• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    Eve Online Union Day more like Liminality Day

    Eve Online Union Day more like Liminality Day

    Union Day more like Liminality Day

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Sometimes it pays to be an FC. 8 years ago, I was promised cookies for keeping the fleet going an hour longer than planned. It became a very long running joke that I never got paid, but finally, the debt is settled in spectacular fashion.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    You are watching when "KEEPING IT REAL" goes wrong

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Eve_Asher was an exceptional young man

    He quickly rose up the ranks of the Imperium from an up-and-coming FC

    He formed his Reavers SIG in 2014

    quickly became the main Imperium FC running fleets

    got BIG CASH OFFERS from major nullsec blocs trying to recruit him

    He got a good job and ran 2-hour fleets, six days a week

    Quickly becoming the first non-something awful Goonswarm member to hold the title "Sky Marshal"

    Ending the cycle of online bullies and terrible forum posters that plagued Goonswarm high command for years.

    While innocently browsing the internet with his morning coffee, Asher happened upon the regulars at Talking in Stations who were going about their regular Thursday stream when Vily- the man that paved Ashers way to rise among Goonswarm ranks by leaving Goonswarm years ago-Made an awkward 'Narrative challenging comment'

    Asher wasn't allowed to go on to non-Imperium approved streams, which in his heart of hearts made him feel like the Imperiums 'who's a good boy'

    Though he could have ignored the simple comment Vily made in public about general Goonswarm morale Asher instead decided to KEEP IT REAL

    Wanting to Show Vily who's the "top Dawg in the South" and show the Imperium line members how he could strike deep into the enemies' heartland despite the 'siege'. He assumed all of TESTS Super Capitals were sent up north.

    Asher made a dire miscalculation.

    Asher coordinated with Elo to project a massive late-night raid into Esoteria using the Element of surprise. Together they put together 140 capitals, 40 super capitals, a full wing of Sacrileges supported by a second full wing of INIT Munnins. Reportedly Shouting on comms while his fleets jumped into Esoteria "Thug Life! TEST think this is a game? WOOF WOOF WOOF! WU TANG!"

    What Asher didn't know was that Vily was a 9th degree blackbelt SUPER CAP FC that had drilled his Dino's specifically and Legacy in general into defensive fleet flash forms and to be ready to pounce on this exact kind of error and miscalculation by the Imperium.

    What ensued was one of the most spectacular ass whooping's in the New Eden South East.

    *Warning: Viewer Discretion is Advised*

    The Imperium lost 75 Dreadnaughts, 8 Carriers and approximately 310 billion isk worth of Capitals and Sub capitals were left on the field for TEST alliance to loot and reinforce their warchest….

    and then…..Brave Got Involved….
    "I was tired of him talking about reinforcing our jumbridges and beating us in Querious, I savored that ass whooping"
    Brave Spokesman

    The tag team ass whooping continued for an hour.

    That night, Legacy smug posted on Reddit 30 times.

    As a result of the Imperium SRP Bills Asher was forced back into Gallente/Caldari faction warfare, running general militia Condor fleets and being hotdropped by NullSechnaya Sholupen every time he undocked anything bigger than a cruiser, it's as REAL as it can be.

    Asher, once a heartwarming story of perseverance, today a sparkling example of....


    submitted by /u/StalkingMantis
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    My First Time in Null sec and I’m loving it :D

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    A little background I've been back into the game about 4 months ( from a 3 year break ). And I joined up with a Corp of great players in hi sec. after learning the ropes again, I had the chance to move out to Null with the same Corp, I've never lived in bull before but I was sure it would be an experience.

    Well I'm 3 weeks in and I can't imagine going back. The constant danger ( and the rewards OMG the rewards ) are addicting. I've made 3 bil isk In Thoes 3 weeks it would of taken me 10x as long to make that in hi sec with the amount I'm able to play. And I was able to plex my account the first time with isk vs paying real money.

    And this morning I spotted a domi just ratting in WH space and 4 of my Corp members jumped into combat ships to take him out. Even though the danger of null is real, the rewards are more than worth it

    submitted by /u/Atlantian_Navy
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    Voltron Eagles against the world, saving a super fleet in style

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Fit Kitchen: The Vedmak

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Hell Dawn war HQ in hull timer

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Just One More Roam - AAR

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    So this all started with me and an alliance mate of mine named Infinitas wanting to have fun and filamenting. Things escalated with just us being in hecates to three of us in battleships and in the end six of us in Battleships yeeting out of Jita.

