• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    Eve Online In which we blow up an offline Test citadel - steal many billions of loot and ships - then use their own bombers to kill their Rorqual

    Eve Online In which we blow up an offline Test citadel - steal many billions of loot and ships - then use their own bombers to kill their Rorqual

    In which we blow up an offline Test citadel - steal many billions of loot and ships - then use their own bombers to kill their Rorqual

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:52 AM PST

    We came across a Test astrahus in 49-u that had gone abandoned. When citadels aren't fueled for seven days they go abandoned and everything inside spews as loot when it's killed. We spent about an hour killing it while a bunch of Legacy ships went by us on the gate but no force came to defend it.

    After it blew up it started a really epic loot spew with containers spawning for a long time after it died. We went to all the cans and ejected TONS of ships. It looked like a black ops focused citadel, we got so many bombers. Under 100 but easily over 50. Lots of assfrigs, multiple falcon, 3 stratios, a deadspace fit enforcer that was clearly someone's baby, and a few blockade runners to help steal their loot. Also millions of topes.

    Some pics of some of the loot:




    We took a ton of the ships and asset safetied them in system. Then we jumped in carriers and grabbed a bunch of bombers and there was still a lot of ships left on grid and someone had a great idea: bring the rifters.

    We pinged for a T1 frigate fleet and we guarded the ships floating in space while they burnt out. I felt like the parent at Halloween, "Make sure you leave enough ships for everyone!". When the Frigates got there they ejected from their rifters and took the enemy bombers. Then we tackled a Legacy rorq and used my fleet, a big executioner, and Test's own bombers to kill the rorq.

    One Goon stole an astero, used it to help kill the rorq, then stole a heretic and took it home to bubble an enemy dread and help kill it.

    One of the most fun nights in Eve I've had in the last three nights, thanks so much to everyone who made it happen.

    submitted by /u/Eve_Asher
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    BR: Ihub timer brawl in 5-CQDA

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:09 PM PST


    Having reffed Ihubs in the NJU-QV constellation 2 nights before, Imperium formed Cerbs and Bombers to contest the Ihub timer in early USTZ. To protect the Ihub, Test formed Eagles, Horde + Panfam Minors formed Eagles and a sizable newbie EWAR wing, and NC./PL later reinforced with a Muninn Fleet.

    After some initial jockeying for position, Horde was able to catch and blap Imperium entosis in 5-CQDA. Imperium warped to the 5-C gate in KEE and jumped in while Horde landed on the gate at zero on the 5-C side. The Imperium fleet decloaked and began to pull range after a number of people couldn't listen to instructions and broke cloak early. Both sides began shooting each other's logistics and boosters first, with Papi killing at a faster pace until the Cerb fleet was able to establish range control, at which points reps started holding on the Imperium side. Both sides would continuously reship and reinforce over the course of the next 40 minutes, with reinforcements warping in waves to their mainfleet when the opportunity presented.

    After losing a decent number of Vultures and Basilisks, Panfam decided to drop Faxes. However they were still unable to close to effective range of the cerb fleet and could only break reps on stragglers. After 30 minutes, Legacy deaggressed and left via the KEE gate while Panfam balled up around their Faxes to extract them. One Minokawa was left behind and killed by the Imperium fleet, bringing an end to one of the longer HAC fights of the war. While all this was going on, Panfam forces successfully saved the Ihub timer.

    A second fight over the T5Z Ihub timer was prevented due to Asher Elias eating some food that was too spicy and suffering a gastric failure. Both sides stood down after the T5Z Ihub was saved with no contest.

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    My wife bought this.. should i be worried??

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:26 PM PST

    PAPI Right Now

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:19 AM PST

    used a filament to lowsec for exploration, landed 1 system away from there evegate, it's so pretty

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:26 PM PST

    The Storey of a stranger’s Christmas Spirit,

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:13 PM PST

    So this all started when I decided I was tired of paying my accounts to log in and do nothing, I had lost the flare for Eve, my Corp was annoyed I did not log in anymore. I went AWOL for 3 months and this is a bad thing for a Corp CEO to do, but dam it I have not spent the last 10 years paying for a game I didn't intend on playing anymore so f*ck it lets try and get the flare back,

    I log in and decide enough is enough it's time for a change, recently contacted by one of my old friends who offered me something I was looking for, a reason to play this game again, I was going home to J space. Instantly I felt my desire to log in and play although the thought of selling off 3 years' worth of assets I had acquired not only as a player but also as a Corp was terrifying, but it had to be done. Selling off assets no longer needed then asset safety the rest, billions upon billions sold and what was deemed too cheap to sell off at delve prices was sent to asset safety, although nowhere near as much as that was sold. The take became gruelling but I powered through with the help of my directors and line members I trusted, then the task of informing the members this was the most terrifying part of all, I had chosen a very select few to offer the chance of new adventures to something some if not most had never done. These pilots had joined Chemikals in recent years and to them was the early days, but Chemikals was almost 10 years old and I was not going to give it up or let it flop not yet.

