionally stumbling upon a data or relic site and looting it, all while trying to avoid being spotted by another player and furiously mashing V. Still though, I was not able to find my way home, the only wormhole I found led me to a random pocket of nullsec dozens of jumps from home. But then, as I thought all hope was lost, scanning down the third last signature, I found another hole, this one leading me to highsec, only 13 jumps away from jita!

    I quickly made my way there, sold everything I had on my person and killed myself, ending up back at home, safe and sound.

    I know this may have been the most boring story some of you guys have ever heard, but this was genuinely one of the most stressful and rewarding moments I have felt in a video game in a long time. Eve is so insanely good at building suspense, and creating interesting and complex experiences it's almost unreal.

    Anyways I guess this will be my lifelong reminder to always bookmark my wormholes, thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/themicchicken335
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    The long train to becoming a second class member of your alliance

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    Let me start off with a brief summary.

    When i first started the game i fell in love with it. Began running missions and mining for isk so i could afford mission running ships and fits. Stuck with that until the inevitable happened, What is this player doing? He just turned yellow! is he stealing my loot!? If i remember right flashing yellow means i can shoot him without getting concord, alright this will be easy Drones attack! and then there i am a dead corpse floating in space staring at my screen in horror as my hands are still shaking from the battle. Shortly it dawns on me as I stare at my computer screen. weeks of mining and mission running all destroyed. I was at that first EVE online decision that will shape your eve online career, Will i rage quit, or will i keep at it learn and make better choices?

    Skipping ahead i am now about 5 months into the game. I have learned a lot about how not to die to rats while also avoiding players. Finally my short term goal is complete i can fly the holy grail of missions level 4 missions! I am so excited running missions and getting some real isk for my troubles that i fail to notice the location of my latest mission. These numbers are not red i should be alright i tell myself. So there i am running the missions that took me literally months to even attempt. Wait a minute where did these players come from? So that happened i think to myself as i stare at my screen still shaking with excitement and rage. And here i am again, do i rage quit? how can I even play this game if i can not even earn enough isk to replace my ship! How is this fair if i can not even fight back! there has to be another way I think to myself.

    Fast forward a month or so, after some forum lurking and asking endless questions to google i hear about faction warfare and how it is the best place to learn PVP in eve. Get yourself 10 atron's and lose them all you will be closer to learning pvp each time. So there i am 3 weeks into my faction warfare life and I scroll through my killboard of red loss after loss and think to myself...learn pvp? are these idiots serious? kill after kill from 3 or more ships killing me at the same time. most not even in a faction warfare corp? And then it hits me....like lightning out of the deep blue sky eve is all about killing people in groups! to survive and make any kind of isk i need to join a corp. So back to trusted google again i go and i learn about nullsec the one place everyone has been telling me is dangerous and I will die even if i look at a system in null the wrong way.

    So here i am in one of the big blocs of nullsec for almost 4 months. I have learned how to generate ISK much better so i can buy more ships I have trained into all doctrine ships and after losing tons of ships in standing fleet and the like I have finally accomplished my mid term goals. I can generate enough isk to fly strat ops i know how to use bookmarks as if the locations folder is a holy text. I can finally fit a ship by myself with very little if any google assistance. i know what ships i can think about winning against depending on what my ship is. Now that is done i ask myself, how am i going to afford all these t2 and t3 ships? How do these people afford all these deadspace and faction modules!? What CCP is nerfing the vexor navy? you mean I am going to lose most of my income that just BARELY makes enough isk for me to fly doctrine DPS ships and replace my VNI from the countless losses due to enemy players? Ah the ishtar still works calm down rage calm down... wait what? this fit is 350 mil a ship!?

