• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Eve Online shitty meme i made in paint

    Eve Online shitty meme i made in paint

    shitty meme i made in paint

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:53 PM PST

    Drone Aggro Update

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:26 AM PST


    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Uh oh, someone did an oopsie whoopsie with a clone bay in Y-2. Poor Meatshield INIT :(

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Y'all liked my Prospect meme, so here is my SOE advertisement from a few years ago

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Goons give Init the shaft.... Again.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Corporation the Dysfunctionals left goonswarm today. Taking with it a nice pool of active pvp pilots. Rumor being they were kicked for buying "suspicious numbers" of Supercaps.

    However The Dysfunctionals held the fortizar that INIT was evacing all their delve assets to in Y-2. This means upon the kick, all of init's assets now are held by a random mad corporation. A mad corporation that subsequently sold the fortizar to PL.

    Leading to comedy killmails already like the 9bil carrier we saw this morning.

    This also means that PAPI forces hold a fortizar to project power into fountain from and we are starting to see the mass unanchors of INIT structures in Fountain already upon the realization the Gobbins may get the second purge he so desires.

    submitted by /u/Vily_R
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    Upcoming Changes to Drone Aggression - "Aggressive" doesn't automatically target NPCs anymore

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:02 AM PST

    HighSec Mining In Eve

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:10 PM PST

    I'm sure I'm going to make mistakes or have incorrect information here, so please do correct me and I will update with corrections.

    We get a lot of new corp members that join up wanting to mine the asteroid belts for isk and glory. I'd like to share some basic information for aspiring miners.

    What ship do I mine in?
    If you're Alpha, Venture, and only Venture. If you're Omega, the easy answer is Procurer or Skiff. They are tanky mining ships and take a lot of effort to gank. Feel free to mine away in your Retriever or Coveter, but nobody is going to be surprised when you get ganked by CODE. The closer you are to Jita or trade hubs, the more likely you are to be ganked.

    What ore do I mine?
    In highsec, Plagioclase & Veldspar[1] are currently king. This is due to the ore redistribution and complete lack of tritanium in nullsec, where the majority of your sold ore will likely go. In lowsec, there aren't many options. The ore there isn't much more profitable than highsec, and you risk certain death. Currently lowsec belts also seem to be broken as many spawn empty. Don't mine in Nullsec if you are part of a highsec corp. You will explode.

    Where do I sell my ore?
    If you're in a highsec corp, they'll probably offer you a 'buyback' program at '90% Jita Buy'. Depending on where you are, this is probably not a good idea. That comes with disclaimers. Selling back to your corp helps your corp, not you. They can take the bulk of buyback orders and sell them at a profit every week. That isk should be going towards corp functions and operations, like SRP. If you want straight profit, compress your ore and haul it to Jita, Dodixie, Hek, Amarr, whichever trade hub is close for you. Jita preferred.

    Orca Boosts
    Mining with a boosting Orca can add a lot to your convenience, and isk per hour. Be appreciative. Don't be a dick to your Orca pilot or get bitchy when he doesn't want to come boost you. I see a lot of brand new miners beeline the skill tree from venture to Orca. This is a bad idea. Orca's mine at about half the rate of a tanked Skiff. Orca's flown with shit skills are worse.

    If your corporation has an Athanor or Tatara citadel, you should be dropping your ore there. You can warp to 0 on the citadel, right click it, and select 'Open Cargo Deposit'. Now drag your ore into there and click Transfer. You just unloaded ore without having to dock/undock.

    After you are done mining, compress your ore. It will be ~1/10th the volume and a whole lot easier to transport to Jita or to wherever you are using it to manufacture. Most refineries should offer a compression service. While in station with your ore, select it, right click, and select 'Compress'.

    Compressed ore also sells for a much higher price, as it is easier to transport.

    Isk-per-hour with mining sucks. It's one of the least profitable things you can do in Eve. Accept that. People are probably going to tell you that you're playing Eve wrong. You should run abyssals, you should rat in wormholes, you should, you should, you should. Fuck them. If you enjoy mining, do it. Eve needs miners for production to thrive. Maybe you don't want to grind standing or stare at spreadsheets for hours. Blaze up, turn on the Netflix, and hoover some rocks if it makes you happy.

    Finally, Finally
    If you don't agree with anything here and want to fly your own way with your own ideas go for it. Eve is a game and if you're having fun, you're doing something right. Don't listen to other people when they try to tell you you're having fun the wrong way. * Unless you're in a fleet and flouting doctrine with those that are depending on you.

