• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Eve Online And they say all the isk is in null... Highsec Loot Pinata.

    Eve Online And they say all the isk is in null... Highsec Loot Pinata.

    And they say all the isk is in null... Highsec Loot Pinata.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    Raravoss Final Liminality has been reached. Also we're back to highsec ;(

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    I've been having a good day

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    So today me and bro earned 1.5 billion isk. This was our first bil so we were ecstatic. We eventually left our wormhole and mined for a while before we found out we were in a system infected with CODE pirates who suicide gank in high sec. Some of them came and failed when we just tanked everything. I hopped on an alt to spy on them and found another fleet that was mining and under attack by CODE.

    So I message them and we all decide to link up. They guard us and help us mine. We also started advertising in local and picked up a few randoms. We had a fleet of random miners that organized a defence against these pirates and I just think that is really cool. Our fleet almost broke 30 which is the biggest mining fleet I've seen so far. We had to keep moving asteroids and systems since we cleared out everything so fast.

    Our two corps are making an alliance and we are moving them into WH space with us now. Life is going good so far. PI will be up next.

    submitted by /u/SionJgOP
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    Can we take a moment to appreciate all the inovative work that ccp has done the past 6 - 8 months ?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Liminality not working -- Probably extended downtime :/

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    Moracha down

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    The Dark Sun Rises

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    does this happen to anyone else

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    CCP Convict in Raravoss! yey

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:18 PM PDT


    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:04 AM PDT


    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Today I Fed 3 Billions ISK To An Abandoned Raitaru

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    FRT Bots are adapting

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:43 PM PDT


    Took a filament put us in Omist and 2nd filament took us to Branch. Every system we hit was Ishtars or Gilas entering warp the moment our scout Stiletto entered system. The few things we did catch got away even with a point and scram on it due to all the Ishtars now being triple stabbed. I just hope the new CSMs take note. Gets hard for us players to stop a botting problem when you can fit multiple of these.

    submitted by /u/LadyOfWrath
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    Triglavians are in fact Talocan

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    To explain why I believe Triglavians are in fact ancient Talocan, I must lengthily explain the various civilizations and factions based on various lore materials.

    For those who do not want to read everything, or know about all the factions and their brief history, read just the theory down below, or for those even lazier, here is a TL DR, but you may miss some of the logic there.

    **TLDR:**At the end of the Second Empire, Sleeper Faction of Jove discovered Talocan-created Anoikis dimension. They probably met Talocan there and went into war with them, utilizing their advanced AI sapients evolved in their virtual constructs. One of them may have evolved more than intended and became the Ancient Enemy Azdaja – the Drifters. Talocan started running away from them and in desperate attempt, they created the "one body, three minds" principle to protect them from hivelinking by the AI, and utilized their mastery to space-time manipulation to escape to an obscure dimension called the Domains of Bujan (Abyss) and created conduit loop constructs (Abyssal Deadspace pockets), to help them evolve and survive in the Abyss and also shield the Domains of Bujan from threats from New Eden. In the meanwhile, Drifters went rogue in New Eden, caused Second Jove Empire Collapse then retreated to Anoikis to try and manipulate space time to gain access into the Abyss. Now they met again, Triglavians found out there is no Jove Empire anymore and want to come back to New Eden.

    The full description of factions and my explanation of the theory is here:


    Talocans were masters of-space time manipulation and utilized strange and „unfamiliar" materials not used in the current times. They constructed a stellar swarm surrounding the star W477-P in Jove Space (Carolline Star) which was in fact a series of wormhole gateways. They constructed Anoikis, the very wormhole space capsuleers are now accessing and utilized it as their personal domain. They are considered immensely powerful, but they were not cooperating with Jove (probably preceding Second Jove Empire a bit, but I assume they met – explained further) and in fact disappeared from K-space before Jove found the W477-P stellar swarm and gateways to Anoikis. Now, the ruins in Anoikis suggest, that Talocan were running away from something, possibly something contagious. Were they running away from K-space as well, or did they encountered their nemesis first while already living largely in Anoikis they created, that is not known. It could have also been an infectious AI or some hive-mind connecting subjugating people like Sansha do. Their systems, including those of the stellar swarm show that they distrusted AIs a lot and firewalled the entrances to Anoikis from their computer systems.


