• Breaking News

    Monday, September 7, 2020

    Eve Online Goons forget they don't have capital superiority in Fountain and get turbodunked back to the dumpster

    Eve Online Goons forget they don't have capital superiority in Fountain and get turbodunked back to the dumpster

    Goons forget they don't have capital superiority in Fountain and get turbodunked back to the dumpster

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Images from the war: Battle of I-CUVX

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    After putting a Pandemic Horde Fortizar into it's armor timer, the Imperium attempted to follow up on it with a heavy fleet of battleships. In response, PAPI dropped a carrier fleet that resulted in the Imperium extracting from the grid to an exit gate. They landed a few KM short of the gate due to drag bubbles and were subsequently dropped on by a small group of HAW dreads. Test then decloaked their Eagle fleet that was waiting on the gate and Horde joined in with their Ferox fleet. The ensuing fight left 169 ships destroyed with the battle going firmly into the hands of the defending PAPI forces. Gf - https://br.evetools.org/related/30004636/202009070600

    HAW Dreads went siege green and fired down range at enemy targets

    Imperium attempting to extract

    Overview of the battlefield

    submitted by /u/Noble-2-Kat
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    [zkill] The removal of killmail padding from statistics is imminent

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    *DISCLAIMER: Statistics may be wonky for the new few days. *

    Over the course of the week I will be implementing changes to how killmails are labeled within the database and subsequently removing killmails labeled as "padding" from statistics. This will bring down the number of kills for many, and bring down the number of losses for many as well.

    How? Killmail padding is determined by calculating a hash based on the final blow attacker, the victim, the time, and the victim's ship type. POS modules are not included. If a padding hash has been found 5 or more times, then all subsequent killmails associated with that pad will be removed and not included in statistics. The killmails will still display on zkillboard, but not be counted for or against anyone in their stats.

    Why? Eve is a great game with non-consensual PVP. But that PVP should arise from the choices of both the attacker and the victim, whether these choices are good and/or bad. In the case of killmail padding, the victim is (99.999% of the time) not making any choices in game (meta game doesn't count) and is typically not even aware that thousands of shuttles (or other ships) have been assigned to them until they blow up and show up in their kill reports.

    So if you're someone who will find yourself losing 25k kills from your stats, htfu :)


    For those who fail reading, unique victims do not count toward killboard padding. If you don't know or understand killboard padding, then this post probably likely doesn't apply to you.

    submitted by /u/Squizz
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    If any 0.0 powers actually cared about the health of EVE they'd stop renting to botting alliances/take their space

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:13 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/jenrai
    [link] [comments]

    I am sorry

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    How did this dread get killed by a rat in a DUST corp?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    The Good Guys

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    TEST Spy burned in I-CUVX Brawl-No confirmation on which TAPI Member the Spy belonged to. More details tonight on Trash Talk Tuesday stream.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    Test still having too much enthusiasm

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    So, I'm sitting here with a beer, thinking about this war, and

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    New player, many questions.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    Hi m very new at EVE and I have zero clue on what to do. I finished the tutorial and I just have no clue on what to do now. Need tips and any type of beginners guide. Also on YouTube I see people have battles of thousands of players, how can I find these types of battles?

    submitted by /u/wukasz_
    [link] [comments]

    Hot Ferox on Ferox Action.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    World War Bee 2 will be fought with titans....

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    World War Bee 3 will be fought with cormorants.

    submitted by /u/Pengelly_
    [link] [comments]

    Eve is sorta kill?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Heavy desyncs occurring at the moment but only some of my fleet is affected.

    submitted by /u/Elowenn
    [link] [comments]

    Can someone explain silent company?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Nearly as big as goonswarm and seem to recruit 100s of people a week. I have seen their recruitment email spam but no idea how they manage to recruit so many people and actually what they even do.

    Can someone indulge?

    submitted by /u/thisiseveinnit
    [link] [comments]

    Below the Asteroids Remix [Caldari Union Day special]

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    flying through your valued ally space like

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    A Thief's Journal: Week 2 - Holy Space Cow

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Week 2: 4/19 - 4/25/2020

    4/19/2020 2:40pm in Jerma
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 791,775,000 isk
    Scooped: Shamus
    I found an already unanchored and abandoned Athanor. No one on grid or anything, it was just sitting there lookin lonely. Man even these empty grid scoops provide a rush, and what a great way to start off the new week.

