• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 7, 2020

    Eve Online Anyone want to come mining with me?

    Eve Online Anyone want to come mining with me?

    Anyone want to come mining with me?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 07:37 PM PST

    a small 3d project

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 09:36 AM PST

    The passing of an Eve FC - RIP to a Legend

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Always check your 0's

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 05:05 PM PST

    "Sure lets bait Snuffed Out with a Nyx, what could go wrong?" - Wangs + Lords counterdrop goes wrong - LowSec Dreadbrawl

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 08:54 PM PST

    Finished my shadow box

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 07:21 PM PST

    But but this isn't the Real Delve (tears)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:28 AM PST

    WH Brawl

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:22 AM PST

    So my friend and I recently moved back into J space.. we had a HS hole 4 jumps from jita, naturally we went to camp it to try our luck...well we got it!
    a kitchen sink fleet of cruisers and battleships came in, warped off the hole and they all cloaked up somewhere. then a gnosis and 2 nighthawks came in. we were both in t3 destroyers so we were a little outmatched. nothing was really happening so i convod the nighthawk guys. Turned out to be rlly solid guys.
    the cloaked up group, decloaked a rupture and arbi as bait (im assuming).. well i got combat probes on em and little did they know i had fleeted up with the nighthawks.... lets just say we 3v6 their asses ina super epic brawl!
    GOD DAMN i love Jspace!


    submitted by /u/trollking6969
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    Possible to pull market prices to google spreadsheet?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:47 AM PST

    Anyone know how I can achieve it such that I can auto-load actual market data into my spreadsheet?

    Or can someone point me to where I should start looking?

    Someone suggested evepraisal but that doesn't include for example perimeter prices, how would i go about creating it myself? Im not shy to leaen it but have trouble figuring out where to start.

    submitted by /u/yorre1991
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    [EVE PULSE] Jita Renovation, ESS, More Pochven Changes

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:19 PM PST

    14 weeks of war - The big Six Zkill activity numbers

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 09:25 AM PST

    TIL some impressively dumb war mechanics

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:26 PM PST

    So apparently you can't RR people in separate wars against the same people AND you can't ally if you're at war with the same group. Defenders should be able to team up. This is very dumb. WTF CCP.

    submitted by /u/OrderOfTheEngelsmen
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    Elo Predictions for the Eve_NT Open, Day One

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST


    I forked FiveThirtyEight's (American) football Elo rating calculator and found optimal parameters hind-casting (using the parameters that best match existing observations) for the past 5 AT seasons and used those to generate some expected win probabilities for the Eve_NT Open this year starting on Saturday, November 14th at 15:00 UTC. You can find the bracket/schedule here! I'll submit a bracket myself based on Elo win percentages, although there are some good reasons why such an algorithm is not directly suited to winning a bracket competition. Here are some interesting insights I drew from the optimal hind-cast parameters:

    1) A team is only about as good as their last tournament run. My optimization yielded a "points staked per game" of 140, which is relatively large compared to the starting rating I chose (1300, arbitrary) and the win probability scale (500 points, fit parameter). This means that teams with a winning record in alliance tournaments are much better than new teams and that generally teams can change a lot in relative ability each year.

    2) Teams don't revert to the mean very much between seasons. The "regression to the mean" each offseason (counting the last offseason as two consecutive offseasons) is 10%. This means that your rating from the last tournament is roughly equal to your rating this tournament (a 10% change in gained rating is small compared to the rating adjustment from 1 game result). Another way of looking at this is that win probability will regress to break-even at 5% or less per year -- if you were 90% to win a match at the end of last year, you're about 85% to win that same match after an offseason. (If you were to lose that match, your rating would take a huge hit though, see #1!) . I counted the most recent gap as two consecutive offseasons with no matches in between.

    3) Top line teams (aka placing top 4 in the last AT) are much, much better than other teams. Because the win probability scale (500 points = 90% win chance) is about one winning run's worth of rating, teams with a winning record well above 50% are heavily, heavily favored against new or average teams, and upsets are relatively rare. This is very roughly similar to the stratification of FIFA national teams for comparison.

    Elo models have been highly studied and are known to depend strongly on priors, which I treat in the simplest fashion here. Additionally, I don't model rules changes, dissimilar match conditions (flagship/wildcard could be treated like home field advantage, which I neglected here because the historical data is not easy to retrieve), or roster changes (538's American football model sees marked improvement by including this, and another place where historical data is very hard to parse). So take it with a grain of salt. I'll release my ratings themselves in a week with a "watching guide" that picks out some matches I think will be the most interesting on Day One and compares Elo probability to the popular vote on the bracket.

    TL;DR -- Elo (no not that Elo) predicts that either Vydra or Warlords of the Deep is going to win the NT_Open, ho hum. It was smart for PL to disband their AT team after their last run, their rating got trashed. Even though V0LTA is 4th seeded by Elo, they're still predicted to lose handily Round 1 because Vydra is just that good. I'm too lazy to add confidence analysis right now so the best I can say is that most matches aren't predicted strongly by a simple model.

    submitted by /u/DeworenReptaire
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    Question about Thrasher pve fit (Arty vs AC)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 11:58 PM PST

    Hi guys, I need some advise for my Thrasher fitting for pve missions (currently lvl1-2):

    Atm I'm using AC and I shred rats in seconds. But I need to be at close range (1000-4000km) which can be annoying. The question is at the end of the numbers !


