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    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    Eve Online One Eden Stratios, watercolour painting 12x9"

    Eve Online One Eden Stratios, watercolour painting 12x9"

    One Eden Stratios, watercolour painting 12x9"

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    But you can still count?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Past few days are kinda like...

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    After Action Hangover Report FWST – 8 Random Bastion Bro

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    So how about that that fight space nerds? Assume -9 GMT time zones. (DT is at 3am.) I name drop people who I've never talked to and think I'm an idiot. No Hamsters were harmed in the writing of this report.

    On Sunday night, after about 8 hours of bitching about my high sec trig rewards again, I decide it's time to log out for the evening… even though I was at 2.98 the night before we got our rewards…. No warning!

    My wife gives me the look. It's about Midnight. I think I'm about to get lucky, even get a good night sleep for the first night in a week. I was Wrong! Wrong on all accounts!!!

    I woke up too early. I missed all the pings for the first fight. I had an existential crisis while watching my coffee machine screech and hiss at me like a raccoon. Didn't get laid, wife made fun of me because my favorite metal song is about a papaya fruit.

    I log in and everyone in the imperium is buzzing about the fight. I frantically join fleets, whatever I can do. I try to sort out the comms and ignore the soul crushing zoom meeting with the bureaucrats I work with.

    The Nyx is fueled, my Baltec is lubed. Panties unbunched. I'm ready. And… stand down… goddamn it.

    But wait there's hope! Wish.com alliance, Snek coalition's Android bankers!

    They dropped a second Keepstar! Bless those Pandaren gold farmers. I may actually get some content today. Once again, wrong on all accounts.

    A full day to prepare and hours of trolling reddit. I buy a new dread. I listen to some podcasts. Fountain Frank has me questioning the existence of delve. This is all a conspiracy to sell more Trit Stocks folks. I simp for Dawn 'Furiosa' Rhea.

    I hear tiny silver bells in the distance. Pings from the heavens, reminding me not to miss the fight tomorrow.

    4:30pm rolls around and my raccoon coffee has turned rancid. Kinda like drinking the slurry at the bottom of your outdoor trashcan. I don't think I've physically moved in hours, eyes lazily wandering from one screen to the other. I can't wait to do this in 10% tidi.

    7:00am I awaken to the death star alarm blaring from my phone. I hear, "Have a good day a work Honey". Work indeed.

    I grab a cup of filth from the coffee machine, a bowl of sugary non-sense heading for the computer.

    My corp is buzzing with excitement, everyone is ready to do their part. We are the oldest PVP corp in the game after all.

    "Q and RVA are you two ready for the fight?"

    Q: "The fight? Oh, screw all that noise, I'm throwing a bonfire. Enjoy your tidi suckfest.

    RVA: "Do you have 200 entosis links we can borrow?"

    Champions and Heroes of the Imperium both of them.

    7,8 and 9 fleets form. They're mustering the krabs? Vexors and Myrms to the front. "Oh what a Day, what a lovely day!"

    I join Supertrains and Dreads. Crank up the music to 11. Su-Metal is a goddess and easily metal best girl.


    Supertrains trebuchet into F-Swat. Clearly it's the superior siege weapon.

    Immortan Chillback calls for the first dread fleet. The battle begins.

    Keepstar timer pauses at 11:41

    The tidi is crushing, but the server holds.

    83% repair timer is 8:01

    We execute a hamfisted warp in with the Rokhs and begin to fire at the citadel. Initiative, heroes all, warp in beautifully behind us.

    I begin to take damage, hit the MJD. My call time hits 3 minutes before the module activates, I'm in 27% structure before I warp out.

    The Keepstar unpauses. The repair time counts to 5:59

    I sit next to other flaming BB's on an Athanor repping up before we warp back. I repeat this process 3 times before I'm caught by an interceptor.


    I kill that bastard and continue to fight. The harpy lives for 4 more hours. Before it too dies. I reship to a munnin and head back. It too dies orbiting the gates of the citadel.

    "I live, I die. I LIVE AGAIN!"


    LR revelations x up. "He looked at me. He looked right at me." "I am awaited. I am awaited in Valhalla!"

    We align to the keepstar. Comms crackle. "Go see what's agitatin' Dad!" 2 dreads leap into battle. Then 2 more, 30 tidi seconds later. This continues uninterrupted, until this is interrupted…


    Papi subs arrive on the fortizar and bubble the dreads. Carriers jump in and cover us. Nightmares and munnins die. Heavy interdictors burn.


    The Keepstar unpauses, Panik. The repair timer drops to 2:26. If the timer unpauses again, we lose. Not lose a little, mind you. 15 hours of work for nothing and a trillion isk in the blender. Crestfallen disaster lose.

    Over the Comms: "Those who pay the blood price should be rewarded. Return my space to me and I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla."

    Yeah... feels like hope.

    Preheat your guns, Lock Keepstar as you land. Activate energizer, activate siege, and then fire guns.

    Bubbles cleared. Boosts up. Heat on. Warp engaged.

    I pick some coffee grounds from between my teeth.

    Comms: "You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome."


    I land on the keepstar minutes later. Lock. Activate. Activate. Fire.

    Cycle 1. Delicious wrecking damage.


    Cycle 3. Shields gone. Damage coming from Titans, Fighters and Battleships.


    Cycle. Wrecking.


