• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 22, 2021

    Eve Online I printed and painted a Kronos!

    Eve Online I printed and painted a Kronos!

    I printed and painted a Kronos!

    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Yet another Friday Night 3-D brawl

    Posted: 21 May 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    Note that EFM does not correctly price fighters, so imperium isk losses are generally higher than nominal due to high fighter attrition. BRdoc is my preferred BR tool but it has once again been hugged to death.

    After two calm days, the border system of 3-D saw yet another large scale fight before the start of the weekend.

    Starting at 2300 on 5/21, rapid sets of pings went out to both Papi and Imperium. Papi would form two large hac fleets of Muninns and Eagles, a large harpy heavy tackle wing, bombers, and anti tackle Jackdaws/Svipuls. Imperium counterformed Eagles, Muninns, Tornados, and carriers. Initative formed an additional medium Muninn fleet. Imperium carriers would split, with supers camping the E-VK gate in 3-D, and carriers camping the T5Z gate in 1DQ. Then each gate was guarded by a HAC fleet.

    The serious engagement would start on the E-VK gate in 3-D. The Imperium Eagle fleet was waiting with anchored bubbles and carrier fighter support, with the Papi Muninn and harpy fleet jumping in. The two fleets met each other at zero on gate, and with the large amount of scrams and web bubbled going off, neither fleet was going faster than 500 m/s. Antimatter made short work of the support ships in the Muninn fleet, not having the benefit of Assault Damage Control, while EMP began taking down eagles, with the Tech 1 boosts and logi of the eagle fleet being deemed not worth trading Scimitars and Claymores for.. Imperium would reinforce with RLML Cerberus to clean off harpies, while Papi would reinforce with reships and additional muninns + harpies. However, the mass of harpies was taking their toll on the fighter swarm, scramming the fighters and chipping flights with blasters.

    At the same time, the Papi Eagle fleet entered the system of 8WA behind 1DQ. Where they were met by the Imperium Muninn Fleet. With the initial range advantage, the Papi Eagle fleet killed some T1 logi on approach, but was overtaken by Muninns at close range and started trading Basis for Scimitars at an unfavorable rate. With their logi wing depleted, the Papi Eagle fleet retreated to T5Z via 1DQ, while the Imperium Muninn fleet reshipped some of their losses. These two fleet would both join the ongoing brawl on the E-VK gate.

    After an hour and a half of reshipping, the faster papi reshipping route was slowing giving papi an on field numbers advantage over Imperium. As the fight was happening on the gate, Papi reinforcements could take the ansiblex in T5Z, warp to the gate in E-V free of tidi, and jump into the fight at zero. Imperium reinforcements arrived from the 1DQ jump gate, warp 30+ AU in 10% tidi, then bounce at a friendly structure to avoid drag bubbles. This was having the biggest effect on the Eagle fleet in the thick of the fight, that that fleet was rapidly bleeding DPS, boosts, and logi. However, the inherent durability of Eagles was still allowing the fleet to hold it's ground, so papi instead focused on the Muninn fleet that had arrived from 8WA, itself depleted of logi from the fight with the Papi Eagle fleet. The Imperium Muninn fleet took heavy losses and was forced to regroup.

    As the fight moved into it's third hour, additional reinforcement fleets poured in. Imperium with feroxes, and Papi with reships to existing fleets and an additional Eagle Fleet. The Ferox fleet was only moderately sized, and being relatively low in logi compared to the maxed out Eagle and Muninn papi fleets, forced off the field. Tidi dipped well into 10% by this point and the rate of killing was slowed in real time by tidi despite larger amounts of combatant from both sides. Despite the size of the fleet, the Imperium Cerberus fleet was not very effective in clearing harpies off the grid due to missile behavior in tidi.