    [1] Added Plagioclase as it is currently selling higher than velds, thanks /u/coelomate

    submitted by /u/fievelm
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    Templis CALSF AT AAR

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Templis CALSF AT AAR

    By Deyze

    What an AT. First practice was August 2nd against Rote. We started recording our practices on August 27th. We got the rules and started flinging comps everywhere. Things started to be nowhere near the year before. I personally did not fly in AT 16 after the brutal way Exodus got kicked out of AT 15 when I was co-captain. Due to the state of the world, I found myself with a ton of time on my hands so let's get to work. We fell into an armor brawl/disruption meta fairly quickly. This was beat by ECM, which was beat by rush, which was beat by projection, which was beat by disruption. A couple comps break this meta circle but not many(PTSD Paladins/Loki Ham rush/Barghests). Tuskers and Rote were our main practice partners.

    Practice results:

    77-48 vs Tuskers

    54-25 vs Rote

    26-5 vs Dock workers

    14-4 vs Lazerhawks

    14-2 vs Weekend

    10-0 vs Waffles

    6-0 vs Test

    5-0 vs WHSOC

    4-0 vs Wangs

    3-0 vs RDRAW

    Results from everything we have recorded on our end. Subject to change and this is from our PoV only.

    Weekend 1:

    Something is going on with lokis, we beat them 2 months ago from rote but they used them more in a kiting role and they tried killing deacons while being GDed to nothing and getting hit by vindicators. Need to look at them after our match. Wildcards everywhere.

    Match 1 vs SLYCE:

    We were 99% convinced we are getting wildcarded, an Etana no less. We are running PTSD Paladins. They don't know about paladins was the gamble we took. We know the Etana is not what it used to be. Resist nerfs hurt the T2 logi cruiser the most in this tournament and the Etana is now a piece of shit. We plan on banning out good Etana ships+Curse. We took it slow to make sure no shenanigans were going to happen. We have multiple xxxxxxxxxxx on everything and they brought xxxxxxxxx Widows???? OK. Apply your neuts and damage to whatever is jamming you, the Etana will die or run out of cap soon. GG

    Match 2 vs NOVAC:

    Uh oh, these Loki's are insane. Do we have an answer? No we have to ban it. OK. We planned to fight a Malice comp. Malice are easily controlled and we had specific modules on specific ships to counter them. Instead we got Jebaited into a projection comp vs disruption. We need to turn into a rush comp now and kill the disruption. Sparton calls primary on the Crucifiers so we can apply to the deacons. We manage all this BEFORE losing the huginn which made the match possible. We were baited hard on the dual plate pilgrim but the tank on the SNIs were just too huge for them to beat.

    After sundays win vs NOVAC we had an emergency practice vs Tuskers. This is where the silliness of the HAM Loki rush came out. We also tried out a xxxxxxxxxxx comp that went extremely well. Tuesday night practice vs Dock Workers and we fine tuned the Loki Ham rush some more. Thursday Practice against Tuskers again and it was refined even more. One more internal test Friday night and it was time to surprise Rote with this monster of a comp.

    Match 3 vs Rote:

    We had the best of Rote in practice but they are the xxxxxxx masters. These guys will beat anyone in xxxxxxxxx if you leave it open. They are also notorious xxxxxxx users and their best Malice comps have>! xxxxxxxxxx!<. Since we were the last match of the day, we saw all these lokis everywhere and thought the ruse was over. We get to bans and Rote did not ban the Loki, game on. When ships landed, we knew it was over.

    Match 4 vs Weekend:

    We wanted the mirror. We knew ours the superior, battle tested version is the best as well as the shot calling. We did the quick math on alphaing jackdaws and it was possible. This comp is dumb and I do not know why teams just left it open.

    Winners Final vs Tuskers:

    Match 1: Tuskers have a couple comps that we cannot beat. It flys nothing like what they flew the last weekend. Tuskers are also the best xxxxxx team. These guys abuse xxxxxx more than anything. Plan is to ban out those 3 things and take the Sleip/Loki Rush vs whatever they bring and then adapt to winning or losing. They ban out our best comps in return. We land and see Rail Vultures??? Plan is to kill Jackdaws so our Scalpels survive and we can win. The Lokis rush us?? So we pounce and kill them. Send svipuls after the 10mn Scalpels and send big things on the slow vulture. Ham Loki has too much DPS/EHP.

    Match 2: Same Bans, they need to answer to us. They leave PTSD Paladins up in favor of the Loki ban. In practice, we can't reliably kill that scimi because of the TDs and the amazing piloting by General. But we can alpha jackdaws! After the huginn goes down there was no panic because of the rep bot blob on our deacons, they cannot kill us. So we marched them down, shooting whatever came close.

