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    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Eve Online I'm sorry

    Eve Online I'm sorry

    I'm sorry

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:19 AM PDT


    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    FEDUP Gives 90B to NSH

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:23 PM PDT



    Day 2 of their deployment to fight us in Cache, their director defected and gave us 90B in assets. Pretty good deployment for them so far.

    Its ok though, NSH fed 1.2 bil today, we are very bad at eve.


    Lmao oh shit, just realized there are caps there and a lot of expensively fit ships. Finally tally is..... very nice

    submitted by /u/wallywot
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    init feed hel in apex fleet combat to low sec morons

    Posted: 06 May 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Seething Ex-Goonion Highsec Empire Vows to Retake Tribal Homelands

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    "the 4th of july will go down in history as the day SMA rises up from all of this bullshit. From suicide gankers to random wardeck idiots they all look at us like easy pray. But the 4th of july SMA will stop being bullied and become the bully. We will take space in Pure Blind. And we will take it by force. Make sure you all train into MOA'S and Feroxes. Ospreys for our logi pilots. And medium hybrid turrets to 5 so you can use T2 railguns. We will still do roams till the 4th of july. But after that day the time for fun and games is over. And the time for kicking ass comes. OOK OOK Motherfucker"

    -- Beefsam, SMA, Rejected Goon Blue, Very Angry Man

    Good luck SMA. You couldn't take over a lemonade stand.

    submitted by /u/Feawen__
    [link] [comments]

    Is EveMarketer dead for anyone else? It won't load anything.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    Logging into the site with EVE also brings an internal error.

    submitted by /u/Ikuorai
    [link] [comments]

    My first 30 days as an alpha clone part 2

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Link to the part 1 of the adventure: https://reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/g6dbfw/storytime_my_first_30_days_as_an_alpha_clone/

    Hey everyone, I was surprised at how much traction I got from posting my first story. Some people were even kind enough to send me some additional starter ISK for my character 😀. One guy sent a fully equipped Drake to Jita, and said I could use it or sell it. Thank you, it really helps me out.

    Below, I have recorded day 10. This was recorded/written the day after I played it. However, after day 10, certain things have happened, that I will explain, which have caused me to not "count the days" anymore.

    Day 10

    On this day, my friends wanted to play some other games like CSGO and Dead by Daylight. Unfortunately, I don't have any irl friends who are interested in playing EVE with me 😞

    I entered EVE online at 12:30am. I told myself I was going to play till 3am (my usual sleeping time because of the quarantine blues). Waking up in Dodixie, I asked my wormhole chat for the high sec entrance to their system. They didn't really respond that day, so I fitted up my venture with gas cloud harvesters and rushed off to a wormhole solo, 2 jumps away from Dodixie.

    This wormhole connected to 5 other wormholes. Knowing that I would only have time to enter one more wormhole before ending the night, I had to pick the "right one".

    I enter wormhole(2) and scanned out 4 gas sites and 2 relic sites. 1 of the relic sites was a Forgotten ruin, so I knew I wasn't heading there. Patting myself on the back for this great find, I had a plan to harvest the gas clouds first, haul out the materials to K-space, then come back in for the relic site. Or... do I just grab everything in one go? I don't know... indecisive. All I knew was I wanted to go to sleep!

    I head to the Vast Frontier Reservoir and begin to harvest my cytoserocin. I do a d-scan and notice a building structure named ( ° ͜Ê–͡°)╭∩╮.

    I assume this place is inhabited or was in the past. But at this point, I don't know much about habitation of a wormhole and what the signs are.

    As I started to huff my grass, I was getting bored, sleepy, and alert at the same time. Almost 15 minutes go by as I am waiting for the sleepers to come out.


    I end up disconnecting again... Why is this happening a second time? I went to go turn my modems off and on. In my head I'm thinking, yeah I'm probably dead just like last time.

    Log back in and see the character screen with a pod below the portrait. Sigh... what a crazy stroke of bad luck to disconnect 1 minute before sleepers both times. An 8 million ISK fitted venture down the drain. At this point it's around 1:30am since it took me time to fit the venture, find the wormhole, scan wormhole(1) and wormhole(2), scan all of it's contents, and blow up after 15 minutes of huffing grass.

