• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 8, 2020

    Eve Online 1DQ by January 20th

    Eve Online 1DQ by January 20th

    1DQ by January 20th

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:39 AM PST

    Corms too strong, imperium docks up.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:52 AM PST

    Goons take a drive through Fortress Delve

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    Fortress Delve: A Recap Of The War So Far (Part 2)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:59 PM PST

    Currently shooting a Goon Keepstar in my Titan, AMA

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Unofficial Guide to Pochven updated to version 1.5.1

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:00 PM PST


    Guide has been updated to cover the latest pochven changes, touch on upcoming content, and generally a lot of clean up as some of the "we think" mechanics become "we know" mechanics. Added some sections about potential new additions in the future for the guide - if there's a section or topic you feel needs updating, correcting (or to request new section additions entirely), feel free to leave some feedback here.

    submitted by /u/Arkamenitas
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    New goalposts and new borders drawn by Mittens and Goons

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST


    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:59 PM PST

    init spending their srp fund on a good cause

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:16 AM PST


    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:08 AM PST

    I see your “Elf on the shelf” and raise you a “Hel on the shelf.”

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 05:14 PM PST

    My girlfriend decided to make bracket for the EveNT tournament based only on the names and what little I’ve told her about eve

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:58 PM PST

    Business is good

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Goons retreating to E3OI-U, the war seems lost

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Goons retreating to E3OI-U, giveing up 1DQ, the war seems lost. Moral is low, so is the isk wallet of their allies.

    Basher seems out of his deept, trying to outline the new "strategy" on comms

    War over by Christmas?

    submitted by /u/FreeMinute333
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    Almost not worth posting about... almost... (CCPlz fix)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:25 AM PST

    How to Get Evicted: the Political Missteps that Helped Decide the Battle for J123450

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:27 AM PST

    EDIT: (TL;DR: poorly run wormhole group RP's too hard, mixes nutty politics with Eve, gets evicted. Evicting groups ironically RP back at them thru the eviction. Here's an ironically overly-RP'ed AAR by one of the spies. If you want the AAR in a non-joke form, go hereAAR )

    Figure 1: PHR Coalition overwatch view of catastrophic hull breach of a Quantum Inquisition carrier immediately following destruction of J123450 Fortizar \"Under Skies Ablaze\"


    This is an After Action Review focused on the causes, methods, and effects of clandestine action surrounding the Battle for J123450. The review details decisions made by certain elements within Quantum Inquisition/Eschelon Directive leadership (referred to in this report as the "Fascist Element") prior to, during, and after the Battle for J123450; as well as actions taken clandestinely to oppose them and liberate the line members of QI. This report reaches the following conclusions:

    1. The Fascist Element instituted a years-long forcible reeducation policy aimed at shaping QI/ED line members in line with their own anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti-Muslim, and anti-LGBTQ political views.
    2. Atrocities being committed in the Fascist Element's reeducation camps were revealed to the outside world after QI/ED received assistance to repel an eviction attempt by economically-motivated pirates in August. Additionally, pro-human-rights partizans and outside groups gained important military intelligence in relation to QI/ED during this "August War." These diplomatic and security missteps allowed a coalition of pro-human-rights groups (the "PHR Coalition") to form and establish a beachhead within J123450 (Astrahus "Ohama Beach").
    3. Even facing overwhelming odds, the PHR Coalition was able to achieve an unlikely military victory for hole control through coordination with pro-human-rights partizans within QI/ED and a rapid influx of reinforcements from Hard Knocks.
    4. Even with reinforcements, casualties among the PHR Coalition remained dangerously high. But PHR was able to maintain hole control and keep open a route for pilots to reship and rejoin the battle in part because of a timely sabotage of the QI/ED rolling fleet by PHR partizans within QI.
    5. Having suffered an important military defeat, the Fascist Element's stranglehold on power was delegitimized; reeducation camp "#politics" razed to the ground and reeducation camp "#memes" somewhat reformed; and multiple PHR sympathizers were able to escape QI to seek asylum among members of the PHR Coalition or form independent governments outside the borders of the remaining QI/ED heartland.
    6. Your source remains embedded within a cell of PHR partizans who have chosen to remain with QI/ED to continue the struggle against the Fascist Element's policies. If we fail to send weekly updates, do not attempt further contact. Assume the Fascist Element have attempted to purged us; we will request covert exfil if/when possible.

    Some details in this Review may have been altered or redacted to protect sources and methods.