    The Anoikis is currently occupied by Sleepers, which are a Second Empire Jove faction living in virtual realities (Second Jove Empire lasted roughly two thousand years and has several Factions, each represented by a Tyrant in the Ruling Chamber). Sleepers are known to have produced sapient AIs evolving in virtual constructs. The sleeper drones that they utilize are in fact also Ais with different level of sapience. Sleeper drones are also capable of some very advanced interstellar travel, which is however closely guarded secret, as it is programmed to self-destruct upon drone critical damage. How did sleepers, presumable not masters of space-time engineering or interstellar travel got their hands on such technology? It seems, these "Stasis People" somehow got to the Anoikis during the Second Empire collapse, as it is stated in EVE: Source, that a lot of Sleeper Enclaves was suddenly missing after the collapse and members of Third Jove Empire did not know, where they seemingly "disappeared to".

    The collapse of the Second Empire – Shrouded Days:

    The collapse of the Second Empire is a mystery, that is to this day not explained and various theories exist. The collapse is basically several hundred years of almost complete unknown, and it seems to have been a violent and cataclysmic event as outer systems of Second Empire "are more damaged than First Empire remains". In my opinion, it is the time from which Drifters, Triglavians and current Sleeper Enclaves all originate. I will explain further.

    Third Jove Empire

    Third Jove Empire are the resulting survivors of the collapse and there is one important aspect. They do not use cybernetic implants. They are also haunted by The Jovian Disease, explained as a permanent damage to their genome. They tried to correct it, but failed and went extinct. It is stated in The Inheritance, that they discovered (or rediscovered) the stellar swarm at W477-P, found out its a gateway to Anoikis, found out that Anoikis is artificial and found their long lost Sleeper brothers there. Last of them watched the W477-P star went supernova and form Caroline Star phenomenon and thanks to their dismantling of Stargates leading to other empires, only their stargate network was burned out and disabled – hence no stargates in Jove space. The Society of Conscious Though inherited Jovian knowledge and Matshi Raish, the director of SoCT received the Jove position at Inner Circle. The chronicle ends with him asking with suspicion about the Upwell Consortium. My personal guess is, that there is something very wrong with Upwell and it may have something to do with rogue sleeper AI, akin to the one that possessed Empress Jamyl, that may be controlling the actions of the Consortium?


    Now Drifters are a mystery and very important one. Autopsies of Drifters show, that they use heavily cybernetically augmented bodies of Second Empire Jove, so they are pre-collapse or emerged during the collapse. They manipulate space time in various forms and are protecting the Sleeper Enclaves. Who are they? They use exotic materials with strange properties and there are also hints at the bodies containing "remote control implants" implanted in their brains. In The Inheritance, one of the last Jove Veniel, says quote: "We were unsure how long they (sleepers) had been in Anoikis but the theory that they are Second Empire survivors has been our best assessment for some while now. The puzzle was the Drifters and their sudden emergence. But if the constructs have produced freely emerging artificial sapients then it answers some questions." He hints very strongly, that Drifters are in fact an AI sapient. The cybernetic implants that form majority of Drifter are a mix of older Sleeper implants and very advanced almost organic-like implants, that alter the function of the brain to a large extent and seem to remove a lot of parts that make human a human, even replacing the part presumed to form the human consciousness. The theory is thus, that Drifters are only shells controlled by a foreign infomorph, probably evolved from a Sleeper Virtual Construct.


