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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Eve Online something i've noticed

    Eve Online something i've noticed

    something i've noticed

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    F L O O D G A T E S

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    NSH speshul forces liberate guided bombs from CFC

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Where to begin?

    A very brief history, for context of the story.

    April 7th, 2020 - Iron.Guard had decided to leave Goonswarm Fed. No hard feelings, it just wasn't what we wanted to get out of Eve.

    After leaving GSF, Iron joined Nullsechnaya Sholupen (NSH) over on the eastside of New Eden, destined to jump directly into a conflict with FI.RE coalition. After some time of fighting there, a pair of test auxiliary alliances decided to invade Cache region with the intent of evicting NSH. This isn't really relevant to today's story though, outside of pointing out we had moved as fucking far away from GSF as we could, and fought in conflicts that didn't affect their interests at all.

    And then everything stopped. The calm before the storm. NSH leadership became aware that 'it' was coming, the event the entire server has been waiting for, the next real war to talk about.

    Hostilities with Legacy ended, and we were given many weeks warning of what was coming, but obviously we couldn't tell anyone. So we focused on moving assets quietly, and ratting up some isk, cause the grind was about to begin.

    We had a capital move op during the meeting when the entire alliance found out what was up. June 23rd NSH deployed to Sakht to begin our part in WWB2.

    June 24th, 2020 - Iron.Guard discovered something.

    I was, in fact, woken up by my girlfriend in the morning. She had been texted by a corp mate, and I'm a heavy sleeper, so hadn't roused from previous attempts.

    aspecialpinecone: where Tridgit. we need him to help steal money in eve

    GF: i will go check what he is doing

    GF: he is sleeping

    aspecialpinecone: wtf. We making shittons of money stealing from enemy

    So I... woke up, and hopped on comms to hear what was happening. I didn't actually comprehend it at first, so it had to be sold to me. I informed the group I didn't have a hauler nearby, we had just deployed.

    They told me I'm stupid, and to just asset safety. :lightbulb:

    What could possibly be so important that I get up right then to steal some stuff? Well, I have to thank the Imperium ACL team, **Total Newbie** in particular as he's the one who added us to ACLs when we were in GSF, for having poor curation of their ACL rosters.

    Contrary to the fiery speech Mittins gave about 'the pubbies' (that's us XD) telegraphing our war preparations weeks' in advance of the war, all of the preparation the imperium has done has been completed in a reactionary fashion, and this is just yet another example.

    The directors of Iron still had control access to all of the privately rented moons within the GSF hegemony.

    The initial impact was that we were stripping the ammo (bombs/missiles) from athanors that we had access to. 5 of us, in interceptors, warp to athanor > strip ammo to personal hanger > asset safety. This is the process that we used, to gain on average 450m to 500m per athanor in ammunition, the bombs being the prized loot. Both in terms of size and isk per unit.

    Then the revelation happened: we realized that they would have to spend the time and effort to replace what we did. To refuel the ammo, it would take roughly 21k m3. To replace the ammo, it would be roughly 200 bombs and a few thousand missiles per athanor. This actually equates to a total of: 25,596,600,000 trit + obviously a fuckload of other mats.

    This is every rented moon that GSF controlled in Fountain, Querious, Period Basis, and most of Delve. There were 12 systems in Delve we couldn't get to. We stripped the ammo from 796 athanors.

    This is a screencap of what it looked like for one of our toons: imgurlink

    Total cost to the imperium to build what we stole (in mineral cost): 396,256,595,105 isk.

    At the time of the heist this equated to 551.9b in bombs.

    **Current price of the bombs if you bought them on the market is 471.52b**

    The loot:

    standup heavy guided bomb x 79814

    standup light guided bomb x86234

    standup cruise missile x368347

    standup heavy missile x277616

    standup light missile x 128117

    standup super-heavy torpedo x 25881

    standup xl cruise missile x 119490

    And then the second thing dawned on us. Even if the imperium is as 'ready for anything' as they claim, which we doubt, they would need to sacrifice an unreal number of minerals to replace what we took. And they would need to sacrifice the time from the GoonSwarm Logistics team (GSOL) to replace things.

    Plus, they don't know who did it. There are no logs for what we did, and if they are careless enough to leave us with access to do a thing, they likely have left many individuals on as well. This post reveals who robbed them.

    To make matters even worse, it's been literally a month to this day since this happened, and they have no fucking idea how we did this. We can still do it too, with toons we have within the imperium at this point, we tested it recently and sacrificed some fighters to prove it: https://zkillboard.com/related/30004726/202007231500/

    Today, goonswarm pinged about some ADM shit and reclaiming rented (private) moons for the cause etc etc, and this ping said this:

    :siren: ATTENTION: MOON RENTERS :siren:

    The alliance is looking to improve our home system ADMs while providing more opportunities for you to make isk and mine valuable T2 production materials. As of now, there are almost 600 rented moons that have no active frack being pulled.