    Munory - Schnuppi (Thueringer Goeren Corp)
    Found: 4/13 10:05am
    Unanchored: 4/20 6:00am
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 793,350,000 isk
    Scooped: Gendrath
    No one was on Grid from the owning corporation, I haven't seen them at all actually this week, Gendrath was on grid cloaked in his Iteron mk V. This scoop lasted less then 30 seconds anyways even without anyone on grid. I wanted to be quick about it, as practice and just because you never know. Had him set up quickly after dropping off the Athanor in a near by station. There is another Athanor I need him to watch. Hopefully the next one will pop early before i have to leave for work; Sadly it didn't, but it also didn't pop while i was at work so that is a good thing. Hopefully it'll pop today.

    Hutian - Holy Grail Industries (thatfyefye industries)
    Found: 4/19 11:27am
    Unanchored: 4/20 7:10pm
    Structure: Raitaru
    Sold: 568,890,000 isk
    Scooped: Shamus
    This structure popped as i was watching Gendrath intently, He has a CEO on grid cloaked with him. Out of the corner of my eye i see my structure pop into its egg. Quickly I initiate warp and start the scooping procedure. Bing my alarm goes off, Turns out that notification system is about a minute slow, I was able to complete my warp before it notified me of the items being transferred to asset safety. There was one person on grid with me in a frigate but he was at the Athanor 6,000 Km away.

    I hoped that this structure would come out today. I watched as a Tech 2 Hauler warped back and forth from the stations to the only gate in this system.

    Hutian - Hope Mining (thatfyefye industries)
    Found: 4/19 11:27am
    Unanchored: 4/20 7:12pm
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 792,382,500 isk
    Scooped: Shamus
    As soon as I dropped off the Raitaru I received a notification that the Athanor unanchored. So i start spamming my selector on the distant structure but it wasn't working and was building my clones blood pressure, AH HA that's right D-Scan is better and they are within range. A quick refresh of the D-Scan Window and there she sits.Computer initiate warp to that Athanor! I shout at my control panel.
    The next 8 seconds feel like ages as the battleship slowly turns to re-align. Back on grid, scoop and back to station to drop off again, while aligning out i notice that the structures popped out 2 hanger containers, and the frigate pilot is still on grid. He laughed at me in the system chat. Not seeing anyone from the owning corporation in system chat I decide to take a look after dropping the Athanor off. The Owner had failed to retrieve some fuel and their Standup Moon Drill which is an extra 100+mil

    Standup Moon Drill I Sold: 115,000,000 ISK

    Zimse - Hornis (DKL Fringe Division)
    Found: 4/13 10:24pm
    Unanchored 4/20 7:33pm
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 793,350,000 isk
    Scooped: Gendrath
    This one had my heart pumping, Gendrath was the one who was watching it and scooped it up. The owner MR DEMOS showed up on grid at 6:50pm, about 40 minutes before the structure finished its compression, and we were intent on watching its screen. Because god damn i found it 3 hours after they started the unanchoring process apparently. This one had to be worth the wait.

    Mr Demos showed up in system and Gendrath was able to D-Scan his ship and watch him come onto grid. He was flying an Occator, landed about 1k km away from the structure and cloaked up. I can only assume that he then aligned to the structure and set his speed to full.

    We noticed him set up, so for the last 40 some odd minutes Gendrath has been hovering over his control board ready to execute his maneuver. Which he did rather smoothly and allowed him to be faster than a t2 hauler, which is rather impressive. Gendrath was already fully on grid and out of warp ready to initiate the scooping procedure by the time he was slowing down so he could exit warp.

    The whole maneuver was a success and Gendrath was able to make it into a station unharmed and egg intact.

    Mr Demos wasn't too happy though; he put a bounty of 150mil on Gendrath, sadly there isn't a efficient way to cash out bounties at the moment. hopefully that will change in the future and we can work something out, maybe I borrow one of his clones.

    Man the timing of these last 3 structures was intense.

