• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Eve Online Someone just sold a Leviathan for 68mil on the market

    Eve Online Someone just sold a Leviathan for 68mil on the market

    Someone just sold a Leviathan for 68mil on the market

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Why does a boob job cost more than a battleship?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I learned that you can change the boob size of your character, and I wanted to give tiny tits a boob job. But the cost in PLEX equates to around 385 Million ISK, while battleships cost only 200-300 million ISK. Is a nice pair of knockers really more valuable than a city sized vessel?

    submitted by /u/C4U7Df8IjREu50GXpjxt
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    CCP: Time to develop for the players - Mineral Redistribution, Lowsec and the role of the CSM.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Here's my post diving deeper into the Lowsec issues at CCP and the CSM issues at CCP.

    If you don't want to click through, here's my post:

    As you will now be aware, the next phase of mineral redistribution is upon us.

    The reddit thread contains the immediate public outcry as well as confirmation of the CSM members that we are not happy with the changes.

    I would like to take a moment first to heap huge praise upon every single team and project that has allowed the CSM to help early enough in development so that the product can be at its best – this includes but is not limited to the Proving Grounds, the ongoing ESS rework project, the Quantum Cores and some other upcoming projects.

    There's more to our frustration on the CSM than just the change itself. For obvious NDA reasons, a lot of this will be paraphrased or vague – but do feel free to ask other CSM members about the accuracy of the feelings I'm trying to convey.

    Multiple CSMs from different areas of space have their own issues, and my issues are surrounding the effect on and attitude to lowsec.

    To start with, the way the CSM were treated regarding this change.

    The team heading up this update decided upon and created this redistribution without sharing any details of the timeline, the numbers, the geography or even the knowledge that they were working on it at all with the CSM. We were notified less than one week before the announcement, and were immediately told it WAS going ahead in it's current form, and that we would not be changing any of it for the initial release. Telling us at all ahead of time feels pointless, and shows no value placed upon us.

    This is painful to hear because while CCP are the experts on data, the CSM are a set of experts on actual gameplay. To rely on one and discard the other is a very suboptimal way to please the playerbase and design any game, expecially one with such a vibrant economy and social structure.

    I struggled to find a good reason for having a meeting with us about this, because why bother telling us at all if you have comitted to absolutely not act upon any feedback?

    Next, let's look at the problems with the actual changes – from a lowsec POV.

    For several months now, myself and some other CSM members have been attempting to convey the things that need changing in lowsec space. We have been arranging meetings with various developers to show them our work, which includes detailed descriptions of problems, examples from the past of what worked well before removal, and even solutions for future game design to bring back the aspects we miss.

    While a number of CCP staff have expressed interest in what we have to say, we have recieved absolutely zero indication of the feelings of the people who actually set the schedules for and steer development, which makes this all the more offensive to the players of Eve. We have been offering up a full package of problems and solutions that match what the community has asked for, and CCP has thrown mass active player mining to lowsec with the implication that this is a gift to the area.

    Mass mining in lowsec is not possible. Lowsec is NOT sov null.

    This displays entirely the wrong attitude, and shows zero awareness of what lowsec is to it's residents.

    Do change lowsec to fit the mining of nullsec. If we wanted to mine, we would go to nullsec and carve out some space of our own to do it in, with the greater control and infrastructure it brings.

    It was indicated to us that CCP is unwilling to to share much information on what prompts this change – a concerning extra is that they do NOT know what a good outcome for lowsec looks like after this change.

    I asked if larger lowsec blocs forming to protect and facilitate mass mining would be considered a success – it was not ruled out. I find the idea of wanting lowsec to transform into a poor man's nullsec a hugely offensive one.

    This is not the first time in the last few months this type of thing has happened. Repeatedly, advice has been given, ignored and then the CSM's predictions have come to pass, projects have been revealed far too deep in development for the CSM to make much of a difference – or even in some cases, the CSM has not been consulted at all on matters we could easily have improved.

    Now, I do understand that the CSM is NOT guaranteed any influence on development, and that we are more of a consulting group – however – we definitely do not feel that our advice or the player demands we present are noted with nearly enough seriousness. What we want to happen is for CCP to place FAR more importance on what the PLAYERS want developed or fixed – not ideas borne from internal meetings populated by people who have hardly or even never played the game.

