• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 25, 2020

    Eve Online And he is still the best at it, irreplaceable

    Eve Online And he is still the best at it, irreplaceable

    And he is still the best at it, irreplaceable

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    ISRAD scoops TAPI Leviathan from Esoteria

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    ISRAD's supreme Diplo and premier falcon pilot Madcows was patrolling the Dino lands for any soon to be extinct dinos to kill when he spotted a lonely Leviathan(proof of life) sitting on an unanchored pos in VL7-60. He moved ever so quickly to purchase the skill book and inject the titan so he could moonwalk out from there and in doing so he scored a bigly win for the good guys!!


    For anyone wanting skill sheet as proof https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683549582122418177/736442897980850256/1a70709c2c1807b6ecbba58479fc8ad1.png

    submitted by /u/Jason-Knight
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    All the power in the universe to travel between entire stars in the blink of an eye and this NPC wants one fucking bullet smh

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    TEST is having trouble with Titans...

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    It's a good thing TEST lost a Titan, because they seem to have trouble aiming them.

    Imperium Sacrilege fleet stationary on gate at 0. Here's the kill: https://zkillboard.com/kill/85879258/

    TAPI Titans taking careful aim...

    submitted by /u/Ynglaur
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    The Fate of Fountain

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Stealing a TEST Leviathan be like.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    [PVP Video] All Hail Hail: My craziest machariel roam ever

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Lest We Forget: The Faceless Avatars of EVE's Forums

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    dude eve portal

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Understanding Floodplains

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    What would be the best change to eve?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    Wrong answers only!

    submitted by /u/Fffuuuufff
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    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Am I ready for EVE?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    A Story of a man and his nergal

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Tonight we, as in Qball, Myself, and Vincenzo, decided we would go out a roam the pockets of delve.

    Was a simple task nothing ado about nothing.

    Myself being a lovely nergal pilot with a poor fit dino brain was flying a shit nergal.

    Not understanding basic math... I want to see how much my Nergal could spool up to and we were waiting on a friend anyways so I jumped into TCAG and spooled up on the Jump Gate.

    Apparently seeing this a number of people from the nearby gate camp decided, to join in and we started bashing the structure. Got it to 15% when a Harpy fleet of 80 jumps in and rains on our parade.

    I lose my Nergal in the process. https://zkillboard.com/kill/85881599/

    They jump in to G-M4GK and try to reinforce our Jumpbridge, Fleet is formed they run to their side of the gate and both sides sit there until both gates have repaired.

    I send a ping to corp mates saying we will be trying again in 20 minutes.

    We form a hodgepodge again and start reinforcing the jump bridge for a second time. Just like 10 dudes chilling drinking a few beers.

    Goons then bring through a ceptor fleet. they bounce around for a while and we decided to form a fleet because Ahura had logged on and got some Jags ready to fight ceptors or to roam if they don't want to fight. The decided to scurry home and form an 80 man Jackdaw fleet.

    We watch the Jackdaw fleet in TCAG on the gate as we go kill a few guys, lose a few guys, and generally have a roam fleet up. Realizing that they are trying to trap us from getting home we go the other way. However, our FC being the chad he is starts talking shit in one of their staging systems about their jackdaw fleet. Which immediately leaves the gate and starts burning down their jump bridge network after us. We ofc being the master of the cloak and dagger escape and get home.

    Ahura shutdown fleet and invites anyone who wants to try the TCAG gate again... this time goons don't form and it gets reinforced. Then we reinforce another one and another one. So basically congrats goons you just lost your jump bridge to a meme fleet ping and a few dino's just wanting to piss in your cheerios.


    submitted by /u/Nira_Meru
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    World War Bee tracker

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I was furloughed for a couple weeks from work, so I thought it would be fun to try and teach myself a new skill, in this case some web development. I thought it would be fun to keep track of large(ish) battle reports coming from the war and most recent kills involved in the conflict. Once I felt the thing was presentable I slapped the only logical domain on it. worldwarbee.com (how was this not taken)

    Feel free to offer suggestions.

    Edit: sneaky fix of statics which.

    Edit2: maybe fixed issue with live tracking inserts that were causing rollback errors

    Edit3: still trying to figure what occasionally causes sessions to break and not rollback.

    submitted by /u/epaphras
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    Instanced pvp is dogshit.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Who thinks they are bad boys?

    Who are the twitch gimps?

    This is how you win eve?

    This is how you win with a leg over your head.

    submitted by /u/elKuarl
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    Best Battleship for punching down?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    So far I have created a rapid heavy Typhoon that SHREDS frigates, dessies, and sometimes cruisers.

    It's a glass cannon with only 40kehp but 920dps and about 64m/170ish m/s explosion radius/velocity. Double target painter.

    Basically I made it hit really hard and apply really well buts its second missile buff only affects cruise/torpedo missiles.

    My question is are there any better battleships for applying damage to anything cruiser down with very high damage (almost 1k)? Ideally I want to pop frigates in under 10 seconds and cruisers as fast as possible.

    submitted by /u/h4344
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    Jita Holding Inc CEO finds out about his War HQ

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    For those struggling to keep up with the war- I've drawn a quick diagram showing the boundaries of each region and what it represents. 1000 hours on MS Paint.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Purpetrator Fleets (NPSI) Open Invite: Tonight @ 00:00

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Hey r/eve- for the last 5 years I've been running an NPSI group known as Purpetrator Fleets. We've kept this group mostly invite-only for most of that duration, with many highly successful ops over that time.

    For the most part we run T1/T2 frigate and destroyer brawler compositions; pilots are free to fly whatever they want within those categories. However, we almost always have armor logi support in our fleets, so we do request people to aim for armor tanks with that in mind.

    It's also worth noting that we are one of the only NPSI orgs to offer nearly full SRP for support roles including: Logi, CD-links, & Ewar (all assuming you've been vetted by our leadership beforehand).

    We aren't afraid to take good fights when we're offered, and will often punch well above our weight class. Here's a handful of videos of the sort of content we aim to provide:



    Anyway, we took a few years hiatus and have just restarted our operations, doing consistent weekly roams. We're only aiming to get ourselves back up to our old fleet numbers (15-30), so public invitations could be limited in the future!

    If you're looking for an NPSI group to fly with that offers a bit more coordination and a small fleet environment, feel free to join the Purpetrator Fleets discord using the link below: https://discord.gg/5VksWgv

    Join us tonight at 00:00 or use the server to stay notified on the next weekly event! Hope to see some new faces out there with us. o7

    submitted by /u/VoodooXIII
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    Its been two years since this epic tier propaganda was posted:Low Put's "Using sphere.exe to Moonwalk (BL elite hacker perspective)".

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    Ready to get my next fix!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    Current state of Fountain

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:25 PM PDT

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