    The owner for the other two structures thatfyefye isfye came into system while I was writing up the after action report. I offered to retrieve his structure from impound for him and all he would have to do is pay the processing fee, but he said "Nah I'm good"

    Malma - MoonHaven (Dynamic Logistics)
    Found: 4/15 18:29 EVE
    Unanchored: 4/20 02:00 EVE
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 798,187,500 isk
    Scooped: Zaphire
    Wow this one just blew me away, number five for today! Just wow, This will be one hell of a week. Zaphire completed this one in her 4s Bustard, Thing is faster than I realized, It was scoop and she was in warp within 6s of landing on grid.Man we are getting faster at this. I think next time there is a defense fleet at one of the structures I might have to try my luck and snag it out from under them. Just wow, 5 structures today alone. This will probably be the most profitable single day, we will see though. tis not over yet. This one also popped while i was finishing the entries for the last 3 structures.Man what a day today is turning into. Structure before work, good days worth of work, and 4 structures after work.


    I need to mention that the Asset Safety notification is not instant like i thought it was, its roughly 30-60s after the structure has unanchored, There is enough time for me to warp to and scoop before i get the notification. Maybe not the great discovery i thought it was, still nice to know when the structure unanchors

    4/20/20 10:17pm

    Zaphire bought everyone new SKINS for their ships! She got the Glacial Drift and Steel Cardinal skins for the Badger, Copies for Gendrath as well, then she got me the Praxis Capsuleer Elite XV and the Icecloud Investigators skins. Man the Icecloud Investigators looks slick! Happy 4/20 Everyone! Fly High!

    Gonan - Le Menhir (Land-Of-Peace)
    Found: 4/17 11:37pm
    Unanchored: 4/21 1:35am
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 798,187,500 isk
    Scooped: Gendrath
    Activity started on grid around 1:00am with Yeesha sitting in the station. letty torreto the CEO showed up next in an orca and was slow boating it towards the Athanor. Dem'lock was next to show and in a capsule that he boarded a Occtor and proceeded to follow the orcas lead.Procxy came in shortly after also in a capsule and boarded an Algos before warping around the system. Wolf Cadelanne eventually joined with a Nereus; I thought that he was going to be my problem but he just sat there on undock. I paused everything else I was doing with all of the activity suddenly on grid. Ran the routine through my head a couple of times so I could be quick enough.
    It pops and my cameras view returns to that of the ship, Decloak, initiate warp to Athanor, prepare scoop! We are out of warp! Scoop Scoop Scoop!!!! And….Warp to nearest station! and warp successful! Gendrath was able to make it into station safe and sound, Procxy locked him with the Algos for all of 2 seconds before he was in warp.
    That makes 6 today. Just wow, 1 day that is almost as much as all of last week!!! Its only been two days and we are already up to 7 structures reclaimed.

    4/21/20 4:24am

    Man what a day 4/20 was, I'm in shock honestly at just how many structures came out today. Five Athanors spread over five different systems. Then one of those Athanors was a double pop with a Raitaru. Today came to a little under 5bil, we will have an actual number when all the structures sell, which might take some time now. Man if I hadn't been scouting like I had we would have only gotten one maybe two today. Should I start keeping track of how many systems/stations I actually check during my scouting. That would give me some more data to work with, but I don't think it would provide much of an boost to the operation. Its more than just how many structures you check, Its also where you look, and there is a bit of luck attached to this

    For example; I've checked whole clusters of 0.5 Security space and came across none that were unanchoring. While checking another cluster and found 12+ structures unanchoring.

    What I could do though is study the map a bit more. I need to find the 0.5 security clusters that have a decent amount of moons and systems. A cluster of 3 isn't as good as one of 6 or so.

    Manatirid - Play EVE and Be Happy. (EVE FOR FUN)
    Found: 4/17 1:45pm
    Unanchored 4/21 1:06pm
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 798,187,500 isk
    Scooped: Zaphire
    K0T BEGEM0TT, the CEO, showed up in system at 12:00 noon in an Iteron Mk V, He docked up for a bit before undocking and just stopping his ship around 12:45pm.
    Que hover mode for ship controls.Same sequence as Gendrath, Uncloak, initiate warp, prepare scooping controls, exit warp and initiate scooping, select warp to target and off we go. With Zaphire's 4 second align Badger, she really does make short work on these scoops. I don't even think he really had time to react. I had her log once she got into station, This one was in the local area for us, so better to be cautious anyways, though I don't think we will be setting up anything like we used to have. With this one popping our scouting list is now empty. 3 of the Athanors I had found have stopped unanchoring as of this morning, so today will be a big day of scouting

    4/21/20 8:00pm

    After 7 hours of jumping systems and scanning structures we built up the scouted list to 15 structures. Zaphire found a system with 6 structures, mostly Athanors, unanchoring, and then 2 structures next door. I found a system with 3 Athanors and a Astrahus unanchoring in it, and then two Athanors next door. Gendrath found 1 in his cluster of systems so he is going to camp that one and then move over to Zaphire's system. Would be amazing to scoop 15 structures!

