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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    Eve Online Which Solar Systems are the Triglavians Invading in EVE Online?

    Eve Online Which Solar Systems are the Triglavians Invading in EVE Online?

    Which Solar Systems are the Triglavians Invading in EVE Online?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    For the last few weeks, I've been trying to fact check the Scope's claim that "solar systems containing young blue stars seem to be of particular interest to the Triglavians." After a lot of data scraping, I've concluded this is just false.



    While the Triglavians do have a color/temperature preference for the systems they have Final Liminality in


    All invaded systems taken together are not much different than all stars as far as color or age goes.


    On the other hand, the Triglavians are invading High and Low sec exclusively, and leaving Null and Wormhole space alone.



    Why is this? I checked for overlap between the Triglavians and their ancient enemies, the Drifters, and Sansha's Nation and there is none. I'd be happy to test other theories.

    For more details, see my Medium post or my source code.

    Edited to add pictures.

    submitted by /u/jrslagle
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    Market Bot In Jita/Perimeter Buying 1 Plex Multiple Times A Second?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    The change I'm most excited about

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Guess I will watch the fight in a pod

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    Goons destroy over 1 trillion ISK with one click

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    So, there was much drama today on the goon jabber servers as news began to surface that John Hartley, a FC with Goons, or another member of his corp offlined a manufacturing structure in MO-GZ5 which has been a major hub of manufacturing. Chaos ensued as members realized that all their jobs were cancelled, and the minerals lost. Estimates are putting the loss at somewhere between 1-2 trillion isk worth of minerals and other materials lost due to this mistake.

    According anonymous sources, John Hartley's response to the various manufacture's concerned was: "ll do what the fuck i want with my strctures. if you want to tell me what to do ill fucking bury you. bite me."

    It appears that John's famously short temper got the best of him in that moment. It remains to be seen how Goon leadership responds to these careless actions by a senior member of their alliance.

    ~From The EVE Warroom

    submitted by /u/FromTheEVEWarroom
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    Goon and Test takes break from war to fight side by side to enforce the market cartel

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Just a perfectly normal Naglfar and Nidhoggur chilling at Jita 4-4

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    They are just there,MENACINGLY

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    finding those kind of thing is always fun

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Petition to CCP: Item Interaction QOL update

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    To the point: Interacting with your own items; organizing them, repackaging them, selling, and etc. while docked in a station, is very annoying and archaic feeling, and it needs an update.

    Technically, all of these problems result from one thing within the game. The item hanger gets all of the functionality and permissions but containers within that bay and your ships cargo bay are governed by a different set of permissions. So even though you are docked at the station if you want to sell or repackage something you first have to move it to the item hanger before you can interact with it and this just gets really annoying when you have 6 or 7 station containers that you are trying to keep organized. (Oddly enough though reprocessing can be done from within any container at anytime... I guess the station garbage men don't care where items are located...)

    And whats the rational behind any of this anyways, dock workers wont come on my ship or go into any containers in the item hanger... Oh please, give me a break. If that's the rational then fine, let us create "folders" for items, we'll just pretend some industrious Captain got tired of his messy cargo bay and item hanger so he put some tape on the ground! Then he told the crew to put all the ore in that section and all the ammo in that other taped off section... (Because this is how we actually keep millions of items organized in a warehouse here and now, with spray paint on the ground, gasp. -Okay its a little more complicated at Amazon Warehouses but you get the idea).

    So please CCP, can we please just get "permissions" for items within a stations updated and normalized to include all functionality? Like the way that reprocessing currently works when in a station, you can just click an item and do it. Let us do that with selling and repackaging, pleaseeeeee! (see that CCP, that's 3 pleases).

    (And seriously, I played this game 12 years ago. In my first week back I've loved all of the improvements and quality of life updates that have been made in that time but, this one point has been the biggest disappointment for me as I build up an ever growing collection of stuff. I don't even mind that you still have to buy organization in the form of station containers, that's kind of neat still in a world full of games where everything is served up to you on a platter).

    submitted by /u/FIzzletop
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    How to legally turn ISK into real life donations?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    I have around 100B isk I think, second baby on the way so I need to quit for good. Does CCP have a donation drive still? Or what are my options for creating real life good with this isk. I thought about giving away for screen shots of real life donations but that will be a lot of work. Is this a lot even still or has inflation made me poor?

    submitted by /u/butwhystherumgone
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    Probably tons of fun TBH

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    PAPI's 2nd Smartbomb Experience

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Thank you so much whoever gave me isk

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Made It To Level 4 Security

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I have been honing my Combat Alt and she has just gotten to level 4 on her Sec Missions. A bit of a surprise, as the level 3 ones are going so well with her Gila, and nothing really challenged her so far.

