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    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    Eve Online What's your favorite attachment for the Rokh?

    Eve Online What's your favorite attachment for the Rokh?

    What's your favorite attachment for the Rokh?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Just Hit 100m SP! FeelsGoodMan xD

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Stitch Kaneland - CSM 15

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Here is a link to my forum post: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/stitch-kaneland-csm-15/238048

    Here is the text for those of you who can't access the forum, or don't want to visit the forum:

    Your EVE Online story.

    "You can't solo in EVE"

    "You need alts to play EVE"

    "You need to be in a large group to play"

    All common things I heard when I started playing EVE in 2011. I've been through highsec, grinding level 4 missions in my infancy. Moved to null and lived there for a couple years, participating in fleet fights, home defense and also anomaly PVE. Left nullsec and joined an NPC Faction Warfare (FW) corporation, played in lowsec FW and lived a nomadic lifestyle in non FW lowsec for over 3 years on my own. Now, i've moved to wormhole space and joined a wormhole group (Tuskers), which i've been a part of for almost 2 years.

    I'm part of no major null block or large alliance powerhouses.

    Everything I've done through my years in EVE has been done through this 1 character. This character hauls, does industry, explores data/relic sites and can fly anything from frigates to dreads. I feel like I've experienced EVE on hard mode and adapted through every change, but in the end, it has given me a better understanding of game and ship mechanics through all facets of the game and also in a strange way, makes me an EVE "casual", since I don't rely on alts to fill in the gaps.

    During this time, I've cataloged and recorded a lot of fights and created a Youtube channel showcasing the funner fights and interesting fits i've created in the areas i've lived in. I often fly battleships and battlecruisers solo, ships that most people claim to be high risk to fly solo, which i've flown with varying degrees of success.

    In EVE, the things i've enjoyed most has been flying, fighting and fitting spaceships. EVE is very unique in the freedom it allows for ship fitting and how you want to build/fly your ships, which is what drew me in. I've spent an equal amount of time theorycrafting new and unique fits as I do flying those ships. I often spend a lot of time on lesser utilized ships to find their hidden strengths and their weaknesses to get a better understanding on ship balance.

    Your areas of expertise. In which areas of the game do you feel you are the most knowledgeable? What qualities set you apart from other candidates?

    The areas of the game I'm most knowledgeable and have expertise in would be:

    Ship Fitting and Balance

    Solo/Small Gang PvP



    While I do currently live in a wormhole (lowclass), the way I use it is probably different than most other wormhole entities. I'm familiar with the mechanics, but less so for the in-depth details on them, I have decided not to list wormholes in my list of expertise this year. That being said, that doesn't mean I would just ignore them if a situation arises where they need representation. I just feel there are better candidates to represent wormhole space than I.

    I'm not trying to push a specific playstyle or buff my ships and try to nerf ships or playstyles I don't like. I'm open minded and will work with people to find common ground and come to a resolution. The game should be fun for everyone and I think we can all work together to compromise to better the game.

    I'm very technically focused and often find things that most people may overlook, whether its from a balance perspective or in general. I'm also willing to change or adjust my ideas when presented with equally technical and logical discussions on things I may have missed. I'm not afraid to be wrong, as long as the the data/discussion is rooted by facts and not feelings.

    Why are you applying for the CSM?

    In a perfect world, I'd like there to be better representation of all playstyles in the game. There need to be more voices on the "casual", small gang or solo pilot that just wants to login and enjoy spaceships. Whether that is PvP, PvE or Exploration. While I have no doubt that previous CSM members helped make good changes possible, some changes that relate to ship balance sometimes feel a bit muted for other playstyles. Having one or multiple CSM's on that have an intricate knowledge of ship fitting relating to solo or small gang can help balance and provide a more all encompassing discussion from people with direct knowledge, instead of trying to resort to 3rd party help to understand the problems.

    This is a game about spaceships, in space, blowing each other up. Whether that is for empire building goals, FW goals, or just for fun to kill the 1-3 hours of time you have per day, focusing on ship balance to make those goals more entertaining would be my focus and why I'm applying.