    While there are definitely absolutely fantastic people working at CCP, busy on QoL, ship balance and community projects, the bulk of the development of major features appears to lack any coherant connection to the features the players desperately want to see

    What we need more than anything is for those at the helm of Eve's development to actually come to us ahead of foundations being laid. CCP deciding by themselves how to steer Eve has been sub-optimal at best, and on alarming occasions, disatrous. Come to us long before work begins so that it's not CONSTANTLY too late to affect useful change.

    If anyone at CCP would like to challenge my utter disappointment, this is the second time I publically urge you to TAKE ACTION at the higher levels to start developing the game that the players want to play. We have the knowledge and you have the data – it's time to start using both. We are ready.

    submitted by /u/whispous
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    The Ore Re-Distribution Will be One of the Best Patches of all Time

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    So right now everyone is so certain that the upcoming ore re-distribution will be a disaster, because it will completely obliterate nullsec mining. Prices will double or triple on t1 production, capitals will once again become prohibitively expensive, highsec mining bots will flourish, nobody will mine in lowsec, etc. All doom and gloom.

    Yet for all that doom and gloom, I think everyone has fundamentally misunderstood this patch and the actual real implications of the patch. I think this patch might just fix some of the worst and most egregious issues that currently exist. So let's talk about what is wrong right now with the map and the game.

    The Problem We Have Now

    1. Right now all nullsec alliances are incentivized to become denser and denser under the capital umbrella. This is to provide safety to their rorquals so that they can have localized industry, which for most has meant a positive feedback loop between more capitals defending more rorquals, pumping out more minerals for more capitals, etc.

    2. All nullsec alliances are strongly incentivized to create as much distance as humanly possible between them and any non-blues. Goons lived in Delve. INIT in Fountain. Panfam in the dronelands, behind the massive regional gates. TEST and Legacy in the deep south in Esoteria and Impass. This is to provide safety for that industrial development.

    3. As a corollary to #2, all nullsec alliances are strongly incentivized to blue one another so that their core industrial element is never threatened.

    4. All nullsec alliances are incentivized to kill anything resembling small/medium sized alliances nearby that have the potential to threaten their industrial base. The result has been almost all small/medium sized alliances have been largely driven out of sov null or to the hinterlands in regions that are objectively crap and are never allowed to fundamentally threaten the larger alliances. Any time someone does get big enough, they tend to be ruthlessly killed and merged into the amorphous blobs that the big nullsec blobs have become.

    The Consequences of the Current System

    So what has been the consequence of all this? Stagnation, stagnation, stagnation.

    Up until this anti-goon war, EVE was slowly but surely hemorrhaging subs to this stagnation. To be clear, I don't think the nullsec alliances are fundamentally to blame: they took the cards that they were dealt and did the best that they could with it and those who didn't adapt suffered tremendously. The "sandbox" clearly had a route for all of nullsec to follow that was largely pioneered and perfected by goons.

    The only form of roaming that exists currently is almost all done with wormholes or filaments. There is very little cross-border attacks/raids into enemy territory, because everyone fundamentally lives so far away that there's no point going that far for content without setting aside 2-3 hrs.

    And if we're all honest about it, this whole WWB 2.0 is a largely dubious idea predicated on the general idea of keeping people occupied and happy with the game. For most of nullsec, there really isn't much left to do. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with any economic principle. Nobody wants to actually take Delve or liberate the long-oppressed Blood Raiders from the yoke of goondom: it's more a question of this is something to do, because what else is there? Certainly all of the nullsec alliances have long since killed any small/medium alliances and absorbed their memberships into their own, to .

    So what about the ore re-distribution changes all that? Simple really:

    It moves a substantial portion of potential wealth to lowsec.

    It completely inverts the notion that you should live on the edges of the map. Instead of living 50 jumps away from one another in Esoteria, Delve, Fountain, your industrial base now needs lowsec to survive. Fundamentally, smart nullsec alliances will now want to incorporate lowsec mining into their empires. This means they will have to shift their umbrellas away from the edges of the map to systems that lay in jump-drive range of large swathes of lowsec. Overnight, CCP just made regions like Providence or Black Rise/Pure Blind go from worthless to high value.

