• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Eve Online We're into the final three days for teams to sign up for the EVE_NT Alliance Open. Don't miss out on 10v10 Alliance combat!

    Eve Online We're into the final three days for teams to sign up for the EVE_NT Alliance Open. Don't miss out on 10v10 Alliance combat!

    We're into the final three days for teams to sign up for the EVE_NT Alliance Open. Don't miss out on 10v10 Alliance combat!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    I turned myself into a Rig Morty! I'm Piggle Rig!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    DANK LEAKS! Elite Imperium FC Training Video Leaked on the Meta Show!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    On behalf of our corp member's loss of his wife

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    We will be doing a cyno display on the GE Keepstar in tribute to Kathy, the wife of our own pilot Safour. She unfortunately lost her life recently after battling cancer for some time. We want to allow others to join us in sending a cyno on behalf of Kathy. Safour has been a long standing member who has been an amazing friend to everyone around him. We all feel his pain. This is a video game, but the people behind the screen have things going on. In a war time situation, we sometimes lose that sight.

    Anyone who wishes to join us on this display, both within legacy and outside of legacy are more than welcome to join in a cyno ship. We have spoken to BRAVE leadership and have been given the blessing that all cyno ships will be given access to join us on the Keepstar. The cyno will go up at 2400. It will be going on tonight.

    Edit: The show of support from this community was overwhelming. It was beautiful, and Safour and his family saw it and were moved to tears. Thank you all so much!

    submitted by /u/Rush_Crosix
    [link] [comments]

    New Eden Space Weather Report

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    How have i not been Dread bombed Yet ?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Someone tried to gank me

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    It's probably happened to you guys before, but this is the first time it happened to me and it was a real shock.

    I'd planned for this in my Nereus; I set it up with just enough tank to survive one Tornado volley with EMP loaded. That's exactly what happened. Some guy in Sirppala saw the Gila, Worm, Daredevil and respective pimp fits I was carrying, brought out his Tornado, and took a shot at me. He must have had a scout ship scan me at some point, but I didn't notice.

    Anyway, I survived in about half armor (most of my tank was in shield) which is exactly what I had calculated for. It still terrified the shit out of me.

    Heart is still pounding 10 minutes later, almost all the way to Dodixie.

    submitted by /u/Regular_Nerd
    [link] [comments]

    Minmatar irl be like ��

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    [Solo PVP Vid] Why you use Crystals on Nightmare

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    A Thief's Journal: Week 1 - Back into the seat

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    Week 1: 4/11 - 4/18/2020

    Well we are off to a good start. After a picking out our regions, we got to work scouting structures. It didn't take too long before everyone was set up, not nearly as long as I thought it would.

    I'm going to try to keep track of any activity on grid with the unanchoring structures but sometimes there just isn't any activity at all.

    Agal - Industrial (Star Serpent Corporation)

    Found: 4/10 10:55pm

    Unanchored: 4/11 6:17 PM

    Structure: Raitaru

    Sold: 493,833,000 isk

    Scooped: Shamus


    Star Serpent, the owner and CEO, was there at the structure waiting for it to unanchor. Apparently he didn't know that the structure popped 50km away from him, when he needs to be within 2,500m to scoop it. I say this because he was slow boating to it. I had warped straight to the compressed Raitaru and scooped it right from under his nose. I then talked with him and gave him some tips about how to do it better next time. He seemed like a good guy that really just didn't know much about structures and how they worked. We added each other to contacts to keep in toEden.in case he ever needs my services or advice. He is the kind of pilot we need here in New Eden, one that can take a loss and not give up.

    Sadly though, he stopped unanchoring his Athanor that was on grid.


    Bherdasopt - Public Refinery (Low Tax Mission Snax)

    Found: 4/7 10:28pm

    Unanchored: 4/12 1:05pm

    Structure: Athanor

    Sold: 772,420,500 isk

    Scooped: Gendrath


    Thought that this one would come out on Tuesday, and I had found it the first day of unanchoring, I'm glad I was off today and watching the controls. No one was on grid but man it still gets my heart pumping as much as if someone was on grid. It doesn't last as long though. Great present for Easter Sunday, i do call them eggs when they pop unanchored. Beautiful little eggs...


