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    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Eve Online Being Permabanned means you still get attention from CCP?????

    Eve Online Being Permabanned means you still get attention from CCP?????

    Being Permabanned means you still get attention from CCP?????

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT


    Really CCP????? the person behind that tweet got permabanned for doxxing (among other things) but gets attention, and time with CCP??????

    submitted by /u/arienisathief
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    [Dated Meme] Goons deep dick Snuffed Out in Lowsec

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Don't talk to me or my son ever again

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    It all started....

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    We were all in the bar on station, laughing, drinking, having a good time. When someone double dog dares someone to go to 1DQ... I lift my head from my pint and notice that there are a few fellas talking it up.

    Not one to miss a chance to fly the most gorgeous ship in the game, I undock my Megathron with the rest of the drunken souls. We check comms, check fleet comp (lol), and head out.

    Ever gate... drink. Dodge 2 bombing run attempts... drink... A couple of kills.... drink.

    7 or so beers later and we arrive. The sacred lands of grrr gons. We plink another ship or 2 at the Ani... then all hell breaks lose...

    "Kill the cyno!"


    "Target the Panther next". We get him into hull (I think) and he catches FAX reps..

    "Switch to the Marshall" - FAX has him locked...

    At this point my beaut of a ship explodes.. and in my drunken state, I had forgot to frigate load... so I warp to Sun and self-destruct my pod...

    TL/DR - we had a birthday run for a Corpmate and welped some stuff and had a blast!

    GF gons, thanks for bringing it!

    submitted by /u/sane_skywalker
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    If you "just recently came back to the game" this post is for you: Only the most important stuff of the past 6 years in a single list. Welcome back, capsuleers.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Galactic Outlaws (EE) Corp Video just redefined the Cowboy Bebop Intro

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Amazing game!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Today was my second day playing and I easily played for about 9 hours straight. My only question is what's the easiest way to group up with people? I've noticed the friends list is a little hard to navigate.

    submitted by /u/SgtPeekachoo
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    don't do this:

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    Good Guys Win Again

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    Forget the mining changes, the most important addition to the game in years is found via Hoboleaks - behold the Mobile Sanguine Harvester!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    Bot hunting contest, Round 2

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Ok fam, a few years ago I launched a successful bot hunting contest where I paid you guys bounties to kill bots. The operation was a pretty big success, Pc gamer did an article about it, I got to talk to CCP devs, alot of bots got banned, I got to empty out my wallet, and most importantly I got to argue with you guys for 2 months over what constitutes botting. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/7pmzmc/ccp_wont_end_botting_so_we_will_player_contest/

    Original contest link if your interested.

    Since we at NC are at war, rumors are going wide spread about massive botting. I took some time off of crushing goons to fly around Eve for a bit and just watch. While I was doing this, I can indeed confirm that botting is rampant once again. Time for another contest to first off chip away at the botting operations that are out there, and to also encourage people to pvp outside of the warzone that most of us have not left in a while.

    The premise is simple, you kill a bot, I pay you a bounty. I am putting up 200bil of my own money, and like last time I add whatever donation come my way to the prize pool. I pay out one person per killmail, so mail me fast. The burden of proof is on you to show that they were a botter, and not some random ratting in a carrier. (Note: The burden of proof is on you to prove that they were botting)

    Payout table:

    Subs - 50 mil

    Carriers- 250 mil

    Supers- 1 bil

    Idk if anyone uses bots to dread rat in WHs anymore, but if so I will payout 250 mil because wormholers need love to.

    Grand Prize Payouts: (These will be paid out at the end of the contest)

    Person with most killmails whored on that I paid out - 30% of remaining donations

    Person with who whored on the most supers - 30% of remaining donations

    Person who got tackle on the blingiest kill mail I pay out on - 40% of remaining donations

    (To put this in perspective, last time I took in just shy of 300bil in donations)

    Now, since I have learned quite a bit from the last time I did this, here are some things.