    How is this good for the game? Well, all of a sudden people will be much closer to one another. Roaming into lowsec to hunt for mining rorquals will now be a legitimate strategy for content. You no longer will need to rely on filaments or wormholes for content in "peacetime." When alliances are forced into close proximity this tends to increase friction and tension and with real economic reasons to fight, there will now be legitimate reasons to kick over someone else's sand castle, beyond the current wars reasoning of "guck foons" and "brrr content."

    Doubtless, some large alliances will not want to move their umbrellas out of their cherished heartlands. This creates actual potential for small or medium alliances to develop both on the borders of null/low and inside low itself as they will have a real source of isk AND content to sustain their membership. You won't actually need to bend the knee and join the dreaded blob. The geography of the map is such that huge patches of lowsec are largely cut off from null in terms of capital ranges meaning that those small/medium sized alliances will have the potential to live comfortably in lowsec, well outside of the ranges of the blobs.

    If you've made it this far, I suspect you've probably been thinking, "aha but you cannot mine in lowsec." To which I would respond with the example of a little-known lowsec alliance called Shoot First who never managed more than 800 characters in their alliance, managed to live in Genesis/Kor-Azor and were regularly pulling roughly 1T of rocks out of lowsec, at the same time that TEST with its 10k+ members were pulling a comparatively measly 2.5-3.5T of rocks out of Esoteria:




    Finally, to CCP: please stick with this change. It has the potential to alleviate many of the structural sources of stagnation in the game and re-invigorate things in a way that EVE has sorely needed for years. I for one am hyped.

    submitted by /u/Lelob_from_EVE
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    I decoded the latest Trig message and got this. Thanks CCP.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:59 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    I found a post on the EVE forums called "Upwell Palatine Keepstar" by a guy called Yodik.

    It's 200 posts long, i went through all of them and that has to be hands down one of the funniest things i've ever read. Halfway through i thought the guy was just scamming people but then i found his crazed youtube channel in which he showcases his 200 characters, 100 of which are Obelisk Pilots for PI https://www.youtube.com/watchv=McujvWvZhLQ&ab_channel=UpwellPalatineKeepstar , together with other completely crazy shit like these comments https://gyazo.com/ecc206c2488b3d2079eb442221b6b862 , the guy seems to be serious.

    Has anyone actually done the math on how long he would need to realize his goal if everything goes optimal for him ?

    Also, isn't the RR Update a huge slap in the face for his dream ?

    submitted by /u/FingersX
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    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    CCP responding to feedback on bad ideas circa 2020

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Seriously ... WTF Edencom !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Spray Painted these stealth bombers, nemesis. Call this one "rogue hunters" ��the way it glows in blacklight really give it a 3D effect in the space dust. 22"×28" enjoy. #sweetheavenart

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Ripped Security Footage From a bar in Niarja, dated shortly after Final Liminality(NSFW EVE Art)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I created a service to notify you if you’re in the wrong ship for your implants - Pod Protect

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    After years of playing Eve, I would still find myself un-docking in a ship that didn't match the implants I had in my clone. For example, un-docking a capital with Virtues. After talking to my corp mates, and browsing zkill, this is a more common problem than me just being bad at eve.

    So I put my head down for a few weeks and am now able to present to you Pod Protect to solve this problem. https://evepodprotect.com - sign-up today, be notified when it launches in 1-2 weeks.

    Sign-up - Eve Pod Protect

    Pod Protect uses ESI to constantly check your current ship and current implants. Through the website, you are able to select which implants you want to use with each ship. If your implant set doesn't match what you've chosen for the ship, you receive an in-game eve-mail from PodProtector within a few seconds.

    Pod Protect Demo

    How it works

    1. Once you log into the Pod Protect website, you are able to select which implant types you plan to use with each ship. There are a bunch of defaults set. Once set, the website can be closed.
    2. Pod Protect runs 24/7 on dedicated servers constantly checking your ESI. First, it checks if you are online (this saves significant processing resources if you are not). Second, Pod Protect checks your current ship and current implants from ESI.
    3. If your current ship and implants do not match your selection, Pod Protect sends you an in-game Eve-Mail to let you know that they don't match.