    What can players expect from you?

    -A non-biased approach to ship balance, I want what is good for the game and to generate more fights, not prevent them. I'm almost always available for communication, whether it be through EVE mail, the forums, discord or Reddit. I'll be willing to discuss any concerns you may have and help provide your feedback/concern to CCP. Other than that, the following are some accomplishments or my thoughts/standings on various situations.

    -I have already had impacts on ship balance suggestions. If you have enjoyed battlecruisers in their current form, I made a forum post about providing range buffs to battlecruisers to help them meet their anti-cruiser role. While I can't say this directly influenced CCP, the timing, discussion and end result all point to either 1; CCP liked my idea and adapted it, or 2; CCP already planned to do this and my own thoughts of balance parity with theirs. The post can be found on the old forums, here.

    -Increasing battleship scan resolution has been a subject I've been pushing for over 2 years, and with the "Surgical Strike" patch released, all battleships got a 30% scan resolution bonus. This was most likely a combined effort between the CSM and CCP, but may not have been pushed to the front lines of balance without consistent reminding.

    -I'm adamant that a lot of balance and fun/engaging fits can be made with soft stat (Fitting, Turret/Launcher slots, slot arrangement), role bonuses and ship trait changes, rather than resorting to gimmicks. While I understand I have no say in how CCP balances in the end, I'll still voice my opinion on gimmicks and provide alternatives to those who are willing to listen.

    -Lowsec FW holds a special place in my heart as its where i've spent the bulk of my time in EVE, getting the most fights and learning a lot about PvP and the solo life. FW should be a stepping stone for newbro's to go once they want to dabble in PvP and it should be engaging for them and fun. There are a lot of issues in FW space that can potentially stifle a newbro learning and even prevent veterans of the area from enjoying the gameplay. This would include, but not be limited to:

    1. bots in complex
    2. Creating a truly novice plex, such as a "rookie" plex, that only allows T1 frigates and not pirate or faction frigates so newbro's can get a foothold and try to learn from fights, instead of being completely dominated by a ship that is already 1 or 2 steps above theirs. Once they feel comfortable, they can throw themselves to the sharks in standard novice/small/medium/large plex.
    3. Citadels and how they make owning space feel worthless in FW
    4. Faction LP rebalances, making some items actually desirable so some factions aren't heavily favored over others
    5. FW mission removal or rebalance to reduce LP payout, LP should primarily be done through complex capture/defense and not through grinding out PVE missions.
    6. Create "beach heads" of conflict on border systems through the FW zone to create incentives on fighting, instead of people moving into some abandoned system to plex and not drive conflict. Scale LP payout on these beachheads or vacant systems.

    Keep in mind, these only reflect my views and knowledge of faction warfare, not that I have the power to force CCP to adopt these ideas. However, for you FW/Lowsec people reading this, hopefully this gives you a better idea on how I understand FW. I've also worked with and am still part of the FW Discord group.

    -An actual voice for the "little guy", as you can't get much smaller than a single account/character.

    In the end, EVE is about spaceships, and you can expect me to represent making spaceships fun to fly in all areas of space. Whether its frigates, cruisers, battleships or capitals, lets remember EVE is a game that revolves around these ships and fittings. While people rally behind their area's of space and play-style, I rally behind the ships, because without the ships and balance, none of those areas of space matter, and in the end, what is the point of playing a spaceship game without fun and engaging spaceships?

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    Existential Crisis

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    CCP cant into naming schemes

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    pvp sounds really fun but difficult

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Could the Rocinante (The expanse "MCRN Tachi") be a loki with very martian subsystems?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    PSA: Filaments Can Teleport Your Friends & Leave You Behind!

