• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    Eve Online “Btw, are you gay?” Valkorsia caught talking to himself after forgetting to switch accounts.

    Eve Online “Btw, are you gay?” Valkorsia caught talking to himself after forgetting to switch accounts.

    “Btw, are you gay?” Valkorsia caught talking to himself after forgetting to switch accounts.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Cool guys don't look at explosions.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    24/7 Lo-Fi Beats to Relax and Kill Keepstars To

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Squizz you ok?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Can we have blue docking lights back on citadels please?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    They're always orange now because they're always vulnerable.

    Blue lights if not hit.
    Orange lights if vulnerable or repairing.
    Red lights if reinforced.


    submitted by /u/Ketriaava
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    NC invade Goon space, loses another titan.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Non-consensual PvP

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    Legacy vs. Imperium in EX6-AO

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I'm back after 10 years of inactivity. Got podded within 10 minutes.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    I just thought this was kind of funny.

    So, after playing EVE Echoes for a little bit I started to get the itch. I decided to hop back in and pick up where I left off. Well, where I left off was deep into nullsec where my now defunct Corp was based. I decided my first step should be getting back to highsec.

    I spent a few minutes re-familiarizing myself with the interface and gathering my assets before beginning my journey. I set up my route, left dock, and started my autopilot.

    I made it two jumps before it happened. It happend so fast and I panicked. They lock on. I get scrammed. I pop.

    It's good to be back!

    submitted by /u/behaigo
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    It's September my dudes...

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Thank you CCP for the discount on PLEX it was G R E A T

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    Another One

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    When you just HAVE to bring caps against cormorants

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Over an hour wait for Abyssal Proving Grounds, and nothing...

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Stork boooooooshh

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Repost cause Links are hard: Imperium Vs Legacy Fortizar Inital Ref

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Recruiter Rewards Question

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    I made an alt using my own Referral link, and shortly after completing the tutorial, a timed "Destroyer Bundle" offer popped up, available for 4 days. Offer is one month Omega, 100 PLEX, and a (possibly pre-fit?) destroyer from the pilot's faction for $15.99 after a 35% discount.

    Is this bundle offer a valid form of paying the "account fee" in order to unlock the 15-day Omega reward for my main account?

    I was already planning on paying RL money on Omega for the first month of the new account, would be nice to get 100 PLEX for like $1 on top though lol.

    submitted by /u/fenwick808
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    Whoohoo boy!!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Bought me 1 or 3 of them Rattlesnakes.

    Fun to fly but boy you got a big ol Target on your back in that thang. My fit is around 1.3 bil and I made that back with 2 runs into a C3. Third trip it died to a small gang when I warped (like a dumbass) directly to a wormhole that I couldn't fit through. 😂

    Since I broke even I bought another one.

    This one died after a gang dropped in on me too.

    Once again my foolishness. Anoik.is showed the hole had a kill in it an hour or so earlier, but I warped on in and started scanning anyway. Instead of warping back to my lowsec hole I warped on in and ended up being caught with a gang on either side of a hole.

    I bought the third one yesterday.

    Spent an hour traveling and finally found a C3 . It's also occupied. Dscan showed folks so I warped around found a safe spot to log off.

    So was my first excursion a fluke? I just happened to find a couple lonely systems and got lucky?

    I'm traveling with a cloak and a mwd. Should I consider adding a large mjd too?

    submitted by /u/mangler5150
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    [UNIRONIC LPT] On Structure Bashes / TiDi Fights / Sov-hacking Try Learning A New Language or Skill

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Tidi fights or Keepstar grinds can sometimes be extremely uneventful. Other structures of less significance or sov-wanding space can be time consuming but much less eventful. Take advantage!

    I personally have Babbel and Udemy, while toasty-toonying Tribute I taught myself a few online lessons of VBA and Linux nerd stuff. Looking back I wish I had taken it much more seriously but it's worth looking into. Especially the Udemy website, and no I'm not advertising anything or paid to promote, but it's a great way to better yourself.

    Hell you could even work out during TiDi shit, just be sure to keep an extra ear open for spontaneous FC commands - don't wanna have Redline Dave Archer or someone yell at you!

    submitted by /u/BBTB2
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    T5 abyss 195mil Gila

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:40 AM PDT


    Bergenstentwitch messaged me this fit that apparantly was able to tackle T5s. Its not made to consistently do them since you can get unlucky spawns but still suprised by the result!


    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    To the you aren't winning fast enough crowd, I want to do you slowly

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    Space Turkey

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    are courier missions worth it?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    So there is a courier mission with a 3 million isk reward if i take a small cargo from the location i am in to another location 4 jumps away. This is all in high sec space like 0.9-1. The collateral is 1.3 billion isk. The locations are npc run so i can't be locked out. Am i going to get scammed?

    submitted by /u/Mariofanatic63
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