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    Saturday, June 20, 2020

    Eve Online an apparently unpopular opinion

    Eve Online an apparently unpopular opinion

    an apparently unpopular opinion

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Gnosis BPC, 1 run

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    83bil+ fight just wrapped up in Vale

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    So we found some Nestors ratting in a wormhole...

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Possible use for thunderchild?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:56 PM PDT


    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    Vale Wars Episode 2: The Newbro Strikes Back

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Hello, capsuleers! Wow, what a week!

    At the beginning of the week I posted a quick update of V0LTA's deployment to Vale in order to punch down and farm some newbros and old men. It seems that my post may have ruffled some feathers, and so V0LTA formed hard in EUTZ to reinforce some structures, losing 8,575 Warrior IIs.

    Despite the small setback, two structures were pushed into final USTZ timer - a Rote Kapelle astrahus in P3EN and a BOOM astrahus in IPAY.

    In between the timers, V0LTA blopsed the shit out of some Rote moon miners, fragging some covetors, and then again on a BOOM mining op, losing a few small things on an otherwise clean extract.

    Undeterred, the combined forces of V0LTA and Dreadbomb decided to reinforce a jump bridge in N-HSK0 connecting the former FAM pocket to BOOM (for those that have missed it, FAM disbanded and Brand Newbros are folding into BOOM). A small munnin vs muninn kerfluffle happened, leading to a rather decent fight. Most of the losses came from yet another clean extract called by Seddow's Mom in an otherwise boring fight.

    Additionally, V0LTA dropped an astrahus in E-O in EUTZ hoping that the non-existant Rote Kapelle EUTZ (save for a few still drunk Aussies, a dutchie, and a romanian) would not notice it. What they didn't count on was the EUTZ residents of Tribute not wanting them around, and thus another fleet fight happened, with V0LTA & Banderlogs taking on TRIGG and TP, featuring a showing by Quote bombers. It was a pretty close fight, especially numbers-wise, but EuroTribute won the fight and the astrahus was destroyed: https://br.evetools.org/related/30000846/202006191700

    So then we get to tonight. As posted earlier, V0LTA, Dreadbomb, and a Goon totally legit multiboxer took out a nightmare fleet piloted by the esteemed fleet commander Elo Knight who finished his DOTA2 game early and decided that Rudazera and Francis McLean needed to take a break from commanding fleets. It was a really great fight, with Machariels and Nightmares trading throughout. There was a small showing by NCPH but unfortunarely BOOM FC and Astra Gunner Murray Rothbardo decided he needed a good ISRAD vouch and bombed the Ferox fleet. All in all a great fight in East Coast USTZ: https://br.evetools.org/related/30000252/202006200100 (I moved NCPH over to their own side because they did nothing and got bombed by Murray but yes they answered BOOM's batphone).

    Rote's later West Coast USTZ timer was a no-show from V0LTA as elo had gone to bed and Francis was out kissing girls probably.

    Great fights and a wonderful content-filled week, gents!

    submitted by /u/cactusjack48
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    Anchoring a Fortizar is a No-no, KNOWNO

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    My 2 cents to make project discovery better -> Continuous learning

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    I have been part of the 3 crowd-sourced projects from CCP (on the player side).

    I think that something essential is missing in the mini-game: an explanation about why the standard or control was set to be this way by the researchers.

    We do have a 5 minute training covering a few examples of the things we will analyze. I noticed that these examples only cover a small part of what we will see in the real samples. On top of that 5 minute training, there could be a continuous training.

    Here are the things I would like to see:

    • More diversity in the controls (for the covid project, the controls are all the same)
    • An explanation about why the control analysis was done this way (that explanation should be optional, like clicking a "why" button)
    • Having the scientists looking at the common mistakes of the players and add the reason why these mistakes don't match with the standard

    An explanation about why the given standard was analyzed this way by experts in the domain would be really helpful. During the stream yesterday, one of the scientists said that some researchers looking at the data take a long time looking and thinking at the clusters that we players analyze now. I really would like to have access to the thought process of these experts.

    Explaining the thought process on a wide variety of samples would allow the Eve community to slowly absorb the knowledge and how-to of experts and result in a better dataset.

    PS: In real life I am a scientist and this method works very well to train new hires.

    submitted by /u/sboutig
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    Evemarketer is dead again.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Does anyone know who actually runs it?