    She has a Rattie in Jita and is skilling up to drive it well. I was just gonna wait on those skills while getting to level 4, but she's there. I'm gonna run a few level 4 missions with the Gila and see what happens.

    As I'm getting better, I work on keeping range now. She was in everyone's face with her Worm, but its really fast, and speed tanks well. The Gila she has an AB on, and its fairly fast but as her missile skills are to the point that 26k is golden, and her Drones good to 60k, keeping range is working very well. I think the Rattie will require even more range skills and that's part of why she's working on the Gila. I take almost no damage and working the drone/missile boat, with all aligning, never orbiting, is a great deal of fun.

    submitted by /u/pencilgun
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    The Hurricane, minmatar. Spraypaint art 22"x28" glows in Blacklight. The frontal view of a hurricane coming at you has always been one of my favorite looks. Follow me at SweetHeavenArt on Instagram and Facebook for more.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    12 more short stories I've written about the Guristas (Grand total is now 40)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:49 AM PDT


    Two months ago I made a post listing off 28 short stories surrounding the Guristas and my efforts-in 6NJ to build a regional trade hub for Venal. I'd say the original post was a pretty huge success and gained more attention than I thought it would, so I'm here again to plug more stories I've written sense then.

    I was gonna show back up after I wrote 10 more, but given that the last post was 28, I went and drooped 12 total before coming here to make the grand total 40 stories.

    I'll assume anyone reading this thread will have knowledge of my previous post and therefore won't go over all the context again, but if you haven't - Please check out the original post for additional context.


    "There is a conspiracy surrounding PKN Interstellar."

    Noticing a thread in various news reports, Suha Raibuya pieces together a conspiracy surrounding PKN Interstellar and it's various investors.

    "Do you know how Fatal died?"

    As a way to build reputation as a public figure, Suha Raibuya makes weekly visits to medical centers in Venal to meet with the various Gurista laid out from recent raids or attacks. With this visit particular, she comes across a peer from her childhood.

    "A toast to the future residents of Venal!"

    Seeing the unrest and destruction int he Caldari State caused by the recent Triglavian Invasions, Suha Raibuya gloats about the influx of new residents that may very well come to Venal to not only get away from the Triglavians, but the government that has failed their trust.

    "She's…She's SO cute!"

    A Dread Gurista soldier is confronted by a compatriot for his strange and sudden change in dieting and outlook after meeting Suha Raibuya In person.

    "Kidnap?! You were not kidnapped! You were liberated!"

    Suha meets with a "refugee" mother that was evacuated from her trig occupied planet by Guristas forces in the area assisting with evacuation efforts. Seeing it as Kidnapping, Suha tries to explain that it's more of a liberation.

    "Fuck you Suha."

    Suha Raibuya returns to her home colony in Venal to meet with the closest thing she's had as a father figure laying on his death bed from crippling illness. Yet not crippling enough to get him to shed any kindness towards Suha.

    "… It's a dating app now?"

    Two Guristas discuss the recent update to the Prosperity Network that allows you to set up a profile and be matched with other users across the region for either short-term or long-term relationships.

    "Have a juice box and go sit in the corner."

    The kidnapped refugees from before doesn't sit well with people higher up in the Guristas chain of command, more so when it's discovered the Gurista that did the kidnapping were heavily influenced by Suha. This usurping of the chain of command doesn't slide under the rug and a very stern - and polite - message is sent Suha's way.

    "I want to be just like Fatal!"

    Now under pressure from having annoyed people far more powerful than her, Suha retreats into hiding and is confronted with her insecurities and failures of living up to be the person she admires the most, Fatal.

    "Look, we're libertarians, but we still got rules."

