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    Sunday, June 21, 2020

    Eve Online Lol mum I'm hauling :D

    Eve Online Lol mum I'm hauling :D

    Lol mum I'm hauling :D

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Found the EVE player on The Last of Us 2

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Kung Pow! Enter Kinakka

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Horde Paper Pushers oust Prime Jackdaw FC for having opinions

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    An Analysis of EVE's New Player Experience by a New Player

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    So I decided to try out EVE for the first time in January, going into the game mostly blind aside from some basic stuff like how the game has a large economy and that ships that are destroyed in EVE are gone forever. I like games with heavy simulation elements and complicated mechanics, so this seemed like my cup of tea. While I find the game very interesting I think the NPE can be improved a lot, so I decided to write down my problems with it as I was playing through the game. Some of these suggestions are low-hanging fruit, others would involve changing core mechanics in EVE, I'm not too concerned with the suggestions themselves rather than writing down what I was thinking as I was learning how to survive in EVE.

    The tutorial Career Missions

    • Most of the career missions either didn't tell you anything or were just repeating previous information and could be cut. I don't need to do 5 delivery, 4 scanning, 3 blueprint crafting, and 15 pointless pirate killing missions. One of each is plenty. The rest need to be replaced to contain information that is actually relevant for understanding the game.
    • The military training career path was literally nothing more than just sending you out to kill pirates, which the player should already know how to do from the initial intro. Advanced military training had more important information in it and really should just replace the basic military training. However despite having 20 missions to do it the game still failed to mention basic information such as how the different health bars work, what are the different turret types, how security levels work, or what is electronic warfare.
    • The exploration career path also suffered from being very slow. The tutorial makes you search for sample versions of the relic, data, and gas sites individually even though they all share the same scanning system, which is a lot of extra needless work. It also fails to mention wormholes, which is the coolest and most fun part of exploration.
    • The industry and business career paths felt basically the same and failed to teach much about how the market as a whole operates beyond the basic resource gathering and crafting mechanics. I think they need to do a better job at showing what kinds of items can be made, how to use regions and stations to look for jobs and opportunities, and a quick breakdown of how resources are distributed across the map. It is also absolutely criminal that you can complete the tutorial without being sent to Jita. I found Jita completely by accident and it was a huge eye-opener as to just how vast EVE's economy is. Station trading was actually surprisingly fun also, so visiting a trade hub should be included in the business career missions with a nice reward for doing so. Especially getting people to visit Jita.
    • When you give players a new ship for a tutorial reward, give them 2 copies of it right off the bat. That way if they lose one in low sec or to a random ganker they still have a spare to play around with. This also reinforces the idea that ships are expendable and allows room for player experimentation. Providing backup equipment could also reduce the hassle of replacing everything.
    • Instead of highlighting every new item with that awful red dot, only highlight items needed for missions. I remember reading that those annoying red dots were added because new players claimed that they couldn't find items in their inventory. I'd wager this has more to do with the fact that half the tutorial missions require special items of some sort either fitted in your ship or in your cargo hold with the mission description being the only notification, so it's very easy to warp to the mission site without them. Also, give the player some station containers to help them organize their junk. Much less annoying than a red dot. Please remove the dot... it gives me nightmares. At one point I literally thought to myself "Thank God this isn't one of those games that highlights every new item, that would get annoying fast" and weeks later the oppressive Red Dot came to haunt me.
    • If it takes longer to warp to a mission than to complete it, that means it isn't providing enough information. This is the tutorial, so it should be done as quickly as possible and make an effort not to waste the player's time.
    • The missions that require your ship to get destroyed are just annoying. Players will probably already be losing plenty of ships early on anyways and losing more just adds salt to the wound. It's not like you learn anything from having a new ship destroyed in a scripted event. A more effective way to get this message across is to have a giant pop-up on a timer that says "Ships and items when destroyed are gone forever. Don't fly what you can't afford to lose" with two accept buttons. That gets the idea across in a way that, while intrusive, can't be missed. Both faster and less annoying than dedicating an entire mission to the problem.
    • Try to get players out of the starting zone and into a corporation the second they finish their career missions.