    Ebasez - UT Station (Uranian Technologies)

    Found 4/10 5:23pm

    Unanchored: 4/12 3:48pm

    Structure: Astrahus

    Sold: 918,850,000 isk

    Scooped: Shamus


    Shivaitee, the station owner showed up as it popped but he warped to the old saved location and was 38km away from the Astrahus when i landed next to its compressed egg. Second one for Easter Sunday. Mmmm it's kinda nice to scoop up an Astrahus, they are the most expensive of the medium structures. He didn't take it too well that I was reclaiming his structure and told me to go fuck myself multiple times. I offered to teach him how to do it properly, but he said "I Need no lessons from a thief!" and told me yet again to go fuck myself. Probably one of the saltier ones that I've had so far.


    Pashanai - SHSLC - Maquro (Sashimi Holdings LLC)

    Found: 4/8 11:32pm

    Unanchored: 4/13 6:50am

    Structure: Athanor

    Sold: 742,900,000 isk

    Scooped: Zaphire


    Woke up after server reset to log back in the characters and while loading in Zaphire i noticed the Athanor she was watching had popped, there is a hanger container and a shuttle on grid. Ok its a shuttle no worries, I initiate warp to the egg and a Tayra shows up on grid while I'm in warp, he is right on grid with the Athanor! But instead of scooping it first he goes for the hangar container! I scoop the Athanor and warp off, dock up and disconnect.. I think that this station belonged to some old alliance friends that destroyed my once great Moon mining empire. One by one as they leave I will be there to scoop their structures. Also the fact that this one was a wake up and instant scoop leads me to believe in my instincts even more. If I had been any slower I would have missed this one. Seconds count in this profession


    Zimse - Core (MM Holdings)

    Found: 4/13 10:21pm

    Unanchored: 4/15 4:43pm

    Structure: Athanor

    Sold: 767,435,250 isk

    Scooped: Shamus


    I found a new method of notification for the structures when they finish unanchoring with this Athanor. I tried putting a single item the station so I'd get a notification of item movement to Asset Safety when the station unanchors. I was right! It notifies you not 30s after it pops and becomes scoop-able.

    I was in Munory, which is a system over, when this one popped and I am surprised I made in and was able to scoop it. I landed on grid with 2 other ships, One Vagabond and one Tayra. I Thought I was going to miss it to the Tayra but I was able to land and scoop it before they were, the Vagabond had me targeted but didn't attack or anything, which is interesting.

    I wonder if the Praxis I am flying is a deterrent. I made it to a station safe and sound to unload the compressed station. Man what a rush; awesome to know that it is a near instant notification that your items are being transferred to asset safety. Sadly at his next Athanor he brought 4 other battleships to defend it. I decided to leave that one be and not test the bounds of my ship


    Bania - Deep Thought (42 Deep Thought Industries) 4/17 @ ?

    Found: 4/12 2:36pm

    Unanchored: 4/17 Missed


    "Missed this one due to work, left @ 10am, returned at 5pm, empty grid, i bet it was around lunch time. maybe i should take the tablet to work to monitor during lunch? for the moment though, missing one here and there when earning real world money isn't so bad. With the new method of alarming the structures i am able to camp whole systems that are small enough. Zimse for example, has 4 unanchoring and is less than 14au across. Allowing you to pop around system, while you wait for the structure to pop. once it does, D-Scan the system and warp to the egg."


    4/17/2020 9:41pm

    Looking though other battleships and fits, the Praxis is really the only one that can fit a structure in it and still have a decent align time. The only other one with anywhere enough space is the Megathron but it aligns twice as slow as the Praxis, so it is the only viable battleship to scoop with.

    4/18/2020 1:37am

    Looking through Industrial ships to see if there are any other viable options and @ max skills I got one down to 3.88s align time. Badger it does require lvl V Caldari Industrial (I - V 20day @ 34.5sp/m) to be that fast and have enough cargo space for a small structure. This will be Zaphires' new ship since she has the max skills to fly the thing. will be super nice knowing she is that slippery. Sadly it is a fit for Omega Scooper Pilots only.