    At this time, the vulnerability window for Imperium sov closed, and with it the 1DQ carrier group freed from their duty of guarding the T5Z gate. This carrier force was cynoed into 3-D and began deploying fighters to move towards the gate. During the jammer cycling window (1 hour long in real time), papi was able to counterform dreadnaughts and move cynos into system. The threat posed was that supers would be unable to recall lights and redeploy heavies against dreads, especially if fighters were tackled. With this risk in mind, Imperium supers and carriers recalled their fighters off the gate to defend against a potential dreadbomb. The outnumbered Imperium subcaps would not be able to hold without carrier support, and moved to disengage and guard the carriers while the Jammer cycled up. All fleets were able to extract, except for the Eagle fleet that had stayed at zero on the gate the whole time. (EFM BR broken at time of posting, showing imperium losses at 0 isk when that's clearly not the case.) This phase of the fight was where the most lopsided result occurred, as the Imperium Eagle fleet finally lost logi critical mass, followed by most of the Eagles after fighter support withdrew.

    With the gate secure, Papi gated in a Rorqual to deploy an Azbel, but decided that further objective were not worth risking with Imperium fleets still in system and all other objectives guarded by citadels to skynet from. With the memory of getting bombed on the E-VK gate still fresh in their minds, Papi formed an additional Jackdaw fleet to cover the HAC fleet extraction. Imperium forces would extract back to 1DQ soon after.

    Overall BR for the night, if BR.evetools is up

    Imperium was able to successfully defend Ihubs on Thursday/Friday and prevent weekend sov timers, but at a large cost in subcaps and fighters, especially in Eagles and Tech 2 fighters. Papi was able to secure the gate grid and win the isk war by a good margin, but the advantage was not sufficient pressure other objectives, especially with fleet members and fc's exhausted by a 4 hour fight.

    Vote Angry Mustache for CSM 16

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    I'm really enjoying Blarpy fleets. Solo killing more than my ships worth in fighters is hilarious.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    A few pieces I havent posted here before, watercolour on cold pressed paper (12x9")

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    CCP Please allow me more than 250 ship fittings, Thank You in advance!

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    CCP Please allow me more than 250 ship fittings, Thank You in advance!

    That's all.

    No need to discuss CCP's priorities, corporate culture, devs playing or not playing the game, POS code holding this up etc., just a simple it can or cannot be done.

    submitted by /u/nizmogtr1
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    Instead of 10 round trip tickets to Iceland for CSM, they should hire a freelancer coder that the playerbase gets to control Twitch-Plays-Pokemon style

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Brisc fought for what, 2 years and was only just barely able to get rid of the red dot? We all know the CSM is just PC Gamer article bait. Instead of bankrolling vacations for alliance leaders, let's onboard some work-from-home code monkey, give him some lore-related title like CEO of Concord, and make him work on stuff we vote for in a community poll

    submitted by /u/FoggleLopperbottom
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    A good friend lost

    Posted: 21 May 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    I've posted this on TEST Forums aswell, maybe some of you guys want to chip in when i say goodbye to a good friend

    Unfortunately I bring sad news today, on April 28, 2021 former TEST-Pilot Xsavos passed away at the age of only 28 after a short but serious illness at his home in Sweden. He is survived by his family.

    To many the name will mean nothing, but Xsavos was part of TEST Alliance back in 2015 when we all lived in Wicked Creek. I remember mining with him while he told us how stupid his co-workers are or how shitty his day at work was. Or all the hours we spend making fun of each other over my bad english or my beer flavoured character names or him beeing a 'bit' smaller in size than most of us. He was so full of life and so full of stories about him traveling europe for another paintball event or how we all should visit him in Sweden sometime soon... We shared so many laughs and stories with each other, this feels like a part of family has vanished.