    Fast forward again I have been in nullsec for about 11 months. I am quite proud to be thank you very much! Wait when did this happen, i have become a true believer in my nullsec alliance and genuinely want to see it succeed. Was i not here only for the best isk income? Well here i am sitting tethered on alliance keepstar looking at that sexy combat carrier. I can feel my hands starting to shake, the ping went out "all caps log in we have hostiles in our space and we have caps tackled!" I eagerly rage right click my capacitor the cyno will show up any second! and then i hear those damning words. "supers only cyno is up supers only cyno is up" I feel let down i feel betrayed, no! do not think like this i tell myself it is a fluke. this trend continues for another 6 times i rage login my cap pilot due to a frantic discord ping "my allies need me!" I tell myself my hope and excitement is destroyed in tatters at this point, I start asking myself "what was the point?" So i say "screw this" and the next save i jump anyway as do a few regular carriers also. I am excited! it just so happened my fighters took out the person that was pointing the rorq he was at 4% hull by the time he warped off to safety. I am joyous! my first drop helped protect my alliance member! another enemy raging at a missed kill. However what happened next? I got yelled at and told I am suspended from cap group for 3 months. I don't have to have SRP i frantically argue i can cover the loss on my own i plead with him. however i am ignored

    I trained so long and put so much of my isk into this alliance I have saved half the billions required to buy a super already but you know what? If you can't accept my help when i offer it why would i buy a super to add to the cap umbrella when I am obviously second class and not worth talking to without a super or titan i can fly?

    submitted by /u/deezkeys098
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    EvE 5v5 AT-liteTournament! 18:00 Today

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Hey Guys!

    I am part of a team who has been perfecting a 5v5 AT-like format. Our goal is to revive competitive EvE with a diverse engaging meta that is also significantly more open to entry. While AT was a wonderful competition, it provided unique challenges from isk/time barriers. We are currently performing these matches on SiSi and with only 5 players, these barriers are no longer present.

    The Format:

    These games will be held in 3 stages:

    1) A Pick/Ban Draft modeled after DOTA/LoL and AT point system for ship values with a 5 min time limit.

    These point values and the pick/ban order can be found here.

    2) 15 Minutes of theory crafting fits for the 5 ships that you drafted.

    3) Flying vs the other team in a 125km arena with 0-50km warpins.

    We have been tweaking and perfecting this format for about a week now and have had so much fun seeing the great drafts, piloting, and theory-crafting coming out of the players!

    Today we will be performing the semifinal and finals match of a 8 team tournament! These matches will start at 18:00 and end at about 21:00. These matches will be streamed here.

    Feel free to check out vods from this channel as well for old matches to get a feel for the format and what we are looking to do!

    If you would like to checkout our discord to learn more:


    TLDR: 5v5 Tournament Today at 18:00-21:00, checkout the hype trailer!

    submitted by /u/Colleo3354
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    Little Quality of Life Things I'd Like to See

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Long time lurker, first time poster. Just wanted to list some of the little things that I personally would love to see either added or changed to make the experience a little bit better. This list isn't in any particular order. Here goes:

    1.) Auto-Stack like items in cargo hold. If the quantity has changed, then put that nifty red dot on it so I know

    2.) Remove red dot notification from Inventory icon on undock. I put junk in my cargo hold before I left station, I don't need to be reminded of it.

    3.) Add Concord and SoCT ship lines to the Ship Tree. New players might be interested in knowing about them

    4.) Extend T2 Salvage range to 10k, keep T1 where it is. Personal preference here, nothing more

    5.) Add T2 Salvage Drones. I wouldn't care if I had to train Salvage Drone Specialization if I had to

    6.) The ability to strip Skills out of my character. Not just points, but the actual skill itself.

    7.) Racial backgrounds for racial isotopes and fuel blocks. u/sinergistic <- his idea, not trying to steal credit here

    8.) Formations for fleets, with pre-sets and the ability to create custom formations. Think something similar to the mechanic that lets you shift your probes around into custom formations

    9.) A fitting tool for the EVE Portal App. If I can adjust skill queues remotely, I should be able to tweak fits and make new ones remotely too. (Android user here, if you have an up-to-date mobile solution, please let me know!)