    Problems with Early Activities and Progression

    • As it stands alpha clones do not have any non-combat spacecraft to buy beyond the starter ships, which means that miners and explorers are literally given nothing but the starter frigates. A new spaceship is the most attractive and obvious thing to spend ISK on, so it is strange that all the pirate ships are available for alpha players to use, but nothing for any of the other playstyles. Once a player finds a role that they like they need to have something available to help them specialize or else there is no payoff at the end. More early ship progression for these roles can also help introduce players to parts of the game that aren't touched on in the tutorials. Some suggestions could be a mining frigate that gets a yield bonus inside wormhole space to add a risk/reward element for low-tier mining, an exploration destroyer that gets a CPU cost reduction and bonuses for using combat scanners and/or doesn't appear on d-scan to let new alphas hunt in wormhole space, or a salvaging ship that can scan down abandoned salvage. There really needs to be more variety in the ships department here because alphas are gated off from basically anything remotely interesting. Seeing that the Venture is the only available ship for anyone who wants to try out mining is a REALLY bad first impression.
    • The tutorial missions spend a lot of time explaining how important industry is in EVE and try their best to show the blueprints, hauling, and the market sides of the game. So initially it feels as if manufacturing low-tier items is a good way to get started on a business path. However without any market knowledge a lot of T1 items are actually made at a loss in high sec, especially near the starter systems. So an entire gameplay mechanic that felt important after the tutorial doesn't have a clear path of entry. New players who want to learn manufacturing need something obvious that they can not only make for a profit, but also encourages them to learn about the different supply chains in the game.
    • Hauling has a similar problem. Making deliveries during the tutorial teaches you how to move around the map, but reveals very little about trade itself. Without knowing how the market operates there aren't any obvious trade routes to help kickstart a hauling career. Comparing market prices around high sec can be a good starting point if you're lucky, but that can require having ISK to invest and isn't a sure-fire way to find something to do. Players who want to try out hauling have no way of knowing what to move and where to move it.
    • Mining feels like a really attractive starting place for new players: two Ventures are given out during the tutorial, harvesting asteroids is an easy job to do, and selling ore makes pretty good ISK when compared to the tutorial rewards. However mining is also incredibly boring and attracts gankers, so it isn't a very good first impression. I can see why the semi-AFK aspect of mining can be attractive to some people, but I was surprised that the game didn't have some sort of complex refinery system to add a bit of depth to such an important mechanic.
    • Exploration is actually really fun once you start diving into wormholes. However only ever interacting with relic and data sites is a bummer. They're both basically the same thing and after a few sites it stops feeling like exploring and more like farming salvage with extra steps. There need to be some more interesting sites and deadly types of wormholes to explore for that sense of adventure to keep going.
    • The best parts about combat are coordinating in a group and coming up with cool fits to improve your playstyle. However a new player is likely capable of doing neither, so PvE sites just end up being a mindless grind for a tiny bit of ISK. PvP is never really an option either because new players are stuck in high sec and everyone else is flying around in ships worth more than their entire net worth anyways.

    Ganking and Concord Security are Really Unintuitive Mechanics

    • Early on it's very hard to tell what "High Security" is supposed to mean in EVE. The turrets everywhere suggest that this is a safezone, but all of the sudden some random ship will warp in out of nowhere and blow you up while you're mining near the starting belts. The problem with high sec isn't that it needs to be safer, the issue is that it completely fails to teach players HOW to be safe. How do I avoid pirates? How do I detect enemy ships? How can I mitigate the danger I put myself in? How is ganking supposed to teach me any of this? All these skills require experimentation, but the game doesn't provide any reassurance or feedback to help people along the way.
    • In addition, ganking has to be the most convoluted piracy systems I have ever seen in a video game. It is completely unintuitive, makes new players feel helpless against instant-kill mechanics, and makes it look like piracy and PvP are only there for people with the ISK to literally throw ships away (which is counter-intuitive in a game where losing ships is supposed to matter). I don't mind ganking, but there should be an actual and more intuitive piracy system in high sec to go along with it. Something that allows new players to get right into PvP by fighting other new players while still using Concord as a means of protection.