    This whole process takes about 2 seconds and is repeated over and over. If you change ships, you receive an eve-mail almost instantly.

    Protecting Privacy Through ESI

    It was really important for me to limit the access Pod Protect needs in order to protect privacy. Pod Protect uses the following ESI roles:

    • Esi-location.read_ship_type.v1
    • Esi-clones.read_implants.v1
    • Esi-location.read_online.v1

    Pod Protect does not have access to your location, assets, mail, or wallet.

    Coming soon

    Although Pod Protect is not available today, I encourage you to go ahead and sign up. This will allow me to notify you in-game when Pod Protect launches broadly. This will happen in 1-2 weeks as I finish up bug crushing and scale testing.

    Beta Testers

    Sign-up and eve-mail me in-game if you would like to request access to the beta today. I'm looking for users to provide feedback to make the service better before launch. In-game char: PodProtector

    How much will it cost?

    Due to the server overhead and costs associated with running Pod Protect, I will be charging a monthly/annual ISK subscription. I think of Pod Protect as insurance against losing my 1B training implants. I haven't decided how much this will cost yet. I would love to hear your thoughts. I've already built the website to handle automatic subscription activation based on in-game payments

    Thank you!

    Sign-up - Eve Pod Protect

    edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/PodProtector
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    Just kill him dude

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Krirald hits final lim, that makes it 27 systems!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    This Episode Bombed.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    We had a long conversation with two Bombers Bar FCs, Sin Alarma and Nova Valentis.

    I'll see myself out now...




    Google podcasts



    Thanks for listening!


    submitted by /u/Wh0TheFuck
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    Triglavian Eve Mail: TOTALITY REALIZED

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    [EVE] Astero Archive 10 cans - Superior Sleeper Cache

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Caps are not always the solution

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    BR: https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/fLxB9eWccbWfso2fP

    AAR: It was another one of my daily cormorant roams. We were sitting in T5ZI, camping 1DQ gate and killing random stuff. At a certain point, I've become bored of it and decided to check 8WA (a neighboring system to 1DQ), for it had a huge ratting activity. Usually, imperium ratters are really good at warping off, but this time I was able to tackle a Ranger Regiment's nidhoggur.

    Unfortunately, his friends arrived on the grid before our main fleet (the in gate was camped by a small hac gang, and we had to burn from the bubbles first) and killed my alt, but in the process of doing so, they bubbled their own carrier for some reason. This stalled him long enough for us to arrive on the grid as well, killing or spooking off present kitchensinq and focusing fire on the nidhoggur.

    Shortly after it died, they dropped caps on us, but we were able to safely disengage. After some time their caps warped off to the fort and started jumping out, leaving a single revelation behind. Naturally, I couldn't let pass such an opportunity. Neutralized by our valiant crucifiers, he was virtually helpless. His tank was holding for a time, but apparently he still was panicking, since a few minutes later a solo nidhoggur landed on the grid as well. He died the moment a fax was getting out of the warp as well, hoping to assist him.

    Then the situation repeated again. A single revelation left behind, caps disengaged. A clear bait. And as they say in Horde, always take the bait! Shortly after, enemy sabres decloaked and warped in, an arazu appeared 50 kilometers away from us and hostile caps started jumping in. Result: they've traded 5 sabres for a handful of corms, before we moonwalked away again.

    We probably could have stayed around for a bit longer, but we were running low on ammunition, nanite paste, hull integrities, and were already pretty satisfied. So we turned back home and returned to P-Z without any incidents.

    submitted by /u/Nocturnal_Mist
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    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    On the Ecosystem Changes

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Week XY war update

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Mineral changes: Prediction on winners and losers

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    I am trying to wrap my head around the mineral changes by thinking aloud. Yeah, I know I am late to the party with a long text. So I want to make some estimates about how it is going to affect different kinds of players and groups -- who will win and who will lose.

    In general, I think bigger, organized groups have an advantage over single players and smaller corps, because they have the numbers to support specialized out-of-game infrastructure (more intel, reactionary forces, incentive programs, etc). But that's a pretty generic comment, because that's always the case.