    10.) Ability to project simulated fleet links and environmental effects on the in-game fitting tool

    Tell me what you think!

    submitted by /u/DearykG
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    Throwback Newbro Day - Good old Newbro memories

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    A Study in Triage: Sustainability and Efficiency in a Post-Nerf Universe

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    This is a long post, I have tried to format it to be as digestible as possible, however, a TL;DR can be found at the bottom.


    For better or for worse, the Surgical Strike update is here. No ship has been functionally impacted more by these changes than the triage, being hit with the triple punch of:

    • Capacitor nerf (single cap booster restriction)
    • Tank nerf (both locally and remotely through resist changes)
    • Damage buff (15% damage increase in short-range T2 ammo, and the increased incentive to fit additional damage mods over resist mods)

    Many evolved metas in some sandboxes (particularly Lowsec and Wormholes) were completely dependant on inject triage1 - even more so in recent times since the increased damage from Triglavian platforms - and these changes threaten to make these facets of Eve unsustainable or simply not viable.

    Even in larger fleet fights in Nullsec, triage being unable to be self-sufficient even just using its own remote reps - before we talk about capacitor warfare - has a significant impact on the way fights evolve and favour the side who can keep dropping more triage once the previous one is dry.

    As a wormholerbtw who has flown and enjoyed the benefits of the fights inject triage enabled, I have been working on triage theorycrafting and testing since the changes were announced and this post details the findings with the hope to illustrate what is still possible to develop a better meta for all and also so CCP can assess whether the changes are having the impact they were looking for.

    1 - Inject triage functioned on the premise of being at 0% capacitor for the duration of the engagement, usually under capacitor pressure from multiple Bhaalgorns. Any capacitor dependant action (remote repair, local repair, hardeners etc) would need to be immediately preceded by a capacitor injection from a capacitor booster - "counter-injecting" where you permanently run your cap boosters is not possible as the neut pressure removes capacitor faster than it can be injected. This limited the effective tank output but still made it possible to fight through significant neut pressure with the appropriate fit and competent pilot. Some video examples: NV vs. KAE., LZHX vs. HK, KAE. vs. NV, KAE. vs. HK

    Capacitor Compression

    The solutions presented all rely on abusing capacitor compression mechanics to extract extreme capacitor efficiency from the platforms. When a change is made to the capacitor pool of a ship, through the use of drugs, implants, modules or rigs the relative amount of capacitor is maintained i.e. the capacitor percentage remains constant. However, incoming capacitor transfers represent a fixed absolute amount of capacitor. By using these two mechanics together, it is possible to completely fill the capacitor of a max capacitor buffer triage (250k+ GJ) in 10-15 seconds.

    For example, by offlining cap batteries, fitting MWDs and fitting flux coils your cap pool size for an apostle gets a compression of about 10x (something like 250k GJ to 25k GJ). If in this state, you recover to 100% capacitor, the cost is 25k GJ (about 2.5 capital cap transfer cycles). Then, when at 100% capacitor, you refit to capacitor buffer (online cap batteries, remove MWDs and flux coils) you remain at 100% capacitor, but your capacitor is 250k GJ, rather than the 25k GJ from before. You effectively gained +225k GJ for free in this scenario.

    Application #1: Weaving Triage (Smaller-Scale Engagements)

    Weaving triage is not new, but since the removal of combat refitting, other options have been more viable. This infographic details how it works in broad strokes. It functions by using 2 or more FAX that alternately cycle in and out of triage. They are fit for capacitor buffer (capital cap batteries, semiconductors etc) and use active tanking modules. The aim is to ensure you do not run out of capacitor before the end of your triage cycle by using heat and bleeding buffer as required.

