• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 22, 2020

    Eve Online Can't Blunt the Stunt!

    Eve Online Can't Blunt the Stunt!

    Can't Blunt the Stunt!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Brave FC casually chills on enemy moon with enemy Keepstar in system - goons declare "they didn't want that goo anyway"

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    "We are going to pass" #Luv2club

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Goon Tacklers

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:08 PM PDT


    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Literally unplayable

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:42 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Major Gallentean Corporation gave contract to Amarrian factory using slave labour!

    Gallente Prime, Luminaire: Scope reporters have uncovered a massive scandal while investigating the recent controversy over suspicious similarities in EDENCOM and Triglavian armour design. We found that both were being manufactured by the same Amarrian factory, using Minmatari slave labour. A major Gallanten corporation was found to have been involved in this sordid affair.

    Over the past few days, multiple observers had drawn attention to the uncanny similarities between capsuleer armour used by the Edencom Defense Initiative and the Kybernauts. Publicly available EDENCOM documents show that the CONCORD wing had contracted capsuleer armour manufacture to a major Gallantean corporation, with close ties to the highest levels of the Federation Government. However, a drunk employee brave whistle-blower informed us that the corporation had subcontracted the actual manufacturing to an Amarrian orbital factory through a Khanid-based intermediary. Whether this is in any way connected to the laxer Health & Safety regulations in the Amarr empire is unknown. The Gallantean corporation involved has refused to comment on the allegation, as has the Presidential Office.

    A reporter for the independent Caldari newspaper Forming Star (not connected to The Scope in any way at all) revealed that an order for a large number of high-grade armour suits was recently made to Sukuuvestaa Corporation by an unnamed agent from Jita. Due to the recent invasions affecting several of their manufacturing facilities in Caldari Space, they too subcontracted their work to – it turns out – the same Amarrian manufacturer. It is speculated that the designers, in an effort to cut costs, used the same design for both orders, unaware that they were to be used by opposing forces.

    EDENCOM has announced that the matter is 'under active consideration'. Even as we print this, our best translators are working on the reply we received from the Zorya. The Social Democrats have called upon the President to offer an explanation or resign.

    submitted by /u/god-nose
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    Rorq mining is so engaging...

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:31 AM PDT


    On twitch /nt41k1 fell asleep....CCP please unfuck PvE in this game to require a brain. This guy obviously doesnt have one

    2 hours of him sleeping and he finally just now woke up and docked and is now talking in russian.

    submitted by /u/Zarian_Uphius
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    PushX Hauling - Service Changes Announcement

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    PushX Hauling - Service Changes Announcement

    Quotes https://www.pushx.net/quote.php

    Rates https://www.pushx.net/rates.php

    Delivery Times https://twitter.com/PushXnet

    How to get SOV service: https://www.pushx.net/sov-service.php

    Discord https://discord.gg/S4Vsux2

    In Game channel: PushX



    Hello New Eden! Cassie Helio, CEO of PushX here. Below are some announcements regarding our services. ​


    All changes in this announcement are ACTIVE as of this post.


    More Collateral, Less Fees

    There is NO MORE CHARGE for collateral up to 1.5b on non-JF service contracts. Our Nano/X-Small/Small/Large services no longer start charging collateral fees after 1b collateral. Now there is no extra charge until the collateral of a contract reaches 1.5b. This is basically for Inty/BR/DST/Freighter services.

    Bracketed Pricing for Freighters

    To adjust to the changing landscape of High Sec travel for slow moving freighters, our Large service for freighters will see some changes. Longer trips will have a lower ISK/warp rate while shorter trips will have an increased ISK/warp rate. The following are the new bracketed rates. This is only applies to High Sec Freighter sized contracts.


    High Sec Large (62,500 - 848,000m³):

    • Up to 11 warps - 1,315,000 ISK per warp

    • Up to 21 warps - 1,165,000 ISK per warp

    • Up to 31 warps - 1,112,000 ISK per warp

    • More than 31 warps - 1,050,000 ISK per warp


    Rush Price Adjustments

    Rush prices have been adjusted as follows


    Nano, X-Small, Small, Large, X-Large

    • +45m flat fee



    • +120m flat fee



    • +180m flat fee


    Still offering 10% Trade Hub Discounts

    Even in this new age of seemingly endless high sec warps to get to one trade hub to another, PushX still offers a 10% discount for contracts going to and from any trade hubs. We have always offered this discount, we just wanted to remind everyone that we still honor this trade hub discount.


    Eligible Systems

    • Jita, Amarr, Dodixie, Rens, Hek


    Trade hub discounts apply to contracts that start and end at trade hubs.

    We will be keeping a very close eye on these prices and the effects on our services. We will make adjustments if needed in the future.

    Thank you very much patrons of New Eden. See you in space.

    Cassie Helio

    PushX API ( https://api.pushx.net )

    MyPushX ( https://my.pushx.net )

    Our MyPushX service allows you to keep track your position in line as well as of all your past and present contracts. Register today to benefit!

    submitted by /u/Puzzlecars
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    PHorde newbean here, I've had enough.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I've lurked here since I began playing a couple of months ago, but I've literally had enough.

    When I first started playing EVE, I was lost in the sauce until someone in the NPC corp chat mentioned Pandemic Horde as being a great place for new players to learn the ropes of living in dangerous null space.