    Definitely discouraged and scared that this was going to happen again on the same night... but I was determined to finish strong. Quickly fit another venture and sprint back to the wormhole(1).

    Great, I didn't bookmark the entrance to wormhole(2). At least I remember the name of it. Scan it down again, BM, and head back in. This time, I went straight for the relic site first. I head there and see 6 cargos labeled Guristas.

    First cargo, I went too quick and rushed from being tilted. Blow it up. Alright, let's get it together. Second one, opens; grab 1 million and move on. Third one, opens; I find 10 million. That was how much I got for 15 minutes of huffing grass. A great start with many more cargos left to open. Third one, opens, wait wut? 30 million ISK, wow this is working out a lot quicker than I expected. Fourth one, opens; WOW... there is 60 million sitting in here. After opening all of them, I am netting close to 100 million.

    Type in my wormhole chat, "guys, I'm scared... I have 100 million in my cargo." They tell me to GTFO asap. Don't need to tell me twice.

    Warp through wormhole(2), warp through wormhole(1), place my haul into the nearest station.

    Jump right back in and start to inhale the other 3 gas sites. No disconnections. It's now 3:15AM, I went over my allotted time... but I got everything I needed. Ended my last gas harvest slightly early to hit the hay.

    Things have changed

    So at this point, I ask my buddy in wormhole chat, let's call him Oka. He has a bounty on his head so perhaps its best not to use his full name (scary).

    I ask, "Hey Oka, if you suddenly had 400m ISK to use as an alpha clone, what would you be doing with it to make more?"

    Oka tells me I should look into incursions. I start to research it and begin my skill training into a hyperion.

    At this moment however, I didn't realize that not only do you want to be able to skill into the Battlecruiser itself, but you also need to skill into all of it's necessary components.

    This is why... I haven't really been counting the days in this game anymore. When I first started playing Eve, I had this expectation that accumulating a lot of ISK would help me reach a certain goal; ie reaching Omega. But, I have come to learn that just because you are Omega, doesn't mean your in-game progress is significantly affected. It helps a lot, but it doesn't suddenly change the core mechanics of the game. I have realized that there isn't so much an "ISK wall" obstacle to overcome, but more so a "time wall". Acquiring the necessary skill training to enter battlecruisers or become efficient at a certain task takes months.

    I leave the skill training on, but shocked at this realization, I didn't really touch the game for a few days. I'm wondering how I should proceed with this game. Even if I reach 1b ISK and Omega myself, I'd basically lose all the wealth able to leverage me forward. Just because I have Omega for a month, doesn't mean I can easily acquire it a second time.

    I'm confused now

    Do I passively make ISK while patiently waiting to enter incursions? Do I make enough money somehow to pay for skill injectors? Do I just continue what I've been doing? Is there a better way of doing it? How do I leverage 400m ISK? Is there a way to even do that as an alpha clone?

    For the next few days I go on a little, just to continue my explorations and figure out wtf I am doing. Considering all options, and jumping the gun mentally many times, I made hasteful decisions like purchasing a Vexor to potentially enter PvE with sleepers or run Abyssal, but the skill training there also require another month.

    I am trying to sprint to a finish line when I haven't even entered the race.

    While exploring, I come across 2 structures called Mo3's real titty bar and Mo3's silicone titty bar. Expanding the customer base, very smart.

    I hope this isn't the day I get killed by stripper space pirates.

    Luckily, throughout this time of reflection, I've had a very willing and helpful mentor, let's call him Izo. He is the guy who first discovered and invited me into the wormhole chat, when I accidentally announced myself in the system.

    Izo and I have some similarities. He loves playing the game, but he prioritizes his life and family. He used to be an amateur fighter with ambitions to go bigger, and I also trained in MMA for a year. The point is, the "skill training" that we receive IRL, has greater importance than the game. So, I didn't feel any pressure to play the game, and never once did he make it seem like I owed him something. I really respect that.

    He essentially paved a path for me. He recommended that I skill into a PvP cloaked ship(asteros) that I can fly right off the bat. I wasn't aware about the 1 million free skillpoint boost that's given to accounts that are referred into the game. This skillpoint boost literally saves a month of skillpoint training.