    1. History of Atrocities by the Fascist Element: Some years ago, ED was a member of the Low-Sec alliance No Forks Given ("NFG"), though it kept its home in J123450. Under the protection of NFG, ED flourished and gained members. But ED established its own Discord server. And within this Discord server, ED maintained two prisons for low-level offenders, named "#politics" and "#memes," respectively. While more mainstream elements of the ED leadership ignored the denizens of these places, the Fascist Element saw an opportunity. They began spreading fascist propaganda to the populations of these prisons. Significant amounts of data were lost in the razing of #politics. See Figure 2, as follows, for an example of the communications among the Fascist Element leadership that we were able to smuggle out of J123450:

    Figure 2: Exemplar anti-Muslim propaganda poster extracted from ED's \"#politics\" reeducation camp

    Your source and members of PHR Coalition military intelligence have extracted a significant body of similar evidence showing atrocities committed by the Fascist Element in its reeducation camps. (Omitted from this report due to volume; please see data upload.) The Fascist Element's reeducation strategy can be broken down into several elements: (a) normalizing the use of pejoratives (the n-word for black people; the f-word for gay people; the term "r*pefugees" for immigrants from Muslim-majority countries); (b) repeatedly using racist, anti-LGBT, and other anti-human-rights dogwhistles and "just-a-joke" memes; (c) employing an avowed sympathizer of German Naziism in their reeducation camps; (d) repeatedly and incessantly berating inmates in the reeducation camps with white supremacist/white separatist theory; (e) claiming that any resistance to (a)-(d) amounted to an "assault on free speech; and (f) deflecting any claims of human rights abuses by reference to invented/imagined human rights abuses by extremists with different ideologies. Point (c) is evidenced in the following image of the Nazi sympathizer's Discord identification badge, which one of the PHR partizans was able to collect at great personal risk:

    Figure 3: Photograph of Discord identification badge of Nazi sympathizer employed in ED's \"#politics\" and \"#memes\" reeducation camps.

    Over time, this reeducation strategy caused multiple players to leave ED and multiple others to express discomfort, though the ranks also swelled with some members who needed no reeducation. Criticism was ignored (even, much later, a demand to terminate the Nazi's employment). While the Fascist Element's reeducation campaign ran roughshod over all opposition, ED left NFG and started its own wormhole corporation alliance (QI). QI grew into a group that included more than 300 toons. Some of the new groups disagreed with ED's anti-human-rights activities, but ED's supremacy could not be challenged by these new groups due to ED's stranglehold on the stations in J123450.

    2. The PHR Coalition Forms and Establishes a Beachhead:

    In August of 2020, a coalition of opportunistic, economically-motivated pirates (Holesale and Exit Strategy) invade J123450 and threaten to destroy four anchored QI structures. QI/ED military leadership realize they do not have enough military strength on their own to repel the invaders, so they begin a diplomacy campaign in an effort to find allies. Members of groups that would later become the Pro-Human-Rights Coalition send volunteers from across New Eden. QI/ED leadership, too desperate and disorganized to take any steps to ensure core security, invite the newcomers into QI/ED's central Discord communications hub. Multiple PHR partizans within QI/ED make contact for the first time with regulars and leadership who would go on to become members of the PHR coalition. During this "August War," QI/ED's allies witness significant disorganization among QI/ED leadership, as well as top secret aspects of the QI/ED military apparatus (such as its capital ship fleet). And QI/ED's allies begin to uncover the horrifying truth of ED's "#politics" and "#memes" reeducation camps.

    With new revelations about the Fascist Element's anti-human-rights activities, the PHR Coalition forms with the goal of liberating QI and ED from the yolk of fascism. The PHR Coalition's expeditionary force storms into J123450 and anchors the Astrahus "Omaha Beach."

    [Please see PHR Coalition military leadership's AAR for further details related to the PHR Coalition's overt activities.]

    Soon after anchoring Omaha Beah, we are contacted by several cells of QI/ED partizans offering intelligence and other military aid because of their opposition to the Fascist Element's policies. It cannot be stated strongly enough that these partizans would not have joined us if not for the disorganization and anti-human-rights policies of the Fascist Element. The weight given to each factor varied from partizan to partizan, but all shared at least some amount of each motivation.

    Again at great personal risk, one cell of PHR partizans manages to smuggle the following communiqué out of a terminal inside one of QI's anchored citadels and into our hands:

    Figure 4: Excerpt from intercepted communiqué from QI leadership to line members.