    4/21/20 9:28pm

    So, everyone has finished scanning their clusters, and has now set up in their positions. I've settled into some reading and thought I would do some research on the subject we find ourselves diving into. It turns out that there is very few people covering the subject matter and even less making public records/knowledge available. I believe I will fill this niche and give everyone a good thrill with the stories and after action reports. I had originally planned on releasing the journal but now, it's a for sure thing. I think the reason its so easy is because people are just unaware of the procedures around Unanchoring a structure. There also doesn't appear to be many ship loadouts based around the subject and that could be another reason for the ease of theft. There just aren't many people optimizing fits for a ship that they will use once or twice during their cycle.

    I say this because, looking at the Eve University page, the Upwell Structure guides that are made public on New Edens website, the large forum communities, there isn't any mention of a 4 second Hauler or a Battleship used for structures. There are only a handful of articles about Stealing structures and even less about the procedures on safely Unanchoring. For this cycle I believe this is what I am going to set out to do. If at any time I get pulled away into a long nap I will program the computers to Auto Upload the corresponding documents. I'm hoping that nothing will get in the way and I will be able to complete my goal. Though I might cut back the time line, 6months total instead of 12, first 3 months of just recording before releasing the notes in a weekly updated series. I don't know, it will be something ill think on.

    6 months = 26 or so weekly releases, a year would be 52.

    Now here is another question; with this big of a scouting list do we wake up some of the remaining crew members and put them to work, or do we save the isk on the wake up fee's and what we miss is what we miss, because either way we will miss some, and in the last day we brought in enough to wake up 2 of them and keep Gendrath and Zaphire in their upgraded clones. Stinking rent for those things is almost equal to two Athanors, and it's a monthly cost! Gah too rich for my blood, hahaha, coming from the guy who has scooped 8 of the 15 structures so far. Well I could always just upgrade my clone while I'm thinking about it. That way I could start using that speedy badger and cloak that Zaphire has, that thing is super slippery. Gendrath is already started training towards it, and he is thinking about injecting into it as well. I shook my head at him when he said that.


    Medium Cargohold Optimization II x2

    Medium Cargohold Optimization I x1

    Expanded Cargohold II x3

    Inertial Stabilizers II x3

    Large Shield Extender II x2

    Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II x2

    With Max Amarr Industrial, Ship Operation, and Evasive Maneuvering, this set up is able to reach 3.89s Align time and 9,009m3 Cargo capacity. With an EHP of 23.1k and est cost of 39mil. This ship also qualifies as viable (No play room)


    Medium Cargohold Optimization II x2

    Medium Cargohold Optimization I x1

    Inertial Stabilizers II x4

    Large Shield Extender II x1

    Medium Shield Extender II x3

    Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II x2

    With Max Caldari Industrial, Ship Operation, and Evasive Maneuvering, this setup is able to reach 3.88s Align time and 8,073m3 Cargo capacity. With an EHP of 27.1k and est cost of 39.2mil. This Ship is what Zaphire is able to use (No play room)


    Medium Cargohold Optimization II x2

    Medium Cargohold Optimization I x1

    Expanded Cargohold II x2

    Inertial Stabilizers II x3

    Large Shield Extender II x2

    Medium Shield Extender II x1

    Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II x2

    With Max Gallente Industrial, Ship Operation, and Evasive Maneuvering, this setup is able to reach 3.61s Align time and 9,083m3 Cargo capacity. With an EHP of 26.4k and est cost of 39.5mil. This ship also qualifies as viable (No play room)