    I create a new account that's referred under Izo. I also purchase a starter pack to try out Omega for 7 days and it also gives me 250k skillpoints.

    I step into the Asteros a few days short (skill training) of a full basic fit. Izo even buys the first one for me (thanks mom).

    I am introduced to the use of tripwire, zKillboard, wormhole identification, etc. I get introduced to jump cloning, very very useful.

    We scan and roam all the wormholes and signatures connecting to the original wormhole home. He teaches me the basics of PvP engagement.

    We spot an unfortunate fellow exploring around. We camp right by the wormhole, expecting him to enter from a high sec into a wormhole he is likely to farm. I don't remember the exact details, but Izo ends up putting a bubble around the player while I shot a stasis webifier on him. My asteros is not yet properly skilled into a warp scrambler.

    I launch my warrior 1 drones into his face and gleefully watch as his ship and capsule explode into a fire-y wreck. First trophy onto my personal Killboard.

    The next few days are spent getting used to PvP mechanics and using tripwire to map the wormhole connections. My timezone and Izo's timezone are not well-aligned. Plus, he is a family man, and so, I sought to look for a wormhole corporation. Or maybe even a null-sec one. (Still looking if anyone is interested in having me ;) ). I go online to look at the eve forums for recruitment.

    Everyone thinks they smoke the best weed

    This is a part in my chapter that I actually found somewhat frustrating about Eve. Although, I do understand the implications behind it now.

    Joining corporations as a new player is somewhat difficult and unwelcoming. I am certainly not talking about the beginner corporations that accept everyone, but the ones that are a bit more niche such as wormholes. All the posts write about minimum requirements, skill point requirements, activity commitments, etc.

    I talked to a recruiter and went on their public channel to discuss joining them, because their eve forum post stated they accept beginners. Yet, because I played for less than a month, I was STILL rejected.

    Upon this rejection, another recruiter who saw the frustrated post I made, sent me a private message. He gave me an overview of his corporation, saying how it is "different than most others" and referred me to his corporation's recruiter.

    It was at this point, I almost decided to quit the game.

    The recruiter ends up interviewing me and asking me a lot of questions about what I'm currently doing. He is giving me a lot of advice which I appreciate. However, I would later come to learn, that his advice was intentionally malicious.

    He tries to convince me that my current methods are very inefficient. That I've completely missed the basics and fundamentals and that my skill training is all over the place. He tells me how he makes billions in mining and industry.

    He asks me why I stepped into an asteros when I should have stepped into a sunesis which is half the cost and does the same thing. (It doesn't. The Sunesis can't cloak). I mention I would potentially like to start incursions, to which he replies it would take me 15 years to get into. He also mentions that tripwire and zKillboard are useless.

    After an hour+ of being interviewed and being told that my current mentor is an idiot, he tells me that in order to join his corporation, I would need to stop entering wormholes and work on the basics with him. That I would train under them for 3 months, doing what they want me to do.

    I tell him that I would have to consider it.

    He replies, "Eve is all about options. Definitely keep all your options open and think about it."

    What a contradiction. If Eve is about options, why have you attempted to restrict an entire aspect of the game to me in an effort to recruit a newbie into your organization? I smelled something wrong a mile away. And an hour of my time was wasted by this slaver.

    Some people may disagree, but anything that restricts my fun in this game, and FORCES me to spend time on it even when I don't want to, no longer makes it a game. My priority is my life. So, sorry if I don't want to spend 3 months of my time learning uselessness instead of learning to have FUN.

    I get into a conversation about Izo with it and tell him my frustrations. He knowledges me about corporation spies and how people on eve potentially dislike new bros because of the potential for them to quit after wasting training time on them.

    In reference to the recruiter, he mentions that, some people on Eve are like weed smokers. Everyone thinks they own the best weed. Wormholers think they are the shit and make money the best, and miners will think they are the shit and make money better. So people will give shit advice to talk about how they smoke the best shit.

    In the end, I manage to brush it off, and knowing that I have a small cool community to rely on, kept me in the game.

    Omega until August

    Since my 7 day Omega starter kit was about to run out, I decide to add another 3 months combo pack into my time.

