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    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    Eve Online That moment you know you're done

    Eve Online That moment you know you're done

    That moment you know you're done

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:56 PM PST

    "Bhaalgorn", traditional watercolour on paper

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:39 AM PST

    0SHT its Papi - Fortizar AAR

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Since i'm sure there will be plenty of people with a lot of things to say I might as well put our own point of view out there.

    We deployed INIT. to Curse 2 weeks ago with 2 objectives. The first was to get our guys and girls some enjoyable fun times, and the second was to draw Papi away from Delve.

    We dropped a Fortizar in 0SHT-A, just off the gate into Catch and have been setting things on fire for the past two weeks with Azbel / Fort / Ihub etc kills. In return, Legacy reffed our Fort which we set up to defend.

    Starting in Muninns and Harpies we managed to form around 350 people which were joined by StainRus in Tornados. Legacy had formed 250~ from D-p, 500~ from GE- plus some additional numbers (not sure how many) from the east. With about 30 minutes to go the rest of Papi started rage forming and traveled from Delve, bringing the numbers to roughly 3:1. To be clear - I don't want to shit on Legacy, they wanted the objective win and they done what they felt they needed to do to achieve it.

    Papi bridged over our gate camp and set up on another titan in range of 0SHT. With 10 minutes left on the fort repair the first fleets started bridging in and setting up on the Fortizar at range. Unfortunately for a Cerb fleet, they warped to the Fortizar itself and got dragged to the undock by a HIC. We rage undocked, mid raven swap, and started killing what ever we could before the rest of the hostile fleets came in.

    After the cerb fleet had disengaged we re-docked and swapped back to our ravens. Undocking, we began focusing the test battleships, managing to volley a handful before the rest of Papi landed on us at 0 on the Fort. We continued to brawl for a few minutes, killing some but nowhere near what we were losing. When our triage died I made the call to align to the gate and MJD, unfortunately I fucked up big time and in the heat of the moment called the wrong gate which resulted in a good chunk of our fleet landing in the hostiles rather than 100km away from them.

    We disengaged what we could while our brothers and sisters died en mass just off the Fortizar.

    It was a good fight, I think everyone in INIT is happy we gave it a shot and we are looking forward to the next one.

    PS. Goons offered twice to come and assist from Delve. We asked them not to, to focus on Delve instead which resulted in a few refs and some saves. Nothing major, I just want to set the record straight before the papi spin masters hit 9000 rpm.

    submitted by /u/DarkShinesInit
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    PushX: Hauling in the Holidays Discount

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:51 PM PST

    PushX - Holiday Hauling Special


    Hello New Eden,


    In the spirit of the season PushX is offering discounts on our hauling services!


    From Downtime 12/17 to Downtime 12/24 you can get:


    • 33% off our Rush fee for Standard Freight contracts (Non-Jump Freight Contracts)


    • 5% off all Jump Freight Contracts



    Our calculator will automatically apply your discount to your quote: https://pushx.net


    We're looking forward to hauling for you this holiday season!


    Fly Safe and Remember: Don't Move It; PUSH It.


    -Xye Asterus

    Standard Queue Manager

    Push Industries



    PushX Information and Links

    submitted by /u/XyeAsterus
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    Yesterday I won a negative Covid test AND an Avatar

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Bowhead Spotted in Cyberpunk

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:36 AM PST

    Stealing from New Bros

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Hello all, I am Medio Morde and I run a corp, Army of n0ne, that is in Wild Geese. We are a faction warfare corp and our biggest purpose is to train up newbros in pvp. This consists of actual newbros and sometimes alts of non-pvp characters who want to moonlight as pvpers.

    One of the ways we make this happen is by keeping a stockpile of ready-fit newbro ships available for free to grab whenever they see fit. I am sure you know where this is going. We do this by opening up a corp hangar to all members, and it makes it easy for people do get in on the action and create more content. To give you an idea, we will put things in there like rifters with all t1 modules, that sort of thing. Ships fit with the idea of being able to fly on day 1 after a bit of training time.