    [This review declines to comment on the authoritarian propaganda throughout this message other than to note that it is consistent with milder examples of prior communication by the Fascist Element.] More importantly, however, PHR partizans notice the following key provision in the Fascist Element's general order:

    Figure 5: Further excerpt from 2020.10.29 intercepted communiqué

    Our contact in one cell of partizans ("Cell 1") who sends us this communiqué explains to us that, while ED's "L-II" hangar is somewhat restricted in access, all of QI's Higgs-Anchor-rigged wormhole rolling battleships are being stored in a lower-security hangar called "L-I." We review this information with our contact among a different cell of QI partizans ("Cell 2"), and our second cell both confirms our intelligence and presents a proposal that will become critical: our second cell believes one of its members will be able to sabotage the QI rolling battleships by repackaging them and destroying their rigs at a critical moment upon order from the PHR Coalition High Command.

    Meanwhile, we manage to make contact with yet another PHR partizan -- this one embedded high within the QI command apparatus ("Cell 3" is, in fact, one individual entity comprising several telepathically-linked clones). This partizan begins supplying us with strategic intelligence obtained directly from private QI military planning meetings. We learn that QI plan to seek reinforcements from its mortal enemies in the August War, Holesale and Exit Strategy. We initially think this attempt foolish, but we learn with some surprise that QI successfully manage to recruit forces from both Holesale and Exit to their cause. We learn that leadership will hand pick "trusted" line members to invite into a second communication channel titled "The Black Sands" to plan an infiltration operation for Holesale and Exit strategy just after Eve Downtime. We learn all of this almost immediately as QI military command decide it. While we are not ultimately able to stop the infiltration of large forces from Holesale and Exit Strategy, the infiltration occurs exactly as our source says it will, allowing us to confirm intelligence value.

    With the Batphoned additions of Holesale and Exit Strategy to the fight, the PHR Coalition military forces attempting break out from Omaha Beach find themselves outnumbered and outgunned. Cell 1, seeing the state of affairs and fearing a QI victory that will only further legitimize the Fascist Element, contacts PHR High Command and offers additional asymmetrical warfare assistance. One member of Cell 1 will hack into the QI navigation system and destroy important QI coordinate markers, and another will attempt to sabotage the QI hole control team.

    The stage is set.

    3. Turning the Tide in the Fight for Hole Control: As the QI central staging fortizar "Under Skies Ablaze" approaches its final hull timer, QI forces significantly increase their operational tempo. But QI's capital ships, as well as its Holesale and Exit Strategy reinforcements, remain docked. QI forces maintain hole control. We receive regular updates from Cell 3, the PHR partizan entity within QI high command: QI still has not called a final strategy meeting, but has received word that yet more batphoned reinforcements will be inbound -- this time from NFG and Dock Workers. While Cell 3 keeps us updated on internal command discussions, Cell 1 advises us on the movements of QI's rolling team (a handful of combat ships, a scanner, and four rolling battleships). As QI's rolling team attempts to hold various entrances open for NFG/DOCK reinforcements, the PHR Coalition military begin to probe for opportunities to open a route into J123450 for the Coalition's own reinforcements from Hard Knocks.

    [Please see PHR Coalition military leadership's AAR for further details related to the PHR Coalition's overt activities.]

    As the PHR Coalition military strikes to destroy the QI rolling team and gain hole control, Cell 1 acts to sabotage the QI hole control team. [REDACTED].

    To distract QI forces during this sabotage, Cell 1 begins a coordinated campaign designed to foster chaos within the QI ranks. This turns out to be extremely effective, in part because of leadership disagreements, and in part because of the QI forces' tendency to speak out of turn in comms. As our contact with Cell 1 described it upon debrief:

    "They're like lemmings. All you have to do is send one of them a DM questioning what [Hole Control FC]'s having them do, and they'll start saying it in comms."

    PHR Coalition forces from Omaha Beach crush the QI hole control team before they can warp to safety, then rapidly reposition to the new static High Security Space entrance.

    To further delay the vastly more numerous QI, Holesale, and Exit Strategy forces from regaining hole control, another member of Cell 1 begins deleting QI bookmarks from its navigation databases. Cell 2 reports hearing multiple requests on QI comms for warp-in instructions from QI subcapital and capital ships waiting to join the battle. For a tense several minutes, your source relays information as quickly as possible from Cells 1, 2, and 3 to the PHR high command.

    Between transmissions, we hear concerning comms chatter indicating heavy PHR losses.

