• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    Eve Online *-*

    Eve Online *-*


    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    For those who hit F1 a before FC says so

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    CCP Feminator strikes back

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    Leaked intel on Goonswarm senior leadership!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Titan proliferation, throwback to 2008

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    CSM 15 Second Month in Review

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    CSM 15 has completed its second full month on the job. As I noted in my last post, my goal is to provide the players with greater transparency by providing a more in depth review of each month of our work, given that more work will be done outside of summits this term, if we are even able to have in-person summits at all.

    As I noted last time, CSM members generally interact with CCP outside of summits in three ways – weekly meetings, conversations and discussions via internal Slack (instant messaging) and Confluence (wiki style topics), and private conversations.

    Since my last update, the CSM has had a total of 8 meetings, which brings the total number of formal meetings the CSM has held to 16. The duration noted is exact for meetings that were recorded, approximated for those that weren't.

    As with my last article, all of the information included below has been reviewed by the CSM and cleared by CCP for release.

    Meeting 9 – July 21 – Meeting with Team Event Horizon

    Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes

    This was our first meeting with Team Event Horizon, who has been largely working on the Triglavian Invasion content. All of the CSM except Merkelchen were present. The CCP community team, along with CCP Mimic, CCP Coyote, and CCP Sledgehammer were in the meeting. There was a lot of discussion over the existing Trig content, including the issues with Werpost lock times and NPC behavior, as well as other concerns the player base has had with the content, from issues with time zone concerns as well as the geographic distribution of the invasions. The issue of Edencomm Cyno Jammers was raised, with the CSM noting they were especially disruptive and the mechanics were not clear. Discussions were also had regarding the Zirnitra, as this team had some say into how it was balanced originally. There was also discussion over how the content was being received, how players were figuring out what the rules were and how that information was being disseminated throughout the player base. Because of the nature of the content and the desire on CCP's part that much of the invasion content be mysterious and teased out by the players, there were a number of questions they did not answer, including how the storyline would eventually wrap up.

    Meeting 10 – July 22 – Ask-Me-Anything Meeting with CCP Hellmar

    Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

    One of the highlights of each summit is the session with CCP's CEO Hilmar Petursson. Since there won't be a summit this year, CCP was kind enough to provide us with a session with him early on. The entire CSM was present, as well as the community team, CCP Hellmar, CCP Muppet Hunter and CCP Goodfella. The discussion was varied and broad. The CSM brought up a number of issues, including things like the debate between fixing current issues versus designing new content, greater collaboration between the company and the various community streamers and Youtubers, and what can be done to hasten the return of the Alliance Tournament. Hilmar shared with the CSM a lot of solid data, including CCP's internal tracking of new player retention, age of player accounts and those cohorts, and the number of people downloading and trying the game. He also gave a run down on where CCP stood as a company, highlighting that this year has seen some of the best quarters for the game in terms of revenue in the company's history. He also discussed the goals for the Serenity server and how EVE Echoes was shaping up as it got closer to its launch date in August. Hilmar also confirmed that the company is still working on a new game (the project formerly referred to as Project Nova). Finally, there was a larger discussion about content creation. This was one of the best meetings the CSM has had so far this year.

    Meeting 11 – July 24 – CSM Weekly Meeting, Week 5

    Duration: Approximately two hours

    The Community team and all of the CSM except Merkelchen met for the weekly CSM meeting. The goal of this meeting was to begin a process of creating a top priority list for this year's CSM. Prior to the meeting, CCP Dopamine had asked each of the CSM members to provide him with a list of ten priority areas they wanted to see addressed this year. This meeting began the process of winnowing down the lists to a number of topics that the entire group could agree were priorities. Needless to say, this was a contentious meeting with a lot of debate and discussion, and the result was that we made very little progress in coming to a consensus on top priorities, despite this being one of the longer meetings we had. Issues that were discussed included citadels, conflict drivers, the subcap vs. cap debate, improvements to existing content, the AT and structured competitive play, EVE Portal's development, Lowsec/FW complete revamp, the NPE and hurdles for new players, skill training, in-game customization, the red dot, improved PVE and missions, group management tools, nullification, and resource gathering, among a number of other topics.