    I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to meet Xsavos in person twice, back in 2015, as he was not only an outstanding personality but also a very good friend of mine with whom I stayed in touch even after he quit EVE in 2017. Even when his focus switched away from EVE and the old group of friends parted their ways, Xsavos was there for each and everyone of us. He made sure to check in on us regulary and let us know that he's doing great, pursuing his dreams and all that. When we met in 2015 in Kiel, Xsavos had the brilliant idea, to hop into his car and just start driving down to Kiel and meet us there. My god we had a fun time and its truly heart breaking that Xsavos is the second pilot out of us 10 to pass away way to early.

    I still remember back in 2019 when he send me a message about how happy he was to finally be able to join the Swedish National Guard, a dream he had for years and which finally came true for him. Or when he send me a "Happy Birthday Bavarian Guy" voice message on my birthday last year.

    fml i'm crying again...

    On May 25th at 13:00 CEST (which translates to 11:00 EVE Time) his funeral will be held in Sweden and i'd ask you guys to join me in lighting a cyno in T5ZI at the same time for a fallen friend, a fallen TESTie and a former EVE Pilot. This will be posted on reddit too, so please don't shoot neutrals or red entities that would like to participate in this. Thank you!

    Fly safe Xsavos
    You'll be missed dearly

    To the mods, no idea how to flair this correctly

    submitted by /u/TheBieratBay
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    13 more years until the servers are shut down.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    Interdiction Nullification changes needed more tweaks before going LIVE

    Posted: 21 May 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    This was probably discussed before, but I live under a rock.

    I totally agree with the fact that interdiction nullification needed addressed at some point because it had spawned some broken doctrines like the interceptor fleets, but it was so rushed that it was not tweaked enough.

    I enjoy playing tackle/scout in small to mid gangs and this change ruined it. I fly the classic small ancill rep Malediction, it has speed, it can tank decently, it does everything a tackler should do, get on top of a target and stop it from getting away and also perform the role of a scout/hunter.

    The recent change made it close to unplayable, and not because i have to click something to be nullified, but because of the drawbacks.

    50% Scan Res penalty and 10% targeting range is too much of a nerf.

    I don't need guns on my interceptor, but at least let me lock as fast and as far as i did before, let me perform the intended role of the ship. There's no point on even fitting a faction point on my Interceptor anymore because I can't lock as far as the point goes heated, not even talking about links.

    Combat Interceptors had nullification removed because they were too strong, people switched to regular Interceptors, those were too strong too, nullification was conditioned to a module that pretty much stops you from using guns due to the fitting requirements, why the fuck add some massive drawbacks on top of that?

    The change was pushed too fast without enough feedback. I feel that an extra bonus was needed to reduce those drawbacks to at least 50% of what they are now.

    I'm sure some people will not agree with me and that's most likely because their gameplay was not affected, but i feel robbed. I already tweaked my fit to work close to what it was before but i had to drop a module that was really important.

    TLDR: Interdiction Nullifier module drawbacks sucks ass, muh interceptor, Grr CCP

    submitted by /u/rsimota
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    visit to Delta Sqad took a little longer than usual

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    [AAR] Pirate adventures in New Eden

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    So many of these AARs are the same story of blob A pressing F1 next to blob B, with one of the blobs emerging victorious. The following is instead a story of fun, n00bs and bittervets, and the best part of EVE Online: making your own adventure.

    The story starts last Thursday (early Friday morning Okkamon time) with the great Sheltark Sykari, the SS, the double S, the Frigate Master Pilot, the Killer of Local, the OMGB, the giver of Post Traumatic Sheltark Disorder. In Jita, his pirate instincts were thirsty for two things: rum and adventure. After his wench brought his drink his mind went to the latter. What is there for a decades long veteran, who owns 2 AT ships, who has committed piracy, smashed, and dashed across New Eden? He decided to gate a battleship all the way from Jita to 1DQ1-A. This long journey, through the most dangerous space in New Eden would be perilous to say the least. There would be gatecamps and bubbles. The path would take him through the biggest and longest running war in New Eden. He would be in a battleship, the slowest ship in EVE, while broadcasting his every movement on Twitch.

    He called out to his tribe and beyond.