    With the backing of key players key members my friends we arranged a Corp meeting and begin with telling them all how proud I was of what they achieved what they had to done for the Corp. I then laid my cards on the table and told them how I felt, how I had lost the flare for EvE and even arranged for those who wanted to stay a new home so they could continue to fight for mother delve. For me the time had come I wanted to go home back to J space where I grew up in EvE the deed was done. Two weeks' notice I gave, and informed those coming with me to evac assets or sell them off. Two weeks came fast and then we were done, a New Adventure awaits Chemikals

    We wanted to form our own alliance and start from the ground up, my leadership team was the best, they had faith in my newfound love for EvE again. So one night I was sat thinking what shall i call the new Alliance, looked down at my screen and there it is "Xenta" staring me straight in the face, I shrugged my shoulders and thought why not. Alliance is named "Xenta"

    I was sat one night with the leadership team and we started googling "Xenta" to see what kind of moto we could use. After all this is a Game and they meant to be fun, then one of the guys comes across Xenta anyone who knows me knows I love to go get smashed and have a laugh when I finally get back on TeamSpeak / discord / mumble. so this fits perfect for me, I needed to have some I needed to know what "xenta" tastes like. The search to find a bottle was on, Countless Hours where spent searching online countless dodgy Russian websites where visited, not to mention the worse Ukraine websites. But with no joy no one would ship me a bottle to the UK. I was devastated but then I remembered the power of social media, I reached out on Facebook Eve online group


    Not thinking anything would come of it the following morning I was contacted, by fellow player based in Italy, I sent him the following message and was met with the following response


    I was sceptical did I just give my address to a complete stranger, am I going to get raided by the police for dodgy dealing, was this guy going to ship batch of heroin to my house and have me arrested, fuck it caution to the wind was thrown. It was worth the risk, I had to taste this Xenta now

    Couple of days later I get the following message


    I was giddy to say the least, but then doubt really set in, what the hell have I done, given my address to a stranger of the internet I met on facebook……. SH*T

    I continued the track the parcel


    So it was defiantly coming from Italy this was a good sign


    At this point I am bouncing with excitement its coming I did not care what it was at this point it was coming, then knock knock at my door. As I was working from home at the time, I ran down the stairs and it was UPS.

    Ran into the kitchen to open the box expecting to find rocks or something as they all know the rules never trust anyone on the internet…….

    But no this guy was true a true Santa with Christmas "SPIRIT" it had arrived, 70% 140 proof Xenta Absenta

    Its arrived

    I was so excited it had come but now I want to taste it. However, I have not tasted it yet for that I am saving it until Friday 18th December 2020, around 21:00 Eve time, and I would like to invite you all to come watch me live on discord / twitch. not sure which I will use yet to witness the opening and tasting of this drink shipped from Italy to the UK by a stranger on the internet who I had never spoken to before in my life, all for the sake of starting a new Alliance in an Internet Spaceships Game

    This is My Eve online Storey and how it brought two strangers together with Christmas Spirit, Come join me in celebrating this event join our Discord

    submitted by /u/ConsiderationCool507
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    Goons begin invasion of Papi staging, capital fight follows

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:31 AM PST


    Goons began the invasion of T5ZI, BR tells the rest of the story

    Happy birthday Madcows!

    submitted by /u/anatomie22
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    Newby question: is this some sort of bot farm?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:31 PM PST

    My final message

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Here I am, mining in a null sec belt because I'm a carebear alpha clone. A group of serpentis destroyers and a cruiser are rushing towards me. They only have ~8100 km to go at 200m/s and sometimes 1200m/s. I write this with my final several dozen thousand breaths. Goodbye guys, it's been great.

    submitted by /u/StealthSlav
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    The Oz Report -- New weekly market update -- Short 10-minute segment to help players profit from current events

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:56 PM PST

    The awesome battle last night

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:46 AM PST


    If you take out all the propaganda you see you'll find that this war is really just a bunch of people playing a stupid video game, and really enjoying it (somehow).

    Last night was probably the most exhausting battle I've been a part of during the war. Wave after wave of non-stop reinforcements from both sides. Both sides just feeding the meat grinder for 3 hours over some pixel-pretend-space-sovereignty. Deep in this blood bath, all I saw was the enduring will of a bunch of losers with nothing better to do with their Monday night.