    Miscellaneous Notes

    • When I was playing the starting areas lacked asteroids to mine. For a new player it can take a while to figure out why the "asteroid fields" are made up of empty boxes labeled with unconvincing recruitment slogans and other nonsense.
    • I noticed that there were things marked as omega-exclusive that were only partially blocked. One example is rig blueprints that alphas can't upgrade, but can still manufacture. Figuring this out opened up manufacturing a bit for me, so it might be a good idea to have a "partially omega exclusive" symbol so that this is more clear or just open those items up completely.
    • Both omega stuff and T2 items are orange, which can be confusing. Are all T2 items omega exclusive? As a new player it's hard to tell. Also the omega symbol should be in a corner somewhere even when the mouse isn't hovering over it, since there have been multiple occasions where I bought items that I couldn't use.
    • The different health bars should be tinted different colors to distinguish them. So the shield bar can be a bright blue, the armor bar can be a bright yellow and the hull bar can stay white. This way new players can tell at a glance what they mean.
    • At first the skill system seems a lot more complicated than it actually is. Skills require skill points to complete, then there are unallocated skill points, an attribute system, and you have to either pay an ISK fee or acquire a skill book to inject a skill. In reality skills need to be unlocked and are just on a timer that can be shortened in different ways. Maybe clean up the clutter a bit here?
    • Sites, especially combat sites, need an easy way to gauge how hard they are without scrambling around Google and knowing how to analyse damage multipliers. Something like "Lvl 2 <faction> Shipyard" where you can tell at a glance whether it's a frigate or a battleship that is needed to run the site. To a new player they all look the same and it takes a lot of digging around to make any sense of the different names.
    • Ship roles should be displayed in the fitting screen to reduce the chances of someone attempting to mine in a Badger.
    • Can autopilot be improved? I don't see why I have to sit there manually selecting each stargate other than as an annoying way to prevent bots from hauling everything around. If that's an issue, then just give it a 2 second jump delay as a safety downside because sometimes I just want to go from point A to point B without having to stop what I'm doing and click on something every 10 seconds.
    • When setting a destination to create a new route, make the "A" button that changes the route settings actually look like a button. It took me forever to find it even when someone was actively talking me through it.
    • When hovering over stats in the item info screen, explanations popups are needed for certain stats. "Turret tracking", "inertia modifier", and "scanning resolution" aren't immediately obvious mechanics.
    • One set of changes that I actually think is a step in the right direction is the renaming of different items to be more descriptive. The previous non-descriptive names of items such as the shield hardeners could require players to dig into stats to get an idea of what the item actually does.
    • I was a little disappointed that the "asteroid fields" in EVE were just groups of rocks magically floating around the same 50km radius rather than being a much larger type of site. I know this is mostly just an engine limitation, but I figured that I should note it down anyways.
    submitted by /u/LorrMaster
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    Why does it say "A gift from CCP Games" if it was purchased by another player?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    New way to pod

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    This is what happens when you disagree with The Mittani on the Meta Show

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    I have a bunch of filthy Industrial Commandships, help

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Anyone know of a good multi-porpoise cleaner?

    submitted by /u/EvEBabyMorgan
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    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Red Frog price reduction

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:16 AM PDT


    Price per jump: from 1.75 millions to 1 million

    Price per pickup: from 6.25 millions to 5 million

    Calculator: https://red-frog.org

    New API: https://red-frog.org/api/public/doc


    Hello, Liam Boothby here, manager of Red Frog Freight

    In the past 12 years managing the balance between inbound contracts and available pilots has always been the key in managing a hauling corporation, and after our last price increase happened in 2018 we slowly reached a point where we felt that for the first time that balance wasn't there anymore.

    That's why I'm glad to announce that we decided to drop our prices, and to make it significant we decided for a substantial drop.

    Effective yesterday we lowered our price per jump from 1.75 millions to 1 million, and the price per pickup from 6.25 millions to 5 millions.