    -The burden of proof is on you to show that it was a bot.

    - I am paying out just 1 person per killmail. Tons of you argued with me about this endlessly last time.

    -The burden of proof is on you to show that it was a bot.

    -I report to CCP every single killmail that I pay out on for botting, and I expect you to do the same please.

    -The burden of proof is on you to show that it was a bot. ( I hope your getting the picture of this, I spent 2 to 3 hours daily arguing with people about this. It was really frustrating and is why I never intended to do this again.)

    -I am not running a begathon, some of you made a big deal about me taking donations last time, I mean I am not asking for isk. If you want to donate, thank you. If you do not trust me, that is fine, don't donate.

    -Payouts happen until I run out of isk. Last time I ran out of isk after the first week and I only paid out about 2 weeks worth of killmails after that because donations came in. If I run dry on isk, I will try to get you paid out eventually, but this is a finite contest so I will do the best that I can. I also leave some donations aside for the final pirzes.

    -Everything is to be done with my market toon vikaram skjorn, please try to not flood my reddit box. I prefer to do everything in game. All killmails, twitch links, donations etc send to this character.

    Contest will run through October.

    So enjoy, and go kill lots of bots.

    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    Want to make some easy money? Are you in PAPI? My Pay-to-Kill service is now open!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    Thanks to the generous new bounty system being offered by our Anaconda "invaders", there is a unique opportunity to make some easy isk. And you get a killmail in it too! All you have to do is send the character "Ambassador Spock" 50 million isk in-game, and I will immediately tell you where I am ratting/mining in Delve. I'm pretty terrible at PvP, and I generally rat/mine alone in PvE-optimized ships. You can easily come and kill me, and get an easy 50 mil profit by submitting my killmail to your superiors. It couldn't be more easy!

    Reduced cost for repeat customers!

    submitted by /u/ambassador_spock
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    Empires of EVE, vol 2 - author Andrew Groen Interview

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Anaconda Ratting and Mining Embargo for Delve (ARMED). Now with bounty payments of 100mill per Imperium ratting/mining ship kill in Delve.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:59 AM PDT


    All Imperium ratting and mining activity in Delve is to cease immediately. Imperium members no longer have permits for isk making activities in the region. Anaconda patrols have already been depoyed to scour Delve to ensure Goon compliance.


    Every Imperium ratting and mining ship kill in Delve will be rewarded. A 100mill bounty payment will be shared with everyone on a killmail of the following ships in Delve:

    Myrmidon, Gila, Dominix, Vexor Navy Issue, Ishtar, all mining barges, all exhumers, porpoise, noctis.

    The bounty payments are open to all members of TEST, Brave, Panfam and associated members of Legacy/FIRE/Winter Coalition. Victim must be from Imperium alliances only. Ratting ship kills must have Blood Raider NPC damage on the killmail. There is no limit to the amount of bounty payments you can claim for. Kill 100 AFK ratting forsaken hub Myrmidons solo? Enjoy 10 billion isk reward.

    To claim - Send an EVE Mail to 'GoonPolice' ingame with a link to your killmail. All players on the killmail will get a share of the 100mill ISK within a few days.

    BONUS PAYMENT: An additional 25mill ISK will be included for any killmails from GoonWaffe players who have answered the Horn of Goondor (Joined GEWNS within the last 2 months)

    submitted by /u/DelveDerek
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    I know it's probably already in reported bugs, but this is one of the funniest glitches I've seen so far in EVE

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    My baby..

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I love stormy day

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    The Botting Conundrum Protection Racket

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Soooo, We know it's a huge issue and is only getting worse as much as CCP chooses to say they are doing something it's actually not enough, Sure WE as the player base can do something about it and for that we should we need to help CCP as much and as best as we can not for the sake of BOTS being bad for the game but for the Economy of Tranquility itself.

