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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Eve Online Sometimes POS fuel manager isn't a boring job (X-7OMU)

    Eve Online Sometimes POS fuel manager isn't a boring job (X-7OMU)

    Sometimes POS fuel manager isn't a boring job (X-7OMU)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    SERENITY . XtraSquishy Style #EvE_Online

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    It has been years since another chronicle has been released

    Posted: 02 May 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    These are amazing bits of sci-fi I love to read, and since my years of playing have loved to browse from time to time.

    I came back from a year break and noticed there's still no new Chronicles added.

    I know it's on probably the very bottom rung of things to work on, but there's so much to add with the trigs and everything

    CCP please release some more of these wonderful works

    submitted by /u/NightMaestro
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    Just an average legacy form of 20:1

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Goodbye Space cowboy o7

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:05 PM PDT


    Pilots interested in small gang have come together today to celebrate our dear friend Rub Anzomi.

    He founded and created the Tuskers Public roam and Rub's Roams, which would go on to inspire many of us to try out small gang PVP.

    Rub was part of various small gang groups, such as The Tuskers and Goryn clade.

    He shared his teaching of small gang PVP every week on public roams, where we were all able to learn small gang PVP from some of the best pilots in EVE.

    We got sick kills, like a botting supercarrier we warped to the sun, and an Abyssal Officer Leshak.

    But today is his last roam. He's leaving EVE for IRL.

    And what a way we have sent off his last roam, with a Supercarrier kill just like the good old days.

    Take care Rub, and thank you for the roams of a lifetime.

    submitted by /u/V_Akesson
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    I won eve finally.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    After playing since 2013 I finally won EVE, gave away 15-20b to Abyssal Lurkers chat and extracted every SP I had to give to the blue goo addicts.

    I will now go play the game known as real life, I heard it has good graphics but shit gameplay but I'll see.

    Keep on flying safe everyone. o7

    Bobby Bouchay

    EDIT: I hope this new coronavirus patch I've been hearing of in IRL isn't as bad as I've been told by the playerbase.

    submitted by /u/Bioalign
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    This guy broke up with my step sister for his 2nd cousin and I was able to FINALLY GET REVENGE!! THANK YOU EVE!!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    500b fight just happened in X-7

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Updated br: https://br.evetools.org/related/30001978/202005011650

    km for the POS that made these happen: https://zkillboard.com/kill/83828042/

    Panfam and Imperium got a fight over a POS(?) in X-7OMU, the fight escalated from subcap battle to capital brawl after several dreads were dropped. The total lost now is 912.0b and Imperium lost 488.87b in it.

    submitted by /u/Indepedent_1
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    [EVE Pulse] President of Iceland, EVE's 17th Birthday Events

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:34 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    A warning to all pirates and jerks.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Thanks for fight, FRAT / Forsaken Empire

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:45 PM PDT


    So I've been recently dicking around with theorycrafting cheap welpable t1 cruiser fleets for the 15 man filaments. Although the current nullsec meta seems to be dock up ratters + unleash the jackdaws, we were lucky enough to get some good engagements out of FRAT tonight after an hour of roaming null with no success.

    We originally engaged FRAT in FH-TTC as they warped a small kitchen sink fleet into our sabre bubble and got rammed by shield Thoraxes at 0. After cleaning up their fleet, we went next door to H-EY0P and posted up on a gate as more FRAT men came into system in interceptors, docked at the fort, and proceeded to reship. After ~15 minutes, they proceeded to warp to gate where we engaged them. We burned down their long webs, but then I made the mistake of calling one of the machariels primary. The previous machariel we'd killed was a notank sniper fit, and I tried to risk it by primarying another machariel pilot assuming it'd be a similar fit. It was surprisingly tanky and held up for a LONG time before we switched to the attack battlecruisers. As we all died, Forsaken Empire rolled in and engaged FRAT, also welping to them in the end. If any FRAT / Forsaken Empire dudes want to put in their two cents, please do so! Was a welcome fight on a Friday night, gf to all.

    submitted by /u/DaWuggles
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    Video of the X-7 fight from yesterday

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    FC Chat #29 - Tau AD

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    J-Space living, a newbro saga

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I decided to take a fellow Corp members advice and move into his wormhole where there were a dozen or so people in a C3 hole with a cozy Athanor.

    I've mainly been exploring at this point and recently got my first Astero, a couple of kills in J-Space and some nice loot. So I haul my stuff over and since I only play on and off I managed to quadruple my net worth over the course of one week.