    A few example of this change with a few trade hub routes:

    - Jita >> Amarr (9 jumps) from 22m to 14m

    - Jita >> Dodixie (15 jumps) from 32.5m to 20m

    - Jita >> Rens (25 jumps) from 50m to 30m

    All our limits per contract are unchanged: max collateral 1.5 billions, volume 845.000 m3, contiguous HighSec only.

    On another note, we recently relaunched our API which was discountinued after a change to our web platform a few years ago, this is the link to the documentation which you can also find on our calculator: https://red-frog.org/api/public/doc

    A big thanks to our past/present/future customers, we wouldn't be here without you!

    -Liam Boothby

    Executive Manager

    Red Frog Freight

    submitted by /u/bootmark
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    SPVG leaves TEST just after 3rd anniversary ...

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Well, it's been a fun ride and three years with all you autistic crazies and we've thoroughly enjoyed our time here. June 9 was our third anniversary in TEST. This alliance has given us so much content and the opportunity to get our own. It's everywhere. The naysayers who buy the Reddit 'blue doughnut' bullshit narrative are just looking to bitch about something during peacetime TEST and haven't looked hard enough for content that's all over and a couple of JBs away. We find content everywhere. So to all the complainers, literally STFU. You're dragging down this alliance with your negativity and no one really wants to hear you spread it around like a cancer. It effects others. So TEST, stay positive and just kill shit and don't buy that retarded Reddit narrative. That's what I tell my nerds. In under three years, we're #2 on the TEST all-time killboard for corps, behind Dreddit. Because B0RT #1 and we will just let them keep that mantle. But killboards don't matter, right?

    SPVG has sincerely and thoroughly enjoyed our time here killing spaceships. I really enjoyed being a diplo, being a ddfc within a couple weeks of coming here, and then skirmish FC since the MTO war and growing with you guys to be part of a great alliance. Thank you for allowing me and SPVG the opportunity to get to know you and fly with you, from Preds to DKS, you've all been pros and taught us a lot. Three years ago, we came here with one Astra, 18 POS's and 24b in the wallet and parked ourselves in QFGB. We found wonderful neighbor corps still there outside the super umbrella who were willing to help us. Thank you guys. E1UU is where we hung our hat after about 6 months. Today, despite silently unanchoring a bunch of citadels recently, we have roughly 1 trillion isk of rigged citadels in the ground in TEST space, 500b in the bank and a Keepstar in 0SHIT that we built ourselves. I also want to thank my corp and leadership for making it all happen and to those still with us after three years, and there are many, I appreciate you more than you know. I only burned out one director on that little Keepstar maneuver. I burned out 3 sub-dirs on our moon program, so we're never, ever gonna bid on another moon again wherever we go, unless CCP puts golden eggs on them.

    We came here with 102 toons and 32 real bodies, bare minimum for corp requirements to join TEST. Dran likes to see at least 30-35 active toons on killboards week to week, 7-day period for a corp (minimum) for recruitment. We were literally born in TEST after a merger with two corps into my personal alt corp - Spartan Vanguard. That scared @Dran Arcana , but @vanflyheight13 went to bat for us hardcore and recruited us as we sat in Porsharrah for a week awaiting word from TEST. Vanfly pulled it off and spent time with us on our Mumble and came to our corp meetings and really made us feel at home before we even joined TEST. Dran literally didn't speak to me for almost a month in any channel, then popped into my inbox one day on Jabber and said SPVG was doing great. I was so relieved when that happened. You have no idea. True story. Dran, I'm sorry I couldn't mirror you like you wanted in diplo after nearly 2 years. I tried, but I'm just me. Yes, folks, we're proud we proved Dran wrong on his little stat and % bars. You should see his list of failed corps in TEST. He literally keeps stats and charts on this stuff and the reasons they failed. I've seen it.

    Dran, your leadership as alliance #2 and head diplo has brought us all a long way in our three years here. I don't think anyone here really knows what you do to keep us together and how much time you put into it and still remain somewhat sane. I could never measure up to the way you diplo'd, but I'd like to think I helped in bringing in Legacy alliances and TEST corps still with us today.

