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    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 08, 2020

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 08, 2020

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 08, 2020

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:05 AM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    small steps. CCP it's nearing 2021 and Jita is still overrun by bots & macros. it's embarrassing

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Here's a good way to start making some positive changes.

    Every single new player to eve online will visit Jita. It's inevitable. What do they see?

    Local spammed with hypernet offers, 100 variations on the same scam all done by 1 day old alts. Not only that, but for some mystifying reason you still allow the anchoring of mobile depots in the busiest system in eve.

    Not only is local unusable (arguably a good thing but not the point) but it's now expected to be unusable. Everyone, even new players, KNOW that bots are TOLERATED in jita literally 24/7 and they KNOW CCP don't give a shit because it never changes.

    Ironically, the chat system changes where they moved to the new chat system actually make the problem WORSE because it lifted any spam restrictions.

    If any CSM members happen to see this, can they confirm/deny whether this is something CCP is planning to address?


    submitted by /u/jamiew0w
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    Stratios watercolour painting on paper, what would you name this peice of artwork?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    When doing exploration in Stain

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Found an abandoned refinery in my Corax

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    4D Chess

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    FWST-8 'Biggest Battle in EVE's history

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    "Developer CCP Games confirmed the details of the historic battle for Polygon on Thursday, which was fought in a star system named FWST-8. In total, 8,825 players (representing 11,258 player-owned accounts) were involved in the fight, with a peak concurrent total of 6,557 players at one time. That makes it the biggest fight in Eve history."


    submitted by /u/thetaper
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    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Unsubstantiated theory about CCP's end goal for the trig invasion.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    (The TL;DR summary for all the illiterate bastards. CCP is splitting up highsec.)

    I recently returned to Eve after being absent for several years. This meant having to relearn of lot, along with a crash course in everything that is new for me, from everything such as a new map UI, to utilizing the agency (nice but still sort of feels like easy mode compared to when I first started out) and pirate FOBs (that was a painful surprise).

    Doing this of course meant reading up all the new changes such as the mining revamp and the Triglavian invasions and so on. And since I was devouring everything at once I started to notice a few common, lets call them, themes among all new seemingly unrelated changes.

    That of risk and loss.

    Everything ccp was implementing seemed to be aimed and forcing players, especially old established players, out their comfort zones, and rut if you please, forcing them to take more risks and accept more losses.

    Nothing odd about it. If game developer did not try to keep their game, especially an mmo, fresh and exciting by adding or changing content they wouldn't be doing their job. But I couldn't help noticing a pattern.

    Then there was this thing about the map. Now if a picture can say more than a thousand words, a map can say more than a thousand pictures. If you know what to look for, maps says a lot. And when I logged on for the first time for several years the eve map I saw spoke volumes.

    Now the map of New Eden could be described as a fried egg. In the centre you have a yolk of highsec. Around it is the egg white or lowsec then outside of it is nullsec. Sort of three concentric circles, one outside the other.

    Yet when I logged on the first time I was flabbergasted because the highsec yolk was criss-crossed by lowsec and nullsec planets. WhichI quickly learned was invaded systems. Yet again if you looked at them all as a whole there was again a pattern.

    Which got me thinking and mulling, especially once it was clear that no one actually seemed to know what was goal of the invasions. And slowly a theory formed. But hey, I have just returned and I never was that committed in keeping track of CCP's management of eve before, so I figured that I was probably mistaken and that people more devoted than me already had figured out what was happening and that it was old news. I just hadn't found that particular information while looking up all the new game mechanics. I brought it up a few times in the ingame chat but no one seemed that surprised or interested so I mostly just dropped it.

    Then came this new video from CCP warning about stargate interruptions and showing a network full of spreading flashing lights. Now I don't really put much stock in game videos. They are commercials and while they might have Easter eggs and hidden messages for fun, their main purpose is for players to go; "Oh, look at the pretty pixels, I got to get me some of those."

    But there was that pattern again. Same patter I've seen on the map. Same pattern hidden is several unrelated game changes or announced game changes.

    That's three different, let's say, confirmations of the same pattern. Which was enough to convince me to write this just to see if I'm right about my theory or if I just gone completely round the bend.

    And I freely admit I'm probably, most likely just blowing smoke out of my... you know.

    But my theory, which is based on this pattern I've been seeing, is that CCP is going to chop up high sec in chunks.

    It kind of makes sense to do when wanting to increase risk and loss among the player-base, especially the old established one,

    It kind of makes sense with the mining changes of restricting certain minerals/ores to high, low and null sec respectively, forcing players player out of their safe hisec bubble and empty nullsec corner by preventing them to just hovering up belt after belt and get everything they need. But that would more be effective if lowsec and nullsec became a part of highsec.

