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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    Eve Online Unannounced Eve Shooter Information

    Eve Online Unannounced Eve Shooter Information

    Unannounced Eve Shooter Information

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:31 AM PST

    So, drunk, bord, and missing dust 514 I was looking at some CCP london job listings (they are handling the unannounced FPS game) , seeing if I could find some information. And low and behold, they may have leaked some information on their new shooter.
    Some quotes of interest are

    Contractor - Senior Balancing Designer

    Your tasks:

    Create and manage game systems such as balance, progression, itemization, crafting, matchmaking, and social systems

    Champion major design initiatives for combat, abilities, enemies, progression, and economy systems and content from concept to shippable quality

    Already shipped either a freetoplay or an MMO

    Under lead engineer we see somthing interesting as well.


    I am actually interested in this new shooter.

    Crafting, itemisation, player economy's and possible procedural generationed anything sounds....suprisingly good. I wonder what they actually have in store.

    submitted by /u/Yolo-Swagens
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    [VIDEO] GOONSWARM - The Revenant

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Ok, which one of you is turning down snuggles to spend time with us fucks.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:14 AM PST

    The Gate to 1DQ1-A

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:23 AM PST

    1DQ1-A Stargate

    A month old newbie, I decided to pay a visit to the legendary system of 1DQ1-A where WWB2 is in full swing. I bought a shuttle and set forth from my home in Catch... only to get blown up every time I left Brave space.

    Eventually I looped all the way through high-sec, narrowly escaped gate-camps, and warped between planets and gates for a very long time. Eventually, I reached my destination - T5ZI-S, beyond which was the Goonswarm stronghold.

    The sight was awe-inspiring - a couple of hundred ships of all kinds whizzing around me, blue, red and green alike. Citadels littered the system. This was the Final Frontier.

    I docked up at a friendly citadel, and decided to look at the gate in my pod. I set my shaders to medium (at which point my potato PC began dropping frames to 5 FPS) and took this beautiful screenshot. And then I was promptly blown up by a friendly goon. Thanks goon!

    But I got what I wanted. A sight of what makes EVE, well, EVE. The coalitions facing off like a scene in a sci-fi thriller, and I was a part of that scene... well at least until I got popped, but the feeling was brilliant. I raise a toast to all capsuleers, Imperium and PAPI alike, for making this game what it is today.

    Once I'm all skilled up, and have a bit more ISK, I'll make the journey there once more, but not in a shuttle - next time I'll be ready for a fight. 7o

    submitted by /u/praetor29
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    A newbro's view on EVE and WWB2.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:08 PM PST

    Well. It's been one hell of a half year on EVE... I've learned a lot and I'm honestly learning so much more every day. I started getting on the grind for real once I saw what was going on with the war effort back in June when it first started. Watching RonUSMC's stream on the first day of the war really got me into it. Since then I've moved all the way from Highsec into the deepest depths of Nullsec to join up. I've flown with people that have an infinitely larger amount of knowledge compared to me, I've been blown up more times than I can count and I STILL. Can't fly interceptors.... much to the chagrin of the people I hope that consider me friends. Because I certainly consider them Mine.. TALKIN ABOUT YOU JEB, VENTRA, TRUE, DRAN, I LOVE YA'LL. If ya'll see this. Being part of Dreddit and TEST has really opened my eyes to what EVE Online can really be. It's amazing, scary, beautiful, and ugly. But you look past that. Like the other day, I took a Thrasher out and just sat in a system, flying to different moons and stars, simply viewing the different aesthetics of the systems. Watching the different structures we've bashed explode into a cascade of sparks and fire. My little Goose trying to catch up to the fleet so I didn't get left behind. The FC's excitement of the job well done. I love it. Every time I pop into a voice channel I'm greeted warmly and asked if I need anything. These people have dealt with the abundance of questions I have. About Jumpclones, fits, pvp, getting my stuff off my wrecks (bad idea) Salvaging.. I love this place. And can't wait to see what's ahead of me. The Galaxy is a big place. And I want to see all of it!


    submitted by /u/articorc7
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    Is anyone else sick of constantly being advertised to?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    look at this

    fucking seriously? "get isk rich in eve"? just double my subscription fee and leave me the fuck alone. if ccp said "we're removing microtransactions, but we need more money or the game will shut down, please select a subscription fee that you're willing to pay monthly" i'd pay $100 a month

    every single multiplayer game i get into and really like is constantly trying to grab at my fucking wallet and over time it just slowly chips away at what i think about the game

    please stop :(

    submitted by /u/Chester-McChesterton
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    Would Attack Battleships be such a terrible idea?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:10 PM PST

    some guy is currently getting the people's elbow in terms of downvotes for suggesting that battleships that could fit XL weapons would be cool.