    @Sapporo Jones, I love you like only a man can love another man. You've always supported us and only yelled at me one time in fleet command comms. You care about this alliance and it shows every day. For those not in cult #sappo, go to auth and get in. Fun times. He talks to us daily and is funnier that shit and you get to learn about Subaru's and much more.

    To @DurrHurrDurr, I heard from Sappo that you're fat, but thanks for keeping this place together before we joined right after TEST moved into Esoteria. We've never talked too much, mostly because you terrify me and I've always been afraid you'll kick my corp in a drunken rant. You also - to this day - never answered my PM from almost 2 years ago, so I kinda gave up.

    To the IT team @Phoph @Ozzeh @Amatta Lols @Tross Yvormes and so many others, thank you for your patience and help with all our needs and requests. You're all pros who do this silly spaceship game crap for free and keep us running. Without you, this alliance wouldn't exist. There's just too many names to mention here. @Zervonn who are you anyway and what do you do? :)

    @Vily, Master of Dinosaurs and Keeper of the South, thank you for your support, the private chats of encouragement and joining our corp for some fun in the last year. No, we never paid him to join. In fact, Vily, you owe us some mining taxes, but I'm waiving it and it's zeroed out. SPVG loves you, your FCing - especially as cap FC - and my pilots often tell me that your leadership has meant a lot to them and is one of the reasons they hang around. Man, the things you do with cap fleets can't be done by any FC in this game, and D-GTMI vs. PanFam/NC and other fleets proved that again and again.

    Fuck, this video still gives me chills.



    submitted by /u/Valkorsia_SPVG
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    In rust we trust.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    And, just in time for Federation Day.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Didn't want players to return anyway

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    It's Fathers day tomorrow, so let's hear all your best eve dad jokes.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Some of my favourites.

    Why can't you play poker with Covert Ops pilots?
    Too many Cheetahs.

    Why couldn't the Ishtar get into the Caldari Nightclub?
    Too many Bouncers.

    Who is the most favourite rapper among Caldari pilots?

    What is the favourite Genre of music among Caldari pilots?
    Rokh and Roll.

    How do Caldari pilots keep their gardens tidy?
    With a lawn Moa.

    submitted by /u/suitonia
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    83 Billion ISK Battle in IPAY-2, 20/06/2020

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    Corporation/Alliance/Sov Leaders: What motivated you to step into a leadership role?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    Not many people are inclined to step forward and take responsibility for a group of players. Managing the direction of (potentially) hundreds of players and their ISK investment is a large endeavor. As per my question: What motivated you to become a leader in the unforgiving expanse known as New Eden?

    Please indicate your leadership positions in your replies.

    submitted by /u/AnimatedASMR
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    A little fun in Hakonen

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Been away from the game for nearly ten years. What do I need to know before jumping back in?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    Played pretty religiously all through college but moved on to other games and hobbies almost ten years ago. I was primarily a PVP pilot but did a decent amount of null sec ratting and plexing as well to feed my PVP habit.

    Obviously a lot has changed since I last played but what are some keys things I should know before undocking once more?

    submitted by /u/Ubertino89
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    Did an "Extirpate" graffiti painting with gouache

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    I think i have PTSD

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    What are some ways to help others in New Eden?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    In a game as cutthroat and unforgiving as Eve Online can be, I'm intrigued to learn if there are ways to help other pilots and corporations. I often read about pirates, griefers, and huge battles that cost players billions in ISK and time.

    I was curious. Are there are ways to give relief to our fellow players aside from just throwing ISK at a problem?

    submitted by /u/AnimatedASMR
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    When your Venture is maxed out, but it still wants...moooooooar. :-D

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    What happens to Turret and Ammo BPO if CCP removes some from the game?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    In Deciphering Tiericide, they mention there being too many turrets and ammo, and say there will be big changes soon, implying they will remove some. I am sure they will change names too.

    submitted by /u/mtgo_player
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