    Zimse - 05 moon (ind Corporation of Moon Hellcat)

    Found: 4/13 10:22pm

    Unanchored: 4/18 9:35am

    Structure: Athanor

    Sold: 796,662,500 isk

    Scooped: Shamus


    I warped to the egg after it had popped, thanks to the new notification method. I landed on grid with an Orca and an Iteron mk V. The Iteron V was 9,000km and closing away from the structures egg when I landed on grid, i was able to scoop it, warp off and drop into another station safely to wait out the suspect timer. I did miss one 30 minutes ago though sadly, we will see how many we can get by days end.

    I played the Salvager/Reclaimer a bit more with this corporation.


    Private Chat Logs


    tyrish Thellere > Hi

    Shamus O'neal > o/

    Shamus O'neal > whats up?

    tyrish Thellere > You recently talked to Nickolas F Hunt I advise you to return the stolen otherwise you will have problems

    Shamus O'neal > Stolen? I'm sorry but i have a work order for the reclamation of unwanted structure 73169-f in Zimse, if this work order was filed in error, a fee of 750mil is required to get the structure out of impound

    tyrish Thellere > Who made this order?

    Shamus O'neal > Anon-469 on the 13th of the month

    tyrish Thellere > Do you understand that in case of failure you will be ordered?

    Shamus O'neal > I think you are failing to understand, I acknowledge I have your structure, I acknowledge that you want it back, but i cannot comply without the processing fee of 750mil to return the structure out of impound.


    Haron F Hunt > Hello pic maker, you have an hour to bring station back or u will be illuminated. I'm just saying a fact

    Shamus O'neal :) processing fee of 750,000,000isk is required my friend. Work order 73169-f has been completed and a processing fee is required to remove the structure Zimse - 05 moon (ind Corporation of Moon Hellcat) from impound and adoption

    Shamus O'neal > ooooh we already have someone looking to adopt your structure for 800mil, i can hold the adoption papers for a moment if you would like to get it out of impound

    Shamus O'neal > Failure to pay the processing fee has seen your athanor adopted into a new home, i hope you treat your things better next time


    Work Order 73169-f from Anon-469, ha! I tried to give it back to them for a 750,000,000isk processing fee

    They brought 13 ships (78.3mil) to try to kill me! Didn't pop the praxis though, they had me in hull by the time Concord detected their aggression and proceeded to vaporize the ships they were flying.

    I put their kill rights up for 10mil(changed to 25) each so hopefully that'll do some damage and get used, +130mil(295mil) for me :)


    Your kill right was used

    From: CONCORD

    Sent: 2020.04.18 20:22

    Mantoptera Bogomol has been killed using your kill right. The kill right you had on this capsuleer has now been removed.

    Mantoptera Bogomol was one of the guys that tried to suicide gank me after stealing 05 moon.


    Successful Kill rights so far

    Laavainell Makanen: No Kill report avaliable - 10mil Kill right

    Mantoptera Bogomol (Drekavac) https://zkillboard.com/kill/83464280/ 10mil Kill Right

    Alexander Hennesy (Tayra) https://zkillboard.com/kill/83466889/ 25mil Kill Right

    UnnamedPlayer (Gila) 2x25mil Kill Right https://zkillboard.com/kill/83492986/

    Kiril Deninard (Moa) 2x25mil Kill Right https://zkillboard.com/kill/83549109/

    L82 - 10mil Kill Right but no kill

    Roman Asder (Drekavac) - 25mil Kill Right https://zkillboard.com/kill/83623283/

    2020.04.24 17:22 Kill Right 25,000,000 ISK God Emperor Kane bought kill right on Roman Asder from Shamus O'neal

    2020.04.21 18:43 Kill Right 25,000,000 ISK Omar Chimera bought kill right on Kiril Deninard from Shamus O'neal

    2020.04.21 18:13 Kill Right 25,000,000 ISK Bot Model1000 bought kill right on Kiril Deninard from Shamus O'neal