    Since then, I've personally fucked up 2 ganks without any help. They got away for different reasons, 1 was because I didn't have warp scram+stasis webifier combined yet(because of SP training), so I had to rely on warp scram alone, and he got out of my range. The second guy was because I tried to kill him in low-sec but my safety wasn't off so the drones and warp scram wouldn't fire, but I didn't realize it for 60 seconds while I screamed at my computer, "WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING".

    Yesterday, I aimlessly explored in a Heron over 5 different class 1-3 wormholes, 12 nullsec locations, and came out with NOTHING. I stopped by Mo3's real titty bar and silicone titty bar so I guess that's a plus.

    The very last wormhole I entered connected to a null-sec system. The overall nullsec area seemed very empty. As I entered the wormhole, I double-checked zKillboard. There was only 1 kill today. It was about an hour ago. There was only 2 signatures in this wormhole. Alright, I'll go ahead and make this my last one and pray theres a relic site.

    Wait... why are there 2 magus in the system. Wait.... why is there a drake. Wait... whats going on? My d-scan shows visible ships on both signatures.... I scan the signatures down, fuck its 2 wormholes. Theres only 2 exits and nothing else, and there's ships on both ends.

    I'm starting to realize that 1 hour ago on Eve means it just happened!

    Luckily I get my ass out of there. As I am next to the wormhole exit, another ship warps to the wormhole at the same time as me. I spam enter wormhole and get out with no problems. Warp back to the home wormhole and call it a day...

    So yeah, there we have it. Sorry if it's not the epic story you were expecting. I think I need more than 30 days to create something like that. I had a very productive headstart to Eve online but now I am learning to walk before I run. I am slowing the pace and enjoying what I have.

    I'll make a part 3 if something extremely interesting happens in my career but until then, I'll just be playing the game as a newly Omega clone.

    Still accepting wormhole recruitment so hit me up ;)

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Chojangunner
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    Returning Player - Market training has changed?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    So its been about 1 year+ since I played EVE. I have 2 station traders and a main. I went to sell some of the stuff I acquired from my last stint and when I set a new sell price 0.01 isk lower than the smallest order (the usual station trading) it rounds it up. OK my mistake.

    So then I went to update the order and the fees have gone up as well (by a lot).

    I go back and test a few more and if I set the order lower by 100 or 500+ it looks like it works.

    Does this mean EVE has changed the way orders work and ultimately eliminated the "small guy" trying to make some extra isk on the side since such a large cost for updating orders.


    edit - I meant to say trading not training

    submitted by /u/NobodyHere19
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I'm very new and want to be a space trucker, one question...

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    When I'm looking at contracts to take, how much collateral should I be expecting to put down? It seems insane to be asked to put down 50 million isk when the pay is only 5 million of less. Can I look at the cargo to gauge it's value before accepting the contract?

    I guess overall I'm just asking how do I not get scammed? What's the etiquette for all this stuff? What should I be looking out for?

    submitted by /u/Greg_the_Zombie
    [link] [comments]

    Killing dagan

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Hello i have been making steady progress on eve but i find myself unable to kill dagan.. i know most will tell me to fleet up but im finding this difficult ... could anyone link a noob thrasher fit i could possible kill him with please or maybe even lend me a hand in game.. id appreciate it and by the way is there any possible chance this fit would work?.. https://www.eveworkbench.com/fitting/thrasher/67014791-a58a-49a5-b6c9-08d782625ff8

    submitted by /u/broitspierre
    [link] [comments]

    Lost My First Ship

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Really on purpose, I figured it was time.

    Scanned up a Wormhole with my Imicus and bookmarked it. Went into it and bookmarked the place as an exit. That worked fine. Went home and grabbed my Venture, named Brock, and went to the Wormhole. Looked around and tried to use the exit bookmark I made with the Imicus, nothing there. Stuck in WH space I tried to get back the long way, as there was a gate in it. 28 jumps it said, to get home. Fooled around a bit then started the journey. Got about 10 gates down that path, got scramed but no one was there, so I made the gate. A couple later it happened again, and there was someone there. They murdered my poor inoffensive Venture with no cargo. I dropped my 2 Hornets and they fought back, but of course it was hopeless.

