• Breaking News

    Monday, August 17, 2020

    Eve Online The moment you've all been waiting for

    Eve Online The moment you've all been waiting for

    The moment you've all been waiting for

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    Dear CCP, It's Time to Remove the Bounty/Kill Right System in Nullsec

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:56 PM PDT


    This system is outdated & causes the server to be frequently overloaded with hundreds of calls every time a player with a bounty dies (imagine if an alliance had a bounty!). We know that this system can be turned off whenever it needs to be (like it was in X47). Is there any reason for it to ever be turned on in nullsec in the YOOL 2020?

    When we have fights with thousands of players going at it, there's no reason for a system that serves no purpose but to augment time dilation and cause modules to cease to function on a widespread scale.

    Am I wrong? Let me know in the comments below.

    submitted by /u/Redline_XIII
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    Niarja in Stellar Reconnaissance. The fate of your Freight routes hangs in the balance.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    Niarja has been deemed worthy of Triglavian Rule. As it stands, it's 10 gates from Jita to Amarr. If the system fully welcomes Triglavian rule, that becomes 46 jumps if you want to stay in High Security Space. 26 if you brave the lawlessness of Low Security.



    submitted by /u/DrDeaf
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    [zkill] Feedback wanted - Advanced Search!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:29 PM PDT


    A couple weeks I posted a thread asking about what papercuts on zkill needed to be fixed. 80% of the responses could easily be answered with advanced searching... so here we go!

    Give it a go and please keep in mind that some things aren't working yet and may not quite work as expected. But I like being agile and seeking early 'customer" input.

    Things to do:

    • Add time frames (e.g. monthly, or Oct 9, 2013 to Dec 3, 2013)
    • Implement groupings as we see on the right on other pages
    • Implement rankings (maybe - this might be tough)
    submitted by /u/Squizz
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    Where Things STand as a BLind EVE Player

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Hi ALl,

    I just wanted to write a bit and update everybody on where things stand regarding my efforts to play Eve with a screen reader. I've recently connected with a couple helpful souls on Discord, which has eased my return a little bit, though if I'm honest in many ways it's more or less re-learning the UI from scratch, considering I didn't get very far last time around.

    I have managed to get a copy of the specialized overview used by another blind player, though am still somewhat mystified as to his play process in general. HE claims to use Dragon naturally speaking, which is not a program I would imagine as a very capable screen reader, but perhaps he has other disabilities.

    The biggest problems at the moment revolve around my need to use OCR for most things. This is necessary because the client doesn't communicate directly with the screen reader, nor indeed export any accessible information from its windows at all, as far as I've seen. I discovered today that I can select and copy text to the clipboard, but that's about it. My current OCR implementation has several problems.

    It doesn't know about EVE's windowing system, nor have an easy way to restrict itself to portions of the screen. I am thus OCRing several windows at once, and while I Can minimize them from time to time, it isn't ideal.

    The OCR doesn't handle columns very well. THIs is bad for the overview but probably also impacts other areas of the game. It tends to flatten, spindle, and otherwise put columns in random sequence, which makes getting a gestalt difficult. I Feel like about 80% of my time with EVE is spent trying to figure out what OCR is telling me, which is occasionally very difficult.

    I've reached out to the folks at CCP on Twitter, and have heard back that they are at least willing to look into accessibility, although there's no firm commitment from anyone. I would appreciate it if anyone here with contacts there could bring any good offices to bear on this problem, it's definitely not just me who's interested. There is a large, eager community of blind gamers who would love to enjoy an MMO of this sophistication, which is pretty much unlike anything we have available at the moment.

    For the moment, I'm going to keep trying to poke at the game until I either succeed or grow frustrated again. To be honest, the DDOS attack earlier this year probably contributed to my annoyance; it's hard to try to play a game when you literally can't access it. :)

    I have slight hope that (A) I will be able to figure out how the other blind player is able to enjoy the game (B) CCP will be willing to help out given sufficient community engagement, or (C) I'll somehow figure out how to use my existing tools in a better fashion. I'm honestly leaning more towards (A) or (B), just because the current tools are both crude and far more tedious than they need to be.

