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    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    Eve Online Can I clean my cast iron skillet by letting it sit on high?

    Eve Online Can I clean my cast iron skillet by letting it sit on high?

    Can I clean my cast iron skillet by letting it sit on high?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Edit: Hey friends, I meant to post this on another sub but you know, I'm addicted to this one so while I'm dealing with this smoking beast that I need two oven mitts just to grab its handle I thumbed /r/eve by mistake. Mods, I got some dope tips, pls don't remove so i can reference maybe? <3

    Anyone have any tips? I just got my first cast iron skillet, Gf cooked onions on it and I've been scrubbing it with salt and plastic scrappers ever since.

    I heard I could oil it and burn it off but it's been sitting on a burner for 20 mins and looks like this. https://i.imgur.com/im9eHhc.jpg any suggestions?

    Edit2: spelling mistakes. Also, seriously meme and advice, I appreciate it

    submitted by /u/RaxDomina
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    EVE lessons are Transgenerational

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    I have been playing Eve on and off for 17 years and at times it has been a big part of my life. My son who is 10 has grown up watching fleet fights , ganking , and one of my boring but favorite sports market PVP.

    I have tired to get him into eve, but besides my quest of making isk and numbers he has never really got into the mining, pvp, or anything but how to fleece people out of their cold hard isk.

    He always found it fascinating how I would buy something and then move one system over, charge double and poof make money. When. He would ask me why people would buy it there when they can go next door and get it half price I would tell him. Always bet on lazy, the lazier you make something the more money you can make from it.

    About 5 weeks ago my 10 year old son started asking me to buy him a Nintendo switch. Now my son already has a xbox one and PS4, I told him if he wants the switch he would have to save or make the money himself. now he has an allowance which he earns 10 bucks a week to do random chores around the hous. one of which is going to get the mail. We live in a community of about 200 homes in a large t shape grid lay out, and at the middle the post office has set up a communal place to get your mail. So he would ride his bike down each day and get the mail from our box.

    This last month I noticed him and his friend would go riding for about an hour each day and he would come back with the mail. Today he walked up and handed me 300 for his new switch. Now when a 10 year old hands you 300 out of no where it begs for questions.

    Come to find out he devised a idea, him and his mother walked around the neighborhood and offered each house a service, he would pick up there mail and deliver it to their home each day until the first snow for 15$ a month. Low and behold he got 39 houses to sign up.

    Amazing fact was most of them that signed up were also the closest to the mail boxs. When I asked him how did he come up with this idea. He told me. "It's like you said in your game dad. People will pay to make easy things easier, and I thought to myself what is the easiest thing I do. So dad I bet on lazy!"

    So EVE my son thanks you for his new switch, ps he is not a fan of the brokage fees he had to pay to buy it though.

    submitted by /u/harconan
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    When the titan moveops glitch into IRL (Erebus cloud)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Goonswarm ~Elite Black Hand~ found a new target

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Wife's first commission piece, police skin Erebus!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Drekavac colour + light study - watercolour painting

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    how old were you when you find out there is a separate radial menu for broadcasting

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    BLind EVE: A Promising Progress Report

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Hi ALl,

    I wanted to write as it's been a week or so of surprising progress in terms of learning the game, and while I'm not yet to a place where I feel comfortable with PVP or even close to it, I'm a lot more confident than I was.

    I have a technique for viewing the game state which exposes a lot of information to me, almost too much in many cases. Fortunately, I'm slowly learning to focus on one or two windows at a time, and not trying to push myself into places where reaction time is super important. I'm in the middle of the agency missions which are an excellent introduction to PVE, and trying not to become overwhelmed by everything that's possible.

    Neocom II, the iOS app, is an excellent replacement for the fitting window in-game, and happens to be 95% accessible. My only grouse with it is that it seems to have some issues with EVE mail, and has a tendency to crash inexplicably.

    I'm enjoying the chance to get familiar with the game at a slow pace, and very much appreciate the help that has been provided by this community and players of the game in general. I hope that in time I will be able to play and find a role for myself that is useful and fun, and hopefully also talk to CCP about ways to improve the accessibility of the game in general. There are many other blind players who would absolutely adore the chance to play something like this.

    I intend to release a video at some point documenting my experience, and perhaps also stream if I can get a decent setup for it.

    For the time being, I'm so happy to be here and able to feel like I'm making forward's progress, even if it is slow.