    Meeting 12 – July 31 – Meeting with Team Ra (CSM Weekly Meeting, Week 6)

    Duration: Approximately 1 hour

    Team Ra asked to meet with the CSM during their regular weekly meeting to discuss the upcoming introduction of weather into nullsec. CCP Dopamine was on leave, so CCP Convict led the meeting, along with CCP Aurora from the community team. CCP Fozzie joined along with the rest of Team Ra. The whole CSM was present except Merkelchen. CCP went through the design document on weather and answered a number of CSM questions about how the mechanics of weather would work. The CSM reiterated the concern that this could be an issue that impacts the war, although because it impacts both sides the effects would likely be mitigated. Since Team Ra also handled the abyssal PvP live events, the CSM asked a number of questions and raised some concerns with those events, including issues with collusion and discussed concerns about the impact on roaming and other sandbox PvP.

    After the Team Ra portion of the meeting ended, the CSM had their usual weekly meeting with the community team. A number of CSM requests for meetings were made, including meetings on the economy, mining, lowsec and merchandise.

    Meeting 13 - August 7 – CSM Weekly Meeting, Week 7 – Merchandise

    Duration: Approximately 1 hour

    CCP Convict and CCP Aurora introduced CCP Oracle from the merchandise team, who joined the meeting at the request of the CSM the previous week to talk about merch. She was joined by CCP Goodfella. There was a free ranging discussion over CCP's existing line up of merchandise as well as things players have been asking for. CCP Oracle informed the CSM that the top two items in the current store were EVE coffee mugs and EVE ball caps. They are looking at releasing new t-shirts soon, as well as some community sourced lines. While the CSM suggested a rainbow of colors for EVE shirts, CCP Oracle confirmed that black sells the best, a fact obvious to everybody who has ever been to an EVE meet. There was a discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on international shipping and production of items. Goodfella also provided some information on upcoming in-game item sales and asked for continued feedback on monetization.

    Meeting 14 – August 14 – CSM Weekly Meeting, Week 8

    Duration – Approximately 1 hour

    This was the lightest meeting of the year so far, with most of CCP out or unavailable on vacation. CCP Convict was holding down the fort and met with the entire CSM. The CSM discussed structured gameplay again, as the topic was generated by the announcement of EVE NT's tournament. There was also discussion of some issues with the game launcher. Once those topics were exhausted, the CSM continued its discussion of priorities that began in Meeting 11, which filled the remainder of the time.

    Meeting 15 – August 21 – Meeting with Team Talos and the Ecosystem Group - CSM Weekly Meeting, Week 9

    Duration – 1 hour and 25 minutes

    Team Talos and the Ecosystem team asked to meet with the CSM to discuss structure token mechanics (since renamed "Quantum Cores"). The entire CSM was present, along with the community team, CCP Rise, CCP Masterplan, CCP Rattati, CCP Bartender and CCP Psych. CCP Rise walked the CSM through the design document on Quantum Cores and began a discussion on the overall concept as well as some of the specifics. The CSM highlighted issues with the price of some of the cores, as well as the volumes of the cores and a discussion was had surrounding potential ways to move cores through various areas of space. There was further discussion on the design goals of the changes as well as a long discussion on the implementation and roll out. The CSM made it clear that there needed to be a significant grandfather period to allow groups to get these cores in place, because this change would have a massive impact on structure owners of all sizes, and because this would have a major impact on all of the belligerents in the nullsec war.

    The CSM then had their usual meeting with the community team, where they were informed that the Trig balance pass, the MER and the new Abyssal proving ground event would hit in the next week, and the CSM raised some players concerns, including the neutral standings in Trig content issue that arose in the last update and the autopilot router not recognizing Niarja as nullsec.

    Meeting 16 – August 28 – CSM Weekly Meeting, Week 10 – Lowsec Discussion

    Duration – 1 hour and 10 minutes

    The weekly meeting included a discussion of lowsec and faction warfare issues with CCP Shreddy and CCP Goodfella, at the request of the CSM. The community team was present. The CSM was present except for Kenneth Feld, Maria Taylor and Torvald. Goodfella gave an update on the current roadmap and is planning on providing a more in-depth update to the CSM on what's ahead for the Q4 quadrant when the final planning has been completed. The CSM and the team then had a discussion on issues with lowsec and faction warfare, with the CSM requesting that CCP give lowsec/FW a greater priority and allocate some dev time for work on these issues at some point during this CSM cycle. Merkelchen also presented an idea to address the issue with the hard limit of clones and multiple clones in upwell structures.