    The latest faction introduced to EVE are Triglavian Collective and it is immediately apparent, that they share a lot of traits with Talocan. They are masters of spatio-temporal manipulation. They utilize exotic particle technology and even singularity-based technology. Each Triglavian person seems to be a merge of three entities, Narodnya, Koschoi and Navka. The Narodnya seems to be the human part and Navka seems to be some sort of computer or AI part. Koschoi is so far unexplained. They have a long tradition of opposing hive-mind systems (ancient-time accepted noema of extirpation of hivelinked narodnya), calling Sanshas nation "hivelinked narodnya" and more importantly, they seem to have a history with Drifters, calling them Ancient Enemy Azdaja. Their trinary system of being seems to protect them from hivelinking and foreign influence (maybe was even designed with this as a goal – more later in my speculation about Drifter/Sleeper-Talocan/Triglavian war in the past), as is apparent in HFN2 Datastream, where infected Narodnya of Damavik Class Ship is killed in a self-destruct mechanism initiated by its Koschoi and Navka parts.

    Now, they call every human civilization with the term "Narodnya" which is based on Slavic term for "Nation" or "People". However, they designate Drifters as a singly entity, Azdaja, the mythical dragon. Why not call them Ancient Enemy Narodnya? Because I presume, that they know, that Drifters are a single AI entity and not a human civilization. From Triglavian datastreams on Ancient Enemy Azdaja, it is clear they are mortal enemies and that their "entosis into conduit loop construct" is a major problem, causing a lot of stress to the Triglavians. They immediate decide to accept and start producing even untested prototypes of ships.

    They also refer to our K-space as Ancient Domains and their current space as Domains of Bujan. Apart from Domains of Bujan which seems to be the home of Triglavians, there are also "conduit loop constructs" according to datastreams. These constructs seem to be an artificial dimension and are in fact the Abyssal Deadspace pockets that we enter through filaments. They may serve as a first barrier in the way to Domains of Bujan and are in fact not home of Triglavians. And even the Domains of Bujan seem to not be their true home. Zorya Triglav clearly stated, that "Ancient Domains were lost to us". They are exiles, that entered Domains of Bujan to escape from something. Which is another possibly crucial link to Talocan civilization, as they are known to have been running away through artificially created dimensions from some unknown enemy. (This is just my speculation, but when you look at Triglavian ship background in ship preview, the space around the ship seems like a centre oasis between various Abyssal environments seen as various nebulae, which are accessible by different filaments. I suspect that the space surrounded by conduit loop constructs is in fact the Domains of Bujan and their current exile home).

    Another important hint is, that they recognise Drifters as a potential part of Second Jove Empire. In datastream AEA6, they state, that they were unable to detect Second Jove Empire in K-space, which they seem to see as a source of Drifters. The also state, that «recovered materials indicates presence» (indecipherable) unshackled in forbidden dominance arrangement" possibly also indicating that Drifters are rogue AI. It is very possible, that their exile was a catalyst of Second Jove Empire collapse, which they did not see to the end and still though Second Jove Empire to be functioning. I have a theory explanation for this (further down). This shows at least that they have been in contact with Second Empire Jove, were not present during and after their collapse and that they have been in exile for approximately two millennia.

    Now, since they do not detect Second Jove Empire anymore, they have decided to return to The Ancient Domains – to New Eden. The current Chapter 3 Invasion is unfolding while there is no significant proof yet, I suspect they are trying to harvest Isogen-5 or some other different material from either Blue or Yellow star to open a large Conduit directly to Domains of Bujan. As I explained above, Abyssal Deadspace we entered and where we saw the Xordazh World Arc constructed is in fact not their home space, its just the border zone, very volatile and dangerous border zone intended to keep enemies from entering the Domains of Bujan directly. To open the gateway to Domains themselves, they must probably use entire star worth of Isogen-5 or other source of energy. What happens to the system and if it becomes a blend of dimensions, half Domains of Bujan, half New Eden, or if just a massive gateway opens, that remains to be seen hopefully very soon (yes, I am pro-Triglavian).

    Everything I wrote up until now was either directly, or almost directly quoted in various materials, be it The Inheritance chronicle, EVE: Source, various in-game descriptions of Talocan, Sleeper and Triglavian items, ships or structures and in Triglavian videos. I admit I have not read Templar One or any other Lore book so if I am missing something crucial, please let me know.