    For the record, proof that something is working is if you inadvertently buy five or six of an item instead of one. ;) I guess it happens to everybody once or twice.

    submitted by /u/BlindGuyNW
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    [zkill] Login issues should be gone now!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    For some reason my server's configuration was being completely ignored, but altering cookie sessions inline with the code seems to have done the trick. Your logins should last 30 days now.

    If you're already logged in, you'll need to logout and back in to get the 30 day cookie session.

    submitted by /u/Squizz
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    For Whom Destruction Calls

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    "PGL! You incompetent buffoon! The ineptitude on display in Y-2 was absolutely atrocious! ONE TASK… YOU HAD ONE TASK. Drop a raven fleet on the keepstar and shoot it… that was it. Instead, you managed to get bombed! By DBRB of all people. Not only do our enemies have all those killmails to stroke off to, but now I have to appear before the Pandafam tribunal and explain why we should be allowed to help with the siege of O-P. I will not speak of the atrocities that await me in those halls, but know your fate will be so much worse."

      I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. The creaking wood caught Dran's attention as he peered at me over the top of his Reeve and Jones Disguise Glasses. I fought back the urge to poke fun at his jocular appearance for fear of being blacklisted from the Legacy homelands for eternity. A shudder ran down my spine as I spoke up timidly, "Maybe I can come back at a better time… when Vily's not so busy trying to win a war and…"

      "Trying?!?" Dran erupted from his desk, fists splintering the glass tablet he had been working at. "How dare you insinuate that WE are not winning this war. We win every day, all objectives, every timer, and each fleet fight. His Eminence does not need to try at something as trivial as war… He is the god of War, and as such, he always wins. Choose your words more carefully next time, impudent dino…" Dran was interrupted by a sharp reeing from the phone on his desk. "Vily will see you now." He opened the doors behind him, and beckoned me forward as a sadistic smile touched his lips.

      Vily's war chambers would likely have been a site to behold, had it not been for the horror on display. As I walked in, my eyes were drawn to the walls. Flayed open were the eviscerated bodies of my dino brethren. Rivers of blood poured onto the marble floors, knives protruding from every orifice of their bodies. Jackdaws and crows pecked mercilessly at the spilled intestines that dangled towards the floor, swaying gently in the breeze. Perhaps it was merely my shock at such a spectacle, but I swore I could faintly hear ragged breathing and muffled whimpers. No, they couldn't still be alive, could they? In the middle of the chambers sat a pentagram, fed by the blood cascading down from the walls, and at the end of the room Vily sat on a throne of Spodumain, twirling a butterfly knife about his fingers. PGL cowered in the corner by a raging fire, rocking back and forth in the fetal position.

      "Ah yes, my little inconsiderate spy. I have half a mind to pin you to these walls like your brothers, but Dran took a liking to you, so I will indulge him this once. Speak to me fool. What is your name?"

      "Nunan Locs, Your Emminence."

      "And how long have you served on the front lines?"

      "A little over six months with my reptilian compatriots. Before that, I fought alongside our Voltron allies."

      "Tell me Nunan, what is it that you see on the war front?"

      "I… I.. I see the flag of our people flying proudly on the battlefields of eternity. The nebulas burn in the fires of ecstasy we wrought, and the cursed hulls of The Imperium fleets lay splintered in the void of space. I see victory and success. I see only the inevitable, the annihilation of our sworn enemies."

      Vily's smile faded slowly from his lips as he squinted his eyes. "Lies. Lies. LIES!" He plunged the knife he was wielding into the desk, rending a crack down its length. "All I ever hear from my alliance is lies. Day in and day out I'm fed the lie of victory from my FCs. I'm fed the lie of our glorious empire from Reddit. I grow weary of hearing only from those that fail to see the grand design, the picture of our interminable dominion and everlasting rule. But even I don't hear those angelic asseverations anymore. I will give you a second chance… for your sake, I hope you speak the truth."

      "The war is being won, Your Eminence, but not by the hands of TEST. I confess, I do not know if the forces of the Imperium will prevail, or our combined collective will succeed in this campaign. But what I do see, and I know for sure is, that the victory TEST seeks will never be ours. Delve may fall and burn… but the riches that lie there will go to the varmints in our midst… The Legions of Pandafam will descend as locusts, claiming the sov for themselves, establishing a rental empire that rivals the Holy Rental Empire of years past. Our Voltron brothers, having grown weary of the overlords who show less and less effort to succeed than they do, will realize their true calling, cast off the chains of servitude and enslave us to their will. The Imperium will have the revenge it seeks. Whether from their seemingly impenetrable fortress, or from within our own ranks, retribution will come."

