• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 27, 2020

    Eve Online CCP Convict confirms Super sizes as well as where the other half of Aeons are.

    Eve Online CCP Convict confirms Super sizes as well as where the other half of Aeons are.

    CCP Convict confirms Super sizes as well as where the other half of Aeons are.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Sotiyo Aftermath

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    the_mittani: alright so we're still sifting through the wreckage of the sotiyo drama

    the_mittani: and it does look a lot like trying to find the black box and piece together a smashed 747 to find out what the fuck

    the_mittani: a whole bunch of people have lost a whole bunch of shit (we are attempting to find out what because wow) and a whole bunch of people are mad as hell and righteously so

    the_mittani: my current understanding is that the SSTAT guys involved had absolutely no idea they were going to nuke everyone's jobs like this

    the_mittani: otherwise it would have been a clear instance of goonfucking

    the_mittani: anyway this is not the kind of thing we can just sweep under the rug and act like it didn't happen but the reason i'm not adding fire to the drama or making any ~public statements~ about it besides this right now is that Man That's A Bad Look Isn't It and folks need to know we're trying to assess the damage, figure out who got fucked how badly, and generally not pour napalm on the fire

    the_mittani: but if you lost something because of this stupid shit and are furious that's entirely reasonable

    the_mittani: we're going to change our public sotiyo policy after this

    the_mittani: like lawl

    the_mittani: if corps want to do corp stuff in corp sotiyos that's great

    the_mittani: but the only open-to-all sotiyos going forward will probably end up being alliance structures for now entirely obvious reasons

    the_mittani: but folks had a reasonable expectation they could build safely in any of our sotiyos

    the_mittani: so that's a thing

    the_mittani: the whole "hurr it's your fault you built there" line is just defensive excuse-making to try to shift focus on this mess

    the_mittani: but currently it looks like "oh shit we didn't know it would do that fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" followed by a bunch of loud yelling because angry nerds do be like that

    the_mittani: if it wasn't an accident i'd have already shot everyone involved

    the_mittani: hurf blurf aside

    the_mittani: it looks like a classic 'oops' followed by a bunch of yowling when the scale of the oops became clear, which doesn't excuse anyone of course

    the_mittani: anyway the point is that we're in ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION MODE piecing together scraps of sotiyo in a warehouse and trying to find which o-rings were faulty to mix the metaphors a bit

    the_mittani: anyway so that's the whole situation as it stands presently

    the_mittani: if you lost shit and you're mad about it, you have every right to be and ignore the shit about 'oh you should have known' because that's bullshit deflections

    the_mittani: i'm done with trying to clean up after hartley's tantrums on this shit, if he's a douche to you, be a douche to him back, whatever, if he wants to tantrum out of fleets or generally behave like a spoiled child then our spoiled children can treat him accordingly

    that said i don't think hartley was the one who yanked the module and i would like to think that lot of his bitchery about this is for fear that we would shoot the corp director (who i like a bunch and am not naming) who actually borked the manufactuing module out of ignornace

    tusen_takk: the_mittani: allegedly a retvet goonfleet pilot had a vendetta in build in the sotiyo

    the_mittani: tusen_takk: we are investigating that yes

    the_mittani: we know the goon and we're working on it

    the_mittani: and we're absolutely changing our sotiyo policy after this holy shit are you kidding me

    the_mittani: we're not gonna nationalize corp sotiyos, the rule will end up something like 'only corp jobs in corp sotiyos'

    the_mittani: we don't want the innocent line goons trusting in a random corp sotiyo that might abruptly go boom because of accidents, fuckery, or some combination thereof

    the_mittani: but look this is a big messy ugly stupid drama

    the_mittani: let's not act like it's not a big messy ugly stupid drama

    the_mittani: but it does not appear to be intentional goonfucking

    the_mittani: and it does not appear to be worse than 1t in damages (we will find out)

    submitted by /u/buttreynolds
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    Just John Hartley Them

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    2nd Delve Constellation bites the dust

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    15 years in EVE

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Today, 15 years ago I started playing EVE. And while I took a break from actively playing for a number of years, this game has been a part of my life ever since. In that time, two marriages came and went, two kids were born. Several times I've moved, but my home in EVE was always there. I've laughed till I cried, I've yelled in frustration, I've had my heart pounding in my chest so hard fearing it would stop beating at all.
    The mere fact that this game, this virtual universe has been here this long is proof in itself what an amazing accomplishment it has been to make this game, how well CCP has done in creating a complete alternate reality. And while they do fuck up now and then, let's not forget how unique this is. Even the most fantastic and dedicated community, like EVE certainly has, would fall apart if the game wasn't just right.