    "Join the fleet if you want. Everyone is welcome. We leave from Jita."

    The invitation was open to anybody that wanted, fun, adventure, danger, and to join a fleet of bravs looking to take on what others told them was impossible. The only condition was that pilots be in a battleship, ready to face certain death in New Eden, and a willingness to follow Sheltark's instructions to the letter!

    There were 6 in the fleet. Sheltark was the FC. Amongst the bravs was chickenthecat95. An alpha clone, 1 week in to EVE Online.

    "I have no idea what I'm doing," she said.

    "That's fine, you're coming with us," Sheltark encouraged. He promised that everyone was invited and he meant it.

    Sheltark was brave, but he was no fool. He knew that getting to 1DQ would take wits and a cunning plan. Battleships are too slow to outrun or evade any enemy. Their only chance was their MJD modules and the clever use of burst jammers. If tackled the fleet would have to MJD away, and time their spool after the scorpions had used their jammers. It would only work if the fleet worked as a cohesive team.

    Just a few jumps into their journey dark clouds were ominously appearing. The fleet was all over the place. People were not aligning, lemmings jumped through gates without instructions, laggards systems behind. Sheltark knew that once in low sec and beyond it was a matter of time before such ill discipline would be their undoing.

    The Sheltark Sykari does not just fly ships to whelp them. He does not fly yolo drunk fleets where he just lets his ship be destroyed for no reason.

    Sheltark quickly got the fleet in to line. They had to align on time; they held their cloak; and, they did not jump until told to do so. Those were his terms. Nobody was allowed to slack off and risk the fleet. The pirate world is a dangers, demands discipline, and sometimes even that is not enough to survive.

    After 20 jumps, about half way through the journey, the fleet was running smoothly again. Despite not knowing what she was doing, chickenthecat95 was doing all the right things. The first to align, following fleet instructions to a tee, but being 1 week into the game she was the least agile. She was often warping a few ticks before others and in danger of separating from the fleet. She and Sheltark organised a system that she would call that she was ready, and he would trigger the fleet warp.

    Once they got to Delve tension fell over the fleet. Now they would have to fight bubbles and the worst of the gatecamps. Soon, an Aries began to follow them. Was this a scout for the waiting camp? They had no choice but to press on.

    Later, in the Twitch chat someone typed, "the road is clear to 1DQ." Spoiler!! Had this person ruined the show? It seemed that some people just like to let everyone know that Vader is Luke's father and to inform children that Santa does not exist.

    But nothing could be further from the truth. This fake news report was just a distraction. As the fleet got into T5ZI-S neuts were on the gate. Sheltark aligned the fleet to the 1DQ gate, soon they were into warp. They were so close to their destination, in warp to their last gate.

    On landing they are greeted by an overview filled with peril. Hordes of red icons filled their screens. Bubbles blured their vision. Stabbers, Mallers, Svipuls, and so many more ships were there to greet them, along with bubbles and tackle enough to ensure that they were never to leave. The 1DQ gate was now their only way out.

    In the mess Sheltark yelled over Discord, "get to the gate. Every brav for himself!"

    As he said that Chickenthecat95 responded, "I just jumped in, there are neuts in the gate." In the rush Sheltark had warped the fleet before Chickenthecat95 had entered. She was separated. "Just warp away," he told her. It was the most that he could do for her in that moment. The fleet was about to be destroyed at the 1DQ gate.

    As they neared the gate Sheltark could see that he was scrammed, webbed, and neuted. In fact, his capacitor was covered with all forms of ECM. "I'm jam bursting," he called out. It was all that he could do. As he got closer to the gate his shields were dropping, then gone. His armour and structure were soon follow.

    The gate approached. He was about to make it. He clicked to jump… Nothing! The ship would not jump. "What!?" he exclaimed. He had just enough time to realise and call out, "a timer!" The burst jammers had given him an aggression timer. With that the great Sheltark Sykari exploded all over himself.