    It kind of makes sense with the map as if you link the invaded trig systems you get a pattern of defined highsec pockets instead of just a random mess.

    It kind of makes sense with the video as it certainly seem to show how such a link up would look and take place. You sort of can see where the chopping is going to take place.

    And it isn't as if this was unprecedented in EvE. The regions Solitude and Placid have always been highsec pockets surrounded by low and null and with only very few safe routes to the rest of highsec or none at all.

    Basically, and again this is pure speculation, I can see two ways CCP go about this.

    The first is simply, like we see in the video, to let the trig invasions spread from the finial liminality and minor victory systems, maybe a dozen system in every direction. Wherever the trigs then win becomes the new low/null sec parts in highsec. This, just as with Solitude and Placid, creates highsec pockets instead of the current unified yolk. And while I doubt the pockets will all be completely cut off from each other, what the few safe routes there are, will be narrow and predictable, forming choke points and bottlenecks. Sort of how Nijara and Udeama used to be favourite hunting grounds for gankers, for the same reasons. Again fitting with the theme of risk and loss.

    I see this as the most likely scenario as from a programming point of view it is easy to do. They just have to lower the sec status for a few systems, maybe change the name of a few stations and npcs. Something CCP already have shown they can easily do as they are doing it right now.

    The other scenario which I deem less likely, again because it would require a massive programming effort from CCP to implement is that they split highsec two different high secs. One for edencom allies and one for trig allies. And what would be highsec for one side would be low for the other and vice-verse.

    Now I'm probably completely wrong, and your are better of just ignoring my deranged ramblings. But it just all seems to fit logically when you all put things together so I'd thought I share it.

    Because, hey, lets admit it. The trig invasions will probably just be a preamble where they roam a few more systems, creating a bit more chaos, before CCP introduces a miraculous peace accord lore-wise along with a special new trig expansion with an area full of trig home-systems for people to explore and exploit. Sort of like with the wormhole expansion. Before everything just calmly returns to the status quo.

    submitted by /u/Chryckan
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    Niarja sun is getting sucked into the abyss?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Please Fix the "Triglavian Zero Conflict Zones"

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    Edit: Apparently I'm retarded. When I had flown through this system and tried to lock things I got the "You are already managing 0 targets, as many as your ship's electronics are capable of" log. After going back and trying again it seems what this actually does is reduce locked targets to 1. Which is still horrible in my humble opinion but at least isn't game breaking. So I guess discuss?

    For those unaware, when 2 or more Dazh Liminality Locus beacons are in place in the same system, it flat reduces the amount of locked targets by 100%. Meaning, to 0, for every ship. Henceforth there is effectively no method to remove these beacons or use the systems they are in. Any pvp or pve in these systems in restricted to smartbomb only. If these are allowed to stack as they have been and are truly working as intended, I would like to see the locked target modifier replaced with another negative modifier altogether. Maybe reduced resistance or ewar or something. I don't know. Literally anything else.



    submitted by /u/Canadian__Fire
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    The true victim in this war...

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Imperium Keepstars are now INVINCIBLE! New meta is unbeatable.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    New billboard video: Hazard warning - Severe stargate disruptions expected

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Outnumbered in Eve Online: surviving the biggest battle in MMO history

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Our Triangle Overlords will make the Niarja to Stain Gate Happen! Help them achieve T O T A L I T Y for us!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    [Solo PVP] Machariel: Gotta keep the fight going

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    Bro wtf

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Ways to make ISK in null

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    If this info is already available, please point me to the right direction (i didnt manage to find it).

    What are the standard ways to make ISK in null depending on skill?

    For me it was like this:

    Ratting in Cruiser

    Upgraded to BS having more SP and doing Havens

    Next is scanning mazes and doing them in t3 cruiser i guess?

    Next is carrier farming?


    submitted by /u/GauraNeagra
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    Spoopy new login screen

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Brand new, just completed tutorial.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    What is my best course of action as of now with no idea about the game at all.?? I enjoy the combat system, it feel super easy yet also very in depth. I would like to advance in that sort of path. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/dr-cockterr
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    But Goons are bad for the game!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Bye Bye Gila

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    So there was a Gila running T6 Abyssal Sites in a wormhole on a deep safe spot.

    Here's the BR of this epic battle:


    Thought you might enjoy



    submitted by /u/rdymade_
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    Chikun & Waffles vs Brotherhood of Spacers (BR in comments)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:17 PM PDT

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