    Although I miss doing the dumb stuff like mining and ratting without having a 50 man bomber fleet being dropped on me. I got to say being on the defensive side of a huge internet war is just fun experience of getting pixel-punched in the face and laughing about it saying "is that all ya got?".

    Eventually, my space aids clock reached a tipping point so I couldn't go on. I had to leave fleet so I don't even know if won the sov. All I know is this game is like nothing else out there.

    So keep it coming Brave, keep it coming Horde, keep this game exciting. And Test I guess you can join in too whenever you get around to it.

    submitted by /u/lastmanaliveithink
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    [BUG] High polling rate mice can cause massive frame drops

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Putting this out there so other folks don't tear their hair out trying to find a solution. Also for CCP folks, please have a look at EBR-212288

    I noticed after a recent patch that I was experiencing odd mouse stuttering/flickering, and severe framedrops when moving the mouse. After some research I discovered that when moving the mouse the EVE client was taking up 40-100% of the CPU core it was running on. Overall system performance wasn't significantly impacted, but I could drop my FPS to 0 just by moving the mouse continually.

    Some research netted me a temporary solution - if you have a High DPI mouse, you'll need to adjust your Polling rate ( not DPI). Pushing it down to whatever the lowest setting you can manage should alleviate this issue. For me that was 125hz from 1khz.

    It's unclear how bad this issue is impacting other users, but I was able to reliably reproduce on another machine, and two other players were able to reproduce high(er) cpu usage on a single core as well.

    submitted by /u/Lhowon
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    PAPI_LEAK.png 100% real LEAKS

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:50 AM PST

    The Wormhole Police - A Weekend of Wonderous Wrecks!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:53 PM PST

    I want T2 caps!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:27 AM PST

    Trolling c5/c6 farmholes

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:43 PM PST

    If you are running sleeper sites in c5/c6 in a Leshak/Nestor fleet, what's worse: void/other bomber wing hitting, or a capital ship landing far away on grid to trigger the escalation that cloaks up upon exiting warp?

    Returning player with some cap/bomber/blop accounts.

    submitted by /u/Grandpas_Spells
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    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:09 AM PST

    Is there a website or program that would calculate the compressed ore needed to build a certain type of ship?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Like say I wanted to build a Freighter or Dread. I would like to know how much compressed ore of each type I would need to refine into the necessary minerals required for building.

    submitted by /u/GamerGrunt
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    Anyone else?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:26 PM PST

    Worst Fight Ever – the greybill

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:19 AM PST

    Astero VS Racial T2 Cloaky Frig's: Is the Deterrent Worth It?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:36 AM PST

    Hey /r/eve,

    I'm split between an Astero and Helios (Gallente cloaky frig) right now, but I want to know people's opinions on the Astero when it comes to perceived vulnerability. Obviously, the Helios is the better scanner + hacker whereas the Astero can defend itself well, but my main issue with running null sites is people trying to find me for an easy kill. This is just a theory, but an Astero's reputation for PVP-readiness might deter people from hunting me down compared to tissue-paper cloaky frigs. I can afford either ship and I'm currently getting by with an uncloaky Imicus on my alpha clone before resubbing, so it's just a matter of which ship I should fly.

    TL;DR are Astero's generally tough enough that you wouldn't bother hunting it, or should I just grab a Helios for better scanning because they're all weak frigates anyways?

    submitted by /u/Salmon4
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    What ships do you have in your home, and why do you have them? How do they relate to the space you fly in?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:47 AM PST

    I was always interested in what Ships People have and how that relates to their Playstyle.

    Here are a few examples:

    Seeing Lokley Theo reship his Second Ship to a new Stiletto and knowing he flies Stiletto (Tackle) and Magus (GTFO) and Nereus (Capbooster Delivery) as a secondary and only seeing those ships (but multiple of each) is a great description of what he does and how he does it: Simple and effective C4 Wormholer, no Caps, nothing fancy.

    Or for example people living in Jita, the Hangar is usually a Random Assortment of ships, if you need something you can buy it anyway, but as long as you don't have to nothing gets sold.

    I have, currently living in a vanilla C6 with a C5 Static: (https://imgur.com/a/q9PCNFH)
    About 1/4 Doctrine ships, 1/4 Solo/Smallgang, 1/4 Utility ships and 1/4 PvE ships. Most used are probably Guardian, Loki, Pacifier and Cheetah for the Groups respectively. I think 47/51 Ships are ready to be undocked at the moment.

    What do you have? And how does it reflect your space?

    submitted by /u/Larynx_Austrene
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    Fortress Shield Battleships - T2 Logistic Battleships

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Repost, because first one didn't show text for some reason.