    High Slots
    6x 200m Light Prototype Automatic Cannon (Ammo is Fusion S or Phased Plasma S)
    1x Free High Slot

    Medium Slots
    1x 5mn Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
    1x Medium Shield Booster II
    1x Small Capacitor Booster I (With 200 Cap Booster)

    Low Slots
    1x Damage Control II
    1x Gyrostabilizer II

    Rig Slots
    2x Small Core Defense Capacitor Safeguard I
    1x Small Capacitor Control Circuit II

    DPS: 162,8
    Tactic: Rush in close range with 1500m/s, deactivate warpdrive, shoot everything and done.
    Capacitor depletes in 39 seconds but with the Cap Booster I've never run in trouble. The damage income is so low, I just wait when my shield is low, activate my shield booster for a few seconds - full life and go on.

    Optimal Range is 1000m, Falloff 49xxm so pretty close and I need to fly to every enemy, thats annoying.

    But some people telling/advise me ACs on the thrasher is not optimal, I should use artillery weapons.

    So I simulate it to T1 artys as following:

    6x 250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I (same Ammo/ Fusion S or Plasma S)

    (Need to swap shield to 'Small Shield Booster II' cause of cpu)

    Optimal Range: 8300m, Falloff 18km - so pretty long
    But DPS: 131,9

    When I change the Damage Control II to a second Gyro II, it becomes 157,7 DPS.


    Sorry for the long text, at the end is the question:

    A) Is it worth to go down from 162,8dps (and 1000-4000m range) to 131,9dps (and weaker shield booster) for a range between 8,3 to 18km?

    B) Could it be a good idea to swap Damage Control II for a second Gyro II in pve missions?

    submitted by /u/ChillPhillPapaya
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    The Exodus of Null

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:04 AM PST

    T'was tHe AgE oF ChAOs that's what they said

    Some dumb idea in some scrubs head

    But forward they trudged with this cruel plan

    To chastise nullbears and desolate their land

    New Eden is changing, iT'll bE DyNAmIc AnD fUn

    But it was just more work, yet the damage was done

    Less rorqs, less supers, less spaceships in space

    More gangs did roam, they loved hating this place

    Yet day by day, and one by one

    It grew more quiet as the nullbro moved on

    Why take more risk to earn much less

    Make much less ISK, but earn more stress

    And so it went unnoticed by all

    It had begun, the Exodus of Null

    I hope some people find this entertaining. My love for EVE is bittersweet, half salt, half passion. This is just my attempt at shaking off some salt while I figure out what to do next.

    While I agree that some changes needed to be made, I believe they are being too heavy handed as usual. And like usual the damage will be done by the time they realize it and try to undo it. A lot of people are pushing hard to fuck with null cause they don't care what happens there or to the people who have spent years building the Empires of EVE. Could it become lowsec 2.0? I hope not, but they think they can force people to change how they play according to their vision of what the sandbox should be, and I'm highly skeptical of that. In my opinion it just shows us more and more CCP has no plan, no clue, and no idea how to fix the game.

    submitted by /u/GamerGrunt
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    Wanted: EVE Girlfriend

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 12:38 PM PST

    My friend does not want to give EVE a try, he says it´s too complex and the gameplay seems to shallow.

    He told me that only if his future girlfriend plays EVE he would give it a try, so if any of you know a female capsuleer in search for a partner hit me up so my friend can start the recriutment process.

    submitted by /u/GeekBoy02
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    ganking NPC mining corps

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:53 PM PST

    I started ganking these things in a Talos recently, and was thinking if you should engage the mining ships or look specifically for haulers. Also, do the regular ships call in reinforcements or is it just the ships with a diamond next to their name?

    submitted by /u/DragonTamerEl
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    I lost my first Astero

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:00 AM PST

    Goodbye Sanny, at least I learned what is a warp bubble and to be more careful in NS.


    submitted by /u/rubbishdude
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    Delve is a Floodplain!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:23 AM PST

    New Player wants to know something

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 04:33 AM PST

    So I recently started with EvE after dropping my standards a lot and getting a pc that at least allows me 30 fps. So far I am having a lot of fun, mostly because I haven't been killed yet. And I already found a friend and we kill rats together which is nice. I started as a free to play player and have finished two Agents (Military and Advanced Military) so far, working on industrial right now. My question is, because I do enjoy this game (I just love everything that is science fiction or sandbox and this combines it), if I should already invest into omega status or should I wait until I know more about the game and if I actually like it once you guys kill my noob ass. Do I waste time by staying free to play right now? Also I am not playing that much, that's another point. (how crazy would it be if you could purchase playing-hours of Omega...) So what do you say?

    submitted by /u/Panduin
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    Setting up a POS vs a Raitaru with the new quantum core update

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 02:38 PM PST

    So I'm trying to do some T3 ship manufacturing and reactions but with the new quantum core update I'm wondering if the engineering complexes are still worth it or should I buy a POS and if I should buy a POS which size. (I'm a 3 man Corp consisting of myself)

    submitted by /u/ProcessAnxious
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