    2020.04.19 16:57 Kill Right 25,000,000 ISK Frikkoso bought kill right on UnnamedPlayer from Shamus O'neal

    2020.04.19 10:03 Kill Right 25,000,000 ISK Giges Thellere bought kill right on UnnamedPlayer from Shamus O'neal

    2020.04.18 21:40 Kill Right 25,000,000 ISK Cargo Bandit bought kill right on Alexander Hennesy from Shamus O'neal

    2020.04.18 20:21 Kill Right 10,000,000 ISK DerpimusPrime Aihaken bought kill right on Mantoptera Bogomol from Shamus O'neal

    2020.04.18 20:00 Kill Right 10,000,000 ISK Mister Peking bought kill right on L82 from Shamus O'neal

    2020.04.18 19:58 Kill Right 10,000,000 ISK MacGybo bought kill right on Laavainell Makanen from Shamus O'neal

    Total so far: 180mil from Kill Rights from Buying and not completing, them being slippery earns me more money!!


    Zimse - 04 moon (ind Corporation of Moon Hellcat)

    Found: 4/13 10:28pm

    Unanchored: 4/18 1:05pm

    Structure: Athanor

    Sold: 796,662,500 isk

    Scooped: Shamus


    They were protecting it with their fleet on grid, all their suicide ships and even some actual combat ships, I warped to the egg, aligned out, made speed, scooped, warped and the chase was on. I miss-clicked a gate instead of a structure and tried to U-turn; big mistake that turned out to be, they caught me on the gate as i tried to jump to a structure in system. I guess instead I'll have to jump the gate and try again on the other side.

    The Stargate wormhole spit me out into the next system, where I don't think my controls were responding correctly and I was sitting there aligning for a moment, mashing on the warp command in a fury. It finally responded and I entered warp headed to; another gate, damn. Lets do another U-turn to the first structure on overview. Few moments pause while I'm aligning to the nearest structure, as my heart is beating out of the clones chest. Time seemed to slow here and the 8 second align time that this battleship has felt more like the align time of a transporters freighter. I'm finally into warp headed in a safe direction and this cat and mouse game can come to an end.

    "Whooo! what a rush!" I scream into local chat "Man! Better than cocain!!!!"


    Man that was a ton of fun and totally worth it! God damn, here i am 10 minutes later still with the shakes and heart pounding, god damn the Praxis is a good fit for this line of work. glad i could save this one from the dust.



    Man I still have the shakes from that last encounter, what a rush!!! I'm very impressed with the Praxis and now I'm more confident that even if someone is defending and on grid I have a good chance of scooping it and getting away safely.

    That's 2 Athanors for today and in total 4 structures in the Praxis, I'd call that a staggering success for a battleship used for stealing structures. should have used Gendrath on the 4th structure, he was there in system and the defense fleet was following me. would have snagged a 3rd today i bet.


    The rush is finally calming down. Wow that really was some amazing content and I am super surprised that

    1)The Praxis survived the suicide run attempt

    2) I scooped it right out from under the whole fleet they had waiting to defend it

    3) I made it away safely

    4) That it was done on an alpha clone

    *Shout out to this corporation for having some balls to try to protect their structure* (ind Corporation of Moon Hellcat)

    First Week

    4/11/2020 - 4/18/2020

    Astrahus:[1] Athanor:[5] Raitaru:[1]

    Gendrath:[1] Shamus:[5] Zaphire:[1]

    Net Gain: 5,393,763,750 isk

    Net Loss: 0isk

    What a week it has been! 5.3 Billion Isk in the bank!! So many things learned, so early on, that can only make for a more successful journey and business venture. The notification system, the hardiness and speed of the Alpha Praxis, the speed of the Badger. All compared to what I used to run in the Iteron mk V. such a slow boat it feels like now.