    So here's to EVE and to you, nerds. Thanks for all the memories you've given me so far. On to the next 15.

    submitted by /u/Sharcy_o7
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    Isk positive

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Carebear tries PvP

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I'm a big fluffy carebear.

    I want to join my corp's pvp roams, but I thought I should get at least a little experience. What followed, I really wish I had recorded.

    I fit up a punisher, and thinking I knew better used an AB instead of MWD. Because of sig radius, right?

    All combined, fit was barely 4M isk. Not much to lose, so what the heck. I dove straight into lowsec and made a safe spot. From my safe spot I started dscanning signatures and belts, looking for a sucker. Fully expecting to be insta-popped in my little frigate.

    Scanned a Gila. Nope I fly those and a punisher is no match.

    Scanned a few more scary ships, then I see a combat site with a lone Osprey.

    I warp to zero on the site, and there he is, running the site. 40KM away. No fucking way am I gonna catch that guy, I think. But what the hell. I start burning towards him, keeping a little transversial, at 1100m/s. Almost TWENTY seconds go by until I get with in scram range. He's still fucking there.

    I hit the scram, then decide to orbit at 5km. I turn the Gleam lasers on and they wont activate.

    I have safety on. I'm still not scramming him. He still hasn't warped off.

    I think, Oh hell, this guy knows I'm no match for him, he's toying with me.

    Fumbled with safety for at least 10 seconds as I didn't realize you had to 'Confirm' in my panicy reactions.

    It's probably been a full minute since I hit his overview, and he still hasn't tried to warp away. I get the scram going finally, and activate lasers. Pop goes the Osprey.

    I grabbed the capsule and popped that too. Holy shit. My first attempt at pvp and I've got a KM to show for it. In my adrenaline panic I forgot to loot his wreck, and just warped to safety. I instantly get a very, very salty mail from my victim.

    Feeling bad, and knowing how that feels, I sent him half the isk cost for his Osprey/Implants, and typed up a very polite response. Send Mail.

    [You cannot contact this player].

    So, salty dude that blocked me, sorry. I hope you watch your overview a little better from now on, because you seriously had a full damn minute to warp away from my newb ganking ass.

    submitted by /u/fievelm
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    While Supplies Last And For A Limited Time Only!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    The ISK must flow......to our pockets

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    ~~~ Portrait of John Hartley ~~~

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Brave Collective - This is Not a SOTA - October 2020

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Goons showing us the difference between a floodplain and a fortress

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Amarr caps , Test server (top) versus live server (bottom)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    PSA: Possible Pochven standings changes (SISI)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Just dropping a quick PSA that on sisi there have been some pretty dramatic increases to the standings values of various entities within pochven. Additionally, the day-1 rogue drone cheese has been rolled back on sisi. Today some pochven wormhole changes also appeared.

    Gaining trig standings will be significantly faster if the current sisi numbers hit live. It'll probably still be a decent time investment, but Most rats that give standings have had these values increased by 700-1300%, with notable exceptions.

    Obviously, there is NO GUARANTEE that this goes live in it's current sisi state - but since there's at least a chance that it could come as early as tomorrow, I thought i'd put it out there.

    The unofficial guide to Pochven has also been updated to version 1.2 - I've added a handful of things and included a section for Sisi changes.

    See the pertinent section in the unofficial guide for details. Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M9G0VcoX4TpaSWY-XFWwUv0OIeHG83UboeD74X4k-_8/edit?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/Arkamenitas
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    P A R A B E L L U M tries to evict Band of Magnus from their wormhole. Everything goes to shit, when frig hole opens and BOBAS gets reinforcements. Hull timer battle ends with defender Fortizar repaired and attacker astrahus reinforced. Just some small conflict news, in shadow of NS big war.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Meme 2.0

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I see you SMA. You grow today, so that later I may harvest.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    TTT Cartel/Star Wars crossover

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    The Music of EVE on Spotify

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    On tonights highly debated topic, we have one very important question:

    Who will goons kick this time for a mistake from their senior leadership?

    Will it be:

    • A) A random FC
    • B) An unfortunate Logi Bro
    • C) The person who actually fucked up?

    Answers are due in before the end of the ad break, remember to ask the bill payers permission before calling in!

    submitted by /u/lorenaii
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    Deathglow Remnant SKIN (Login reward Crimson Harvest YC 122)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Goon capsuleer piloting craft made in MO-GZ5 (2020)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

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