      Vily stood still, his hands clenched on the table, leaning over me with condescension. Slowly, he eased back into his chair and nodded. "Yes, perhaps Dran was correct to keep you alive. You see what your brothers can not, a truth that we dare not speak for fear that it will come to pass. I started this war with the assurance of our conquest. But the Voice of the Ancient One, He who has guided my every step, has grown silent. My path is no longer clear. But you my child, may be the key to unlocking this mystery, the savior of our people, and the Herald of this Age. Sit for a little while and I will tell you of what you must do."


    TL;DR – This and following posts of this nature are fictional stories from the perspective of a test line member during the war. If that isn't your type of post, thank you for stopping by and I understand your desire to not read further. Someone in the comments may be kind enough to do a tl;dr but as the author, had I wanted it to be shorter, I would have written it as such.

    Thanks to everyone for the updoots and support (and the sweet silver award) on the last post. The next couple of posts will be a little behind on current events as I was moving and didn't have a computer to post from. Thanks and enjoy!

    Part 1 of the Story: https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/icanl8/the_war_unfolds/

    submitted by /u/Nunan_Locs
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    Monitor Names

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Niarja New Player Experience

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Goonswarm alliance breaks in two as CEO is exposed of thieving and being a major sperg

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    What the hell happened in Provi?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Just as the title says. I won EvE due to real life a couple years back and checked dotlan for some echoes navigation(their map is shit on toast) and found cva gone from Provi. Did Provi finally fold or did they get overwhelmed?

    (I was around for the rebuild after the faction Fortizar crap with PL and TEST. This looks new and kinda recent.)

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/Kashell_Makanen
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    CCPLs Add a "common sense" rule to the Proving grounds:

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    "Any attempt to influence leaderboard results by colluding with alts or other players will net you a permanent ban from the proving grounds"

    Cable Uta is using alts in hundreds of empty MJD canes and empty MJD gnosises. They blow themselves up in the boundary, to give himself very fast wins in the 2v2 BCs. He does this in deep USTZ, AUTZ, and makes those timezones actually cancer for anyone trying to get a good fight. He has an enormous amount of wins (60+ last time we checked) with no BC killmails to account for them.

    I'm not even in the grounds this time around, so I have no bias, and this is not me trying to go up a few slots on the leaderboard. This is just a sad state of affair for everyone else.

    submitted by /u/Tektium
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    Edencoms leadership just went insane, banned multiple FCs and any known trig supporters from their discord. Shattering their own community and eliminating any future friendly interaction between the two groups.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Here is their spin "Good day Edencom! Today I am doing a PR memo/release to update you all on the current affairs of our leadership. I, as director of EDI, want to clarify my roles in our organization since becoming the Director. My role is to BE a director. Filter information to the correct people/departments as well as help manage diplomacy and public relations of our orginazation. I will continue to manage our SRP (ship replacement fund) as well as Logistics (bringing current invasion fleets resupplys on ammo/drones) Our 'Senior Fleet Commanders' will be a functional democracy and vote on the issues, tactics and such going forth. I would like to apologize to the senior fleet commanders publicly for not consulting them in the previous decision and I will continue to fully support them moving forwards. In this light I will no longer vote on matters of the 'Senior Fleet Commanders' unless invited to by them themselves, due to this incident. I have full faith in their abilities and I will be at their disposal. As most of you know we did have an issue with a executive decision I made this past week and it was put under review and voted on by the 'Senior Fleet Commanders' and my decision was upheld by a majority vote.