    If you are a renter that still wants your moon: Start pulling fracks on the moons you want ASAP. That indicates to GSOL you are still interested in your moon.

    If you still want your moon but are having ACL issues then refer to this post: https://goonfleet.com/index.php/topic/290781-gsf-refinery-policy-moon-renting-moon-mining/?p=8805313

    After the Fireside tomorrow GSOL will start looking at moons with no fracks pulling and may rename them to public and start fracks. If your moon is set public, this is temporary for the war and you can have the moon back at a later date if you wish. If you have a question about something related to this, direct it to me (Natalya Spaghet).

    Notice the bolded text there lmao. That forum link? The forum post says:

    For existing renters, you need to do the following to continue renting your moons:

    Create an ACL that contains everyone you want to give the ability to fuel refinery, gun the refinery, and set the frack timer. In addition to the characters from your own corporation you wish to add, add the following characters "Artcanin, Total Newbie, and Lededje Lupo all to the ACL as Admins. Name the ACL anything you want, but start the name with "z_ACLNAMEGOESHERE".

    Send an evemail to Smradonja with the subject line "ACL - YOUR CORPORATION NAME - YOUR CORPORATION TICKER and link the ACL within the body of the email. Please do no write anything else within the evemail other than linking the ACL. To link an ACL, drag the ACL from the ACL window onto the body of the email when composing it.

    We will then apply the ACL you made to your profile. You should have multiple leaders from your corp (CEO, Directors, or whomever you designate) to have admin access on the ACL. Going forward you'll need to manage your own ACL. If you need someone else to have access, add them.

    This proves the imperium has no idea how we did what we did, and is doing a super manual effort intensive way to try and recover, try to move forward. (sorry lads, it won't fix the issue)

    This means the majority, well let's be real here, all of the imperium structures do not have the 'proper' gunnery rosters that they could or should have, because they don't understand proper ACL mechanics.

    So last question to answer: Why are we revealing the story now? What took so long?

    Imperium leadership is really good at doing the mushroom to the line members (keep em in the dark and feed em shit). We didn't know how badly we hurt them in terms of ACL access, so we had to wait for their official reaction to the problem. Mittani will speak about moon stuff in the fireside today, so we figured now was a good time to reveal how utterly outclassed they are with citadel mechanics.

    Thank you for paying for NSH's SRP for WWB2's campaign. Thanks to aspecialpinecone for figuring out how to rob you (GSF) blind.

    TL:DR of the post: Iron found imperium ACL laziness and stole almost half a tril worth of shit from them, and ghosted their confidence in their ACL understanding.

    An image to commemorate the heist: https://i.imgur.com/Cd9YxJUh.jpg

    submitted by /u/Tridgit
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    The fun of Twitch and Mining!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    r/eve today

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    can't hit shit whats wrong with this game

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    Live footage from INIT capital system IGE

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    “Haha made you form”

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    Fracturing a moon chunk (aka athanor doomsday weapon)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    IGE IHub reinforced by PANFAM

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:38 PM PDT


    INIT Sov confirmed to be floodplan

    Ansiplex was also destroyed

    submitted by /u/theandedarefamily
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    [BNN] Brave News Bulletin - July 25, 2020

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Thanks for the 5 hours of gametime CCP, I guess?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Celebrating over 1 Trillion ISK destroyed by our favorite Entropic Disintegrator Werpost! https://zkillboard.com/ship/54577/

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Defend Mother Delve

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Asher going back to sword fleet? Remember how that went last time?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    10h video of hauling through space for sleeping

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Is there anything like this? Because I'm a little fed up with train and truck travel videos.

    submitted by /u/WilderHund1
    [link] [comments]

    Goons are the good guys

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Hear me out, fellow capsuleers...

    Goons had 3 regions to krab away in. Their SIGs provided PvP to nerds who liked F1 and anchor "PvP'. Their krabs were hunted in a healthy safari. Roaming their space was interesting - either you got a great fight or you got some "Dodge the Titan Gatecamp" thrills.

    Goons burned down some PanFam areas and forced them to consolidate into the Drone regions, making Hedliner the best ADM FC this side of Westeros. This allowed smaller groups to move in and regional conflicts to come about. Small to mid sized alliances thrive up north.

    Goons also have some semi-retarded friends named The Initiative that thought it was a fantastic idea to dunk on our friends the Conies...which ended up in them feeding us some dreadnoughts, nightmares, and muninns.

    Goons are the good guys. Change my mind.

    edit: /u/Cpt_Soban is a boogerbreath and Querious will never be yours /u/Wiros

    submitted by /u/cactusjack48
    [link] [comments]

    Current war tldr

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Fittings for Glorification - Free For All Destroyers

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    It do be like that

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Moon drill ignition sequence start

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Cpt. Soban and Valk-or-sia still living rent free in Mittens disturbing, narcissistic, ego-driven brain ...

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    My drug stash was emptied...I wonder who took them?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:59 AM PDT

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