    50% armor.



    10% armor.


    50% hull


    "Witness Me!"

    Cycle. Dread explodes. The Keepstar dies.

    I never thought I'd do something as shine as that.

    submitted by /u/CaptnDavo
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    World War Bee 2: A Tale Of Two Keepstars

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    Jita local

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    papi in delve gonna be like

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    MORE DOTS! (Dreads)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    Small Update (again)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    I tried hauling, so much regret.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    To start, I full agree that scamming should be legal sport in the game. Trust nobody.

    I ran to Jita to pick up some goods yesterday, a run I usually loathe. It was uneventful, as usual and I conducted business without incident. During this time, I was watching someone's old stream and they were hauling. I hadn't really done hauling outside of personal and corp goods so it had me a bit captivated. I finished up business and decided to check out the courier contracts for the way home.

    That's mistake number one. I saw a deal so good you knew it was a scam. I knew it was a scam but I thought I was smarter.

    First, I validated I could see the station in the `Structures Browser`. Then, I went to the station to validate I could dock. I could. Along the way, I DScanned the systems and noted the threats. Something just felt off but I thought I was smarter. I called on a pilot to come over and make sure they could dock; they could. I asked them to go wait at the outbound station in Jita and I'll courier them the package so they could come deliver it here. They can't deny my access if I'm already inside, right?! Oh how I thought I was smarter; thought I was brilliant.

    Signal goes up that they've arrived in Jita. I accept the courier. I begin setting up a courier job with the package to that pilot, except oh hey, I can't. It appears this package has a deployed container in it which is preventing it from being recouriered. Sneaky, I hadn't considered that and from my reading of getting into hauling, that wasn't suggested as a thing to be wary of. Duly noted, at least I have the location, so I drop a bookmark after undocking so I can still come back and use the _Deliveries Hanger_ or the _Cargo Drop_. I head to Jita to make the trade.

    The other pilot departed with the cargo in their Blockade Runner and headed to the Citadel. They docked without incident. I followed not far behind, warping to my bookmark after finding out my access to the station was removed. No worries, I prepared for this play because you'd think that if a package is actually in the station it needs to be delivered to, you could complete the contract. I thought I was smarter.

    I tell the pilot of the situation and he's like no worries, I'll drop it in the `Deliveries Hanger` and you can complete the contract that way. Play of the save in the day! We thought we had this in the bag.

    Apparently, you cannot drop items into the _Deliveries Hanger_, nor the _Cargo Drop_ when a station is in _Low Power_ mode. A _feature_ that is not outwardly obvious nor remotely mentioned, anywhere in contract bits. I actually wasn't able to determine the state of the station unless I had visibility of the station but it still wasn't obvious that it wouldn't accept packages.

    I was played like a fiddle in Georgia.


    I fully accept they could remove my access and then thunderstomp me as I attempt to arrive or anywhere along the way.

    I just don't understand how I cannot deliver the package when the package is in the actual station it needs to be delivered to.

    CCP GM claims that this is a viable play of game. I just can't see it that way because it seems like an undesired side effect of a change of system, which to me, is more of a bug than a feature. But that's like, my opinion man.


    Lessons Learned:

    - Don't do hauling to private stations, unless you know the owning corp and can confirm the state of the station is not _Low Power_ or under threat.

    - You have to use third party services and tools to effectively ensure you can complete a contract. The EVE UI lacks that ability to do proper due diligence.

    - Per the CCP GM via chat, "...actions that are not expressly forbidden, are permitted...".

    - CCP GM also acknowledged that they are aware that this game mechanic exists but is it in no way a form of exploitation. To drive the point home: "...that some very specific scenarios allow for the manipulation of permitted game mechanics to achieve scams..."

    This was and will continue to be a valid method of scamming people out of their isk through collateral by ensuring there is no valid method of completing the contract. It's not outwardly obviously that this can happen. If you decide to get into hauling, be smarter than I wasn't.

    - People will say use {red,black} fright, and this service or that service. While neat, that's not outwardly obvious and there are no indications in game that a contract cannot be completed, only that you may not have access.

    Warp on and warp strong, Pilots.

    submitted by /u/aimbotd
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    Me in my titan watching goons warping in 1 Dread at a time

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    vexor navy drones go brrrrrrrrrrr

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Rancer dread brawl

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Everyone arguing like it's a political race, but most of us are just happy to have taken part.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Thanks for the epic day of fighting, Goons, PAPI, CCP.

    submitted by /u/Ikuorai
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    Coming soon to a system near you! (again)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Bastion & Ferra be like:

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Are you not entertained?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    (Link) I made a list of where Amarr ship names come from. I may or may not post other factions, it depends on this one's response.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Leather Wallet inspired by minmatar

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Footage of yesterday's Battle of FWST-8. This is the final hour of the battle, when tension was highest and each side was fighting their hardest.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    TEST has lost 10 ihubs in esoteria

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Im just making memes ok?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Me, looking at my mail irl

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    Whoever said the Imperium didn’t have the stomach for a fight.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Yes. They "threw" almost 2 trillion ISK. But whoever was in any doubt that the Imperium wouldn't fight to its last man, or questioned the morale of the men and women who call Delve home, can rest assured that this is going to be a fight to the death. Also, talk about running out of money.

    We're just getting started...

    submitted by /u/brendonraylee
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