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    Eve Online Painted up a rifter (Gouache)

    Eve Online Painted up a rifter (Gouache)

    Painted up a rifter (Gouache)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    So I jumped into the Abyssal proving grounds by mistake.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    My heart drops into my stomach and I get a bit sick as as I realize what I did with my very newly acquired 1B isk active tanked Gila. The most expensive ship I have ever flown.

    I have no idea what I'm doing. I see a loot cache and an exit and no other ships.

    I burn for the exit hoping I can escape before someone shows up.

    Locked, shit. I seem to recall a video somewhere saying you are let out if they cannot find an opponent in X minutes. That is my only hope.

    I orbit the loot cache thinking about how long it will take me to make a billion without my blingy Gila.

    The timer on the loot cache suddenly makes a large jump and starts ticking down from 45 seconds. I see a glimmer of hope thinking that happens if you are inn there long enough without opposition and they let you out.

    When the timer hits 35 seconds a large chunk of my shield disappears, then another and another.

    In my panic I realize my overview is set to Abyssal PvE. I switch to my main overview and there he is, another Gila and his augmented Hammerheads hammering away at me.

    By the time I have my shield booster running and have gotten a lock on him, he was already through my shield tearing into armor.

    I get my drones out and overheat everything. My rapid lights and faction drones are barely making a dent in his obviously buffer fit shield and my armor is bleeding away.

    Here I have about 10 seconds while my armor is falling off in pieces to try and collect my thoughts.

    If I keep shooting the Gila I will be dead before he hits half shield.

    I switch targets and start shooting his drones with everything I have.

    I also have the thought to turn off the heat on my afterburner to save a little more heat for the shield booster and shield invulnerability mod. Speed isn't going to help me I think.

    I am into structure. 90%. 80%. 70%.

    My heart is beating so hard it almost hurts and I can hear my pulse in my ears.

    The two augmented Hammerheads go down fast and I get a few seconds only tanking his rapid lights. My now badly damaged, but still very shiny shield booster is doing it's job. A few bars of shield reappears.

    A new set of drones comes out. Tech II. I lock them as fast as I can and they go down too.

    Now I have to turn off all the heat in fear of burning out my defensive mods. My deadspace shield booster is 85% damaged. I don't even dare keep the heat on for a single cycle more.

    My opponent is keeping most of his dps on my Gila, ignoring my drones that are making quick work his own drones for a long time.

    Every now and then I can see one of my drones taking damage. After loosing one I keep a keen eye on them and have the next damaged one return and send out a fresh one like a Gallentean Drone Boat Master, trying to make sure something is always hitting my opponents drones.

    Each time he has to bring out a new set my shield booster manages to add a few bars of shield that seem to stay there through the next cycle of attacks.

    Is there hope?

    In my panic I have not been able to keep count of how many drones I have shot down, but after a minute or so there is a pause. He is in reload and no drones come out for a few cycles. I focus back on him while watching my own shields finally hit 100%. No armor. 56% structure.

    When a new set of drones does come out, even in all my nervousness, I know I have won. Two badly damaged drones limp out. The last remnants of his initial brutal onslaught.

    When I finally am able to give his Gila my full attention his buffer fit does not last long. When the shields are gone it only takes a few hits and victory is secured. I liberate his consciousness from his pod as well. I am unsure on how I feel about that and what common courtesy dictates. This is EVE though, the winner usually dictates everything in my experience.

    I'm sorry I did not say anything or offer a GF in a convo. I was surprised I remembered to breath.

    GF my friend, GF, 7o.

    submitted by /u/guppshouse
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    Eve = kil?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    Corp just DCed

    submitted by /u/eaglessoar5
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    Eve is kill for anyone else?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:06 AM PDT


    Both clients kicked off, just logged one back in 🧐

    submitted by /u/BillZeBurg
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    One Trillion Isk Cap Fight, Over a Pos

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Noob daily gifts are a little underwhelming

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    CCP Fix your servers!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    You owe me 4 fighters

    submitted by /u/bruh_soundFX
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    Its not a bug, its a feature. (Using the regular Eve client)

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Rising Together

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Quote Avatar joins the Thomas Lear club & jumps instead of bridging

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Thank you INIT

    Posted: 02 May 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    After using Needle Jacks for the first time with corp I decided to see if I could climb the Taranis leaderboard and use Needle's to get me into some different areas. After yeeting myself into Oasa of all places..... I tried again and got dropped into Querious. Not a lot going on figured I'd go see about getting trounced in Delve when I came across a couple un-anchored Athanors owned by INIT holding. Pinged around and found someone close to come and scoop them up. Low and behold after checking around there were 9 Athanors which we scooped up with a couple of Moon drills. Didnt get the Raitaru in ES-Q0W, but for those who want it, it is ready to be scooped. Thank you INIT for free stuff and thanks to the BRO for helping me. o7




    TL:DR Yeeted into Querious INIT left 9 athanors and a Rait un-anchored scooped and roamed on. Bonus frag on auto-piloting Ares https://zkillboard.com/kill/83879566/

    submitted by /u/Orion_sa_solo
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    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Why are there never any ISD or GMs on rookie chat anymore