    New minerals will become more expensive, which is the point of scarcity. That does not only affect supercaps, but every other T1 ship in the game. So T2/T3 ships will profit relative to T1, because the majority of the cost is not based on minerals. Tactical destroyers, HACs and Assault Frigates are gonna get more important than they already are. For new players, that means that getting to their first Caracal, Ferox or battleship is gonna get harder, because they compete with everybody for the precious hi/low sec minerals.

    Flying a fully fitted T2 muninn is not a new player thing, because it either takes ages or a high amount of cash to train it, giving a stronger advantage for older T2-trained characters. The longer time required to get T1 ships will make brand new players (and alpha players) even more useless, outgunned and victim-ish than they already are in pvp-fights.

    Titan builders will also suffer, but they have shown some commitment and resilience to taking changes anyways that the effect might not be as bad for them.

    People with huge stockpiles -- traditionally the big null powerblocs -- will gain a relative advantage, because the value of their stockpile increases. Smaller corps that do not focus on creating stockpiles lose, because they have to pay the new prices.

    Established traders might see an opportunity to manipulate the market now, people who just buy stuff short-term have to pay the spikes. Industrialists have to reorganize their supply chains and might produce less, logistic services will see more business. I expect this will remain an activity for long-establishes secondary characters, because few first time eve players subscribe to eve with the goal of experiencing the thrill of flying a jump-freighter all day.

    I think the state of Low-sec/Nocxium is at this point too hard to predict. Everybody says that low-sec mining is impossible because it is too easy to disrupt. But if the need (and therefore price) for Nocxium becomes high enough, solutions will be found to mine it -- by high attrition rates, low yield because of overhead for escaping pirates or protection fleet mechanisms. That doesn't mean it's gonna be easy money for miners, but it will be a thing. Because demand is there.

    For specialized characters and bots, hisec AFK-mining will become a very interesting source of ISK, because it is safe in well equipped barges, offering a better roi now. Whereas bots had to dock up when a neut came into their system,
    ganking Orcas in hisec is just not sustainable, so their mining is not interrupted. Given that hisec is much smaller than null, we could see a crowding effect of the bots in hisec asteroid fields that so far stayed out of everybody's visibility in the remote regions of null.

    New players trying out their first steps in mining in their venture will not only see "their" asteroids being mined by bots and AFK Orcas, but they also run a pretty good chance of getting suicide ganked, because their payload is worth much more than the throwaway ships gankers sacrifice to punch through the paper-thin defence of the Venture. Adding to that the worth of salt newbies produce, ventures become an even more attractive target for suicide gankers.

    There's a lot I don't understand about this game, so I am happy to hear other people's argument of what I forgot and where I am wrong. My personal summary is:

    Relative to one another, big powerblocs, mining bots and long established players win, small groups and new players lose.

    But in general, everybody loses, because less minerals -> less ships -> less to fly and blow up.

    As with everybody else, I'd be really curious to know if this is the intended direction CCP wants to take the game (but don't really expect to receive an answer).

    submitted by /u/joe-re
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    Any alliance suggestions for 50-75 man pvp corp in null?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Our corp is around 50-75 people, have have a good mix of vets and newbros, 10m sp - 300m sp, and have recently just separated from the alliance we have been part of for the past few months due to drama from alliance leadership. At the moment we are considering our options - we are USTZ. If possible, I personally would love to avoid joining a big block alliance and that is exactly why I am making this post. If you are aware of small/mid sized null alliances with a pvp focus (and have their shit mostly together) I would love to hear about them. o7

    submitted by /u/Nayoke
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    New EVE podcast - Oz talks to Vily about the TTT

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    On episode one of "Climbing the Curve" I talk to Vily about the Tranquility Trading Tower. I also explain what trade hubs are for new players and share interesting data points and the most profitable trade items in Eve.

    You can download the podcast on all common platforms or here: https://ozeve.podbean.com/

    The Vily interview starts at 9:13 if you just want to jump to that on YouTube.

    Link to the full episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/F-K6y8vomKM

    My channels:
    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/oz_eve
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ozeve
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ozeve
    Link to my discord: https://discord.gg/aeNKKnK

    submitted by /u/Oz_Eve
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    Screenshot I just captured (1080p)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:42 AM PDT

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