    Medium Cargohold Optimization II x1

    Medium Cargohold Optimization II x1

    Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II x1

    Expanded Cargohold II x2

    Inertial Stabilizers II x2

    Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers x1

    Large Shield Extender II x2

    Small Shield Extender II x1

    Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II x2

    Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue" Evasive Maneuvering EM-705 implant

    With Max Minmatar Industrial, Ship Operation, and Evasive Maneuvering, this setup is able to reach 2.98s Align time and 8,132m3 Cargo capacity. With an EHP of 24.7k and a total estimated cost of 272mil, with the command lag, this rounds up to a 3 second align time, making the Wreathe the fastest of the bunch, none of the others really have the play room (Without the Eifyr implant and the Shadow Serpentis inertial stabilizers this will do 3.2s align time and cost around 34.5mil. It's the fact that you have to break the barrier. There is no different between 3.2 and 3.99 align time because of the server commands. You need to round up the number)

    If we want to talk about META I think the Wreathe would be the one to go with so far, aye it's a bit blingy in cost, but sub 3s align time for a hauler with enough space for a small structure is just insane

    It is an Omega clone only though because us Alpha clones can only train lvl 1 of any given races industrial skill

    Looking at the T2 Haulers now, I found that the Covert-Ops Blockade Runners can align at sub 4s and since they can warp while cloaked that would be super surprising to see suddenly appear right next to your compressed structure and then disappear with it

    So after some thinking I believe we will wake up another crew member and get him flying again. I just don't know who it should be, I will have to look over their skills again and refresh my memory. We need someone who will be able to hop straight into the cloaky t2 hauler fit that I just put together

    4/22/20 2:00am

    After some talking and experimenting I have decided to go with the Crane as the Omega ship of choice. I came to this conclusion after looking up a skill simulation program and having the knowledge of how it is going to fly when skilled into played a big part in this. Of the 4 different races t2 ships there really isn't much leeway in terms of our needs so it came down to what we could get into quickly. The main reason I am choosing this one for everyone to upgrade into is the fact that its able to warp cloaked. Meaning they can scan whole systems without being seen on grid with any structure, their only tell will be dropping off the alarm device, jumping into system, and in system chat.

    With this upgrade the scooping procedure will change slightly. Instead of decloaking before warping they will decloak as they are exiting warp and landing next to the compressed structure. They will need to deactivate it via hot key so that they can have the scooping mechanism ready to deploy. Now currently this is all theory as we are just upgrading but I see them only being uncloak for the 5 seconds the cloaking hardware needs to reset.

    This is how it plays out in my mind.

    Activity on grid > Increase speed > Structure Unanchors > Initiate warp > Prep Scoop > Eye out on warp drive status > Decloak as exiting warp > Fully exit Warp and simulatiuslly Deploy Scoop > Upon Successful Confirmation Recloak > Initiate warp to nearest dockable structure.

    The actual scooping part should take less than 5 seconds, and upon scooping hopefully there isn't anything within 2,500m of them so they can recloak and be warping before the target has any semblence of reaction

    If you decloak as the warp drive is spooling down it should allow the necessary time needed for the cloak to reset after scooping.

    [Crane, 4s Cloaky]

    Expanded Cargohold II

    Inertial Stabilizers II

    Large Shield Extender II

    Medium Shield Extender II

    Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II

    Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II

    Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

    Medium Cargohold Optimization II

    Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II

    EHP: 19,347 off, 30,162 on

    Align: 3.69s

    Warp Speed: 6.9 AU/s -> 7.5 AU/s (Max Transporter skill)

    Cargo: 8,223.8m3

    Cost: 211.2mil

    It is the Blockade Runner of the Caldari, the main reason I picked it was for the fact that it can warp while cloaked, and Zaphire can fly it with Gendrath not far behind. We also talked and decided to wake up Vladimar, he had a built up store of Information Upload Points or otherwise known as Skill Points.
    This allowed him to quick train into the above ship, which should have been a 2 month or more training process for him. Glad he had saved them up for a rainy day. Gendrath also decided to quickly finish off his training instead of waiting a month. Cost him an Athanors worth of ISK, but he sees it as a needed investment because this feeding frenzy isn't going to last forever so he might as well get in and make some money and save up some more SP before it is over.