    After joining and making it to R1O on my fourth try, everything was fun for awhile. I was playing in daily gangs, making millions of isk killing rats, and enjoying the company of others on comms. A couple of weeks later, Adversity (a corporation in Snuffed Out) moved into our staging system and killing indescriminately using cloaked ships that are impossible to see until they catch you. And they are catching and killing almost everything that goes in or out of R1O. No one can mine, no one can kill NPCs, no one can do anything except lose ship after ship, and the alliance is doing fuck-all about it. It's stupid, its bullshit, and its not fun for anyone involved except Adversity.

    So I'm done with this shitfest for now. Maybe one day I'll come back, but not for a long while.

    submitted by /u/Rambling_Lunatic
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    What's changed and is it worth it?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about coming back after 3 years being away, and yes obviously the big "War "has gotten my attention but frankly.. I'm not really on anyone side in that. Back during the first war, I was with Mercs. down south who went after PL and Hell camped Goon's station only to later for our corp to join Goons so.. I kinda don't have any loyalty to either side.

    And before that I just floated around down south between the years, I've been playing from 2011, but to sum things up.. is it even worth coming back these days? I don't really have the time I used to, all my contacts quit, left or tragically passed away. Hell, I don't even know where half my shit is anymore, or who I'd look to join up with just to get some fleets and content.

    Is it worth it and what's changed?

    submitted by /u/Azure_Comet
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    Newb questions about lowsec pvp

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    Good day all.

    3 month old newbie here. I've mostly been focused on pve and have recently accumulated enough capital to be able to lose a bunch of frigates and not feel too sad about it.

    Today I decided to venture out into lowsec solo... Long story short, after roaming around for half an hour to 45 minutes where the only excitement of note was warping in on a venture (who, fortunately for both of us, was not asleep at the wheel and warped off instantly), I ended up in a triglavian system and made the mistake of docking up, only to get instablapped by npc's as I was trying to undock and warp off...

    While it's true that I went in with the intent of whelping my ship, I'd have preferred to get blapped by a player in combat where both of us actually stand a chance (doesn't really matter how small)

    So, are there any methods I should know that'll help me find some spontaneous pvp in lowsec where I can learn something, or is it mostly just roaming around randomly looking for something to kill before you die?

    submitted by /u/honkinDeagle
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    CCPlease, Industrial Hauler for Ice Products?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    We have ships for raw Ore, both ice and asteroid ore, ships for hauling the asteroid minerals, but no ship with a cargo bay specifically for hauling ice products, even though manufacturing blueprints list them as "mineral" they don't go into mineral bays, just regular cargo. CCPlease give us ice hauling. KTHXBI

    submitted by /u/MonsterHunterBanjo
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    Eve Market Deals After a Year

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Come on, why... :'( And it even does not seem to be align with downtime :/

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Verification code mismatch?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    I get this error when I try to re-add my accounts after not logging in for awhile, it asks for the authenticator code, but does not accept it.

    Any solutions?

    No I wasn't hacked, this is across all accounts each with their own email with their own 2FA.

    submitted by /u/Netan_MalDoran
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    PvE Lvl 4 Mission Farming ?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    From various outdated sources I've come across a arguably lame way of making ISK; farming lvl 4 missions in highsec. I wanted to see if this was actually still possible in the game and if so, what tips people may have for being efficient. I've tried it with missions such as Angel Extravaganza and Midst of Deadspace, however I can't seem to get the rats to respawn after server downtime like my research suggests. Have there been patches to prevent this method of repeating missions without completing them? Or am I not doing it right?

    I know there are probably a lot of you that will say there are better ways to ISK and you're probably right. I'm really just curious to see what tips people have for this method if it even is still possible.


    submitted by /u/oldmanlagz
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    I'm not sure how to go about improving this ships' tank for a fight with Guristas

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    It's for this mission: https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Innocents_In_The_Crossfire

    A dominix with:


    • Damage Control II

    • Kinetic Coating II

    • Thermal Coating II

    • Kinetic Armor Hardener I

    • Thermal Armor Hardener I

    • Large Armor Repairer I

    • Large Armor Repairer I


    • Large Cap Battery I

    • Large Cap Battery I

    • Large Cap Battery I

    • Large Cap Battery I

    • 500mn Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive


    • 650mm Artillery Cannon I / Republic Fleet Titanium Sabot M

    • 650mm Artillery Cannon I / Republic Fleet Titanium Sabot M

    • 650mm Artillery Cannon I / Republic Fleet Titanium Sabot M

    • 650mm Artillery Cannon I / Republic Fleet Titanium Sabot M

    • 650mm Artillery Cannon I / Republic Fleet Titanium Sabot M

    • Drone Link Augmentor I


    • Wasp I x5

    Any idea what to do for help?

    submitted by /u/_nowthatsamatt_
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    Shield Ikitursa + Gang VS Battleships

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Incredibly useful tool for PVPers and intel channels. Details in comments.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Goons might be the good guys.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    So tapi-conda built the largest coalition ever in eve but instead of just fighting goons like they promised friends, enemies and onlookers alike their master plan is to employ a Fabian strategy and have zero fights.

    Goons at least bring and want to have a war tapi-conda wants to end eve through boredom a scorched earth strategy to see if they can burn through the interest of the enemy before their own through soul crushing fleet form ups and stand downs. If that isn't what's truly toxic to the game i don't know what is.

    submitted by /u/Zxship
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    Losing EVE again and I want to get into Wormholes

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    So, I've been away for roughly 1,5 years. Last time I resubbed I mainly played in Null with Horde. This time around I don't want to fly in large fleets and mash f1 or protect crabs 24/7 instead I want to get into some wormhole fun. Anyone got some insight whats the best way to start? Whats a good WH starter Corp? What are some things I need to know ?

    submitted by /u/Ekayneon
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