• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 1, 2020

    Eve Online Being Permabanned means you still get attention from CCP?????

    Eve Online Being Permabanned means you still get attention from CCP?????

    Being Permabanned means you still get attention from CCP?????

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT


    Really CCP????? the person behind that tweet got permabanned for doxxing (among other things) but gets attention, and time with CCP??????

    submitted by /u/arienisathief
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    Back when the economy worked...

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    All stick no carrot

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    B0SS/Rote + Friends uses Raid on Frat locust fleet

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    AAR incoming, wanted to post before Seddow did

    Thanks DREADBOMB.


    submitted by /u/Xx_Nem_xX
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    Astero sketchbook study, Pencil

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    Fraternity Bot breaks, awoxes fleet

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    02:30 EVE Time. A lonely venture joins a mining operation in far northern Branch. Suddenly cynosural field. Dreadnoughts everywhere. Rorquals panic! Supers trickle in to help. Many more dreads show up. Wrecks everywhere.

    One Botting Hour down, 8,759 to go. Rote Kapelle and the Masters of the North help CCP reset minerals before patch.


    submitted by /u/cactusjack48
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    I don't know if I should congratulate them or punch them in the face... (Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assemply Plant)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Invasions End - Some things to know by Ashterothi

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Happy 35th Birthday to Eve Online's Engine

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Without you, this game is unplayable.

    submitted by /u/TheExperienceD
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    IF CCP wants to stop capital and super proliferation, why don't they add a new mineral needed just for them and make it super scarce?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Say it's needed to make the jump drives that only Capitals have.

    Blops (Maybe JFs too?) have a different kind of drive that doesn't need it, but wouldn't work for capitals.

    This would still leave capitals coupled to the overall mineral economy, because they still need the normal minerals. But it would also give an entirely separate means to balance Capital and Super prices, independent of subcapitals.

    You could even make it super bulky, so its a pain to transport and better mined locally. Just spitballing here.

    submitted by /u/Rhas
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    Hitting that T

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Fraternity to Disband !!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    http://c.tieba.baidu.com/p/6990397958?pn=1 (its in chinese)

    A bunch of corps are leaving fraternity and a new alliance is forming which breaking off from FRT and most likely be neutral with TEST

    This is mainly due to having to work with old hostile entities such as AOM ( Army of Mangos ) and also having to blue the entire map and the alliance has raised its Corp tax to 70%

    It seems like some of these Corporations that are leaving are to form some alliance and head into wormhole space ( not trolling )

    submitted by /u/OhIhateNerdz
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    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    Goons current state be like

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    [HOBOLEAKS] "Stragate disabled"

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    String added in today's TQ patch. Gates of final liminality systems shutting down soon?


    submitted by /u/provokatoras
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    Hey just curious. When is Jita's construction going to be finished?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Restarted playing after about a year break, and I noticed Jita is getting upgraded. How long is it going to take though?

    submitted by /u/UptownShenanigans
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    PvP recommendations for returning player?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    I've recently begun playing the game after a hiatus for many years. Managed to get myself financially stable again, and am looking in to getting back in to the PvP side of things. Ready to go with small ships up to cruisers for the most part (aside from T3 cruisers).

    Problem is, I'm not sure the best option right now, so I'm looking for some recommendations. I hear FW isn't in a very good place right now, so I'm reluctant to spend much time there. Nullsec corps sound like a larger commitment than I'm able to do right now with work hours/etc.

    I'm wondering if WH PvP might be a good place to go? The lack of local chat sounds intriguing, and I assume it may be a bit harder to find people in WH, but the potential might be greater. Thinking maybe a Stratios or Tactical Destroyer might be able to have some fun out there, maybe doing some scanning and/or PvE while looking for some enemies.

    It won't necessarily be completely solo, as I do have a somewhat skilled alt account, and a friend who also reactivated recently. So small group activity suggestions are welcome too.

    Does this sound like a good idea?

    Or does anyone have any other suggestions for some fun PvP activities and/or locations to check out? Any recommendations/advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/SpyridonZ
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    QOL to reprocessing plant UI

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:48 PM PDT


    Null sec miner and Indy guy need advise or CCPlease

    Short version:

    1. Select multiple items with crtl and apply action to all.
    2. Export to Clipboard result on input tab and on output tab

    Long version:

    I love playing eve online. I love mining with corp and relaxing after day at work for the few hours a week I get to play.