    I gave Vladimar a run down of what happened to our empire and where we were going from here, he was a little peeved about our own alliance being the ones to destroy the empire but he quickly overcame that when I told him what we have been up to now. He grew quite excited actually and quickly asked for the ship details that we are using, which I happily and immediately sent him. After a quick browse I could see him injecting the necessary information directly into his neural interface by the means of his hand held Pilot Interface Tool or Pit. I could see it in his eyes as the information poured into him and then suddenly stopped.

    "Alrighty, I'm ready. We are lucky I had all those Skill Points saved up, I used almost 1.5mil of the 2.3 I had. Now, where is my ship and where am I going?" he asked excitedly

    I told him about the two different pods of unanchoring structures and then explained that I'm not in an omega clone at this time and it might be best if he follows me to the cluster of systems I found. There was some CEO activity tonight already

    I also sent over a packet of procedure details that outline the operation at the moment and told him to give it a read and get back to me with any questions or ideas. I also sent him his location, after a few moments he said he was in position and that there was someone named Caldari Researcher that had just undocked from the target Athanor in a Covetor Mining Barge. Glad he warped in cloaked up and didn't give away the fact we are watching his structure

    With Vladimar awake and now trained in transport ships I need to get a Bustard incase a defense fleet forms, though with the new cloaked warp capable ships I wonder if it will be a problem at all. Will still be for me in the basic clone, disconnected from some of my better skills. Oh well, I'm cheap at the moment and want to see how many a basic clone can scoop up. Because looking over my alpha fit Praxis, is really doesn't take many skill points to fly it. I just don't think many people have thought of this niche use for it. But I do guess it is an expensive ship for an alpha pilot to get and I just happened to have a few from back in the day gathering dus

    As it stands now our expenses are: 2,864,695,100 ISK, around the price of 3.5 Athanors. The expenses include waking up Vladimar, Skilling Gendrath, and Upgrading ships for, Zaphire, Gendrath and Vladimar. I am going to stick with my battleship for the moment, I am enjoying the ability to go explore the system and kill pirates where I find them while I wait on the structures.

    Ikami - One Warehouse (Huntard Hunter)
    Found: 4/21 6:31pm
    Unanchored: 4/23 4:49pm
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 754,650,000 ISK
    Scooped: Zaphire
    I was out smoking when I got the notification that it had unanchored and Zaphire was in the neighboring system. Talk about running to her remote control station. I am surprised that i was able to scoop this one. I had to warp to perch and then warp to structure, The new scooping procedure went off with out a hitch I am happy to report. There wasn't anyone on grid when I warped her ship to the stations perch. My heart was still racing as I was spamming D-Scan to see if the structure was still there or not. It leapt when I saw it still there on grid. 1 down 14 to go on the current list.


    8:15am - Sadly I slept through one, I heard the notification go off in my sleep as I had just snoozed my actual alarm. So I sat there a moment and wondered what it was before it clicked and I got up in a flurry, WARP WARP WARP!! I screamed as I mashed the controls towards the Athanor on D-scan.
    As the grid came in to view I see an Orca and a Machariel on grid, as the ship was slowing down to exit warp with my hand over the scooping switch the structure disappears off of the overview….I had missed it, for multiple reasons….If only I hadn't snoozed the alarm and had gotten up on time, I would have scooped a structure before leaving for work.


    3:00am - Not really any action today, there are a few target corp members in system, but after warping around I couldn't find them, could be in one of the many Empire supported stations. While waiting on structures to compress I've still be cleaning up pirates and today I ran across a Drone Assembly and while cleaning it out I spooked a Sentient Alvium. It graciously gave me a Rogue Drone 46-X Nexus Chip. I've heard about these from Gendrath. Apparently the Sisters of EVE will trade a single run blueprint copy of their specialized frigate; The Astero, for one. Might have to go turn it in after this scouted list is done.

    5:30pm - Got back from work after leaving at 8:20am and found that a pod of 6 structures popped at 10:28am, Grrrrr!! Man that is disappointing, I know I was earning cold hard cash but man, 6 structures!!! From the looks of the notification log. He unanchored all of the structures at the same time! He didn't give himself any prep time between structures and the system chat log shows someone named Lord Frifri saying "What's the chances you giving these back and not being a nasty mofo? That's real low man." "but whatevs gf" which I can only assume is connected to the structures, he is part of that pods owning corporation.