    Discord fell silent as they learnt that Sheltark, then Haskatoh Ohjus Akiga had fallen, just metres from the 1DQ gate.

    Sheltark asked Discord, "who made it?" For a few moments that felt like eons there was only quiet. Then, through the silence emerged a timid voice. It sheepishly announced, "I made it." Surprised, Sheltark responded, "you did!?" and with that, spontaneous cheer, exultation, and cries of, "Cheerzah!" broke out in Discord and throughout the world from the chairs and couches of the hundreds of stream viewers watching on the edge of their seats.

    Not only Chickenthecat95, but 4 in total of the 6 that left Jita earlier were now safely in 1DQ.

    Sheltark and Haskatoh Ohjus Akiga had been burst jamming, providing the targets for the enemy Hordes, and stopped their scrams and webs that would otherwise have halted the fleet. In the madness Chickenthecat95 had slipped past the enemies and made it with the rest of the survivors.

    As is always the case when Sheltark finishes an adventure he read from the venerable Book of Okkamon. He told the tribe, "when people say something can't be done, when they say it's impossible, that's when you go ahead and do it anyway."

    Sheltark had introduced a complete newbro to how to be in a fleet, how to align for fleet warps. She learnt about D-Scan and how to look for danger. She used those lessons mere moments later to get safely into 1DQ.

    Afterwards, a moment of silence and salute for the fallen Scorpians that had sacrificed for the rest of the fleet.

    And with that, the annals in the great book were appended with the latest story and adventure of the great Sheltark Sykari: at verse 69, page 69, chapter 69.

    Next week its T1 transports. Sheltark

    Also, Sheltark for EVE partner when? CCPLEEEEEEASE!!


    submitted by /u/Nemesis_Inkura
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    After all these years I finally made the EvE Gate pilgrimage.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    Heard we were showing stockpiles.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Does the Leshak count as a pirate, faction or regular T1 battleship?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    Its all in the title

    submitted by /u/IronForce_
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    Shit Idea: Implosion bombs, drags any ship within 25km to its center.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    Rate of 1000m/s meaning if you have 300m/s you will be dragged in at 700m/s. If you have over 1000m/s you can burn over power the pull of the bomb.

    submitted by /u/stateofthings312
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    A simple Game Feature Request to make our lives easier.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    can we add to the game the option to pin station containers so that when we use "stack all" the containers dont get shuffled with the rest of our items?

    submitted by /u/RngdZ
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    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    Is there people that actually spend time to teach new people this game. Even with tutorials and YouTube I still get easily lost.

    submitted by /u/Toasty33
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    So Why Should I Care About the CSM...

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    If CCP is just going to deny players the chance to run, without comment?

    submitted by /u/mooseleer
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    I've found this mystery ship in skin menu (Serpentis Victory). It has no description or bonuses. Is it a reward ship like Rabisu?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:53 PM PDT

    CCPls let me opt-out of Promo ads on the EVE Launcher

    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    No doubt super exciting for Alpha bros that are look for PLEX deals and Omega deals, but I've been a paying customer for countless years already, I don't need to see your Starter packages that gives me a Kestrel skin. The only thing I need in my launcher are devblogs and patchnotes, thank you.

    submitted by /u/judas_ii
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    Jita 4.4 Docking Bay Ambience will make you dive away from everyday life with ease. I added extra sounds and effects. Hope you like it. Finger cross.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    Ccplz: Gib missile based combat ceptor

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    Seems obvious right... Caldari combat ceptor (the raptor) should use missiles instead of hybrids... Taranis is already a great hybrid platform, we don't need two... I know lore wise caldari use both missiles and hybrids, but it's so frustrating not to have a missile option in the combat ceptor lineup...

    submitted by /u/joey_belvar
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    Edencom is recruiting (not my video)

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    Monthly Economic Report – April 2021 | Blue Loot is out of balance edition

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:42 AM PDT

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