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    So twice now I have consumed a needlejack filament and it had teleported the rest of the fleet, given me the 15 minute timer, then put me in an endless warp tunnel. I have had to place stuck tickets to correct it both times. If you are the FC I recommend having non-essential ships burn the filaments until further notice.

    submitted by /u/LadyOfWrath
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    How to not fly a jf

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:15 PM PDT


    So I've been lazy and pvping with my jf toon, and protecting my cynos. Enough that my sec status went low enough for FacPo to attack me. Combined with the ddos not letting me light my out cyno and jump immediately led to some nice chicken dinner.

    submitted by /u/PhantomKira
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    Auto consume is awful

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    Change my mind. Upvote if you agree.

    submitted by /u/jusyjubn
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    What skill does this take?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    PSA - Remember to click on the capsuleer day heading for the gifts

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:20 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    CCP SRP for ships lost during server outages

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    newbie question regarding the selling value of items

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    I'm new(started last week) so please bear with my ignorance.

    in this pics, the game indicates the selected item has an estimated value of 580,000 isk.

    however when I right click to "Sell this item", I only get 1001 isk! yes 4 digits! This has to be somekind of cruel joke? Surely risking my life in wormholes for hours deserves a bit more than this?

    what have I got wrong?


    submitted by /u/BlazingAngel
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    Biggest problem that I have encountered as a new player.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    I started, everyone was supportive and stuff, exploring, gas huffin, it was awesome. One day I was told to go in factional warfare area, place where I could learn how to pvp in frigates. Because..you know, pvp is fun and important. Buy bunch of frigates and just jump in. I've playing for 4months by now, I know some basics, I've read alot, so I went. Boy oh boy was I suprised...

    First, I wasn't expecting that 1v1 frig fights would be so hard to find. Well that is hard task that on average takes me 30min. And when I found potential fight that is where it gets worse.

    In finding fights, I got killed by few gate camps, got gangbanged so many times when engaged what seemed to be fair 1v1 frig fights. Few days ago, I landed on NOVICE gate only to be pointed by tech II frig and 2 cruisers. I mean, WHO DOES THAT? Where do you find joy and adrenaline rush in engaging tech 1 frig piloted by newbro with such force?

    I became desperate, I would engage any 1vs1 fight I could get, even destroyers altho I knew I would get my ass smacked. So I got demotivated, I became sad. And I did not became sad because I was loosing isk or because my zkillboard went green, I'm fine with that.

    I became sad because the place where new players should learn how to pvp was full of people who were there just to get kill. It doesn't matter how they did it. All that matters is that their zkill is red. Not important if it is full of newbro frigs..

    Of all things you could do in eve, all the potential one have with all those skill points I just find it so fucking sad that you are sitting there on NOVICE with your crew and wait for newbro to come. Jesus I've heard so many inspiring stories about eve, so many stuff to do and of all that you decide to gangbang newbro in NOVICE? For those people, deepest from my hearth I say fuck you. 07

    submitted by /u/Mr_Schrut3
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    Fit Kitchen: The Proteus

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Courier Service?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I'm new at this game. I did play it many years ago, but went nowhere. I have been playing it for about 3 weeks now and one thing I have found very useful is my fat little interceptor. Its just an Ares but with 180 m of cargo space. Its a bit slower all round, but not much.

    Is there work for a thing like this? I would like to be useful for any corp I might join, and fighting I can do, but I am very old. ;) I feel I might be more useful in other ways.

    submitted by /u/pencilgun
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    Dont know what to do to make money.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    I am completely lost on what to do to make money. I tried ratting, but highsec ratting I cant make any money at all since the pay like 3000 isk per bounty, and low sec/null sec I just get ganked by people. I tried exploring for a couple days and made like 35 million in the two days I tried, but I keep getting tired of getting killed by people that I cant fight. PVP seems really difficult and Im not sure what profits it can bring in and I only have one friend that I play with. Courier contracts seemed up my alley but it seems that they dont make profit at all and you have an insane chance of getting ganked. Mission running is a no go for me since only L4 missions are profitable and I dont have a battleship.