    Other than that Gendrath has 4 Tcms in system with him but nothing on grid or in station. Zaphire has been reset onto a new target. Vladimar still has the same guy in system with him but also no grid activity or anyone in station. He has been docked in the Uchoshi X - Moon 11 - Science and Trade Institute School station. He has been there since this morning. No change in my system. Still no sightings of any Target Corp Members (Tcms). Hopefully the rest of the day goes well, I have tomorrow and the next day off.

    6:55pm - Just read about a new upcoming update to structures and how they function. HA! Right when I get into structures. Turns out that they are putting a new power state on them, Abandoned. During this state; Asset Safety is turned off! (Time to bash!) The structures can be taken down in one go with no automated reinforcement.
    This means I will need a structure. Or we can all turn into ninjas and go around collecting loot that other people work for. I'm also pretty sure that there is going to be a huge influx of unanchoring structures here in the next 7+ days up until the update. Do I wake up the rest of the crew and get them into ships quickly and prep for it? How many people are going to log in, hit unanchor, and then when it comes time forgets about it

    8:13pm - Gendrath found his 3 of his Tcms out mining, no sight of the other one though.


    6:00am - Missed an Astrahus by seconds, I accidently deactivated my cloak early before warp then I activated the scoop while exiting warp a little early and had to redeploy it again, sadly he was right there on top of the compressed structure anyways.

    10:00am - I have awoken 3 more crew members and have upgraded my own clone to Omega for this next month, the feeding frenzy is going to be too great to pass up.

    Cost of 4 Omega clones: 5,648,000,000 ISK

    Cost of 4 Blockade Runners + Fits: 818,041,600 ISK

    Total Crew: 7

    Everyone had enough floating SP to quick train into the needed fit. I'm glad they all had them saved up. Took over 1.5mil sp to get where they needed to be, but for the most part everyone got there, I'm lagging a bit behind on the Evasive maneuvering skill, I'll have to slow train the rest of the way. It'll take me around 7 days to finish training the skill but it doesn't effect the blockade runner too much being under a skill level on that. I still align at 3.96s so still at the 4s mark.

    6:20pm - Have finished scanning for the day, found 5 new targets with one of them being an Astrahus, hopefully we will be able to swipe it. Three days left on the first batch of scouting. Half of them have popped already and I have only been able to scoop one due to work in virtual.
    Hopefully with so many sets of eyes out there we will be able to recoup our expenses and make a healthy profit on top of it. Current scout list is 11, hoping for a good 75% due to 7 sets of eyes and the notification system.

    Ikami - Far Oasis (Phantom Frontiers)
    Found: 4/21 6:32pm
    Unanchored: 4/25 9:32pm
    Structure: Athanor
    Sold: 753,650,000 ISK
    Scooped: Zaphire
    Woke up from an early nap to this one popping, There wasn't anyone on grid and when I woke up it had already been 45 minutes from the looks of the logs, could have easily missed this one, in two different ways, 1st being just sleeping through it like I did and 2nd was when it came time to scoop I had my default warp to command set at 10km from when I was scouting with her ship earlier. Need to remember to change that setting after scouting. Glad they forgot about it though and we were able to add it to the reclaimed list


    11:45pm - Scouted another system after Zaphire was able to scoop her target, found a system with 4 structures unanchoring, 2 Athanors, 1 Azbel, and 1 Sotiyo. Single system with ~25bil worth of structures unanchoring.

    12:00am - Man what a week it has been. Lets see the stats for it

    4/19/20 - 4/25/20

    Athanor: [9] Raitaru: [1]
    Gendrath: [3] Shamus: [3] Zaphire: [4]

    Previous Week: 5,393,763,750 ISK
    Week Income: 7,642,610,000 ISK
    Week Expenses: 9,330,736,700 ISK

    Total Income: 13,036,373,750 ISK
    Total Expenses: 9,330,736,700 ISK
    Total Profit: 3,706,637,050 ISK

    Man what a week, started off with a truly abandoned structure and ended with one as well. Along with the discovery of an unanchoring Sotiyo which is a Large structure and can only fit in Zaphire's Charon Freighter.We are set up for the most part, Dexter has been assigned to assist Zaphire as a webbing alt so that her Freighter can enter warp faster than a minute like usual. I've assigned Drak'ma to the Azbel there in a cloaky Orca Industrial Command ship. We rigged it for cargo capacity and are about to just barely squeeze the compressed structure into the cargo bay. It'll be a tight fit and our most expensive target so far. That'll be in the next week, here's to a good upcoming week.