    It also has no entries for the new names of some of the items (when it's up).

    submitted by /u/Ikuorai
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    [Highlight] Stream with CCP . PvP Support Rorqual by iBeast

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Hard Knocks’ Pets Attack Weebs Over Cat-Ears

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Waffles in full propaganda mode over Black Rise deployment

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Waffles moved to Kinakka over 2 months ago. Ever since then, KNONO has been fighting an uphill battle against a corp that has 3 times more members and the backing of Horde when needed.Despite their numerical advantage they have largely remained unsuccessful in getting any meaningful victories as their f1 mentality proved much harder to adjust with the realities of lowsec.

    Following is the tally since the start of their deployment : 90 bil lost by Waffles to 40 bil by KNONO (40 instead of 60 since the caps were not killed by waffles).


    Due to their failures and the low morale all around, Waffles have been taking the pvp action to reddit to balance the odds. Every week has seen meme posts by waffles in an attempt to make it look like they've been winning and that they're the "elite waffles of old", as you can see in the following links:https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/h0g06n/the_difference_between_waffles_and_pancakes/



    Whenever a KNONO member types any message on their reddit post, it is immediately pinged on their discord and subsequently downvoted by their superior numbers in an effort to keep the propaganda going. I hereby dub this tactic as the waffle RING tactic (Reddit pinging).

    The reality on the ground is that rather than take the small gang fights, they've adopted the following strategy:

    1. Bait on their structures
    2. No fighting in Kinakka unless a fleet is pinged.
    3. Use Nados whenever possible
    4. Send a scout into Kinakka before returning home to make sure its clear/Fit stabs to cruisers and then refit 3-4 jumps out.

    It became quite clear around week 3 that waffles was using their nullsec mentality in Kinakka. Bashing structures to prove that they're *better*. In an attempt to fight them in EU TZ which is their strongest TZ (KNONO is US TZ in large part), we called in some allies which was not taken well by them. Over time, they teamed up with the biggest bloc in black rise for USTZ - WANGS, using nados whenever possible while KNONO was taking on the biggest group in the area.

    Yesterday saw the destruction of the anchoring fortizar in Kinakka. As always, waffles were quick to take credit for its destruction as you can see in the following thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/hbzfbm/anchoring_a_fortizar_is_a_nono_knowno/


    There was a fight in the afternoon in which KNONO came on grid only to see Baltrom's band of raging misfits brawl KNONO at 0 while waffles sat 150 off for their own offensive timer and proceeded to pause the structure. With Red kardia's cunning snipe, Baltrom was silenced on grid (Though I can imagine the rage on comms) right before Snuff (in large part liberated from goons) appeared in a show of what they do best - killing lowsec content.

    BR: https://br.evetools.org/br/5eecab067211840013387f71

    Waffles were faced with a dilemma as how to portray these two fights in which they significantly outnumbered KNONO (to their credit waffles didn't really do much themselves). The narrative so far has been that KNONO in their wisdom batphoned snuff both times and then got dropped by snuff, again, both times, since the content was not to their satisfaction.

    One can only wonder what propaganda posts are still in the pipe for the waffles who wish to portray their image of 15' when they actually pvp'd. Having said all that, I would like to thank waffles for their deployment which made this depressing pandemic a lot less painful. Having 3 different entities stage from the same station in a lowsec system brings in a whole world of pvping scenarios.

    Cheers for bringing it and here's to many more.


    TLDR: Waffles deploy to Kinakka but get forced off grid. They fight back by re-deploying to reddit.

    **Edit: Intel has it that waffle is rage RINGing atm. Expect downvotes for the near future.

    submitted by /u/AlduinDragonBorn
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    When you DC in abyssal space

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Who are those people, who put resists into their Bios?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I wonder if it is some cool pro move I am missing.

    submitted by /u/LurkingHunger
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    LEAKED - Inside Sources in Test Alliance, Pandemic Horde, The Imperium, and Snuffed Out over the past couple months reveal the true reasons behind the recent escalating conflict in Black Rise between The Imperium and Snuffed Out.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    In an unprecedented case of transparency leadership from within Test Alliance, Pandemic Horde, The Imperium, and Snuffed Out have provided exclusive insight into the reasons for their involvement in the recent escalating conflict in the Black Rise region of low-sec. In speaking to an anonymous Imperium leadership source on why they decided to invade the Black Rise**,** multiple critical events were cited. On April 15 Eve Online released the Surgical Strike update which had a couple major impacts on The Imperium. With Goonswarm Federation recently hitting the rumored Alliance Isk cap, and the change to Super Capital survivability mechanics, The Imperium has decided to end its previously secret Super Capital pilot PvP training program dubbed Olmeca Gold.

