• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Eve Online Merkelchen speaks the truth to CCP in epic rant about 'The Famine Expansion'

    Eve Online Merkelchen speaks the truth to CCP in epic rant about 'The Famine Expansion'

    Merkelchen speaks the truth to CCP in epic rant about 'The Famine Expansion'

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:30 PM PST

    FRT has problems with bots again

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Double your isk be like:

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:56 PM PST

    PSA: If you spin your ship more than a few times in station, a little counter appears

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:32 PM PST

    It's 4:29AM and I can't sleep, I've just discovered that if you spin your ship a few times while in station, a little counter appears at the bottom


    submitted by /u/BOOPFREN
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    Can’t wait to log in my super and make some isk. Wait what?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:37 PM PST

    Modifier below 80%. Incursion in constellation. Two wormholes in system. On chat is fucked too. Grind some anoms in subcap? Oh, drone nerfs. Fuck this. Think I'll go dig a fucking hole in my back yard instead.

    submitted by /u/wing-wong
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    Riot “Pickle” Rick kicks WEF out of SLYCE... for leaving.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:34 PM PST

    A Different Take on "Scarcity".

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:25 PM PST

    While I don't wear a suit and tie or go in for 50 dollar haircuts much anymore, I have worked in finance a lot, and I've been playing EvE a long long time. I have a little different take on this age of "scarcity" that we're entering.

    You're going to have to get used to being able to afford less, and put in more effort to get it. That's just the hard truth. It used to be that way. Losing a fleet fit Megathron hurt like a motherfucker. Losing a fleet of them could cause a corp to go broke. Pirate faction BS weren't throw-aways, and you didn't need a Super Carrier to feel middle class.

    People who look like they belong at AIPAC throwing around words like "stagflation" are pretty funny. Stagflation is what we had under Jimmy Carter, and it tends to be a right-wing buzzword to this day, but the causes that gave rise to stagflation were complex, and not particularly reproducible in a game. Interest rates pushed 20%. There was a labor glut. The baby boom was coming into its prime earning years. Too many people wanting a Audi 5000 and a condo and designer jeans at the same time.

    Here's what's actually going on. It's too easy, right now, to buy what you want in the game, and plex your account and play for free too. It's especially too easy to plex a dozen accounts and play a dozen accounts for free because you can multi-box in a low effort way. CCP and their new bosses at PA see this. They're going to make it harder.

    For them, it's just an optimization problem. How do they optimize the amount of money being paid by players. How do they become less dependent on a shrinking pool of "whales" to keep the whole thing afloat? Someone at CCP or PA made a Powerpoint presentation and convinced their bosses that this is the way. They made a strong enough case that all things considered, these changes will be revenue positive. Whether they are right or wrong won't be known for a while until all this shakes out.

    For you, as a player, the effect will be straightforward. You're going to earn less, and you're going to be able to afford less, and it'll be harder for you to plex your account at the end of the month. It'll take more effort. A lot fewer people will be able to afford caps, super-caps, titans, and blingy ships in general. When they're lost they'll be harder to replace. They're trying to roll the game back a decade or so in terms of what people can afford. That reset of expectations will be painful for some. A new guy starting out a year from now won't know the difference. He won't have experienced the bubble, or it bursting.

    Anyhow, that's my take, for what it's worth.

    submitted by /u/MarcusMurphy
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    Goons out of isk. Resorting to frigs and destroyers to kill structures

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:01 PM PST

    Cruiser's Crew Decisions

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:14 PM PST

    PSA: Ratting Supers Can't Take the ESS Gate.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:51 AM PST

    local is broken again #231

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    local not loading at all for new logins, shows same ppl as previous system if you jump to another. just broken everywhere.

    submitted by /u/jamiew0w
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    Thank You Everyone !

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:48 AM PST

    My names Giedre and I would like to sincerely thank everyone in the beautiful and lovely eve community for everything.

    I started playing a couple of years back and within a month I was converted into a hardcore autistic T-Rex inflated dinosaur in his shit-fit Merlin among Leshaks. I came to met some of the kindest people and very excellent teachers & mentors. People who were kind and gave me free stuff without expecting anything in return .

    I came to meet people from a diverse variety of professions ,qualities and nationalities . I am still amazed at the depth of eve. All these years have been an invaluable life long learning experience for me . From harvesting high sec carebear tears to making my first ISK by station trading in Dodixie .

    Eve kept me engaged while my life hit rock bottom. Eve & its community kept me from committing suicide. From self-harm and overdosing myself. The eve community was there for me at all times .It provided a platform for me where I could be anything I wanted to. I came to meet my bestie-forever in eve.

    I came to know a lot. Invaluable life skills and lessons. And also perfecting my foreign languages. I had a lot of fun flying with the NPSI community and small low-sec pvp groups. I am thankful for the mentor-ship I received. Eve pushed me to do more than what I was capable of.

    I am forever indebted to all of you and thank you , thank you very much for everything and making this game so wonderful . For the thrill of PvP , the creativeness in scams ; to those FCs who lead us newbies into our first battle , the LogiBros who kept us alive and every other person who made the game what it is .

