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    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Eve Online Receiving rewards from the trig event

    Eve Online Receiving rewards from the trig event

    Receiving rewards from the trig event

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:57 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    "Crystal Blast" Astero watercolour on 12x9" paper

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    *Bad Triangle noises >:(*

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:14 PM PDT


    I hear EVE is a good game.

    The amount of time I put into making this meme is the amount of time CCP puts into game development.

    submitted by /u/Odysseus_Olacars
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    How to lose 5 Jump Freighters in 2 minutes

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    Sniped Killmail

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    Goon Tactical Response Department 2020 colorized

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Feature addition request: FW LP Corp Tax

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I'm not claiming to be the origin of this suggestion, as I think that it has been suggested several times through the years. Like most changes in the game worth advocating for, repeatedly drawing attention to the aspect of the game that needs changing often helps hasten progress.


    As most of you know, there is currently relatively little that FW lowsec entities can do to raise corp or alliance funds. This is one of many reasons for the rather sad state of affairs in FW lowsec. The warzones, once teaming with a diversity of independent corps and alliances in each faction are now relatively bereft of entities that are not reliant on support from nullsec groups from which the spice flows. This may change with the ore redistribution changes coming up soon, but I'm skeptical that independent lowsec entities will benefit from this. The addition I propose is relatively straightforward:


    1. Please add of a modifyable LP tax setting for FW-enlisted corps.

    2. Please add one or more LP wallet divisions for catching those LP taxes.

    3. LP from FW missions should be taxed. Whether LP from kills should be taxed is unimportant (to me). The tax should be funneled itno the LP wallet division(s).

    4. The ability to make LP cashouts for the corp should be linked to a divisional accounting role associated with the wallet division.

    5. Materials used in LP cashout should be pulled from corp divisions and corp wallets (if isk is required)


    I understand that sometimes the community suggests changes that sound simple, but that are in fact very difficult to implement. I would not be surprised to learn that this is one of those cases, and if it proves too difficult to implement relative to the perceived benefit to the community, then I understand. I humbly ask only that the feasibility of the task at least be considered, if it has not been already.

    submitted by /u/Mikal_Vexor
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    He just wants a hug

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    First medium sized fleet battle and I’m hooked

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    So on Sunday I was busy krabing away while doing school work. I check discord and see that villy ping for test caps in d-p to get ready about 15min ago. So I'm thinking maybe I'll get some fleet time like I'm supposed to be doing. Sure nothings gonna happen but it'll make me feel like a good little dino and it would be my first time joining a capital fleet. So i hop in fleet and mumble, jump my archon to d-p and get my fighters setup. Next thing i know villy is saying to jump to a halfway point, I'm excited cause I actually got to jump my carrier in a fleet! So were on standby just chilling, and next thing i know villy is yelling out to jump to cyno and enemy dreads on grid.

    I fucking mash that left click like it was some new fetish i just found out and panic astonishment that I'm actually in a capital battle. 5 ferra dreads on grid and now I'm panicking as to what to do. After breathing for a sec i hear that we need to be focusing a dread so i do. One by one i watch the ferra dreads pop. My excitement is peak knowing i got on 4 dread kill mails. Thank you ferra for getting me hooked onto pvp and I can't wait to see you more!

    submitted by /u/Trojanfatty
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    Wanted to do a battleship combat scene. This is what I came up with... Any ideas on what I should call this one? �� 22"×28" poster size. Probably auction this one for more paints :)......stay frosty pilots #sweetheavenart

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    CCP... When having a computer do basic addition is an insurmountable challenge...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    #EVEpropaganda thingy I made (pro trig because triangles are best shape)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    An opportunity presented by resource redistribution

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Lelob's excellent post in support of redistribution got me thinking about the long-term effects this can have, and specifically his mention of Shoot First's successes mining in lowsec made me realize that a lot of people aren't seeing the opportunity that exists here.

    First, some background: I joined a corp called Arcana Noctis in 2017, a month or so before Lifeblood dropped. I was there when we anchored some of the first lowsec athanors. We killed the very first athanor in lowsec, and the third in the game. As a small corporation, we carved out multiple lowsec pockets as our own, anchoring athanors on high-value moons and finding industrial partners to do the mining. This approach eventually led to the formation of the Shoot First alliance referenced in Lelob's post, which operated for almost two years before we sold off the anchored assets because running a moon empire is tedious and we mostly like to shoot stuff.