    "With the Alliance Isk cap being reached, and the Olmeca Gold training program coming to an end eyes turned towards The Mittani for guidance." – Anonymous Imperium Source

    A member of Snuffed Out alliance leadership was also willing to provide an exclusive interview under the agreement of anonymity. "We have been looking for our place to make an impact on the game for a while now. Our 20 – 100 extremely committed pilots recently decided to setup defensive structures in the Black Rise and join Faction Warfare in order to take on other elite PvPers in truest form of Eve Online combat, low-sec Faction Warfare." When probed for more details on if they would be venturing into null-sec in the future I was informed they were exploring their options of renting space, but for now they needed to "get rich" presumably to afford the fees that come with renting.

    I reached out to multiple potential sources in Pandemic Leadership for comment and for weeks the only response I received was "Honk", but recently a leader has come forward and pulled back the covers to reveal a surprising bedfellow. Their recent dealings involve spying and secret treaties with non-other than Test Alliance. "We have been expanding our influence and Pandemic Horde now control more space than ever before. The focus of our leadership after the 2020 mineral changes is now on growing our stockpiles of resources and getting as many renters into our non-utilized space as possible. When our spies learned that Test Alliance was sitting on mountains of minerals obtained while under a non-aggression pact with The Imperium we reached out and made a deal. We began paying Test Alliance for ongoing mineral deliveries and for them to help us find reliable renters looking to start out in null-sec".

    After a lengthy reddit discussion over DM's with a long running Test Alliance leader here is what I was able to find out. Test alliance began a multi-trillion isk mineral deal with Pandemic Horde and then looked to make good on their second half of the deal. Having heard that Snuffed Out was looking to "get rich" and start renting they agreed to pay Snuffed Out's rental fees to Pandemic Horde since it was only a drop in the bucket compared to their mineral deal; however, Test Alliance was worried that if word got out that they were paying Snuffed Out's fees for them that it could jeopardize their lucrative mineral deal with Pandemic Horde costing them trillions of isk in the long run. This is when Test alliance agreed to pay Snuffed Out a pittance of 15b a week if they agreed to change their long running adversaries in Pandemic Horde from red to blue and become Pandemic Horde's pets for a while attacking whoever they were ordered to for a while.

    It was at this point that Snuffed Out began their Gorilla Warfare tactics against The Imperium. With the stealth and maneuverability only accomplishable by low numbers they began their Hit and Hide tactics in Delve.

    According to my source in The Imperium it was at this point when The Mittani got involved and the following conversation was recorded.

    The Mittani - "Didn't Snuffed Out Disband a long time ago?"

    Imperium Leadership – No...

    The Mittani - "Where in null-sec does Snuffed Out hold space?"

    Imperium Leadership - They don't…

    The Mittani - "What space are they trying to take over…?"

    Imperium Leadership - They aren't…

    The Mittani – "Where are the fuck are they currently staged out of then?"

    Imperium Leadership - Rumor is they are doing Faction Warfare these days.

    The Mittani – "I'm under quarantine for two weeks after traveling out of the country, can we set something up to go casually fuck with them a bit to pass the time?"

    Imperium Leadership – We'll announce the GEF Op later today

    When asked for comment on why The Imperium ultimately left the Black Rise where they were fighting Snuffed Out I received this response. "It was about 1:00 A.M and apparently The Mittani was high as balls staring at the sun in J5A when he told me, this is a beautiful star, I'm think going to make this system home for a while." When I asked him "What about the fight against Snuffed Out?", The Mittani responded in typical Mittani fashion "Didn't Snuffed Out Disband a long time ago?"

    TLDR; The Imperium is entertaining themselves by getting blown up 3 to 1 and apparently enjoying it. Pandemic Horde has a new renter/pet and is stockpiling resources. Test Alliance is getting Richer by the day and is as pragmatic as ever. "Didn't Snuffed Out Disband a long time ago?".


    This satirical piece was written by _Satire_StEve_

    submitted by /u/_Satire_StEve_
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    Shuttle idea because I am lazy

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    They're kind of a dead end now that you can click a button in station and get a noobship and I don't find myself using them much any more.

    What if, just a thought here, shuttles got a single low slot to fit an improved autopilot module?

    Basic idea here, fit the module, lose your cargo bay, get zero-on gate autopilot. so you can lazy autopilot in a shuttle, but can't do it if you want to haul anything in them.

    submitted by /u/LePopeUrban
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    The Brutix That Almost Could

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Gallente Cheatsheet + Watercolor Dominix finished !

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Oï !

    Sorry for the delay on this one, Dominix took a bit more time than I expected. And don't mind the little mistake on the Cheatsheet \)

    Hope it can help someone.



    The Minmatar Republic will be my last cheatsheet, hope you guys enjoyed and could use those sheets a bit.

    submitted by /u/Sasha_Viderzei
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    Hyenas vs the ramjag menace be like

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:38 AM PDT

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