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    the racial slurs and now some dude spamming gila hypernet and it's been hours, I have only seen OSD Hazard on and that was a few days ago, CCP wanna just make mike Azariah the buss driver a DAMN ISP since he is active and been with the community for a long time, he sent in a app a long time ago apparently and i keep seeing him in rookie chat everytime i make an alt along with tons of non rookie chat topics like IRL politics, racial slurs and spamming, coupld days a go some dude copied and pasted in russian and just kept filling the rookie chat with spam and rookie chat was unuseable for hours because no ISDs were on to do anything about it. This isn't gunna help new players stay if this is the first thing they see and i don't want this game to completely die.

    submitted by /u/TheLastOpus
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    Has CCP's netcode gone bad over past 4 years.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Decided to try eve again over quarantine and it's been years, managed to get into a wormhole with 24 probes, can't get out with all of them having been lost to disconnects and the button to reconnect to them esn't working (nor is d-scan so I'd die soon anyway lol).

    Checking my packet loss online and speed, it's a steady 0% packet loss and 36 MBps, is this just an eve thing these days?

    submitted by /u/doddydad
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    Can we actually get a reason for all the dcs

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    1) Recently there has been a metric f**k load of dc's can we get some actual information on why this is happening

    2) Regarding petitions, I understand you do not want to return dropped items into the game, but isn't it a little shitty people losing stuff that 100% the servers fault.

    submitted by /u/ItsLeigham
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    Don't join The Pinecone Squad corporation

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    i just come online after 3 days and they just banned me from evrywhere and they dint even mail me why i ask in corp MadJack member of this corp said i post somthing on reddit about evict them i am 32 years pc gamer and i dint have reddit account untill now i made one to post this i told the leader darius if there is way i can proof it but no he block me and want to shoot me when i want to move stuff out my 80% of my game time i was in this corp i have almost 25b asset there i just wanted you guys know about this corp carefull when you moving or holding stuff in it my name ingame is Ben booley just in case good luck evryone

    submitted by /u/Savanted
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    Gas mining and Hauling prices

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    Thanks to all you guys I was given advice that mining gas is much more profitable than highsec ore mining.. for the last 2 days I kept on mining Gas in lowsec and was quite happy with about 40-50mill isk/hour of Gas. Now there is only one problem I have in mind: On my way from Home base (near Jita) to my mining spot I have been nearly killed quite a few times at Gates and Tbh I don't know if I m confident enough to finally haul all the gas to jita to actually sell it there myself. I looked up Hauling services and they are just way too overpriced for anything I could afford. Like Push Industries would charge me around 300mill isk to ship 80mill worth of gas, which is just not reasonable. So how can I get my Gas to a selling spot? Do you guys have advice? (Also I m Alpha currently)

    submitted by /u/Sisumat
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    Yet another reddit post that will magically fix the game

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Today I accidentally stole 120 mil from an ESS after filamenting and my mind immediately went back to the thought I had for raiding mechanic for very long time now. A mechanic that would let small groups deal damage and force defense out of big blocs. I dont want to write wall of text so...

    Problem : Small groups can only do superficial damage to big blocs, while profit from PvP is almost nonexistent. Almost no ability that forces defense out of krabs who dont want to undock and fight

    Solution: ESS already provides a pool of resource which can be accessed by third party. Make ESS type of structure mandatory upgrade that spawns as military ADM raises. Higher the ADM, longer the timer to access, which would prevent abuse such as impossible to catch interceptor grabbing all the loot and running away

    this post is also a bad flex

    submitted by /u/JustThatLuke
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    Some of the most exciting play I've had.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    The chat servers were borked. Even though there weren't many players on yet due to the dcs the hour or so I had before the servers were fully functional was the most thrilling experience I've had in a year of playing eve.

    I found myself combating whole systems to check if anyone was in space and spamming dscan.

    It really felt like what space is supposed to be, no local, no intel. Just pure emptyness of space.

    submitted by /u/WhiskeyBourbonScotch
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    Eve Ded

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Lost all clients :p

    submitted by /u/ModrnDayMasacre
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    Being back after years on Earth, I did miss the views...

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    [Opinion] Mining Frigates shine in NPC nullsec

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    [tl;dr at bottom, do read full post for context]

    EVE Online: Wildcat Mining video





    So forgive me for double dipping with this video I recently made and already posted about on this subreddit.

    It however plays into this opinion I have about mining frigates, a class of ships that I feel is overlooked for it's more efficient (and expensive) counterparts - Barges.

    To start this post off, I wanna present a question.

    "What is ore really worth?"


    Ore is the source for a vast majority of the stuff we use everyday in EVE. Miners are truly the unsung heroes of the economy in EVE and thus I have to give my props to any corp out there that is focused on mining, for digging up that ore to feed the never ending hunger of the industrial machine of EVE.

    But what is that ore they're digging up really worth?