    As many of you are aware Debes had the Senior Fleet Commanders role removed - and while the majority vote agreed with the decision it was decided that the opportunity for amends to be made be on the table. The Senior Fleet Commanders agreed to offer Debes the opportunity to stay in EDI with the potential to return Senior Fleet Commander and thus join the democratic process. We want to be clear that the Senior Fleet Commanders role is not a statement of skill or ability but is a rank in EDI that comes with responsibilities and decision making above that of Junior Fleet Commanders. This is a role that is earned and with it comes responsibilities and expectations. The Senior Fleet Commanders have made their feelings clear on this matter: It has been noted that there have been people on both sides of this debate who have caused strife in the chat channels. Debes and myself have both agreed that any future issues must be calmed within our own ranks and then brought to the Senior Fleet Commanders for discussion. The Senior Fleet Commanders want to make it clear that mudslinging between members of EDI is not acceptable and that no member of the community is beyond reproach. Myself included. We do not expect further diatribe on this issue and the Senior Fleet Commanders have made it clear that breaches of trust, provocation or personal attacks will not be tolerated. In the coming week there will be a nomination within the Senior Fleet Commanders of a chair person to break tie votes. In the future if you have issues and are uncomfortable bringing them to someone please know that the Chairperson will have the vote of confidence of the Senior Fleet Commanders and as far as EDI is concerned has both EDI and Edencoms best interest at heart. At this time, due to CODE. support of the triglavian effort, ganking and quite simply 'low effort' gameplay against us, we will be removing triglavians from the discord. YOU WILL NOW BE REQUIRED TO HAVE YOUR DISCORD NICKNAME ON THIS SERVER AS YOUR INGAME NAME. Fleets will be restricted and if you are in a voice chat, and not in the fleet, you will be removed. Secure comms are now required. The trigs have shown they no longer want to play 'fair' and have resorted to full on 'gank tactics' This will take effect today. We are also updating what it means to be an FC as well as requirements to become a Jr. FC and above. Stay tuned."

    Join Edencom today!

    submitted by /u/edencommie
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    The “Harvest” of Tunudan

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Welcome to low

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Fit Kitchen: Corvettes

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:59 PM PDT


    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    A bit of a rant: Lately the game becomes uplayable for me. Past weeks I have (un)regular disconnects. After relog, I either stare at a black screen til disconnected again or as soon as I do something within the client (undock/open fitting window/industry/jump a gate) get disconnected. Sometimes eve works flawlessly the whole evening, other days after few unsuccessful attempts, I give up and play something else instead. I made sure I have stable connection,purged the cache, verified the files, did all the usual stuff.

    Last time I got kicked shortly after entering abyss filament. After relog, my HUD, module icons, drone window was gone and half of the commands were broken. Didn´t see if my modules are running, could not fire, was able to lock targets but not command drones to attack, some shortcuts worked, some didn´t. Tried to close the client and relog couple of times with the same result. I figured out I might aswell die trying. Finished the first room, using drones auto-aggro, but in the second room I ended up with preserver drones, unable to attack them in any way and thus died to a timer.


    Blingy Gila gonne, not really an issue. Already happened a few (too many) times. Only now, I felt for the first time it wasn´t due to my incompetence or stupidity.

    So I filled a ticket. For the first time in all those years. I described what happened, provided details even linked subreddit and official forum thread, where players described the same behaviour. I received a generic „logs show nothing - denied" response. I asked how missing UI components/broken commands can be in any way related to connection issues, when part of the game works fine/ is clearly connected and other customers are reporting the same issue. The GM then simply replied that he doesn´t believe it happened, how I described. Basically just told me, that he thinks I´m lying, without even addressing anything what I stated...

    So I closed the ticket and told myself I won´t be interacting with CCP customer service ever again in any shape or form...

    TLDR: Lost ship due to bug, filled a ticket, was told to f* off, got salty...

    submitted by /u/dynday
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    Monthly Economic Report - July 2020

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    4 Weeks and 100bil destroyed, Dock Workers in Curse deployment highlights

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 07:13 AM PDT


    Cheers to legacy for bringing the fights and being undocked for the ganks. Recruitment open for corps and individuals with dread alts.

    submitted by /u/Valasius
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    Software audio dynamic compressor?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    So back In the day when Ventrillo was a thing, it had an actually really useful compressor setting.

    By playing with the threshold, radio and gain settings it was possible to essentially make everyone the same volume or close to it regardless of how quiet or loud they were talking.

    Is anyone aware of a way to achieve this with software that would work with mumble/TS3?

    submitted by /u/Kumaabear
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    Is ganking Marauders a common thing?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:47 PM PDT


    Today I bought my first Marauder, a Paladin, for L4 missions. Its barely got any bling on it, not at all worth the gank. However I feel a bit disheartened to continue missioning now after browsing zkill I see a lot of t2 fit Marauders similar to mine geting ganked.

    I'm guessing its just for fun because the hulls are very expensive - so most amount of potential salt?

    Am pretty sad now though, was looking forward in using this boat, its really cool. Will probably sell it since it doesn't seem worth my time that a semi t2 fit ship is a regular gank target :(

    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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