    What I learned from my experience with Arcana and Shoot First is that you don't have to do the unsavory grunt work. There are other people who want to. We had highsec mining groups that put together 30+ member fleets to mine our lowsec moons every pull. It was incredibly profitable for everyone involved.

    So, what does all that have to do with the upcoming changes? Sov holders have the ability to greatly affect the geography of highsec. Imagine if, rather than running all the way to Jita to buy and sell tritanium or condensed veldspar, alliances in the south set up market hubs on the south side of highsec, complete with high-value buy orders for the raw materials they need. Seed out the ships and supplies for mining operations, and find a few ambitious highsec indy corps and encourage them to set up shop near the trade hub you're backing.

    By building up the local infrastructure and giving groups a reason to operate in a place logistically favorable to your sov, you shorten your own supply chain and help decentralize highsec. You also put organized groups of miners on the edge of lowsec, where suddenly there are a lot of necessary minerals to be mined. The interactions between these highsec groups, lowsec residents, and null sov holders can lead to some really interesting new content and relationships. The end result of this, with buy-in by players, could be a more vibrant and active Eve, especially on the borders of high- and lowsec.

    Stop looking at this as bad for your profit margin or breaking your spreadsheets or whatever other complaint you have. CCP has been giving us the tools lately to shape this game as we see fit. We cut off Niarja and forced the creation of the Silk Road. Start finding the opportunity it brings for getting your people out in space, doing interesting things, and interacting with the rest of Eve.

    submitted by /u/FloppieTheBanjoClown
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    [Arin's Guide] Loyalty Point Offer Database

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    The Loyalty Point Offer Database is a spreadsheet of Loyalty Point Offers enriched with Faction and Market Group information that computes the ISK per Loyalty Point for all Corporations in New Eden.


    • Compare the ISK per Loyalty Point between all Offers
    • Filter by multiple complex conditions or values
    • Sort by any column (see Data dimensions)
    • Flexible data format
    • Save a snapshot, download it and do offline analysis
    • Extend with new columns or delete existing ones

    Compared with other tools

    • Fuzzwork's LP Store: shows the best Loyalty Point to ISK Offer, but only for a single Corporation at a time and with no filters
    • Ellatha's LP Store: shows an exhaustive list of all Offers, but doesn't interface with the Market

    Answer New Eden spanning questions

    • Which High Security Corporation pays the most ISK per Loyalty Point on Buy Order?
    • How will the Buy Order price of Amarrian Items change after the Fall of Niarja?
    • What's the most sought after Item?
    • What's the best ISK per Loyalty Point ratio if I only sell to Buy Orders?
    • Which Offer has the biggest spread between Buy and Sell Order value?
    • Which Faction Warfare Militia Corporation should I join?
    • How do I filter out Faction Warfare, low volume or implant Offers?
    • How many offers require more then four items?

    The Database's secondary purpose

    • Create a downloadable machine and human readable Loyalty Point Offer table
    • Enable capsuleers that lack advanced information technology skills to better understand the Market
    • Reduce Market information asymmetry
    • Show the power of spreadsheets over websites
    • Excite the public imagination


    • Slow: evaluating the whole of New Eden for the first time can take up to 5 minutes
    • Blueprints aren't evaluated: omitted in favor of speed and simplicity
    • Sensitive to market manipulation: shows current price, not the moving average

    If you see #N/A instead of numbers there will be a white-gray progress bar in the top right of Google Sheets. The Database is fetching Market data. The progress bar may appear multiple times. Give it 5 minutes.

    How to start using the Database

    • Login and make an online copy or
    • Create a temporary filter or
    • Download it

    Future plans

    • Gather feedback and answer questions
    • Work on accessibility and speed
    • Create a website

    I'm currently open for interviews and collaborations. Contact Arin Mara via EVE email or maraarin@gmail.com.
    ISK tips and donations are more then welcome.