    If you are just joining us you can find the previous posts here

    submitted by /u/Gendrath
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    Small gang vs World War Bee II for learning

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Hi fellow pilots! I'm new to online with a recent move from Echoes. I've followed the Reddit and got some links from a nice dude with a Tuskers flair I believe. He gave some good links and a great description for a small gang Amarr battle cruiser, which looks badass. My question is, what the best option for me, finding a small gang group to learn from or joining into the current -sec war? My income is from missions so far.

    I've seen a lot pointing towards Eve University. Pandemic Horde and Brave for the -sec space fighting, and got an evemail from someone in Silent Company which is the biggest corp according to dotlan. I just want to get into fights and learn while I'm doing it!


    submitted by /u/Templar_Six
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    Between 2 Keepstars with special guest Elise Randolph airs Sunday, Today, at 2100 Eve Time

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    What is it?

    Between 2 Keepstars (B2K) is an Eve Online talkshow that airs on Sunday at 2100 eve time. Topics vary from week to week and guests are regularly brought on to discuss the topics lined up for the week. The typical atmosphere of each show is pretty chill with a side of shitposting and spin. Anyone is allowed to be on the show. All they have to do is show up before the show or post in discord that they would like to come on during. I will say it now though, this show supposedly has a Panfam Bias. In reality, the bias kinda shifts from episode to episode.

    So its like every other Eve Talkshow?

    Well sort of, but not really. The main difference is the perspective that Between 2 Keepstars offers. For instance, when Niarja fell, B2K had on someone who was just coming back to the game, and someone who was responsible for corp logistics. Link to the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATFiIbBiXFY. This resulted in a conversation about the invasion mechanics and what its like to run a nullsec logistical route.

    Another thing that B2K brings to the table is the perspective of those who operate in a medium sized corp. Granted we aren't newbies just starting out. I am part of a corp, Concordiat, it is a medium to small sized corp. Yes, the corp is part of a much larger alliance and bloc, but our corp is able to operate independently with our own FCs, structures, logistics, and industry.

    Finally, an this one is my favorite, B2K has viewer submitted topics. The fact is that I as a player am not involved in every aspect of Eve. Thus I can often miss stuff that could potentially be really cool topics for the show. Having viewer submitted allows people to bring up things that may be really cool, but are not often talked about. Submitting a topic is as easy as going to the #submit-a-topic channel in the discord and posting.

    Okay, but why have a talkshow?

    The answer to that is simple. I have an opinion about things happening in Eve Online and I want to share it, and I want to hear the opinions of others who might have a different experience. I want to help to empower those whom have ideas and opinions about Eve online. I want to shed light on things that may, or may not be talked about. And for god's sake, I wanna have fun doing it.

    So where can I watch?

    Between 2 Keepstars airs on Twitch every Sunday at 2100 eve time.

    You can also view past episodes on the Between 2 Keepstars YouTube channel.

    Join the discord to be apart of the conversation by using the link.


    submitted by /u/Reicher514
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    Best missions for a newbie? Just started yesterday and been doing the tutorial and following the "Industry Career Agent" missions

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:32 PM PDT


    What is the best mission for a newbie to complete or do? I started yesterday and finished the tutorial and began the "Industry Career Agent".


    Almost finish, now on number 9 out of 10 missions. I am taking a short break. I also began my skill tree and doing the Magic 14 as told.


    submitted by /u/Being_Busy
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    Project Discovery: can someone please explain this to me?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    There is a huge gap between those 2 clusters that i marked, how the hell is it wrong


    EDIT: and here is an example of another one which clearly shows that those clusters are separate by the huge gap and belong to another, yet i did it similar to the image above and apparently its incorrect this time https://prnt.sc/uco7y2

    submitted by /u/UnitsLost
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    Can I go to lowsec space as an alpha clone?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    As someone who is interested in mining, I am wondering if I will be immediately pulverized upon jumping to a lower sec star-system, by gankers lying in wait. Does this happen often? Or can I more or less move around in low sec space for a while, while mining?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Dovelark
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