    I've thought for a while that an "Attack Battleship" (essentially an up-sized attack battlecruiser) would be an interesting concept. A current problem in lowsec PvP or mid scale PvP in general is that HAW dreads are in many cases a proposition without an answer. You form battleship fleets to fight subcaps but if someone has one or two HAW dreads available your only course of action is effectively to run away.

    The answer to HAW dreads is dreads with anti-capital weapons, or a full reship into bombers, which doesn't solve the problem at all because you've been removed from the grid.

    For corps without players with high enough SP to fly dreads, it's effectively an "I win" button, which is probably not great, although I'm sure it feels fantastic for the dread pilot.


    Offers a solution to the "battleship ball w/ FAX vs battleship ball w/FAX" stalemate that requires a dread escalation to break

    Offers an answer to HAW dreads as a catch-all in lowsec PvP

    More shiny ships would be in the game


    HAW attack battleships could be absolute cancer if the balance is not correct. This may be aleviated by giving them a terrible resist profile.

    I'd love some discussion on this idea in terms of points I missed//what you think about it

    submitted by /u/Legolas170
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    Black Friday Deals in Tenerifis!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:02 PM PST

    In the waning hours of a plague-stricken holiday, BIG Jon "NERDS" Fletcher pinged a rageroll. As the ikis assembled, he announced with characteristic loquacity, "If we don't find ourselves a blockbuster holiday deal tonight, we're going to start looting small businesses, just like I was all summer in those protests."

    After a few holes, Ace tackle Dracos "FC Permission to" Rhaghar spotted a Nyx and began to channel his inner auctioneer for a trademarked moment-by-moment commentary of the probing process. As BIG Jon "Greenpeace" Fletcher kindly asked him to channel his inner monk and shut the fuck up, the aforementioned tackle pilot proceeded to suffer nobly in silence.

    As he dropped fleet, invited the Nyx.

    As he watched the Nyx turn purple.

    As he silenced the blood pressure alarms on his experimental government-provided penis enlargement machine.

    As he fleetwarped to the sun, watched the Nyx gain speed, and silenced fire alarms from his hair catching fire.

    Finally, Dracos interrupts his own stutter: "FC permissio--NYX IN WARP TO THE SUN."

    The Black Friday rush was then on. BIG Jon "Is this slave labor?" Fletcher waded bravely through the crossfire on comms to lead the charge a marathon 2 jumps away from the sns (wormholer btw) where tackle was already busy bubbling the Nyx and boarding the free Nestor he threw in to sweeten the deal. Ikis landed, began to spool.

    Shortly thereafter, a certain unnamed Bhaalerina uttered with his characteristic suave aplomb, "You are not going to believe this fit." Several fleet members, already engorged at the sight of the untanked Nyx's shields blushing harder than a teenage Matterall when he smells Noraus' signature cologne, "010010101101", lost control and had to suggest on comms their meme fleet concepts that would be working better, somehow. (If we had a chain. Or enough pilots. And the Nyx was in a Magnetar.) BIG Jon "(chunky coughing)" Fletcher kept control, and ordered a full overheat.

    With background Christmas music jingling merrily over Jon's priority speaker, the Nyx exploded, and the fleet soon saw what that ever-humble Bhaalgorn-virtuoso had meant. This was the holiday deal of the decade. The sort of deal with the Russians the Arch POSgrabber had always promised. But of course, disgruntled ghost author of "The Art of the Deal," BIG Jon "I'm dead" Fletcher already knew that.