    Pleased to be finally killed, I built a new one, Brock 2. I will bookmark my exit, with the ship that went through, from now on. ;)

    submitted by /u/pencilgun
    [link] [comments]

    How does CCP approach balance in EVE?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    I came back to EVE after an 8 year absence, and in the last 6 months, the Muninn has been nerfed in speed, grid, damage and range. It now feels like an expensive Rupture with slightly better resists and damage. The Loki, which I was finally skilling up to Vs in, was also nerfed heavily in grid and range, and the Deimos was buffed to finally be what it should have been a decade ago.

    This brings me to the question: how does CCP approach balance (leaving aside the question as to whether they actually do even try to balance the game)?

    Do they only look at the stats that logs give them, i.e. they see that null bloc fleets were using Muninns and Lokis and Eagles almost to the exclusion of anything else and then decide to nerf that? It seems that way to me because I remember the days of Maelstroms and Canes being used for the same thing until CCP nerfed the living shit out of them.

    Or do the game designers have some kind of guide from management, i.e. they see that sections of the playerbase have enormous amounts of isk, and they therefore nerf all isk making activities into the ground while increasing attrition in the form of the resists nerf, impacting the aforementioned players but the EVE middle class more heavily.

    Or is it some kind of combination of the two? While running highsec anoms to make an isk buffer to go back to FW, I noticed that, as was always the case, sections of the game are dominated by certain ships, i.e. Gilas, Rattlesnakes, Orthrus, etc. Others, that were OP years ago, like the Proteus, Tengu etc are now borderline.

    How does CCP do this?

    submitted by /u/thebomby
    [link] [comments]

    I just started playing this today but none of the models are loading in the tutorial does anyone know of a fix for this.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    CCP just giving away SRP now...

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Favorite ship designs?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    What are your favorite ship designs/looks? In my opinion a lot of the non chunky gallente ships look really good, and my personal favorite ship in the game is the Myrmidon

    submitted by /u/airsoft_man_961a
    [link] [comments]

    Well timed shot of abzbel shockwave with sun in the foreground.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    [Dev Blog] PLEX for GOOD, EVE and CCP updates

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    "Gila" pronunciation finally confirmed by CCP!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I present r/eve ; a different type of salt. Enjoy!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:35 AM PDT


    Channel Name: Private Chat (2)

    Listener: Fantasia El

    Session started: 2020.05.06 12:21:09


    [ 2020.05.06 12:21:09 ] John IsIvan > Lol Shalom friend

    [ 2020.05.06 12:21:15 ] John IsIvan > Why it says you and i are in dispute?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:21:17 ] Fantasia El > salam alaikum

    [ 2020.05.06 12:21:31 ] Fantasia El > beacause i just shot you :D

    [ 2020.05.06 12:21:50 ] John IsIvan > Hahaha that was just before i jumped lol

    [ 2020.05.06 12:22:00 ] Fantasia El > i shot your velator

    [ 2020.05.06 12:22:07 ] John IsIvan > So you wanna come after me?I am pacyfist so..

    [ 2020.05.06 12:22:11 ] Fantasia El > Kill: John IsIvan (Velator)

    [ 2020.05.06 12:22:18 ] John IsIvan > It wasn't mine velator..

    [ 2020.05.06 12:22:21 ] Fantasia El > no. nothing personal

    [ 2020.05.06 12:22:27 ] John IsIvan > I found it in space lol

    [ 2020.05.06 12:22:45 ] Fantasia El > you are suspect. your yellow timer up in left means yoou've done something you shouldnt :P

    [ 2020.05.06 12:22:59 ] John IsIvan > You funny....saying "nothing personal" but you as person shoot me as "person"...

    [ 2020.05.06 12:23:24 ] John IsIvan > Yes i am suspect for collecting wrecxks and cargos in space hahaha

    [ 2020.05.06 12:24:05 ] John IsIvan > You do realise that information software in game is inaccurate and have multiple meanings?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:24:41 ] Fantasia El > what are you talking about

    [ 2020.05.06 12:24:53 ] John IsIvan > So they equalise someone that collecting floating cargos with someone who is actually evil and going attacking players with goal to harm them...