    The CSM also had an in-depth discussion with CCP Goodfella regarding communication and issues with various means of communicating with the player base that CCP uses.

    Slack/Confluence Discussions

    Despite CCP's traditional lighter summer schedule, the CSM maintained its same meeting pace during the end of July and throughout August. September is traditionally one of the most active months for the CSM, as it typically would see the first CSM summit of the year. Since there will be no CSM summits in 2020, it is likely that September won't be as active a month as usual, but the CSM and the community team have begun discussions on how to provide some kind of a summit-style event in 2020 that could provide a similar impact with expanded access to the devs.

    As for other communications options, both Slack and Confluence saw daily usage for discussion and debate, with the CSM bringing concerns in real time to the Devs on a variety of issues. There were also some heated discussions over ideas to address node death during big structure fights, long discussions over the "quantum core" structure token announcement and feedback from the player base, and discussions of the impact of Niarja flipping to the Triglavians, among a variety of other topics.

    As always, I'm happy to answer any questions I can within the limits of the Code of Conduct and the NDA.

    submitted by /u/deltaxi65
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    Wife cranked out another Trig painting!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    PATCH NOTES FOR 2020-09-08.1

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    I anchored a structure on the 7th of September. Now says Core Absent for everyone to see. Why would they spell it out if it doesn't have any effect until the 13th of October? or did they make a mistake?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Uhmm ok

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Eve Online: Projectile Ammo

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    Returning after 7 year hiatus, help on PvE

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Hey folks,

    So to start off I was a member of Dreddit for a few years before I stopped around late 2013. Came back and not ready to die so easily yet. So I've been focusing on level 4 missions with a HM drake from an old doctrine we used to fly in 6VDT back in the day.

    So I want to run missions, at least for now and slowly work my way up to something more exciting.

    Back then I wanted a tengu, which I can fly pretty comfortably now, but is that still worth it after all this time?

    Is a raven a better option? Though I thought on specializing in cruiser/bc skills would be the wiser choice as that's where my skills are almost complete in.

    What's the go to these days?

    submitted by /u/scourfin
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    New to Eve

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    I'm super new to video games in general and Eve looks really exciting but a bit overwhelming. From the trailers it looks like the possibilities are limitless. But since the game has been out for so long I'm concerned that exploration isn't really a thing anymore. Is it still possible for new players to have Star Trek Enterprise-Ish kind of adventures and discover new planets, aliens, and items?

    submitted by /u/If_U_Read_Dis_U_Gay
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    Clever CCP, hiding changes in plain sight

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    This game is like real life

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    This game reminds me of real life, when I first started I had no idea what the fuck I was doing, kind of like my first job out of college, and now here we are, growing.

    submitted by /u/buttmuncher861
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    finally got back in....not what the heck has happened in 5 years?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    Last i remember volt was playing fun fun games occasionally with goon...where did my volt guys goes? retired? where did most of them end up at

    submitted by /u/terpmike28
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    Tips for exploring in null?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Hey all, just got my Helios and cloak device 2. I've been jumping around low activity nullsec and having a blast finding sites. Anyone got any good tips for exploration?

    submitted by /u/Ol-Robby
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    Need to find a ship in the market but i dont know the name, please help.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Is this a limited edition of citadel?how much is it?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:39 PM PDT



    they told me it was expensive

    but I suspect they were just bragging

    i cant find the price in the market

    so anyone knows?

    submitted by /u/JVSTREADING
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    Painted Gallente reimagined as a fantasy character (Beast tamer/trapper) with gouache

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    V For Vedmak

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    World War Bee 2: The Fun Cloaky Bits

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    INIT vs EVE

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Fountain Has a Rash Again...

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    New war, much more at stake!! Someone please beat my record

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:08 AM PDT

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