    DSTs landed, and sperg was kept to a minimum as we began the epic trek, TWO MORE JUMPS back to the sns. (I mean, honestly. Should have stuck to instanced pvp...) Electrified by the sheer DEALS they had just gotten, fleet managed for almost no pingwarriors to go afk due to lack of content while en route home.

    With all loot safely accounted for in corp hangar, King "Suleiman the lootpolicygiver" Creator can now finally buy that Business-class ticket home from his protracted invasion of the Dardanelles.



    OFOC is recruiting. For 2 more hours.

    submitted by /u/Arde-
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    Youtube understands EVE...

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:52 AM PST

    I am thankful for this sub

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:46 AM PST

    I ain't played this damn game in 5 years, but this sub is such a reliable source of laughs. I'm kicking back with a glass of wine, reading about some Rev pilot that got chaosdunked on their own keepstar- the exact same shit I'd have read and laughed about in 2015. This sub is truly a timeless gem. Thank you all for never changing, stay healthy out there, and keep delivering blood for the blood god you fucking maniacs. 7o

    submitted by /u/Ulthanon
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    This is a story I'm very keen to learn more about

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:06 PM PST

    Emotes Added to EVE Online, Conversation Dies

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Weekly reminder that CCP still has not fixed nullsec asteroid belts.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:45 AM PST

    As mentioned last week (sorry for the delay RL got busy) I will continue to remind you the good citizens of New Eden about the gross failure of Team Ecosystem to resolve the broken mechanics they created with the changes made 34 days ago with the release of the latest ressource redistribution patch.

    According to anonymous sources CCP thinks this issue does not affect enough players to warrant a resolution….. Imagine caring that little about your player base.

    A link to the previous two posts, in order is below.

    1st post https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/jqus05/asteroid_belts_or_how_ccp_broke_3_things_with_a/

    2nd post https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/jwaro6/day_27_of_no_ore_in_asteroid_belts_in_the_south/

    Have a nice day, and see you next week (unless CCP resolves the issue) (X doubt)

    submitted by /u/Choridon
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    New EVE ad series focused more on player sentiment and in game graphics: Exploration

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Funny desc of one russian pilot

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Name of Character:Asuka's Nightmare

    Post in corp:"Unskilled. Won in a battle against against Legion of xXDeathXx. Lost half of SP. Lost Garmur because he went down on Chinese cyno-freighter LIKE RETARD. Was AFK for half of a year. This fool accepted scam-contract in Jita for 500M. If you see this pilot in the system, you should know: he is too stupid to hurt you. Absolute 0 skill degenerate flying on ceptor. And also a damn whiner."


    submitted by /u/Alaviton
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    EvE Online | TIKLE Dreads Go To Valhalla [1080p60 HD Video]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:05 AM PST

    A Vindicator slides silently into shadow

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    What is this thing?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:36 PM PST

    F's in chat for Levi Gorac.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Linked fittings not showing entire cargo hold

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:28 PM PST

    Just like Drugs, I believe Exotic Dancers should be included in linked fittings as they are essential to combat morale.

    CCPls fix.

    submitted by /u/Xall1996
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:44 AM PST

    CCP decides to release the new trig rookie ship .


    As all trigalvian ship got their name according to the slavic mythology .
    I'm proud to announce the Lada !

    submitted by /u/pouskit
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    Turboblinging t1 cruisers for T5 abyss

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:38 AM PST


    Been doing a little series recently by blinging a t1 cruisers to the max and put it through the gauntlet of the abyss. Was pretty fun seeing if a puny Omen could take on a T5 😂 https://youtu.be/9vfqyAI_G-o

    submitted by /u/aceyfaceyy
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    NPC Mining fleets

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:23 PM PST

    I just came back after many years and I created a brand new alt to work my way up and relearn.

    something i learned about were these stupid NPC mining fleets (Seriously? fuck you CCP) after i noticed two of them had stripped a system in Verge Vendor barren (while i'm doing the industry tutorial missions).

    People are talking about games to solo them, but I have three accounts - if I start playing seriously again i'll undoubtly want to blow up these annoying NPCs. What would be the best inexpensive combo of ships to destroy them with impunity?

    submitted by /u/Kazan
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