    I told my friend that this is the way to make proper ISK and I hadn't even lost a ship since arriving. He decided to pay a visit, I had already scanned a couple of relic sites for us in an adjacent hole and he showed up in his Thorax looking to protect me if anything would happen. Mind you he hasn't spent much time in wormholes.

    At the first site I'm hacking, he's spamming the D-Scan and all is looking good. Suddenly a single Helios pops up in D-Scan but I say ignore it and continue hacking. At the next site we had just arrived when the Helios popped back up, ignore it I say to him again. Not two minutes later a whole fleet of battleships and cruisers warp on us and proceed to blast my friend to smithereens while I managed to cloak and get away.

    No biggie I say we made that Thorax and then some from the sites! He wanted to haul some stuff for me to sell, I agree. Being new he accepts the contract and flies straight into a Triglavian Invasion and for the second time in half an hour, loses a ship only this time with around 30 mil in cargo.

    Live and let learn I say, what to say about some relaxing mining in our system? He sighs and gets his Venture and I show him what to mine, how to compress etc. So I leave him to do his mining and he's stoked just hitting that "V" button and chilling. He then of course gets ganked in our own system by a cloaked Astero, which frankly hasn't happened to any of us yet.

    Thus ends the tale of my newbro friend and his experience with wormholes. He said he's never coming back, ever.


    To clarify I meant coming back to the wormhole! He's still enjoying the game, secondly I know it's my fault. I'm also new but hey we learned from this and I reimbursed his ships.

    submitted by /u/MaximumEfficiencyBoy
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    First time player... maybe?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    I've always respected the game, I always look at it and find it daunting. The weirdest part for me, is I'd really like to be a space trucker, just moving things, trading, maybe mining?

    I've played my share of space combat games, its just strange that I'm not drawn to the game to get the glory, or blow people up. Just make a virtual space living. I need purpose during this lockdown.

    Is the game in a good state for new players? What should I know if I'm trying to just make an honest living? Is making connections easy with other players?

    Just trying to get a pulse on the community.

    submitted by /u/ComradeKoulikov
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    OZ's Eve Online (Alpha) Station Trading Guide

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    I put together a little station trading guide that outlines how I took an alpha account from scratch to plexing in less than a month and to 5b ISK in less than two months. This is for anyone interested in learning how to station trade, no matter if alpha or omega.


    OZ's Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/oz_eve

    submitted by /u/Nildey
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    Thanks, California. I was worried for a moment.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    they will be remembered throughout my drone bays :<

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    POS Brawls, still a thing!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    RXA-W1 May 1 2020

    Throughout the day, TRI slowly trickled caps into RXA staged for the brawl tonight to kill the SYN POS there. We had enough dreads to one-cycle the POS, but hostiles only saw us move enough to take it in 2-3 cycles.

    Our Muninns undocked and set off for RXA whilst our Cyno Jammer onlined (Thanks NC!).
    Our recon team spotted a hostile Ninazu gating alone towards RXA 15 minutes before the timer started, so sabres rushed the system and forced it to reapproach the gate.

    SYN brought a small Osprey Navy Issue gang to fight off the sabres, so our Muninn fleet headed towards the Ninazu to harass it, then a 50-man Machariel fleet and a hostile 60-man Muninn fleet bridged into the same system as our Muninns.

    After showing off he has Evasive Maneuvers VI trained, our FC arthas Menethyl pulled everybody back into RXA without losing a ship and reached out to NC.

    IN RXA, minutes later NC/PL bridged on top of the enemy Machariels at zero - so we took the fight to their cyno.

    Tri/Slyce Dreads undocked and aligned towards the cyno and warped at ranged between 10-30 and opened fire on the POS.

    Hostiles all left back into Insmother taking 4.7b losses, then PL/NC/TRI/SLYCE/RECON all held grid for the Dreads to complete one cycle then slid out.

    That's the second 500+ man fight based on POS warfare today... maybe they aren't dead?

    Battle Report [here]

    thanks to BJK for the report

    submitted by /u/EVE_Ustag
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    TFW the Test Sig in your Area is now reinforced by 2 more Test sigs

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Steam installation: yae or nay?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Is there any particular reason to go with the Steam installation, or to go with CCP's EvE installer from the website? What would you lot reccommend?

    submitted by /u/Mechasaurian
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    Total time played on Eve?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    Tried to get Character stats from eve swagger https://esi.evetech.net/ui/#/Character/get_characters_character_id_stats

    But... no stats for any year after 2017....

    Any other way to get an idea of time spent ingame?

    submitted by /u/N0mad_H
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    [Article] 17 Years of EVE - A Huge Birthday Celebration!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:41 AM PDT

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