    ----- ----- ----- ----- Appendix ----- ----- ----- -----

    Data dimensions

    • faction_name: like Thukker Tribe
    • corporation_name: like Garoun Investment Bank
    • item_name: like Federation Navy Iridium Charge M
    • market_group_name: like Implant
    • offer_buy_value: Fuzzwork's Buy Order appraisal of Loyalty Point Offer
    • offer_sell_value: Fuzzwork's Sell Order appraisal of Loyalty Point Offer
    • item_buy_volume: Item's Buy Order Volume
    • item_sell_volume: Item's Sell Order Volume
    • isk_cost
    • lp_cost
    • analysis_kredit_cost
    • required_items_X_item_name: Offers may require Faction Warfare or Ammo Items
    • total_isk_buy_cost: sum of isk_cost and all hidden required_items_X_item_buy_value columns
    • total_isk_sell_cost: sum of isk_cost and all hidden required_items_X_item_sell_value columns
    • profit_sell_to_buy_buy_from_sell: offer_buy_value minus total_isk_sell_cost
    • profit_sell_to_sell_buy_from_sell: offer_sell_value minus total_isk_sell_cost
    • isk_per_lp_profit_sell_to_buy_buy_from_sell: profit_sell_to_buy_buy_from_sell divided by lp_cost
    • isk_per_lp_profit_sell_to_sell_buy_from_sell: profit_sell_to_sell_buy_from_sell divided by lp_cost
    • ... and many hidden columns for intermediate computation

    Prior work

    Difference between an Offer and an Item

    • There are 1 943 unique Offers
    • There are 1 835 unique Items
    • Different Offers allow you to purchase the same Item

    Database trivia

    • 30 476 rows
    • 44 columns
    • 1 340 944 data points
    • 1 943 unique Offers
    • 1 835 unique Items
    • 172 Corporations
    • 17 Factions
    • Many weeks in the making
    submitted by /u/Arin_Mara
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    Not another animation, but I think it will be interesting still(don’t worry, I’m working on those still)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Suggestions for a decent laptop that will play this game?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I've only played a little of Eve Online a handful of years back. I've been wanting to get back into it lately, but my PC recently went down. With my current living situation, a laptop would work better for me. I was curious if anyone here happens to use one for Eve or if anyone has a good suggestion for one that would be fairly decent. The price range isn't too strict, just trying to keep it under $700 or so if at all possible. Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/NeptunePirate
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    rakovene mining Q

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I feel like for 2 account setup (edit: hisec) that two porps + yield rigs are best considering mobility. Mabye skiff/orca+boost combo better but I feel the orca's lack of mobility is a hidden cost?

    Anyone know what's best for 2 accounts with max skills (including boosts)?

    submitted by /u/apathetically66
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    Triglavian Invasion 3 Resolution(?) Notes

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    -Rewards shipped at downtime. Players are frustrated that the rewards seem to be gender-locked. Logistics pilots, probers, and salvagers did not get a extra reputation boost and missed out on rewards

    -A scout in Ravaross observed the Triglavian NPC's attacking their own acceleration gate

    -Scouts report that roaming fleets and Emerging conduits have disappeared from Minor Victory systems

    -Elore is still active

    Will update with more if anything else happens


    - EDENCOM Field base has disappeared from EDENCOM MV's. EDENCOM Staging Areas and Forward Posts are still spawned.

    -Presumably, Forward Posts have stopped spawning in Triglavian Minor Victories, as well as major conduits, but I do not have eyes in those systems.

    -The Retaliating Roaming Fleet is still spawned

    -waiting 2 minutes to make sure the EC didn't just die before I arrived


    -The EC is gone

    -Mixed reports that Gunstars are despawning from various MV's. I have eyes on one now so at the very least they are not *all* despawning


    submitted by /u/Legolas170
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    Looking for a new cruiser, but the stats aren't exactly clear. What is sensor strength and electronic jammer strength?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    I'm looking at the black bird or the stabber Navy Issue. Firstly does the blackbird's electronic Jammer optimal range increase my Warp Disruptor's range? And if so does it effect all the electronic warfare mods like nos and neuts?? And does sensor strength increase my ships locking speed??

    submitted by /u/-Zubber
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    Can we get a week of blackout for Halloween as an event.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    How about we get a bit of blackout(no local) for the Halloween event? As long as we get a clear start and end date it could be fun for a few days or even a week or two.

    submitted by /u/NewChina
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    How to build Edencom ships

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Went roaming Edencom fortresses looking for sites to run for ship parts, but it appears, unlike trig systems which hit final liminality, Edencom fortresses don't have any sites to run. Is that correct?

    Is the only means to obtain edencom BPC and ship parts from the 1-2 systems being contested? Can you also get parts from minor victory systems? If so, how do i find minor victory systems in the Agency UI?


    submitted by /u/nat3s
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    Just starting, how do i connect with players that value new folks joining the game?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Still downloading, but would love a squad that catch me up on info over time while i learn the mechanics. Anyone love a newb in EVE?

    submitted by /u/dadoffive
    [link] [comments]

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