• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Eve Online CCP on server upgrades

    Eve Online CCP on server upgrades

    CCP on server upgrades

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Vily's personal Komodo, providing 400b of "value" to legacy alliances.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I am Alliance FC btw !!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    CCP Servers be like..

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Guilty as charged. Anyway, I suggest we have more rousing speeches before fleet fights. Gets you in the mood while you’re ready to undock.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Lowsec Pirate Joebane Maethon gets 111 killmarks on Astero in Blackrise

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:28 PM PDT


    Watch the final fight at https://www.twitch.tv/joebane/clip/UninterestedSavoryHamOMGScoots
    95% solos fights in Factional Warfare Space as a pirate

    submitted by /u/lowsekker20
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    Good times. Not such a good time for FC and Vily (Joan of Arc). There was some running towards the end. ��

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    I'm starting a series about DEDs, begining in highsec.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Hello all, I'm Striker Eriker, and I like to explore a lot, to the point people have asked me how I do it, so I decided to make a big old guide about all the DEDs. So, if you're interested in highsec ISK generation and are interested in DEDs then give it a look, just made my first DED video around the Guri 3/10, more on the way! :)


    Feedback is greatly appreciated, I hope you enjoy, fits are in the description, as well as a prior video discussing them here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmClLjD1Vrc&feature=youtu.be, but its a bit lower quality and my audio recording sucked.

    submitted by /u/Striker_Eriker
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    Querious now

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Red Frog Freight Not Found Contract Issue

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT


    Red Frog Freight still exists, though game doesn't think so. Use Gold Frog Covenant until fixed

    UPDATE: Fixed as of 11:48AM CDT

    Editing MOTD in game as well


    Kaiyo Mori, here. I am a manager with Red Frog Freight.

    We are again experiencing this frustrating issue where customers are unable to contract to us. If you've tried since yesterday, you probably experience the following message:


    We caught it pretty early this time and have been directing customers to make their contracts with all the normal settings from our trip calculator to Gold Frog Covenant. We have submitted a ticket in regards to this issue and hopefully it will be resolved soon.

    Until it is resolved, please submit your contracts to Gold Frog Covenant. I will try to update this post once it is resolved, and we will definitely be posting any updates in the MOTD of our in-game channel RF Freight.

    Thank you for your time and understanding.


    Kaiyo Mori

    Executive Manager - Red Frog Freight

    submitted by /u/Kethra
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    This Week in the War: Blowing Big Horns and Bigger Phallic Reptiles: TL;DR version of where the war is now

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Goonswarm under pressure, need closure be it a win or lose before it bleeds more members and allies.


    Elise's Anaconda Theorem.

    My Take on all this:
    "Eet wraps eetz COILS around yooo... .TIGHTAH zan anny luvvah. " Paul Sarone-Anaconda 1997

    submitted by /u/StalkingMantis
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    The mining foreman role in a Corp

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I am a total newbro. I have been playing for about a month focusing on industry/mining. I confess used a couple of skill injectors that came from buying plex to make myself slightly more competitive when it comes to skill training. I'm enjoying the game very much and am starting to train to get Into an porpoise and hopefully into an orca later on. My little experience so far is only on hi sec mining. So far while mining there's always a foreman providing a buff from our Corp. That looks like a great job but I'm curious as of how doe the foreman/director makes his isk? Just from the 10% ore price difference? How is this role done and managed by corps on the current state of the game? The enormity of this game astounds me and I apologize beforehand is the question or subject comes out as idiotic to the seasoned vet. Cheers and ty already.

    submitted by /u/TheCubanJedi05
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    Whack a Bot 2020

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    CCP servers - new engine - Hamster Power

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    Killing Botters: I'll do it for free

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    While the event gives a little more of a spotlight to botting than usual, I wanted to talk about one of the biggest arguments that comes up when it comes to botting: How much responsibility is on CCP versus the players to help regulate Eve.

    It is certainly a fair point to say that it's nobody's job to help stop botting, either by hunting them relentlessly or by keeping constant tabs on their own alliance members. We pay to play the game, not the other way around. However, there are plenty of us who are happy to help, provided CCP gives us the tools to do so. What holds many of us back is that right now the only reliable way to hunt down most bots is to cloaky camp or blue scout them, which requires massive time, energy, and resource investments that most people don't have.

    The decent bots are always aligned in their capitals, or warp off quickly to safety in expendable subcaps. There is nothing the average player can do to catch these or otherwise punish them.

    That said, when there are opportunities, there are fun kills to be had. I found a botting carrier set that started at 0m/s in site, and killed him a few times. I found a botting corporation once that accepted fleet invitations, and went on a Texas VNI chainsaw massacre that got me about 20 kills. In both of these cases, it was possible for me to punish them with significantly less effort, just a hunter and a bit of damage on the other end.

    Give us ways to punish bots without expending excessive effort to do so, and there are people out here who will help you against the botting menace. Those mandatory ESSes can't come fast enough.

    submitted by /u/SerQwaez
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    Change Nuclear, Proton and Carbonized lead ammo from optimal to falloff bonuses

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    TL;DR - Change Nuclear, Proton and Carbonized lead bonuses from optimal bonus to falloff bonus, increase damage to be comparable to DU/TS ammo. Also, change Nuclear to thermal damage because carbonized lead and nuclear are approximately the same for damage types and overlaps with tremor and barrage.