    Finals vs Warlords:
    Match 1: Decision is made to get the Loki off over with so we can move on. We ban Leshak/Curse/Tengu. Lehsak/Curse because that is obviously their meta and the Tengu to give them an out in case they ban Loki. Pyfa does not translate to eve in this comp and we have no idea why people did not find this out. Kill the small things, save our scalpels and let our tank carry. GG

    Match 2: OK, these weird rules means that we lose the Loki Ham Rush, all good we can just ban it out. Still do not want to see them in a Leshak comp. Quick intel says they perma ban Curse as well. Leshak/Tengu/Loki/Nighthawk with the double. We expected ECM and wanted to Barghest. They ban Barghest with the extra ban. We do not want to show the end game xxxxxxx comp just yet.. Lets run the best disruption armor crawl we have, they do not have projection comps and just STACK xxxxxxxxxxxxx on everything. Land on grid and we need our Bhaalgorn on the Guardian or Rooks and then we can smash through a Sacrilege. Again pyfa says Sacrileges are good…………..Side note, I did not support the Sparton Maneuver at all and was quiet on comms almost the entire match.

    Match 3: Same bans, lets run the xxxxxx comp and knock them out now. Did they just leave Barghest up? We say our prayers to our practice partners that just stomped us in Barghests for two months and we bring it. They are in one of the most interesting comps we have ever seen. Kill the support wing, let the storm or hyena get to the rabi eventually and GG. All those rep bots means nothing to an EDENCOM ship.


    The team won this tournament. The theory crafting, Dew intel reports, Killa random comps that actually work and the constant feedback from pilots about what we were putting them in made the team successful. We also had a Sparton. They have been flying together so many years now and under Sparton that whatever he says, people commit. All they needed was some more theory crafting and they were set to go off. I was on the Exodus team for multiple AT runs and while Exodus might have had better pilots, Templis is a wayyy better team. The execution this team has and the near fanatical belief in Spartons FCing make the right target calling impossible to beat. We value our practice partners tremendously and I do not want to reveal anything from them that they do not want known publicly.

    Some Stats
    Total Recorded Practice Matches: 307

    Total Number of Comps: 173

    Total Number of Discord Messages "Brain Trust" Channel: 10,630

    submitted by /u/Deyze
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    [Wormhole] Fun little brawl with Band of Magnus ft. Hole Control

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:37 PM PST

    I need some friends and stuff

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:52 PM PST

    3 days into the spacefaring and the laser shooting, i know i like eve at this point

    It's just feeling kindof empty without anyone to chat with, or get help if I need

    Namely, I'm trying to kill Dagan right now and it's wiped the savings I had...

    So I'm mostly looking for a good corporation, pvp-focused preferably, friends, connections etc

    I'm Catherine Zeta-Ray Jones, if anyone would tolerate me in a corp/fleet lol

    submitted by /u/BenedictBadgersnatch
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    The Duality of Spin

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:39 AM PST

    ISD is recruiting again

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:48 PM PST

    Breaking the Camel's Back

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:32 AM PST

    bots in this moment

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:23 PM PST

    INIT and Frat will make babies... RIP Vily!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:42 PM PST

    Any youtube creators still active that make content similar to what Chance used to do with Wingspan TT?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:07 PM PST

    Problem Solved for afk ratting.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:24 AM PST

    YC122: CCP Combats "Pay to Win" Complaints With a "Pay to Lose" Series of Updates and Patches.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:49 PM PST

    Get out your credit card and HTFU.

    submitted by /u/Ratwerke_Actual
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    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    so,... whats your biggest fuck-up?

    I just lost nearly 4 billion (fees that you dont get back) because I tried to sell a bunch of Augmented Goblins for 4.6 billion per drone instead of 4.6 milguess trying to make some isk when you get home after a 13h train trip is one bad idea


    submitted by /u/Asmaron
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    What a ripoff!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:28 AM PST

    CCPls - Killmails should include repping and crowd control stats!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Is it any wonder logi is often underserved in battles when there is none of that sweet ego boosting data to back up how awesome you are? Where are the crowd control or shield repping leaderboards on zkillboard? Nowhere to be found of course, because CCP hasn't included it in killmail data. No more I say!

    If there is anything all you pewpew DPS chasers could do for your poor logi comrades, it is helping push features such as that at CCP!

    submitted by /u/strich
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    VOD of RnK live Stream

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST

    the VOD of the RnK live Stream from April is gone. Anyone know of a place where it is still available?


    submitted by /u/Capricamper
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