    Just as the fight starts to seem lost, we receive the following message from Cell 3:

    "Well those must be your friends. [QI Cap FC] just said 'yep, here we go. We're f*cked' over comms and stopped giving orders lol."

    And a few moments later:

    "Holesale are bouncing because "we're not getting a whole lot of confidence other than 'we're f*cked.'"

    Hard Knocks reinforcements have arrived.

    4. Cell 2's Aid in Maintaining Hole Control: Even with Hard Knocks reinforcements, the PHR Coalition's victory seems less than certain. QI forces begin to destroy Hard Knocks' Legions at an alarming rate. We receive a warning from Cell 3 that QI is calling for holes to be rolled to prevent Hard Knocks pilots from reshipping and re-entering the battle. We relay Cell 2 their order from PHR High Command: disable the rollers. About 60 seconds later: "Done. All repackaged." And only moments after that, Cell 3 reports hearing exclamations from QI line pilots over comms that their alliance's rolling ships have been repackaged. QI never regains hole control.

    5. The Liberation of Quantum Inquisition: After the Battle for J123450, the PHR Coalition begins a leaflet campaign designed to identify victims of the Fascist Element's activities and arrange for amnesty and exfiltration. The following is an exemplar leaflet sent to QI forces:

    Figure 6: Exemplar leaflet sent to QI line members.

    Two QI member corporations accepted the PHR Coalition's offer, while other ED and QI members begin to argue internally against the Fascist Element's political policies (and especially its tone-deaf response to the PHR Coalition's offer of amnesty). PHR partizans help foment resistance to the Fascist Element in Secret.

    But the Fascist Element does not stand idly by. Cell 3 relays the following message soon after the Fascist Element sends it:

    Figure 7: Intercepted COIN communiqué sent by the Fascist Element's secret police to certain ED members.

    Based on this message, we advise all PHR partizans within QI and ED to go dark and consider exfiltration.

    6. Situation Report: The Fascist Element's de facto leader has become paranoid and aggressive. He has begun to spread rumors about the identities of the PHR partizans among the hardcore remaining QI members. We have received unverified reports of disappearances and harassment of uninvolved QI line members and former members suspected of disloyalty. Your source remains embedded within Cell 3, and Cell 3 continues to supply information, albeit much more carefully than before. We will continue to monitor the situation as it develops and as opportunity allows.


    submitted by /u/FreedomFighter123450
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    Charity stream BR

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:11 AM PST

    Battle report for the charity stream raided by Papi and Imperium forces, dank leaks below might get me commissared but #worthit

    At 1:52am local time i received a ping on my phone, of the following:

    (3:48:49 AM) nukum_dukes@goonfleet.com: My friend is doing a 24 hour stream, she's on like hour 16, she's doing it to raise money for the Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals. She hasn't had more than 10 viewers at once so far today, and I thought if we could send out a ping to just hop on her stream for even a moment, it would brighten her 24 hours. I'm not asking anyone to donate any money, just to pop in and say hi. She's incredibly introverted and generally hates people but I think she'd get a laugh out of a bunch of poeple busting in at once to say hello.
    (3:49:15 AM) nukum_dukes@goonfleet.com: I had no idea who to contact about this so I apologize if you're the wrong person to talk to.
    (3:49:21 AM) asher_elias@goonfleet.com: it's up right now?

    (3:49:24 AM) nukum_dukes@goonfleet.com: yep
    (3:49:28 AM) asher_elias@goonfleet.com: ok give me link
    (3:49:41 AM) nukum_dukes@goonfleet.com: https://www.twitch.tv/ithillien
    She has 7 viewers right now, you know what to do goonie goons
    ~ This was a broadcast from asher_elias to opt-all at 2020-11-08 08:52:18.665894 EVE ~~~

    I logged on to stream after arriving home, at a number of 320 users watching. This was amazing.
    After many minutes of watching donations climb, $10 here $20 there, $100 from myself and a few others, a chad from NC. dropped supers on our donations to the tune of $500. What a fucking Chad.

    After many many requests, the streamer played, the battle song of goons. Little bees.