    Had the most exhilarating scoop to date including before this play through of eve. Survived a Suicide gank of 13 people; and then subsequently scooped a structure from under the same 13 + 3 others including a Tengu.

    http://zkillboard.com/related/30004127/202004181900 - Missing one ship from the attempted suicide run Edit: awe the link broke :'( new link: https://zkillboard.com/br/118498/

    https://evepraisal.com/a/qea01 - Estimated value of Reclaimed Structures before taxes and fees

    submitted by /u/Gendrath
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    From the guy who brought you a BRAVE Fort in Querious and Dreads on the 49-U6U, I present to you the billion dollar bubble-bath

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Eve Online: Our New Eden

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    In reply to a goonie o/

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    i can´t say much about me casue i am mainly a F1 monkey but i do enjoy others thigs on eve like reading and see different points of view and in reply to a random dude from Goonswarm i wanna share mine with no interest of dig deeper

    i play from a country who just unlock the internet on 2017 my main char born 5 november 2017 and as an alpha player i did my best to learn first was so complicated cause the inglish that is not my main lenguaje was rusty and some word i actually could not understand

    i was a random dude from higsec until a corp of Test Alliance Please Ignore saw something on me and bring me to null where i was just 7 m sp only with randonm and not good skills o nothing i die to simple farmers like all rokie back then i could not even fly a interceptor

    when i land to my alliance HQ i saw ships i ever dream fly ever or just a simple hope to be one day a pilot who can fly thoose things

    actually i have my 2 years over in TEST ALLIANCE PLEASE IGNORE i meet fascinating people also meet some toxic ones they teach me how to do things and i try most of it

    i do my own pvp i also had to PVE cause not living in a free world like most of pilots flying eve i am a krabber and i know it casue it is the thing who pay my bills from that 7 SP char i am right now 76 SP m with 2 alts omega i pay by my own means one have most of 60 m sp and the other 21 m sp i try every day to be better at things i do try not to yell to some people who deserv it and help anyone without asking something in return cause i got my morals who my family tought me to and i will be like that forever

    playing from that block country i was able to fullfill dreams of ships i think playing from cuba i am the one who hit the record of owning a titan class ragnarok who is currently involve in the war and making me nervous all time i undock but is why i work hard for and use it

    the comunity in test is willing to jump if someone is takle and help wit all means they got i and of course as every part of any alliance of eve have avesome people who make the living great on thoose comunitys

    This is my point ov view and sharing it is nice with other people we enjoy the comunity we are in cause we involve social on it people who not just try to be social but sometimes cannot see the good on people and only see evil things around

    i try to see good and i try to enjoy EVE as far i can is the only game when i open my internet i can play and sometimes feel tire and exausted is not easy to krab cause you have to but when i log in i found things to do fleets to go people to talk and because we are so different with so many differents points of view make more interesting the talk

    Get over with it keep enjoying the fight and stop been a toxic dude that had nothing of value to

    we are EVE and we have our points of view who make us grow and be better


    submitted by /u/cubaneveguy
    [link] [comments]

    Having A Chill Fleet with the Crusader Beans

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    AT Practice Skirmish [WHSOC v BRAVE]

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Lets get back to putting words and alliance logos on things and calling them prop: Raiders of the Delve Fortress

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Combat log parsers

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    Currently i use my Python script and do some spreadshit witchery to visualize and research my fails.


    Can anyone advice good combat log parser web service or app?

    submitted by /u/Dist__
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    Revert the High-Class rolling "change" already

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Sorry it's not going to be a quality post or a null-sec circlejerk one because I'm fuming. I'm the pinkest of wojaks at this point.

    I'll start with the conclusion: this is cancer and I'm putting it mildly, I have to pentabox to roll a wormhole without reshipping which is nice I guess because I'm plexing 5 account for this ass company but my corpmates are no longer logging in, people stopped rolling and scanning because not everybody has 5 accounts and not being able to do it alone - or do it very slowly - is just depressing. This single handedly done more damage to my corp - and while I can only speculate probably to others too - than any other change or event ever done.