    As always, I'm happy to chat about this stuff in more depth, or engage with the community or anyone else interested in the topic. Thanks for reading, all.

    submitted by /u/BlindGuyNW
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    Open Contract on White Squall. Especially Ryba

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    We started this project months ago. Yabbiy, their Zealous CEO, is what started it all.

    Everything was promised to us. New Community, new friends, a chance to give back to our community.

    This was all a lie. Yabbiy started recruiting some truly vile fucks.

    1. Dab Stasarik, this sick furry fuck plays in a dog onsie. He fucking drinks from a dog bowl, filled with monster. His atrocious slurping is the most agonizing sound ever, and when you call him out on it he whimpers like a puppy.

    2. Hvergelmir Qseng. This sick stalker found an old twitch clip of me, use deepfake technology and made me sing some fucking song. I dont sing, it isnt even fathomable that i would. He also makes fucked up memes and trains new Ryba members into making fun of NSH members.

    3. Butthole Huge. The name says it all, still pretty sure he is a Eve University Spy.

    Im sick and tired of my elite members of NSH being made fun of by Ryba. You guys make fun of us in local. You come in our comms and breathe heavily and when told to be quiet they fucking start chanting "the swamp beckons, all will return" over and over again and i cant fucking stand the sperg.

    We are NSH, we are elite Cerb Pilots. We are the 720 arty of the cynabal. We are elite Fortizar Anchorers, we never anchor athanors backwards EVER.

    Fuck you white squall, you are a feeder alliance, stop making fun of us.

    1. 100mil for any whitesquall corpse

    2. 200mil for a Dab KM

    3. 1bil for a Yabbiy fleet feed


    submitted by /u/wallywot
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    EVE Revenue up 32% in Q2 2020

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    This baby can fit

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Most Profitable PI setups

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    Looking for advice on getting PI setup for 3chars which have lvl5 skills so 18 planets. I am looking at taking p3 mats in and converting them to p4. Thats the best profitability scale i see google around anyone have experience?

    submitted by /u/SanshaLord
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    12 Characters + 2 Friends Kicked from Corp - No Warning - Ryba.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    I logged in today and was greeted with this:


    All my characters and both of my friends were kicked from Ryba. For those of you that don't know, Ryba is NSH's training corp. They were quite welcoming and I fully moved in. I've been mining, PVPing, VERY active. Setup 18 planets for PI to help make fuel blocks. ZERO toxicity. Brought in doctrine ships/built them and put them up for good prices! Moved in a carrier and a dread! A few hours before this happened, one of the directors was even asking if i wanted to help build caps, talked to him about way to help out.

    What do I do in this situation? How do I get my stuff out safely? My friends are likely going to leave eve due to this and it really sucks :( It's especially shitty because I left Brave after 2 weeks of interviewing corps, and only went here because Iron Guard leadership (the group I wanted to join after all the interviews) told me to.

    I've never been "talked to" by anyone, never caused any issues. This is quite demoralizing.

    Is my best bet to find a corp that is blue and blue-tank my shit outta Cache? Anyone else ever been in this situation?

    Edit: Looks like I was a spy? FML, I can't even.

    submitted by /u/UDeePee
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    Literally unplayable

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:27 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:14 PM PDT





    submitted by /u/PlanetaryGenocide
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    An Ode to the Ravens-You Will Be Avenged My Brothers and Sisters- o7

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    TEST Reddit shitposts are nothing compared to our high quality propaganda

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Quick question, is lone cheap frigate PVP in lowsec/faction warfare still possible/successful?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    I used to do this many years ago, like 2008, and then again a few years later doing small capture points for Caldari FW. It was fun and generally successful, even by myself. I'm not caught up in affairs in EVE for years now, and was wondering if this style of gameplay can still be successful or if everything has moved to blobbing and everything's a trap now and everyone's flying ultra expensive frigates that would make it not worth my time?


    submitted by /u/Chris9183
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    Anyone elses game performing like shit the last 2 days?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    Everything seems much slower then normal, every time i open my hangar i briefly get a loading icon, right click menus feel slugish to open, the industry window takes forever to start jobs/load blueprint data/etc.