    TL;DR: Make a T2 battleship that covers an area in a shield (or using targeted modules) that mitigates X% of damage and transfers a % of that damage directly to the T2 battleship itself as capacitor draw of the battleship. Creating a micro intensive logistic ship that acts to reduce alpha strikes.

    This idea also came about when CCP crippled wormhole brawling through FAX changes and surgical strike changes. These could also be used as a counter/resist to alpha doctrines in nullsec, but in limited quantity.

    The Logistic Battleship

    To make it clear, I don't think we need bigger Guardians, Oneiros, Scimitars or Basilisks. If logistic battleships become a thing, since they are T2, they should be specialized and not just big rep ships that can be multi-boxed or basically bring old FAX back. That is not the purpose here. A case could be made to have a "Shield version of the Nestor" through another Pirate faction or even through Edencom, but we don't really need straight upgraded T2 logi cruisers though, or "more of the same".

    Fortress Shield Mechanic

    Note: This depends on the technical capabilities of EVE, so i'm not sure if this can function exactly how I'd like, but there are 2 possible ways to implement the idea which i'll explain below.

    Implementation #1

    The Fortress Shield mechanic would work by the Fortress Battleship deploying a shield (think like a link sphere/bubble) and anything within the bubble receives a flat damage reduction % (I was thinking somewhere around 25-30%). If any ship takes damage when within the fortress shield, a portion of that damage gets converted as a cap draw. Basically damage to ships in the shield = damage to battleship's cap pool. This means when you pilot a Fortress shield battleship, you're spending most of your time micro'ing your cap, tank and just cycling the fortress shield.

    Implementation #2

    If EVE's capabilities aren't able to support something like that, then you would use targeted modules. This would limit the amount of ships you can support per logistic battleship. So, lets say you have 8 Highs and the Fortress Shield is a high slot. That means you'd have 7 targeted modules you can apply to ships to achieve the same thing. You target the ships most in need of support, apply the fortress shield module and it transfers % damage from that ship to your cap pool.

    Benefits and Drawbacks of the Fortress Shield Module

    When the fortress shield module is active, it would give the logistic battleship increased resistances, active tank bonuses, cap recharge, neut resistance and a cap booster bonus (similar to FAX). Its basically like bastion for Marauders, but doesn't lock you down and doesn't provide any weapon bonuses. This will also be the first battleship line with either full T2 resists or the improved T2 resists (like dictors)

    The drawbacks are that it cannot receive remote reps when fortress shield is active and it suffers a speed penalty. As mentioned before, the high micro will be you managing your tank, cap and switching targets or managing the fortress shield cycle.

    The other drawback is that this will be a T2 battleship, and like Marauders and BLOPs, will have a pretty hefty price-tag. Unlike FAX, they will not insure well either. This means amassing them in large numbers will not turn out well if you wipe, and even having a large group in a big fleet will be a significant cost and if the opposing side has enough numbers, can still delete them through raw damage. They are specialist ships and will shine more in smaller engagements, such as WH brawls, but if its not 2k vs 2k fleet fights, they can find some uses in other areas too.

    May want to disable it in highsec too, they may be too strong there since you'll lack other options for punching through their tank potentially (open to discussion though). It would also make miners and industrials tankier, which depending on which side you're on, could be a good or bad thing.

    Damage mitigation from fortress shield would not apply to capital ships.

    Triglavian and Edencom

    Since CCP is only introducing new things to these factions apparently, make these available for each of these factions. Triglavian get the armor version of fortress shield, while Edencom gets the shield variant. Then make it so the components only drop in T-space or through edencom LP for the respective ship.

    Ship Bonuses:

    The ship's bonuses will focus around tank and capacitor bonuses. Such as:

    10% bonus to armor repair (or shield booster) amount per level

    5-6% bonus to armor (or shield) resistances per level

    10% bonus to capacitor recharge rate per level

    5% bonus to capacitor capacity per level

    These are just spitball values, but you get the idea. They'll be tanky and have awesome capacitor's to handle the micro.

    Thats pretty much it.

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    Has Eve become pay-to-win?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:52 AM PST

    This is a genuine question from someone who played a long time ago - I'm not trying to be inflammatory or troll, I'm genuinely interested.

    I played Eve a long time ago and thought about booting it up again, now when I go to the site I see alpha injectors, skill extractors and packs for sale which seem to give those willing to pay a big advantage. Is there actually an advantage or is it just a bit more convienent?

    Again, this is a geniune question and I'm mostly interested in how level the playing field is rather than debating the merits of pay-to-win

    EDIT: this isn't regarding PLEX/the monthly fee.

    submitted by /u/Retropunch
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