    So we started doing this about a year ago, and it probably started off with about 30ish rifters in there. Not a lot, but over time more and more kept being added in. There ended up being just over 300 ships in there for anyone to grab freely. We operated on the idea that, this is good for everyone and the value of what is in there is not immense (1.8 bil is what I calculated). It's good for us, because newbros have ships to fly. It's good for the enemy because they have fearless newbros to shoot. It's good for lowsec in general because even the pirates get content from it. Everyone wins.

    Well at noon (US east) I logged in to see it was empty, and I caught the thief red handed. Annoyed on a personal level and truly just disappointed that someone would bother with that at all. It is what it is, such is eve. Anyway here is the thief's name for your blacklists: Anke Veracrus.

    Don't worry though, this hasn't swayed us from our cause, we will work to replenish the stocks and keep trying to get newbros to stick around in this hell hole of a game that we have. We just wanted to share our story, despite how embarrassing it is, for the betterment of the community. Good luck, fly safe.

    submitted by /u/Medio_Morde
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    Am I missing something? Shouldnt my reactivation delay read 96 seconds? 10% per level and I have it at level IV. So 160*.6=96.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Was screwing around and doing some mining when I realized that the Venture has two different textures: One with a fresh paintjob and another with wear and tear.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Shower Thought - Does the IRS want me to claim my ISK ?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:08 PM PST

    So I read an article saying that the IRS is going to start cracking down on people who are dealing in Bitcoins and stuff, by making people report their earnings and losses in whatever "virtual currency" they deal in. But that's a pretty vague term, "virtual currency". So does that mean we need to report ISK as well?

    And does that mean all the articles you see about "epic fleet battle caused $100,000 in Capital ship losses" is tax deductible?

    Just a thought. =)

    submitted by /u/marcus_gideon
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    how does one even do that? weird rule

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:53 AM PST

    If I enlist in Minmitar, will I be allowed in Caldari space?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:23 PM PST

    Or will the standing go down for both of them.

    submitted by /u/Bluestar1121
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    Looking for the ugliest EVE avatars in existence HELP ME

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:22 PM PST

    There was a great one a few years back, twisted around from the back and cocked to the side with fucked up eyes... Can't find it but if someone out there knows who I'm talking about, LET ME SEE THEM AGAIN. And post more. I want to see the uglies.

    submitted by /u/R_burns
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    Sunesis for exploration?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:00 PM PST

    Hey, new player here. Is the Sunesis a viable scan and exploration ship? I'm alpha or I'd go Astero. Do not want to waste the cloak bonuses.

    Also I accidentally blew up my starter exploration frigate in a ghost site, not knowing what it is.

    submitted by /u/AFKWarrior28
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    Tis the season of giving! Christmas frigate event in Tama on Saturday!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:55 PM PST


    Full details on the link above.

    TLDR: We have over 150+ ships so far setup and fitted to hand out every ship has a gift inside the cargo so make sure to check them before undocking :D

    Other stuff will be happening at the end of the event too, we will be streaming this over on twitch too for those that cant join in to come take part and have some fun and win some Christmas prizes too!

    submitted by /u/EuroZoneEsports
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    Do I have a big gank target ok my back mining in an orca in hisec?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:55 PM PST

    I'm just curious before I work whatever a few skills I have left to get into the ship. Mainly a solo player I live in a WH but sometimes I like to get out and just mine and chill out a little bit in HS So my question to you guys is it worth it to mine in the ship or am I gonna be ganked all the time? Right now I have the skills to fly a procurer but want something bigger to hold more ore. Please let me know. P. S. I also heard about being bumped Far enough where your drones disconnect how do I prevent this from happening? I will be AFK every once in a while for a couple of minutes but not a real long time.

    submitted by /u/Artaniss
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    CCP Partners with Sparasoft, a support studio that helped with Halo Infinite, to co develop their new shooter.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    If we can't take the isk, no one can

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Hello all

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:06 PM PST

    Hey everybody, I am brand new to this game and was wondering if anyone had any tips for me on if I should watch tutorials or just wing it.

    submitted by /u/Mrdogeman01
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    Get. In. Fleet. /\

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:59 AM PST

    How come I still see warp loading bar even though it has less than 2 seconds align time and feels like it takes 3 seconds to enter warp?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:08 AM PST

    16.12.20 DS NIGHTMARES CTA FC: [5 P Y] Weedle R

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:06 PM PST

    Analysis of The Decline of Wormhole Activity and Wormhole PVP

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:08 AM PST

    Spoiler Alert: It's Bad and It's Getting Worse

    I know some of you might read this post and decide it is 'nothing more than the poor cloaky Loki pilot crying because he can't shoot Herons', but I am posting this because I am genuinely concerned about the health of the game and a lot of the problems and the symptoms I see in wormhole space are mirrored in other parts of the game such as NullSec. I know this is a long post, but I will try to be as reasonable as possible and base my views on what I have personally observed and some analysis I have done on data from zKill.