    • FAX #1 goes into triage and provides RR and local tanks as needed
    • FAX #2 refits resists to be an easy target to hold up
    • FAX #1 manages heat to ensure capacitor lasts longer than triage
    • FAX #2 enters triage to hold up FAX #1 and the fleet as needed
    • After 60s, FAX #1 can refit for cap compression (offline cap batteries, add flux coils, add MWDs etc) to reduce the cap pool size as much as possible
    • FAX #2 provides remote cap transfer to FAX #1 (2-3 cycles should 100% the capacitor)
    • FAX #1 refits for max cap pool (online cap batteries, remove flux coils, remove MWDs etc)
    • Repeat as long as required

    Obviously, compared to previous triage incarnations, a sufficient number of neuts or sufficient amount of damage will be enough to break the chain. And failure to come out of triage cycle at the right time, or refit at the right time will result in both FAXes dying. But if you can manage the damage and the neut pressure, the weaving pair can stay on grid providing constant RR indefinitely.

    Application #2: Kick-Start for Suicide Triage (Medium Scale Engagements)

    Recovering capacitor is an even bigger problem for FAXes that jump into an engagement via cyno and start at 25% capacitor. If you drop N triage, you effectively get N/4 triage's worth of sustained rep power. By abusing capacitor pool compression, you can gain N-1 effective triage rep power for N dropped triage.

    Let's take the case of needing two FAX worth of rep power to be dropped.

    • Fit those FAXes for max cap compression with a capital MWD fitted
    • Fit an additional FAX for max cap pool with capacitor transfers (ideally 1 for each RR FAX you need)
    • Jump all FAXes in, using capital MWD, burn RR FAXes towards each other to get into refit range
    • Cap transfer FAX enters triage immediately and provides cap transfers to compressed FAXes (10-15s for full transfer)
    • RR FAXes that are now 100% capacitor refit capacitor buffer and enter triage.

    You dropped 3 FAXes, and gained 2x 100% capacitor triage. Compared to if you dropped 3 regular FAXes, you would gain 3x0.25=0.75 of a 100% capacitor triage.


    Combinations of cap batteries, flux coils and MWDs alter the size of your cap pool

    If your cap pool is small it's "cheap" to refill, if you refit to a bigger pool after refilling your small cap pool you remain at 100% of this larger pool. This nets you extreme capacitor efficiencies that can be abused in weaving triage formats and for response drop triage.

    submitted by /u/HenriFrancais
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    So, made a Machariel charm for my TWSBI fountain pen. What do you think?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    One small-scale fleets fight. Keres POV (Y U SO BAD DAMPS MANAGING)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    PVE Battleship

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I'm not new to this game, but I have enough for a battleship and don't wanna me the wrong choice. What would be the best battleship for PVE, while having a decent drone bandwidth? I also am in alpha.

    submitted by /u/Skyhawk4249
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    Just Joined EVE

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    Hey there. I just started playing this game. It's been 2 days and I got a Merlin. As there are players here with a lot of hours of play time and experience,are there any tips you guys can give me to avoid mistakes and improve my gameplay?

    submitted by /u/hemang_verma
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    ARR what happen here in LAMAA??

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Thinking of getting back in after many years

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    I recovered my old account it looks like i have 390k isk and a catalyst. I do not remember how to play at all. are these work keeping my old account for and struggling to re learn or should i just start from scratch?

    submitted by /u/retrotechrepair
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    Gun choice

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Considering 6 Dual 250mm prototype railguns for my Dominix navy issue: what would be a better alternative while for replacing them while keeping about the same CPU and Powergrid usage? Only have high slots available. I feel the gauss wouldn't be very effective. Going for PVE here

    submitted by /u/Skyhawk4249
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    Is the playerbase a bit consistent in 2020?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    I want to play EVE again. But I don't want to put all the grind into a game with a dwindling community. However, I know that EVE has been through so many updates that it can hardly be considered an aged game, and that th community has been pretty consistent over the years.

    Just wanted to ask you guys if that is still the case and whether I can safely risk putting my time in this game and still be able to enjoy it for some time to come :)

    submitted by /u/Vrindjes
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