    We had a Typhoon, Raven, Megathron, Armaggedon, Praxis and of course the Dominix. We yeet out and land straight into BRAVE space which thankfully are neutral to all of us and picked up some quick kills. https://zkillboard.com/related/30002613/202009042200/

    Couple jumps later which felt like an eternity we fell victim to a lonely skiff which melted like butter > https://zkillboard.com/kill/86898535/

    Of course, we started getting chased by a couple of carriers and a Phoenix which resulted us in pussying out and filamenting out of there and straight into HORDE space. We couldn't catch any krabs so we went straight into their home system, deployed a couple of bubbles and sat our asses.

    Ten minutes went by and nobody agressed us, we just killed a couple of lousy asses. Twenty minutes went by and we were shooting their ansiblex in HORDE's staging system R10-GN. At last after thirty minutes the standing fleet becomes strong and undocks whatever the fuck they had right on top of our battleships. https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/KjHTW3YrD59qRujMD Here's the battle report for that, we had an amazing time but it resulted in us going boom. Still took down with us more than possible.

    Here comes the best part >> https://zkillboard.com/kill/86901256/ <<, everyone goes to sleep and me and the alliance mate whom I started filamenting out of Jita today, decided we'd take out two hecates for the cherry on the cake. Instantly landed in Kalevala Expanse and of course couldn't catch any krabs once again. Burned straight to R10-GN and decided that we will anchor a bubble before tackling a Charon on the gate. I don't want to spoil much since I did record that fight and I apologize in advance for the loud noises and cringe screaming. YOU WERE WARNED.


    Anyway, that was it from my side I hope you all had a nice read and were able to cherish this moment as I and my internet spaceship friend did, it certainly is a highlight because of how close a fight the last one was. And I spoiled too much, hope ya'll have a good day :)

    submitted by /u/xxjanxx123
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    FC Chat #45 - Dark Shines & Hy Wanto Destroyer

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    eve artists?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    I know there's cymek, the people that paint stuff, and that one pixel artist, are there any more out there? doesnt have to be on reddit

    submitted by /u/DatMoonGamer
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    is this allowed

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    CCP Opens Investigation Into Abyssal Filament Collusion Allegations

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    " if RMT is detected between Corporation members, we will enforce penalties for the Corporation leader and members" Net ease tougher on bots than CCP.... What gives?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Gallente Alpha Clone Quickstart (Tutorial -> 0.0 Ratting -> Tier 1 Abyssal sites)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Meanwhile in Esoteria

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    43 reasons why i hope PAPI will fall apart, all thanks to FRT efforts.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Need help with combat probe scanning

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've been fighting in the trig invasions a bit, and one of the things we do is probe down roaming fleets and destroy them. However, I'm having a few problems when it comes to actually nailing down the exact location of enemy fleets. It seems pretty common for me to find a cluster of hostiles on dscan, with several celestials near it(on top of each other)This past evening a common situation was having a fleet clustered on either a moon, a raitaru, or an asteroid belt.

    However, upon warping to any of these locations, I would see the fleet a few thousand kilometers off on the overview, but not see any celestials in the drop-down menu at the range of the roaming fleet.

    Then I'd rotate my camera and see that they're sitting on an asteroid belt that for some reason just decided not to appear on the little pop out menu on the probe scanner.

    Equally frustrating is the fact that for the life of me I can't seem to get customs offices to show up on my solar system map/probe scanner.

    Is there some way to fix these problems? I want to be able to find fleets for my FC's and not just give them a laundry list of three or four locations that the fleet could be at, but between orbital bodies being stacked on one another, and other ones just refusing to show up on my probe window at all, I'm having a real tough time of it, and I could really use some help if anyone has experienced/overcome these issues before

    submitted by /u/Legolas170
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    Are alts necessary now? How many alts do you have?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    I'm a recently returned player to eve and have Just seen the cyno changes that basically require a recon to cyno. When I used to play I could rely on friends to light cheap cynos for me, but since the changes it has gotten a lot harder since cyno ships are expensive now - I guess I'll have to do it myself. Personally, I don't like the change, but I can see how it could benefit the game by making hotdropping (Especially on small gangs) carry a little more risk.

    Anyways, do you believe alts are necessary now? And how many/how do you organize your alts? so far I am considering creating an alt for purely cynos, but it seems like such a big waste of isk to me.

    tl;dr: cyno changes cause massive hemorrhoids in my butthole

    submitted by /u/Red-055
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    EvE Chronicles post again

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    Theres so much to put out right now about the trigs and whatnot

    Please just put out more

    Hell anyone who can write just ask CCP if you can draft your own

    Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.

    submitted by /u/NightMaestro
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    this was the first thing that sprang to mind after hearing about what happened in G-M4MK. You’re welcome.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    t3 abyssal filaments

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Not sure how you make isk on these, I've done 5 of them so far with an Mtu getting nodes and I got 20mil total.

    submitted by /u/Allaroundthecity
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