    I just need help and Im really lost for what to do to bring in money. Ive spent a fair amount of IRL money and now ive almost lost all of it... Please help

    submitted by /u/airsoft_man_961a
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    Not sure if I understand how Minmatar ships want to fight.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Been playing a month and been skilling into Projectile weps for minmatar. From what I've read it seems that we only really use autocannons and stay pretty close like brawl range? I dont really see what arty is good for in pve. Do we just use the +60% ammo to get our little bit of range? Or use arty and put -50% range ammo in it to do the most dmg. Sorry if this is confusing, with all the ammo types and ranges im just lost as to what ranges and dmg ammos to use. Also not really sure when to armor or shield fit something. Im maining running around in a thrasher but have played a bit in a stabber and rupture with close range auto cannons.

    submitted by /u/Fruitbat619
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    2020 | Notoras News | May 5th

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    T1 Alpha Praxis Solo Emerging Conduit Fit - 20min

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Hey y'all, I found a super cheap Praxis fit for soloing Emerging Conduits. It needs a bit of trickery to work, though.

    • Set your shield warning to 45%
    • Warp to 0
    • Do not release your drones until all enemies are within 30km or they'll target your drones.
    • Return drones to bay when the last enemy of each wave dies
    • You can easily make it through waves 1 and 2
    • On wave 3, pack up your MTU, and focus fire on Zorya's Vedmak.
    • Go to mining tab and begin to approach the furthest away asteroid that's still in the conduit (usually around 240km away). Set speed to the lowest you can.
    • When your shield warning goes off, immediately return drones. When they're all inside, warp to that asteroid. You should warp out just before they start damaging your armor.
    • Reload missiles, and warp to the conduit at 0 km when it's halfway reloaded. Your missiles will be ready and your shield will be fully charged when you get there. You should be able to finish Zorya. Focus the Kikimoras next. You should be able to take out the rest of the squad without taking any armor damage.
    • If done perfectly, you should be able to finish an Emerging Conduit in about 20 minutes, netting ~20m isk an hour

    Eventually upgrade to Republic Fleet Drones when you can as they'll do a bit more damage.

    [Praxis, T1 Emerging Conduit]

    Mark I Compact Capacitor Flux Coil

    Mark I Compact Capacitor Flux Coil

    Mark I Compact Capacitor Flux Coil

    Mark I Compact Capacitor Flux Coil

    Mark I Compact Capacitor Flux Coil

    IFFA Compact Damage Control

    AE-K Compact Drone Damage Amplifier

    Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener

    Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener

    Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener

    Ionic Field Accelerator I

    Ionic Field Accelerator I

    Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery

    X-Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster

    YO-5000 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher

    YO-5000 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher

    YO-5000 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher

    YO-5000 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher

    YO-5000 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher

    YO-5000 Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher

    Salvager I

    Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

    Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

    Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

    Berserker I x3

    Valkyrie I x2

    Nova Heavy Missile x6000

    Mobile Tractor Unit x1

    submitted by /u/Firrox
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    Is GF/gf/Good Fight always necessary?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Backstory: I'm drunk, got an alt in FW, "yeah screw it, il jump in an open plex, me amd a FW mate in system, see how it goes.

    one sip of me vodka n Pepsi max, three flashy crims in system

    Oh yeah here we go, smash that Dscan...

    Next thing i know, all 3 on me, and BANG, pod. Warp out.

    Yeah fair enough, T1frig on an open site, get blown up. Was to be expected 3v1.

    GF in local... You fuckin for real? I was in hull before I had locked the first bloke... GF?! A fight is between two parties, only one had s chance to shoot in this instance, GF?! mate i got fuckin gangbanged like that white girl and all them black fellas behind her... GF?!

    For starters, you ain't FW, second, you call in 3v1 a GF? O dunno, seems but shit to me...

    submitted by /u/skinna001
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    Eve 2020... a scam group that exploits new players is the 2nd largest alliance in the game.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Eveplanets.com looks to be dead

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Anyone know the owner and reason why it's down? Is the source code available? The site was so useful but it's been down for a few days. I worry that the underlying code is gone and I worry the same will happen to other useful sites like https://hanns.io/pi/

    submitted by /u/ContentMountain
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