    I'm sure most of you remember the FRIGHOLE CHANGE - cringing to this day - which was supposed to be the greatest thing ever and has literally achieved nothing but so Hilmar can say 'oh well I promised in the podcast so it's done hehe'. In order to fix the frig rolling they had to of course address the module cycling mid jump which not only made it so frigholes cannot be rolled but now you cannot roll C1 connections without 25 people jumping in and out in cruisers non stop and potentially getting rolled out - fantastic content bro - but also you can no longer carrier roll a high class wormhole which is half the reason why people even move there in the first place. That was the reason we moved there from C4 and many other corps of our size. I also feel sorry for the indie guys being pushed out of C1 space, because of this crap. Used to find Rorquals every now and then but now it's a rare event to even find a structure there, good job CCP.

    It's been 6 months, where is all the content frig holes and increased roaming connections are making? huh? Nowhere because people cannot be arsed rolling and it's not the system that was wrong, it's players that make the content everywhere in the game. By making a horrible system that is only going to appeal to literal autists like myself then making it worse will attract who? If you tell me wormhole space is dead it's far from the truth, it would have the same amount of activity as ever but we cannot cycle through wormholes fast enough to find that activity, if people roll our static more than twice a day now then I'm exaggerating and I cannot even blame them, when I rageroll and look at the amount of garbage I have to go through to just pop a new static I want to kms ingame. It's not even about activity, for all I care I'm fine with not finding anything after rolling 100 C5s but holy fuck why do I have to run extra circles because you are incompetent to change something properly. You know the best part? They probably didn't even think of what """fixing""" frigholes would do to the other wormholes.

    Why are sites still not scramming properly? Why is lowclass not addressed yet? Why is C4 sites still shit? Why is nothing done but a surface level pr garbage so you can say 'oh well we done this for you guys now shut up' even though the things you do make absolutely no sense ITS ALMOST AS IF YOU DONT PLAY YOUR OWN GAME.

    I mean just remove wormholes if you want us to rat in a super aligned to a pos in nullsec and shoot each other in t1 crap already. I'm sure the people who flee to us will want to move back there and not unsub. After all you are swimming in active players right.

    I apologise for the quality of this post but it's hard to control my emotions after all these passed months. Maybe I'm the dumb one for not just quitting this game but I love my bros and I want to play with them.

    submitted by /u/InfamousAlarm
    [link] [comments]

    I made a video about pvp with a bit more focus on the story and narration. What do you think?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Is this a common thing?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    A Thief's Journal: Prologue - Waking up again.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    This is the 4th time I've awoken from a long nap. During my periods of long inactivity, the universe around me changes a lot faster than you would expect. I've seen empires rise during my times awake and be in full power by the time I rest; when I awake next, they are but a memory, a story for the new generations of those regions.

    Sadly, I was part of one such empire during my last period of activity, One that had risen to great capacity in the local constellation. I was Second in command to someone named Gendrath Valkson, who I would come to call a true friend and one I would pledge my time to. We started off as a couple of miners munching on astroids in the belts of Simela. Gendrath ran a general corporation, nothing big he said, just something small to make it easier among those of us that are always working together. He had thrown the money together to get it started and wasn't too creative when it came to names so as such it was known as, Valkson, that's it. Not Valkson Inc. or Valkson Corp. or anything of the sort. Nope he had named it Valkson.

    Over the course of my last cycle we grew to a fleet of 9 members, I was flying the Industrial Command ship known as the Orca, Beautiful beast of a ship, it allowed my fleet members to mine faster, and further, while also providing a place for them to dump their ore. We had a chick named Zaphire that managed our hauling so the only time my ore hold got used was when she was jumping back to station for unloading. 1 Command ship, 1 Freighter, 3 Mining Barges, 4 Exhumers, was our ending fleet make up. In a days worth of work we 9 could eat entire belts worth of asteroids and turn in a load of ore worth up to a billion or more isk.

    By the time I went to sleep we had worked up to owning 15 moon mining stations that pulled and fractured every 48 hours. An Engineering complex that we used to manufacture our own ships and other products to sell. It was a very profitable venture and time to be awake, but I had grown tired and needed to rest.

    When I woke up this time though I knew I had been personally effected from the churn, for my ships AI system had detected the station come under attack while I slept. It beamed me aboard and did an automated safety warp. I awoke to a screen full of warnings and notifications of a burned empire, while drifting through space.