    [ 2020.05.06 12:25:14 ] Fantasia El > bro whatever yooure on... give me some

    [ 2020.05.06 12:25:42 ] John IsIvan > So ...did you get suspect timer for shooting me?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:25:43 ] Fantasia El > looks at your top left icons

    [ 2020.05.06 12:25:52 ] Fantasia El > No. beacuse YOU are suspect

    [ 2020.05.06 12:26:23 ] Fantasia El > it just ended now

    [ 2020.05.06 12:26:52 ] Fantasia El > but whatever you did made YOU suspect for 15 minutes which allows ANYBODY to shoot at you wihtout penalty

    [ 2020.05.06 12:27:53 ] John IsIvan > I know icons...but i clearly explained you that they confusing players marking someone as "me" (pacyfist who collects what is left in space) with someone who attacking others players...yes you can call me suspect because they made software in game to show me as suspect and you will believe in fgalse information instead just ask a person in ship what that person did to become suspect hahaha

    [ 2020.05.06 12:28:39 ] Fantasia El > lmfao. give me some of that you're on.

    [ 2020.05.06 12:28:46 ] Fantasia El > you dont have to shoot anythng to become suspect

    [ 2020.05.06 12:28:58 ] Fantasia El > if you loot something that isnt yours u become suspct too

    [ 2020.05.06 12:29:14 ] John IsIvan > This game is all abouth triggering emotions in humans based on info "they made" to let others attacking others based on that false info hashah

    [ 2020.05.06 12:29:49 ] John IsIvan > So ...if i dont loot wreck it will what?Dissapear after time,right?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:30:04 ] Fantasia El > yes

    [ 2020.05.06 12:30:46 ] John IsIvan > So by picking something that will dissapear is making that material useful,right?It will not dissapear,right?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:31:16 ] Fantasia El > sure. lets say that. whats your point? you'll still become a suspect

    [ 2020.05.06 12:32:02 ] John IsIvan > I am not running away from act i did...nor do i say you did wrong...i just wanted to chat with someone with intelligence ...

    [ 2020.05.06 12:32:32 ] John IsIvan > This game is wast with violkence and little dialog...

    [ 2020.05.06 12:32:57 ] Fantasia El > oh you have no idea.

    [ 2020.05.06 12:33:03 ] John IsIvan > I love dialog and peace :-) . . . so with talking with you i found both

    [ 2020.05.06 12:33:27 ] Fantasia El > Good for you, sir :)

    [ 2020.05.06 12:33:46 ] John IsIvan > Only One is Good and Sir and that is not me hahah

    [ 2020.05.06 12:34:08 ] John IsIvan > The Most High is one of names for One and Good

    [ 2020.05.06 12:34:28 ] Fantasia El > allahu akbar?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:34:35 ] John IsIvan > Do you know meaning of EL?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:34:47 ] Fantasia El > El Taco

    [ 2020.05.06 12:35:00 ] Fantasia El > si si carnal

    [ 2020.05.06 12:40:31 ] John IsIvan > As i , as useless servant come to knowledge so far EL is one of words how The Most High is called . . .One and Only is not a name as we can understand through "names". . . it is Authority . . . and behind that Authoriti is One Father Eternal Creator . . .

    [ 2020.05.06 12:41:18 ] Fantasia El > Kal el, Jor El

    [ 2020.05.06 12:41:55 ] John IsIvan > Hahahah yes...ha satan is mocking Him and mockin all of us lost sheeps

    [ 2020.05.06 12:42:46 ] John IsIvan > Timer is over...so you will not shoot me next time?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:43:06 ] Fantasia El > if you're a suspect i will :)

    [ 2020.05.06 12:44:16 ] John IsIvan > Despite knowing me as why that suspect timer is there (i scrapped wrecks that would dissapear anyway)?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:44:48 ] Fantasia El > you can salvage them and you dont get a suspect timer

    [ 2020.05.06 12:45:15 ] John IsIvan > Despite i am pacyfist and no threat at all to collective but only as scavanger?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:45:58 ] John IsIvan > Everything i scavange it is available to anyone in game...i just don't like stuff to be void but usefull

    [ 2020.05.06 12:46:05 ] Fantasia El > if you dip your hands in the honeycomb youll have to deal with the wasps thats gonna chace you ;)

    [ 2020.05.06 12:46:28 ] John IsIvan > What are wasps doing in honeycomb hahahah???

