• Breaking News

    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Eve Online "Goons can't keep feeding fast enough"

    Eve Online "Goons can't keep feeding fast enough"

    "Goons can't keep feeding fast enough"

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:19 PM PST

    Can someone in PL please link the soundcloud of Hedliner rage when he hears about the Rev loss please? Thank you!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:22 PM PST

    Im so hyped for this.

    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    Goons go full Kobe

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:14 PM PST

    The example set for us in SUAD

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:58 PM PST

    when you plan your ops on their national holidays

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Titan + Revenant on keepstar undock

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:16 PM PST



    Don't left your supers undocked in tether lmao

    BR as bonus: https://br.evetools.org/br/5fc08bd0234fcb001a2b6913

    I̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶m̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶v̶e̶n̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶l̶e̶f̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶f̶u̶l̶l̶ ̶k̶a̶m̶i̶k̶a̶z̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶i̶t̶.

    The Right story, actually the revenant guy was atm popping goons ships, when a spy with a HIC just scrambled the revenant, after a goon dreadbomb appears, killing the revenant and a leviathan(as bonus) .

    The story about the leviathan, he just went to doom a goon dread thinking that their friends could help in time. https://zkillboard.com/kill/88880582/ . not very smart btw

    There is a imposter among us. 1 imposter remains https://zkillboard.com/character/2117706869/

    Good fight boys!

    No more edits anymore ™

    submitted by /u/GabesDark
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    PL Revenant down in tz5

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:14 PM PST


    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:49 PM PST

    Hey CCP. Stealing from ESSes isn't going to be viable if there's no money in them.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:15 AM PST

    Remove bounty % modifier (DBS). Recant the proposed drone aggro change. These things are garbage. Keep ESSes though, they're actually pretty great. Like easily top 5 change in the last few years - but only if you don't fuck up the environment they need to sustain themselves.

    All stick and no carrot makes Eve a dull game. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

    Thanks for coming to my DED Talk.

    submitted by /u/Ketriaava
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    When You Play Stupid Games

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:31 PM PST

    Came back after a long break and started a space trucking corp, here's how it's going

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:39 PM PST

    I came back after a two-year break away from EVE and soon realised that I had left myself completely space-poor, I had a Crane, and just enough liquid ISK to pay for a single fit, so I did what any normal person would do, and bought a PLEX to spank on setting up a space trucking corporation :D

    With my experience in EVE ranging from being an F1 monkey in a large null-sec alliance (I still love you, Brave!) to being an explorer/wormhole-rescuer-person in Signal Cartel, I had minimal knowledge and maximum confidence, a killer combination, which led me to my first "incident":


    Welp, still a bit rusty.

    A few successful deliveries later, I almost broke even and made up for my lost Crane, but then, tragedy struck twice, this time I was picking up an old asset I'd left behind on another character a long time ago:


    That'll teach me for trying to YOLO through Syndicate while watching Netflix :(

    Despite the early setbacks, overall it's been great so far! I went back and refreshed my memory, re-learned the best fits and things such as the MWD/Cloak trick, and my fortunes started turning, I've been getting a steady stream of contracts, recruited a few friends, and finally found something in EVE that I enjoy doing again, if any of you ever need anything hauled anywhere, then we'd be more than happy to help, and if you're interested in joining and want to help build up the corporation, then that would be cool too :D

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post!

    Solomon Kaldari - Allsides Neutral Logistics

    P.S. I like doing web development in my spare time, so I made a website - Allsides Neutral Logistics

    submitted by /u/BOOPFREN
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    Speaks for itself

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:52 AM PST

    CCPlease tell me this is just very badly-worded...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:17 AM PST

    [VIDEO] PAPI & Imperium Clash in E-VKJV | 1440p60

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    EVE Voice: the quest for lost software

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:26 PM PST

    So. I know the dreaded EVE Voice was canned but I feel like it died to early for its time. The fonts that CCP provided were really advance for voice modulation. With Vtubers and VR chat picking up in popularity it would benefit some people to have the option to sound like believable boys or girls. has anyone from CCP or the fan base kept the code? it would benefit the wider gaming community if it was still around.

    submitted by /u/DeathWish001
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:49 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I have been playing for a while now and have joined up a corp not so long ago and it was kind of Corp to help newbies understand the game. However, I am still confused on many aspects of the game. For example I wish to join an active corp but idk how to look for corps that wont screw me over. I also am looking for a corp that would fun and always doing different operation. Wither that's Exploration or rating or even PVP idc I wanna try it all. Any help?

    submitted by /u/Mutants12345
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    Final Moments of T5ZI-S Dreadbomb (PAPI View)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:27 AM PST

    State of Solo PVP these days?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:14 PM PST

    It has been around two years since I've actively played EVE though I've slightly kept up on the news. I was a longtime solo PVPer almost exclusively but the excessive bots and power of intel made it less fun over the years. I also saw a lot of my favorite content creators who would encourage me to go out and lose some ships every few nights leave EVE.

    How would you rate solo PVP these days? Any experiences apprecaited. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/svenviko
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    Genuine Corp Reviews - selecting a Corp.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:12 PM PST

    I'm new to a Eve (13 months in) but love the game. The most frustrating thing about Eve thus far though is that there doesn't seem to be a way to find out the 'reality' of a Corp or to be able to obtain player reviews of Corps. I'm fed up of being promised one thing by a Corp recruiter only to find out it's rubbish shortly after joining. I appreciate that Corps may be looking for pvp oriented players and not 'boring' care bear miners such as myself (no matter that I play daily) but why then actively recruit me? TIS raised this point today and they were correct to do so .... am I missing something is there a player review place for Corps? How do you find out how active a Corp is - we run mining fleets (yeah once a month .....) we bring new players on (if they have Discord and will fleet for pvp) we are a social Corp (for the handful that have been with us since inception but not the rest) .......

    submitted by /u/Fendertele1
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:40 AM PST

    Malediction beer coaster I made from a screenshot

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Rattlesnake skin gift for 30 day omega in store

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:00 PM PST

    I miss 1000 PLEX loot because of my idiot brain.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Today, I just undocked from Perimeter TT and look for Yellow containers as usual coz I became thief lately. Found a box, wrapped to in with my Tyra carrying 10 mil + Cargo(pretty much for newbie). Couldn't believe my eyes there is 1000 Plex in it. So my idiot brain tells me to go change to basic ship so if I get attacked so I don't lose too much. The main thing is the box is in dock range. I can just loot it and dock quick. I realized and I undocked immediately. Last thing I saw is an ibis looting and container disappeared. Not sure he's real owner or other lucky player. My brain is so dumb.

    submitted by /u/TobiMusk
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    What do you do to fuck with enemy corp's pve activities?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I'd like to take on a role in my corp as a 'ninja' that goes into enemy territoy with a small gang to perform hit and run tactics fo fuck up their logistics and what not. Do any of you have similar roles in your groups? What do you do? How do you do it, and flying what ships? What are your tricks and strategies?

    Edit: Obviously I'm a newbro with little skills as of yet.

    submitted by /u/Dr-Batista
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