    Then, it was pinged again

    (2:51:40 AM) directorbot: Always follow orders little bee https://www.twitch.tv/ithillien

    ~~~ This was a broadcast from asher_elias to opt-all at 2020-11-08 09:51:46.736786 EVE ~~~

    At the time of this post, the donations totaled $3,109 i love this fucking community

    submitted by /u/anatomie22
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    Wtf is going on in delve with the goons retreating?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:36 PM PST

    I just read something about goons are retreating from 1DQ to somewhere else, is that true?
    Are they abandoning their home system?

    submitted by /u/auge2
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    Played on and off for 15 years, worth coming back?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:11 PM PST


    Last time I touched the game was over 6 years ago during the Halloween war. From my understanding since then the game has went through massive changes unlike any others, introduction of free to play, and meddling to the point of killing the game with some all time low numbers back in 2019.

    How is the game nowadays in comparison? The last thing I remember is the fashion fiasco with station walking and monocles costing something like a hundred USD in funny premium money. Is it still the pvp sandbox that I remember, or have they added even more themepark pve elements to it? Is the balance still a supercapital mess? Have there been any major conflicts to participate in or is nullsec still a blue donut? I recently received an email stating I'll get several million skill points just for resubbing, should I be aware of any damage the free to play model has introduced to Eve?

    submitted by /u/deepdarkfantasydm
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    Next steps in EVE, looking for advice and corporation

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:58 PM PST

    I've been an off-and-on solo player since 2011, usually off. I got into the game with intentions to follow in the footsteps of Confessions and WingSpan as a solo stealth bomber. My work season is over for the year and since we're all hiding under rocks anyways I figure it's time to get back into it. This time I have some specific goals in mind:

    • Learning to fly the stealth bomber (hopefully Bomber's Bar can show me the ropes)
    • Explore wormhole space
    • Move out of Hi-sec to Uphallant, Gurista territory, or an accessible wormhole
    • Run burner missions
    • Find a corporation

    While I still enjoy the solo experience I'm feeling a little limited as a frigate pilot. While I could always skill up more for larger ships I'd prefer to expand my target profile by adding some friends to the mix and honestly I need some vets to show me advanced piloting.

    What I'm looking for in a corp:

    • Located in Placid, Gurista territory, or WH space
    • I prefer smaller more active groups, I play long hours
    • Adult, relaxed, intelligent community
    • It's stupid I know, but a good name helps a lot

    What I'm not looking for:

    • Nothing too rigid, I'm looking to expand my range of play not limit it
    • Megacorps, I've run and run in large companies in other games and there's a direct relationship between stress and scale
    • Bigotry, bullshit, or Jesus

    What I bring to the table:

    • Self sufficient, 23 mil SP frigate pilot, basic combat and scanning knowledge
    • I don't rub many people wrong and don't mind the grind in good company
    submitted by /u/dowesva
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    The real Delve is out there

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:34 PM PST

    I see your “Elf on the shelf” and raise you a “Hel on the shelf.”

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:30 PM PST

    Trig Wormhole Tracking (K-Space Perspective)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:14 AM PST

    So I'm trying to find better ways to track where wormholes might be spawning in K-Space, without the need of filaments.

    I fly for the republic (faction) and thats the region (Metropolis / Heimatar / Derilik / Molden Heath) ending up in high sec of enemy territory isn't good for my health :)

    Anyway, I use zkillboard to track when/if a player has been killed by Triglavian in K-Space, because in theory, unless its a minor victory site there shouldn't be wandering Tri anywhere in K-Space.


    After that, I go to the system and scan for the wormhole and its usually there (obviously based on the time stamp)


    From there, I've found other systems and I set up a bit of a patrol route. I use a covert ops ship to scan for trig ships (because theoretically (According to CCP) the WH's should show up near / around systems that are a part of the 27.

    If I can track ship kills (like trig killing edencom ships) I could have sure fire way of tracking these wormholes without filaments.

    From just one of these sites, I've made about 250+ ish mill in assets (maybe more but the filaments havent settled in price market wise imo they will go down the better accessible they are) so its a lucrative activity to find these sites and clear them (its more waves than an emerging conduit, and there are scraming trigs)


    This may be common knowledge to others, but it wasn't to me and I couldn't really find clear answers on how to find trig WH's easily which is good for me! I love mystery and figuring things out.

    Right now, besides defending republic space, I'm trying to observe trig and edencom forces inside and outside the wormhole, if anyone else has any advice or even wants to help! Please let me know!

    Fly safe, and defend your space!

    submitted by /u/StreetMinista
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    Did you know o7 was invented in EvE?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:12 AM PST

    It was originally intended to be a o/ but because / is on the same place on a keyboard as a 7 but with a shift, o7 appeared by accident one day.

    submitted by /u/keridwen
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