    I mostly mine and do some PI and when I get time I go and hack some cans. I build what I have BPC/BPO for or sell to buyback program the rest.

    When covid started beginning of the year I started playing alot more and created a ratting alt. Skilled into domi and drones. This is so much fun and better isk than mining .I started doing more ratting and mining alot less.

    Joined big fleets and build my own cruisers to whelp in home defense fleets. This is great fun and have added alot of fun to the game.

    With the new patch coming up and the changes to ore and CCP stating they want to give more value to reprocessing. The UI needs updating or am i missing something. I don`t have huge stockpile of ore and importing is a pain.

    As with screenshot you have to right click every item and remove every item individually. You cant select multiple items. You cant export results to clipboard to do evepraisal and compare est values to real values. With IRL getting back to normal and gaming time getting less i want to still keep doing pvp/pve but building stuff to whelp will be alot less rewarding and more work.

    I want to ask if there is a easier way to do batch reprocessing of junk loot from ratting instead of going through every item manually?

    submitted by /u/smittie2000
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    Drekavac folklore

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Drekavac - Howler, screamer

    In mythology and folklore, there are several different descriptions of drekavacs that vary in different areas:

    • According to one folk belief, a drekavac is a creature similar to a vampire, which is a material manifestation of the soul of a dead man (according to some stories of a young man) who cannot find his peace after death, so he comes out of his grave at night and persecutes those who sinned in their life. It is also believed in some areas that the souls of drowned, hanged people or people who have committed suicide can become drekavac, as well as people who are not buried according to the rules of tradition;
    • According to other legends, the drekavac is a material manifestation of the soul of a dead, unbaptized child who cannot find his peace after death, so he comes out of his grave at night and visits his parents' house;
    • Also, in some legends, it is mentioned that the drekavac is a demonic being covered with a long fur on which he constantly treads and because of that he howls. This being has the ability to change its shape;
    • In southern and eastern Serbia, the drekavac was described as being like a dog walking on two legs;
    • In the vicinity of Maglaj, it was believed that drekavacs are the souls of fallen soldiers who have no peace in this world because of their sins and therefore wander from cemetery to cemetery at night scaring people with their screams;
    • In the vicinity of Kozarska Dubica, it was considered that drekavac is a vampiric deceased who cames out of his grave at night, shines in the dark and drags a white cloak with him, that is cover (This description of the drekavac is very similar to the description of the ghost);
    • In the vicinity of Arilje, it was considered that drekavac is a creature with long legs, a long neck and a cat's head;
    • In Sredečka Župa, a drekavac was considered to be a creature with one leg and eyes that shone like a lamp;
    • In the area of ​​Dragačevo and in the vicinity of Prijepolje and Lešak, it was considered that drekavac is representation that appeared at night in the forms of various animals (eg cats, dogs, birds, colorful foals, etc.);
    • In Gruž, the drekavac was considered to be a shaggy creature with an elongated, striped, spindle-shaped body and a large head on a thin neck, which flies and shouts at night. This being was considered to be the soul of a dead unbaptized child;
    • In the vicinity of Bajina Basta, it was considered that the drekavac is a human being with goat's feet.

    The drekavac is mentioned in the legends as a voice with frightening cries (similar to a child's cry, a wolf howling, a goat moaning, a cat meowing or a bird screaming) with which he can deafen a person.

    It is also mentioned that he has large sharp claw-like fingernails.

    Drekavac is very afraid of daylight and dogs, and can only be encountered at night while walking through cemeteries and forests between midnight and dawn.

    It can most often be found in the period of the so-called "unbaptized days" (ie in the days from Orthodox Christmas to the Epiphany) when it is most dangerous for people.

    The drekavac cannot be destroyed until his soul finds its peace. According to popular belief drekavcs inhabit pits, caves, mountains, forests, ponds, rivers and willows.

    submitted by /u/r3dw25p
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    Resource (re)distribution: brave move by CCP as trillionaire overlords cry foul!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    A relatively new-bro perspective (through the lens of real-world economics and product design experience) on the widespread criticism to CCP's latest resource distribution announcement....

    For those who missed the fun while living under a hollow-space rock...

    • CCP's basically announced that Null Sec alliances won't be able to mine Tritanium and Nocxium without trading with other regions, or running High Sec and Low Sec operations.
    • Given the above, obviously, lots of veteran players have responded with extreme toxicity, apparently because they can't make thousands of titans in Null Sec while AFK. Or maybe they still can, but they would have to change their logistics and supply chains to do it. The horror!
    • Moreover this massive change was announced with very little time for their CSM representatives to either influence the decision, or safeguard the interests of their respective alliances... How dare they! To quote INN, the move was "met with almost universal disdain by current CSM members" (read null-sec alliance representatives), as the reps (let's be real) rushed to save face, and justify their raison-d'être to their respective alliances...