    I figured something might be wrong with my connection but i cant actually find any issues.

    Anyone else having issues?

    submitted by /u/JoshuaFoiritain
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    Best ship for 10/10 Angels space

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    As the title says. Currently use a Raven MJD shoot from 190km away works ok but it's slow. Like 5m ticks. Looked at a tengu but it seems it's not recommended as the antimatter channeler can alpha it. Maybe a rattle? Anyone got a fit? Or any other fits. I'm wanting to spend around 1bill.

    submitted by /u/mjcloran
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    [BNN] Brave News Bulletin - August 16, 2020

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    EVE in 2020... Is it worth it?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I used to play EvE Online years ago, never really took it massively seriously and all I really ever did was mining. Skilled up as far as needed to fly a hulk and then did a load of science.

    I'm around 18m skill points, but dont know if its worth trying again.

    submitted by /u/Kaledis00
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    Curb your Bot Banning Practices!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:53 AM PDT


    During July I got report confirmation on 41 banned botters. In August however, I've yet to receive a single confirmation. Maybe I've been incorrect with some reports, but do think the vast majority is a no-brainer. The usual suspects, landing on the citadel before you can start dscanning. Inhuman reactions to someone jumping into local. System after system. The bots have gotten a lot better since pre-blackout. If you didn't set up a spot with a dictor to get on before they get the drones in and warp, you have zero chance of catching them. More botters will also choose a safe bookmark around the citadel grid rather than warping directly to it etc.

    I'm wondering if CCP has stopped banning bots? Did the Asian overlords pull the plug on the bot banning? Is CCP Security just on holidays, with no overlap? What gives?

    The main reason I ask is, I've been roaming a bit in Rus/FRT space around 04:00 - 10:00 EVE time lately and holy phuck is the TZ infested with bots. Mining bots, super bots, Ishtar/Gila/Myrm/Domi bots as far as the eye can see. EUTZ has also had a pretty hefty uptick in botting lately.

    I'm EU primary and didn't know just how bad it was during East Rus/Chinese prime time. A lot of em are clearly new accounts made at the end of July.

    A decent way to figure out who's botting is chain-yeeting a cloaky ship and just warp to whatever seems the most logical citadel/POS they'd run off to. If they are pretty much already landing, they're botting. Other giving factors is sec status (usually 5.0) and new account. I've also seen behavior where the bot operators will have put the bot into a corp for a longer time then made a few fake corps with just a day or three. But primarily you'll see one day in NPC corp them straight into the botting corp.

    Eventually you start see patterns for naming conventions like "fdsnjk <Random-generator-lastname>" or just keyboard smashes. Or corp names that is very frequent. Currently I'd say the worst botting offenders are WinterCo affiliated (Like FRT, Azure Citizens, VVV etc). Russians in FI.RE and Mangos are pretty bad too. But not even close to WinterCo & pets.

    It's gotten to a point where there's really no good reason to even try going for ratters, because 19/20 times it will be an insta-warping bot. Do I enjoy killing ratters? No. But they are a decent way to get a response which isn't "OK guys there is 5 people disturbing our krabbing. We form 100 Muninns, HIC/DICs, Recons and fast-tackle. Max tank! Fleet up under <Pussy FC>. Leaving in 10 minutes! DO NOT ENGAGE BEFORE WE CAN TURBODUNK!".

    submitted by /u/TyrHeimdal
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    Onyx T4 abyss test

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:14 AM PDT


    Really love the appearance of the Onyx and want to make it able to run abyss sites. Did a T4 exotic here, went pretty well!


    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    Which racial capital ships should I skill into?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I have all of the universal skills at V for the most part, but I'm trying to figure out what I should invest time into, e.g., Amarr Titan, Gallente Carrier, etc.?

    submitted by /u/LawyerThong
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