    The reason is twofold.

    1. Minmatar revolve around most of their range bonuses being falloff bonuses (except muninn and old jag, rip old jag) and both of their weapon systems operate more in falloff in comparison to other weapon systems. Autocannons specifically being almost entirely falloff. Proton, Nuclear and Carbonized Lead (CL) do absolutely nothing for autocannon range. Same as DU/TS (but you at least get a decent tracking bonus). It would make more sense for these ammo's to be falloff bonused to compliment minmatar's falloff theme, but also help autocannons project better (at the cost of dps) without being shoehorned into barrage only which takes away "selectable damage" for autocannons by locking you into kin/explo.
    2. With everyone's complaints about Muninns, checking recent losses of Muninn's in fleet engagements, they all show to be using Proton, Nuclear and CL. While it would be minimal, changing the ammo from optimal bonus to falloff bonus would be a soft nerf to Muninn's at range using the ammo, reducing their range slightly. Forcing them to either stick with tremor, or get closer to better use proton, nuclear and CL

    Range and Damage Changes

    At their current stats, if we just did a flip of optimal -> falloff, they would be stronger than barrage (range wise, not dps). So, to keep barrage as the "best" projection ammo, we would change proton, nuclear and CL to the following:

    40% increased falloff

    5% increased tracking speed (this can be removed, up to CCP)

    Increase damage to match Titanium Sabot/Depleted Uranium

    So, Proton, Nuclear and CL get 40% increase to falloff (was 60% optimal) and barrage remains at 50% increase to falloff.

    Nuclear Changes

    Nuclear's damage should change from primarily explosive and secondary kinetic, to primarily thermal and secondary explosive.

    This provides fully selectable damage with minmatar range weapon options:

    Barrage/Tremor - Explosive+Kinetic

    Proton - EMP+Kin

    Nuclear - Therm+Explosive

    Carbonized Lead - Kin+Explo

    Depleted Uranium - Thermal+Explosive+Kinetic

    Titanium Sabot - Kinetic+Explosive (more kinetic than carbonized)

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    Emperor Goondor

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Today's GM Whack-a-Bot event in a nutshell

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Me: Mom can we watch Jita Undock?
    Mom: We have Jita Undock at home.

    Jita Undock at Home

    submitted by /u/PogoTheJew
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    Introducing IRL friends to eve in a few days. what do I do to wow them as new players?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I've got a good few under my belt but have been relatively inactive for a while. Can anybody recommend me some stuff to do with them to get them hooked?
    I was planning on giving each of them about a 50mil worth of stuff for us to play around with and probably lose.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/sparkey67890
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    Received an interesting email from Goonswarm today

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    So I was in Goons, but havent played at all since like 2018 due to multiple real life reasons. And I got this email from Mittani himself saying that basically Goonswarm is basically fighting off the rest of the playerbase (not for the first time, as I recall) and the email was, judging from the wording, sent out to all former Goons or EVE players in general and asking them to come back and fight, which made me wonder how bad Goonswarm....I mean, Goonswarm, who last I checked had so much ISK that they had their own unit of measurement to calculate how much ISK you made in Delve, mined in caps for fun, literally didn't care how much anything cost because they were all so filthy rich (and can confirm, when I first moved to Delve I was flying a Vexor Navy Issue, three weeks of ratting later I owned my first carrier)....is losing the war for its homeland so badly that they're reaching out to people who don't even play anymore.

    EDIT: And to clarify, terms like "Darkest Hour" and "fight for survival" were used, so yeah, thats not even me assuming that whatever is happening, it's bad. And yeah, apparently the Foe is at the gates of Delve itself.

    So, that being said, for someone who has been away for years and isn't in the loop, at all, how is the latest attempt to "wipe Goonswarm from the game" going? Are they really that fucked or was that all just rhetoric, talking about "GOONDOR CALLS FOR AID!" "THE HORN OF GOONDOR HAS BEEN BLOWN!" and whatnot.

    And why? Last I saw Goons were content to chill in Delve and make so much ISK that we made Naglfars made of other Naglfars. What did they do to spark this latest purgation attempt?


    Kinda funny though. Every few years there's an attempt by several thousand people, whole coalitions and swathes of space and efforts akin to a 40k Imperial Crusade (or a Black one, particularly the 13th) to do just that, wipe Goonswarm/The Imperium from the game. I've been playing on and off since like '08, so I even remember the legendary Band Of Brothers days, then the Casino War, then World War Bee, and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. Even when the Goons "lose", they just kinda go underground and come back in a few months/years stronger than ever. It's like the US trying to bomb terrorism (not terrorists) out of existence.

    You'd think people would give up by now 😂😂😂

    EDIT 2: Before someone else makes this mistake, when I said email, I meant "example@example.com" email, NOT EVEMAIL. 😅

    submitted by /u/GuyTiberiusKirk
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    Darkside. vs FI.RE (BNI vs Muninn / Sacrl vs. Machariel)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Delving for a Fight

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    What's the problem? Value from TTT does trickle down to the Brave pilots.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:40 AM PDT

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