    See, you can just pull up your market browser in-game and check the markets and tell me the price of Dense Veldspar...But is that the true price? Because Jita, Dodixe, Amarr or Rens says it is?

    For those that know me, you'll know of my efforts in Venal to turn 6NJ8-V into a trade hub. I'm not here to blow my horn on that, but having worked on making that possible, I learned a lot about Industry and marketeering.

    I also realized a lot of things...An example? Is that the dirt-grade scordite you can dig up back in high sec is far more valuable out here than it is back in Empire space.

    Why? Because of what that scordite can be turned into. T1 goods are cheap, easy to produce goods that have been mass produced to the point where a serious shortage in Jita would be (To me) a real sign that EVE is actually dying unironically. Highsec is a hyper industrialized beast that churns out all manner of goods 24/7 and all of them are being moved on those freighters you see jumping gate to gate. Highsec offers a "safe" foundation with plentiful infrastructure to store and make goods and relatively safe means to move them. All this results in these easy to produce goods being mass produced and saturate the markets, driving the price down to a price that is laughable cheap.

    Now, here's a few example of these cheap T1 goods being sold out here in 6NJ by me.

    https://puu.sh/FFlyq/ca3331461f.jpg Example 1

    https://puu.sh/FFly8/146867d279.jpg Example 2

    As you can see from these two random example of market transactions in my wallet...I can get a lot more buck for my ore than I would back in the hisec markets due to me turning it into something. The direct ore might not have that much value to other people however, you gotta take the initiative to turn it into something yourself and sell that.

    "What's the point I'm getting at?"


    Like I said starting this post off, the Barges are unarguably more efficient vessels to dig up more ore faster than a dinky little venture could.

    Point is - that despite under-performing compared to Barges, the small amount you can dig up with Ventures has far more potential for profits out in NPC nullsec than it does In hisec because of the prices you can charge for these goods. While I'm not familiar with the economy of other NPC null regions 'I'm willing to wager their markets offer a wealth of opportunity for simple goods a lot of us take for granted.

    I even started in Venal using a Venture to supplement my stocks and get some goods made. Admittedly, a vast majority of my production isn't fueled by Venture mining as I've worked my way into more efficient ways to get material I need. However i will never scoff at Ventures again and have a new found respect for Mining Frigates in general.That video posted above? Is my god damn tribute to them. (In retrospect using a Venture instead of an Endurance would've been a cooler touch.)

    "Discreet and Nimble."


    Let's talk strategy.

    Know what I hate about Barges? How slow and bulky they are. I feel like a damn whale flying a barge, it's just a giant target begging for someone to come hunt down should appear on their D-Scan. Only makes matters worse that I refuse to kill Guristas NPCs and they come spoiling my mining operations…

    Now, aside from the points made above, wanna know what I just LOVE about mining frigates? I love how fast they are, I love how they turn on a dime and I just love how I can MWD crash into any gate should I find myself in the middle of a gate camp. And for their price? Worth every single kredit.

    Yes, I do say Mining Frigates have a wealth of usefulness out in nullsec where there's no CONCORD to act as a deterrent, and every gate could very well be camped on the other side. Where every visitor to your system could be someone on the prowl looking for a pilot getting awfully too comfy with their activity.

    What do you think is more likely to die in this scenario? Some slow as hell barge that a turtle could out run, Or that slick Venture with the MWD? What looks like a juicer target? That pricey Procurer? Or that trashy little Venture that's supposed to be affordable to new players? Sure, someone out there's still gonna take a shot at a Venture if they catch you sleeping - but I'd argue survivability is much higher in a Frigate than a Barge if you're like me at first, and operating solo without any safety umbrella to operate under.

    That video I produced features ore sites all over Venal, I had to zoom across the entire region looking for different ore sites to record, I did it with ease and confidence as I never felt more liberated in my little frigate than I ever would flying a Barge, I feared no gate camp. At the same time, this ease of travel enables me to move away from my main AO and mine somewhere out of the way, or again - go after anomalies some distance out and mine that stuff up and haul it back to base.

    "Closing Remarks"


    Mining Frigates are dope.

    These are just my opinions on economics and the true value of these little ships, so I'd like to hear someone else's arguments on the matter. From my personal experience however - I love mining frigates, even now that I have a safety umbrella to mine over I prefer my little Endurance over a barge or orca.

    Thank you mining frigates, you're the real MVP



    Mining Frigates are useful is Nullsec due to their mobility and price, despite not being able to out perform barges, the ore they can dig up has more value out here in markets with little industry than it does back in hisec.

    submitted by /u/-SODANK-
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    Can someone explain why anyone mines in nullsec?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    So I was doing the math, and with a procurer, fitted well, I can bring in a decent amount of ore. no exact sums, but lets say 1100m3/cycle/strip miner as a guess. Unless you are mining the most valueable nullsec ores, simply killing a couple NPC battleships would earn the same value in isk as about an hours mining.

    How does anyone mine in nullsec and stay profitable?

    submitted by /u/gasia
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