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Giedre_TraLaLa
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    What happens if two players are fighting when the server shuts down?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:32 PM PST

    What happens if two players are fighting when the server shuts down?

    submitted by /u/Ok-Brilliant-1737
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    what should be my plan for Eve?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:41 PM PST

    im a new player, and i'm starting to like this game

    my goal is the usual goal, like build up currency, acquire valuable things, and pvp and stuff

    i've been told that i should just do the career missions to start, so i'm doing that

    i got 1.6 million isk (no idea how much it is) and i'm just trying to gain currency for now

    what should be my plan? i'm really interested in the pvp in this game, i want to get ships so i can see what the social community experience in this game is like, because so far i've only seen PVE

    the details i can learn along the way, which sounds fun, but can someone give me some simple advice on what steps i should take as i go?

    submitted by /u/trip-god
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    CCPlease... two quality of life improvements for FAX and Supercapital owners

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:55 AM PST

    I kindly and graciously request two minor changes that will make a satisfying difference;

    1) Please zoom out the camera in stations when a FAX is selected to allow more visually appealing ship spinning
    2) For the love of all things holy, allow spinning of docked supercaps rather than the annoying up/down wibble wibble we currently have

    These two changes will allow these rarely undocked ships to be enjoyed (in station) in all their glory. I thank you.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Mibbles
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    Made a guide on LP to ISK for Missions

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:28 AM PST


    When I started out with missions LP and getting the most out of missions felt very unintuitive. I explain it here in a clear cut manner, hope it helps for you newbros! https://youtu.be/oY4EeCrRl1o

    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    Change DBS to keep ESS (and nullsec systems) alive

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:16 PM PST

    ESS is the best thing in a long time, don't kill it with DBS

    However, it won't last as in ~1 week pretty much every system is starting to see a sharp drop in DBS modifiers.

    Problem statement

    People are fleeing out of systems with low DBS because the rats no longer hold any value. This leads to nobody coming to steal the ESS in these systems, which in turn means no fights in these systems.

    End state: only systems where you don't really want to rat in, think staging and the likes will have positive DBS. Or systems systems that see the occasional fleet fight.

    Dead end systems will become truly and utterly dead spaces, low DBS = no ratters = no ESS thieves = no ganking the ratters. Dead end systems in null will end up being PI & industry-only systems.

    Proposed Changes to DBS

    Dynamic Bounty System modifies the amount you get paid out versus how much goes into the reserve bank.

    Proposed numbers are below:

    • DBS is a value between 30% <--> 160%

    • Your payout per tick = 70% - (100% - DBS%) / 2

    • Main bank value = 30% + MAX(0%, 100% - DBS%) / 2

    To give a few examples, these would be the values you get with the following

    • DBS @ 100% = You get paid out 70% every tick and 30% goes into the main bank, totaling 100%
    • DBS @ 30% = You get paid out 35% every tick and 65% goes into the main bank, totaling 100%
    • DBS @ 160% = You get paid out 100% every tick and 30% goes into the main bank, totaling 130%


    This prevents the aforementioned creation of dead systems where nobody wants to be in because the DBS is too low.

    It creates opportunity equally for the defender and for the attacker:

    • If you rat too much into a system and the DBS lowers, this just means more money goes into the ESS, giving a greater reason for enemies to come and steal your ESS money --> content
    • Dead end systems gain value again as you can now set up a gatecamp at the entrance system of the pipe, enemies can come and break it up to get the fat payout in the pipe --> content
    • Non-capital ships actually have a reason to rat into systems with a high DBS ==> instant gratification & total higher payout if you defend the money --> reward for providing content
    • If you never defend your systems, you'll just make the pirates rich, gotta learn how to defend your space --> content

    ESS is great content, and like this post says, don't kill everything that feeds money & content into the ESS, give ratters a reason to rat and give pirates a reason to pirate. You end up with free content

    My two cents about ESS content which I truly enjoy but fear won't last very long because DBS, which is aimed at killing botters will end up killing ESS (and many systems in the process).

    submitted by /u/Hoder_
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    Uncle Rickie Angry

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Pretty green %

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:06 PM PST

    For the first time since starting my one man corp (1 Yr and x months ago) I finally have more kills than losses. The founder of this corp still needs about 20 kills to get over the hump.

    I demand a Rubber Cookie with Gold Star!

    submitted by /u/mangler5150
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    FC Chat #52 - TheLastSparton & Melinda I

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Found can with 78bil, shot can.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:29 PM PST

    How to make the most of Omega?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:26 AM PST

    Hi, I've been playing this game for a long time, without any specific goal in mind or any achievements though. I've been thinking about getting first ever omega month, but I'm mostly focusing on mining and selling stuff. Is it actually worth it to get one month, or in this branch of game (miners) it's not really possible to profit of just one month? Thanks in advance for an answer or any tips regarding the subject :) o7

    submitted by /u/Edge588
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