    [ 2020.05.06 12:46:53 ] John IsIvan > So you admit that you are wasp and not busy bee??

    [ 2020.05.06 12:47:23 ] John IsIvan > That means you doing sort of same thing as i do but with different name you labelled yourself hahaha

    [ 2020.05.06 12:47:45 ] Fantasia El > im a pvp. killing is my thing

    [ 2020.05.06 12:48:58 ] John IsIvan > So this means you nothing?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:49:02 ] John IsIvan > 13"You do not murder.

    [ 2020.05.06 12:49:16 ] John IsIvan > It is one of commandments of The Most High

    [ 2020.05.06 12:49:45 ] John IsIvan > Shemoth (Exodus) 20

    [ 2020.05.06 12:51:02 ] Fantasia El > its not murder if you still live

    [ 2020.05.06 12:51:47 ] John IsIvan > So who justify acts you take in game?It is not The Most High...i just proved you His Commandment :-)..under whom authority you function in game?It is spiritual force but agressive ...be warned that game will led you on a path to eventually you do what you "trained" in game...KILLING

    [ 2020.05.06 12:53:13 ] John IsIvan > Only 2 spiritual forces in universe exist...One Creates and one distroy...satan has authority (LIMITED) to destroy...satan is used as tool hahah

    [ 2020.05.06 12:53:48 ] John IsIvan > Please don't let them to use you for their purposess

    [ 2020.05.06 12:55:05 ] Fantasia El > i dont answer to nobody

    [ 2020.05.06 12:55:16 ] Fantasia El > except ALLAHU AKBAR

    [ 2020.05.06 12:55:20 ] John IsIvan > Train peace and love . . . because after you finish for what they use you (killing and making chaos - negative emotions) you will end up in surroundings that are peacefull . . . you will be lost because you learned only to kill :-)

    [ 2020.05.06 12:55:55 ] John IsIvan > Do you "think" we talk by "chance"?Meditate on that

    [ 2020.05.06 12:56:44 ] John IsIvan > You on a path and i on a path . . . 2 paths joined. . . in one moment in eternity...

    [ 2020.05.06 12:57:02 ] John IsIvan > Are you sent to me or i am sent to you?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:57:53 ] John IsIvan > It is both and purpose of this talk is to learn something...i will learn from avatar you use and you will learn from avatar i use :-)

    [ 2020.05.06 12:57:56 ] Fantasia El > you came to me, i shot you

    [ 2020.05.06 12:58:58 ] John IsIvan > Hahahaha..."you came to me"...when you break boundries of space and time then whom camo to whom?

    [ 2020.05.06 12:59:13 ] John IsIvan > "came"

    [ 2020.05.06 13:00:02 ] John IsIvan > Can you see that we exist in eternity?If you can't than . . . some spiritual insight you are lacking dear friend :-)

    [ 2020.05.06 13:01:32 ] John IsIvan > This exchanging of information was fruitfull . . . now i wil exit this illusion (game) and continue to exist in another illusion (people call it "real life") hahaha

    [ 2020.05.06 13:01:59 ] Fantasia El > enjoy

    [ 2020.05.06 13:02:01 ] John IsIvan > But real "real life" people consider as illusion . . .

    [ 2020.05.06 13:02:13 ] John IsIvan > (spiritual life)

    [ 2020.05.06 13:02:56 ] John IsIvan > Shalom and as Professor Xavier said : "Don't let "them" control you"

    submitted by /u/WrongNails
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    How many alpha clones there now?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    I have attempted to play EVE twice back to 2006 and 2009, both last only a couple hours.

    One thing I remember is the online players are about 20-30k. And now I just start play this game regularly, and with the free alpha clones the online number is still 20-30k.

    Shouldn't it's be much larger number supposedly? What happened to EVE those years?

    submitted by /u/MoeNancy
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    EVE Hauler Day 1 Beginners | EVE Online Hauler Series (Omega)

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    So 2 friends decided to try EvE online and almost immediately paid for Omega without using my referral link. Can support help them and give them 1m SP ?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    As title says, they both paid Omega without using my referral link and are sitting at around 500k Skill Points now. Has something ever been done to cases like this ?

    submitted by /u/polki92
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