    Now, I come to my theory, which links majority of the above stated into one cohesive picture. Its not explaining everything, there are still blank pieces, mainly of the Shrouded Days, but I believe I may be pretty close to how the things actually are lore wise. I am sure I have forgotten a lot of additional lore and references, I also do not know much about the Enheduanni, but I believe they are not Triglavians, as much more points to Talocan. Feel free to add more in comments, or give your opinion if its different from mine.

    Here is my theory:

    At the end of Second Jove Empire, Sleeper Faction of Jove was able to evolve AI sapients in their virtual constructs. They found the Talocan Stellar Swarm at the star W477-P and entered the Anoikis. They found Anoikis to be perfect environment for their Enclaves and declared war on Talocan, utilizing their AI sapients as soldiers. Some of them maybe even utilizing hive-linking to subvert Talocan people and use their bodies. Sometime at this point, one or more AI sapients may have evolved more and became the Ancient Enemy Azdaja. These Drifters as we call them now hunted Talocan ruthlessly, so much that Talocan started evacuating Anoikis in panic. In desperate attempt, they utilized their mastery of space and time manipulation to escape to a new dimension – The Abyss, also known as The Domains of Bujan (Wikipedia: In the Dove Book and other medieval Russian books, Buyan described as a mysterious island in the ocean with the ability to appear and disappear using tides. Three brothers—Northern, Western, and Eastern Winds—live there, and also the Zoryas, solar goddesses who are servants or daughters of the solar god Dazhbog.) which served as their sanctuary. At this point, or maybe even a bit before this, they may have invented the "One body, Three Minds" principle, that protects their population from hivelinking Drifter threat by suiciding infected individuals and may have come to name themselves Triglavian ("Three Headed").

    Talocan, now called Triglavian, have also used their technology to create "conduit loop constructs" – aka Abyssal Deadspace around the Domains of Bujan to shield them and also to help them evolve. They have probably decided, that to combat evolving AI, they need to speed up their own evolution. And they decided to utilize classical Darwinian-Wallacian principle of natural selection as a driver for their evolution. They have been living and evolving in the Abyss for two millennia but have in fact grown a bit complacent by their relative safety, now needing to hastily put into construction older schemata of ships that they once used. The environment of the Abyss is however definitely not pleasant, as they seek to return to the Ancient Domains now.

    In the meantime, in New Eden, Drifters, or Ancient Enemy Azdaja went rogue with the only goal – protecting the Sleeper Enclaves from which it has evolved and from which it draws new bodies, went on a rampage killing or possessing other Jovians and in fact caused the Shrouded Days and the fall of Second Jove Empire. It then retreated into Anoikis and started massive spatio-temporal experiments (evident in Drifters wormholes) with the intention of pursuing Talocan (now Triglavian) into their new dimension and eliminating them as well. It may also be possible that they in fact imprisoned all Sleeper Faction Jove in the virtual constructs, as the facilities for their reanimation are according to various sources not properly maintained and Sleeper Jove dying after unsuccessful reanimation in the cryopods clearly trying to break out were also reported.

    Now, the entryway into the Abyss was found, seemingly by Rogue drones which are known to manipulate Isogen-5. After this, Drifters and Sansha probably gained access as well and entered the conduits. Triglavians detected them to their horror and started the exploration of Ancient Domains. The first Vedmak cruiser was then seized by CONCORD and the rest we all know.

    submitted by /u/Farsen
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    When a pirate gets salty after realizing that his stolen structures are being reinforced managing to steal...just a name. Story soon. God, EVE is beautiful indeed!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    Vitan > Veldnaught

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:33 PM PDT


    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    Dazh Porevitium Transmuter

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Mining Avatar down

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Raravoss Final Liminality coming very soon!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Would a mobile depot work as a base in J-Space?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Could I use one as a way to store stuff/refit in J-Space if I want to spend some time in a hole? Or is it too risky? I currently have a standard one, but a Wetu or Yurt could be on the table depending on the risk involved.

    submitted by /u/Droz_64
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    Where the hell are they jumping to

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    The return of the dark light from the heart of the mother. The 7th prophecy has come to pass. Apocalypse is nigh.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:12 AM PDT

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