    What is under-stated in the shit-posting discourse, is that from a purely economic perspective, this seems like a fantastic move. Resource redistribution should:

    1. Necessitate trade across regions
    2. Bring more material conflict over real resources/ economic objectives back to the game
    3. Shift some economic power away from Null Sec where it has been stagnating for years
      #nomorebluedonut #capsarenotthenewfrigs
    4. Make the new-bro high-sec veldspar miner's labor, a bit more fruitful, and maybe a bit more exciting #minersunite!

    Most importantly, it's a very fundamental, and very refreshing change to the economic landscape of the game. In a decades old game, with layers of entrenched semi-afk elite funding their gameplay through in-game rent-seeking and resource hoarding, change is good. This is Eve, we don't want GMs artificially regulating the markets, ensuring competition, breaking up alliances etc. The only way for the devs to allow a thousand new flowers to bloom, the only way to challenge established gameplay and power structures, is to experiment, and bring major changes to the game's ecosystem.

    Now for most players in most intellectually stimulating games, doing exactly the same thing over decades would be mind-numbingly boring. They would be begging the devs for content. That's why seasonal changes are so popular in lots of MMORPGs and simulator games. But maybe a vocal minority in Eve value being space-rich or space-powerful for it's own sake. They enjoy being afk and seeing numbers go up, rather than facing new challenges. They enjoy just being the biggest bullies, in a sandbox designed to allow it.

    But should CCP, looking at the health and financial robustness of the game over the next few decades, cater to only these elite veteran players? If the choice is between retaining 1,000 decade-old players, even with a 100 subbed alts each, for 10 more years, vs gaining and retaining 100,000 new subs for the next 10 years... Do we think new players joining Eve in 2020 would prefer the stagnating ennui of benevolent null-sec dictatorships, or would they prefer a changing dynamic ecosystem, which gives them the opportunity to build the next Panfam/Test/Goonswarm over the next few decades? Many new players are more important to the long-term health of the game, and financially more lucrative for CCP...



    • As a new player with some knowledge of game design and economics, it's incredibly encouraging that CCP is experimenting with fundamental ecosystem changes in this game. It is also encouraging that this is being done as experiments based on data, rather than based on possibly biased inputs of influential veterans. Looking forward to more changes and experiments going forward!
    • The changes also seem to be a step in the right direction to bring more interactions and content to game across regions, and shake up the game in general.
    • Veterans and industrialists should find this exciting, rather than crying as if they lost their first new venture. I love this game, and in spite of my tone here I respect the celebrity players of this game. But with all due respect, CCP's not spoiling the sandbox. The way things are going, the game should be a challenging evolving sandbox, it just won't be your private sandbox. And honestly, if you don't enjoy challenges while playing Eve, then you might just have gotten too old for this game... ;)
    submitted by /u/SpaceEcon101
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    Trivalgian stystems station assets

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    Does ingame assets windows actually show if u have assets in final liminality system station? Just like low power citadel has this little yellow dot?

    submitted by /u/MisakiA
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    You can't stop the memes (another animation)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Mining Tritanium in Nullsec Post-Patch

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    The only Nullsec system that will have Veldspar in it after the redistribution will be B-R5RB at the Titanomachy monument. B-R Round 2 anyone?

    submitted by /u/Devon_Hael
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    What are some of y'alls favorite EVE pvp videos?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    I'm bored as hell so I'd like to see if I can find some videos I'd missed or forgotten about.

    submitted by /u/Luberino_Brochacho
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    50% Off 3 Month Omega + 3 Month MCT

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Leave it to CCP to do marketing right. https://www.eveonline.com/article/qhgupb/50-off-3-month-omega-3-month-mct_oct20 - no link to where to buy it and cannot find it nowhere in the https://secure.eveonline.com either. Cool. Oh, and the big yellow "Buy Now" is just part of the picture, does nothing. Good job.

    submitted by /u/gray_-_wolf
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    Factions and coalitions

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Ok, I just started playing eve online today, and from an earlier post, someone said to join a coalition, specifically pandemic hoarde. I was wondering how I would join a coalition thingie. Please help!

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Fault_3
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