    Now we all know one of the biggest botting alliance in the game is FRATERNITY due to Chinese culture encourages Cheating/plagiarism etc etc You can find enough details about this and their culture if you wish to do a search online, Moving on from this we know How the serenity server was destroyed due to this botting pandemic that plagued it which in-turn ended up the server itself being controlled by one block.

    Now We all know FRATERNITY Lives in Oasa, YES they bot in there but alot of bots also prefer the outer Regions such as branch Etc due to it being quieter. I am not here to point Fingers at smaller chinese Blocks that might/mightnot be botting i am just talking about the biggest and most known alliance in the game that is prolific for botting (FRATERNITY)

    Were am i going with this...

    Fraternity is living on PAMFAMs Couch in the drone lands Protected by Pamfam so in essence PAMFAM is also one of the problems when it comes to this botting problem that is getting even worse, Why is PAMFAm (NC/PL/HORDE) Allowing this to go unchallanged and get even worse, Shouldn't they as a coalition want to see the bettering of tranquility and less botters, Does Gobbins really love that ISK he gets from Fraternity that much for him to even care?

    What are your thoughts on this situation and what should happen about this, Should PAMFAm say enough is enough and evict Fraternity and or atleast the Rest of tranquility come up against fraternity and their botting empire as well? This isn't trying to divert attention from the current war on the contrary i want this war to continue downsouth but something needs to be done about FRATERNITY and FAST and the longer PAMFAM ignore the cancer on the couch the worse it will get?

    Who really are the bad guys at this stage when you really think about it?

    submitted by /u/TheZzBug
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    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Intrepid - Solo PvP

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Are ore prices going to tank back to pre-distribution prices after a month or so? Or are some price increases permanent?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    What are the community's thoughts? As a new miner, but one who has always found the markets of Eve a particularly fascinating mechanic, I'm curious to know if these really high (relative to this summer and before) prices are here to stay? At least to some degree?

    Again, largely talking about ore! Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/NoYesMaybe95
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    Can industry be profitable?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm quite new in industry. I would like to know if making goods in Eve can be profitable. I don't ask what to produce, i'm asking how to do it. Should i find corporation or just play alone? Do you have any advice ?

    submitted by /u/FonsoAlfonso
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    Need Mining Advice

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    I recently came back to Eve after a year and half. Right now I'm solo mining in high sec. I usually use a hulk or skiff. But someone told me an orca is just as good if I use augmented mining drones. Now, I have those but always thought the orca was more for fleets. Can anyone tell me if an orca with aug mining drones is better than a skiff or hulk if solo mining? Thank you. And yes I know how people feel about high sec mining. But it relaxes me and helps me to decompress from work.

    submitted by /u/KoldRayne
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    CCPLS QOL suggestion: Drag from any ship hangar to structure to automatically open the cargo deposit

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I would like to suggest that dragging any item from any of a ships various hangars (normals hangar, fleet hangar, ore hold, etc ) onto a structure, when tethered to that structure, should automatically open the cargo deposit, thus saving a player the boring mouse clicks of right click structure and selecting open cargo deposit.

    submitted by /u/queloor
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    Fit for long range damage destroyer?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    I'm 20'ish days in. Been good enough in Pve. Lots of ganks, and now that I'm exploring wormholes I'm very disadvantaged by "awakened".

    The theme is the same. Even if D-scan spots them, they're on me before I've registered it. If I register, I am all chewed up before I can lock. In the rare case I get lock, I am very totally fucked Before I can get in to firing range.

    I have not yet gotten podded at a range less than 40km. Yesterday, I warped in at 100km and was schwecked in 10 seconds flat by "awakened" at 125km.

    My Catalyst armed with 7 hybrid turrets is a bodybuilder armed with a broad axe. Unfortunately, I am fighting people armed with Barrets.

    So...friends...what's a destroyer load out (I'll train any) that lets me reach out and touch? Note that a destroyer class is all i can "afford to lose".

    submitted by /u/Squids4daddy
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