    A user on the Prosperity Network selling bootleg clothing and goods and advertising them as the real thing is tracked down by the Prosperity Agency and confronted in one of his storage units.

    "A symbol of prosperity."

    Suha returns back to her homeworld once again to get back in touch with her roots and meet all sorts of familiar faces with her childhood. Despite many giving her praise for her efforts topside, not even the people she respects the most believe she is or ever was cut out to actually be apart of the Guristas.

    "What are we even fighting against?!"

    The Rogue Drone cultural Exchange office in Callie has been bombed for the second time,This story - While admittedly loosely and kinda shoehorned into the wider Guristas arc - takes a look at the people behind the bombing and their motives for taking this action.


    That's it for now, If this post does well then i'll come back if i ever get around to dropping 10 more stories and making the total 50,

    submitted by /u/-SODANK-
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    Some thoughts about fake Goons - PAPI "war"

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    When there was an anouncement that Tests, Horde and Goons start a war, the main question for everyone was - what will be with Perimeter Trade Hub. As it seems for past 4 month - nothing has happened.

    So, we( I mean Darkside.) decided to check what will be, if someone will try to eat something from tasty PLEX market now.

    Where putted a Sotio in Perimeter with market, and lower tax rate. And things go pretty interesting. As it turned out, Test Alphas ally are not so big, and we can easily get fun with them:

    And then, all starts to go even funnier. At second try, on armor timer, we received all three fleets, from all biggest ally - Test, Horde and Goons. It was so cute, to see all old friends, shooting in there biggest enemies - a small, annoying, npc based ally

    So, today was final timer, and again all bro's leave all there value things in these Great War, just to come far long to the Perimeter:

    So what do we end up with:
    - Sotyo stands up for 10(!) days with online market. I will not write full numbers here, so If you want - you can count it by yourself, but sotyo definitely paid off.
    - As it turned out - WWB2 is just a fake. In situation where real interest of any partner are affected - all there "problems" are forgotten.
    We will continue to drop sotyos in Perimeter, and it's really interesting, how long will come ALL three member of TTT(coz yeah, as it turned out - one couldn't handle it)

    At the end, I want to leave a message. For all ally that have balls and are not involved in this idiotic blue wagon around Eve.
    While this dinosaurs are busy doing their fake wars, you can get a lot of ISK with no problems. All you need - just an ability to kill their Perimeter Police ally.
    Why I write this? A PLEX pie is big and tasty. If 10 small ally can get a little piece of it from TTT - it's still worth it. And if there will be 10 sotyo at a time, from different ally, with different TZ - it will be really hard for TTT to come all the time in this situation.


    submitted by /u/MellonTR
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    When one star just isn't enough (Taken in the system of New Eden)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Predditors Bomb Goon Bombers (again)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    why are the servers a load of hot steamy shit?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    i'm multiboxing a bunch of clients and some of them have 10-15 second delayed calls in 0% tidi like wtf is going on lmfao

    speedtest is good, most of my clients are good but wtf is going on ccp

    e: just got a fleet warp, 5 of my guys are still sitting on the station, 4 are in warp tunnel and 10 have already jumped through

    server is HORRIBLE



    check the vod, livestreamed it to prove it's not my internet, several clients taking 30-60 seconds to register commands at random

    submitted by /u/toopaljewn
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    RIP eve-industry.org? If it’s the end, thank you for a good site I’ve used many a times

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    CCP won’t just leave Pochven as is, right?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    I just watched a video on how empty the content is in pochven space. The consensus is it's terribly designed and has nothing of value to do once you get inside. He ended the video with almost 100% certainty that CCP will just now move on to new content is forget about it. After losing conduit that I loved doing, to be replaced by a bare bones system that I have to grind 160 hours just to enter....CCP won't just move on will they? More content is coming right? I can't imagine a company removing more content then they are implementing?!? I need some reassurance that my fun conduit activity wasn't replaced by nothing.

    submitted by /u/CuriousDisorder3211
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    Pgl delays test townhall

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    PGL delays test townhall due to American professional Hand Egg as well as pausing mid sentence to bitch about a missed field goal claiming it was "unbelievable"

    Opponents give better defense than goons with ihubs falling faster a card tower.

    submitted by /u/Starlord_Arthie
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