    Over the first few days of being awake again I took the time to catch up on recent changes in tech and the market, where my assets and ships had been transported to by concord during the attack. I also took some time to reach out to Gendrath and the old fleet mates to see where they were in their cycles, and if they were awake or not. Gendrath and Zaphire were, we chatted about our burned out empire for a bit before talking about what to do next. Gendrath wants to start getting into combat a little more heavily, and Zaphire doesn't have anything dedicated yet from the sounds of it.

    While looking through new tech and research, it would seem that the moons have been over mined while I have been away. They are no longer producing any high grade ore and only the base moon ore that we would get as scrap off of the previous chunks. Todays miners are trying to make profit on the material that we would throw away and let drift off into the abyss.

    This got me thinking though, I'm sure that there is going to be plenty of people, corporations, and alliances, pulling their old moon mining structures down because of the new conditions. This would be a way that I/We could make a lot of money. Each Refinery could be sold for more than three quarters of a billion ISK, or saved for another cycle in the future when it is profitable to mine again.

    I decided to fit up an industrial hauler; The Iteron Mk V, and go do some structure scouting in the local area. Simela didn't have any unanchoring but its just one system so I kept going. Bherdaspot, next system over, had one unanchoring. I made a note and kept going, Malma next. In Malma while jumping to the second planet I noticed an blank Athanor on my Directional Scanner. After entering in the coordinates on my warp drive and initiating it, I took a closer look at it. There was no info packets being broadcast off of it, nothing to say that the station was on and accepting guests.

    Upon leaving my warp tunnel and landing on grid with the Athanor, it hits me. My instincts were correct. They had just led me to an abandoned refinery floating in space, ready to be claimed. For when a structure is unanchored it is made available for anyone to pick up and take ownership of. I call this reclaiming them, some people call it stealing. Another quick check of the grid around me showed that there was no one else with me, that I could see, so I made my choice and initiated the command to scoop the compressed structure into my cargo hold. After the cargo is confirmed to be in my hold, my ship starts lighting up, turns out that there is an ownership tag on these things, and the automated system had sent out a suspicious action broadcast and declared me a suspect that anyone can fire upon.

    Without a second thought I choose a nearby station and hit the automated docking commands that will both warp me as close to it as I need to be and initiate the docking procedure with the station. My heart is racing as my ship is aligning with the stolen structure in my hold. If I can make it to and dock in the station I'll be free and clear to wait out the suspect timer, and be a refinery richer.

    I exit warp and my systems chime "Docking Request Accepted"

    Made it, without incident too. Tomorrow I will have to get in touch with Gendrath and Zaphire and see if this is something that they want to do together and make a profit on.

    I got together with Gendrath and Zaphire for lunch at the Sisters station in Simela, and we went over my idea and feelings about the future and where things are going. I also showed them my current Cargo Hold Manifest at the Sisters of Eve (SoE) Station; A shiny new Athanor. They couldn't believe that I'd found it yesterday just floating not 2 systems away from where we were eating lunch now. They were hooked, and more than excited to start our new venture

    I will be keeping a journal during this cycle to record the adventures that it entails. With our old stock of ships and the new funds from the abandoned Athanor we should have plenty of starting capital to make this adventure last for some time, and if anything we can have a backup of our once great empire if things go well.

    This marks the start of A Thief's Journal with week 1 coming out tomorrow and a new week every Sunday for 12 weeks. I hope you guys enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/Gendrath
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    possibly the new dust 514 predecessor

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    I am excited for this and its been eating at me for quite some years i really hope its connected to the eve universe like how the original game was, hopefully it will be more integrated then it originally was but as long as it meets the 'being able to ass-blast people for space' requirement ill be happy


    submitted by /u/newbreed69
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    In search for a ship to melt rogue drone ships

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I im returning to eve. I'm looking for what ship I should use to melt Drone Herd's anomalies or Drone Hordes.

    I can fly battleships. I can't use a carrier :(

    submitted by /u/vidarEVE
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