    • I'll preface this by saying my style of play is nomadic wormhole PvP - specifically cloaky ambush hunting. It is a niche style of play, not many people do it, but it does give good insight into the overall levels of activity in wormholes.
    • I fly with a regular group of 5-10 like-minded players who also hunt in wormholes. We have all lived in wormholes either solo or in small-medium Corps at some point, and a few still do.
    • I am limiting my comments to lower-class wormholes (C1-C4) and exclude the larger wormhole Corps because I don't tend to hunt in that space or engage in the larger Corp fleet fights in C5s-C6s.

    So What Has Been Happening in Wormholes?

    There has been a significant and sustained decrease in activity in wormholes over the last 3-4 months.

    The decrease in activity has taken three forms:

    • A significant decrease in the number of players active in wormholes
    • A major change in the type of ships we encounter.
    • A dramatic decline in random encounters and wormhole PVP

    To give it some context and to put some robustness into my observations I decided to look at some stats from zKill. As an example and I looked at the number of kills for a well-known and very active wormhole PvP Corp over the last few months. This graph dramatically illustrates the situation in wormholes and mirrors my own experience. Since July the number of kills for that Corp has fallen sharply and is still trending down. For the month of November they had a 35% decrease in the number of kills form the same month in 2019 (1700 kills vs. 1100 kills) with roughly the same number of active pilots.

    Note: The number for December is projected based on the number of kills month-to-date (547 so far)

    Total Kills Per Month .

    These numbers should be alarming to CCP.

    So what is causing it, and what does it mean for the game?

    I have talked to a lot of players who are active in wormholes, and the story is the same for almost all of them: there has been a sharp decrease in activity since August/September and there are a few common reasons that seem to be coming up again and again that may explain the cause.

    1. The Changes in Late 2019 That Increased the Number of Wandering Connections and Changed the Rolling Mechanics.

    The change was intended to increase the number of random encounters and 'good fights', but what CCP failed to consider was that the vast majority of wormhole-dwellers are not actually PVPers. The reality is that they are wormhole carebears: they mine, they rat, they do industry, and many of them are there just because 'owning' your own personal system in Eve is damn cool - but they don't want endless non-consensual PvP being forced on them.

    Managing/watching/rolling a small number of wormhole connections was not that difficult solo or with a few players, but if you increase the number of connections to five/six/seven as CCP's 2019 change did and force constant rolling to maintain the ability to engage in the content you are there for, it is just too hard.

    The risk associate with rolling connections is also significantly higher now - risking multiple rolling battleships to roll a connection before you even start your ratting or mining is simply not worth it, mainly due to the changes in ship price which I will get to a bit later.

    Overall, the changes made life for the solo or small group almost impossible and so the result was that it slowly but surely forced a large number of small groups out of wormholes. I know it personally forced me out of two C3s I was occupying earlier this year - both of which I know are are still unoccupied 10 months later.

    2. The Triglavian Wormholes

    These are, simply put, retarded. They are poorly designed and result in the death AND PODDING of countless players, almost all of whom are new explorers just trying to find a regular wormhole to splash from HiSec. And for what? So there is an alternative entrance to Pochven for almost nobody to use? If CCP was actually trying to design a system to discourage new players, explorers, or any day-tripper from entering wormholes from HiSec, then this would be the perfect solution. These wormholes, with their instant-scram/instant-pod NPCs have no purpose, add no value to the game, and are discouraging new players from exploring the content in regular wormholes. They need to be re-worked or removed because they are choking off the influx of new players to wormhole content.

    3. The Changes to Minerals and the Resulting Increase in Ship Prices.

    12 months ago a newish player could get into a fitted Drake and go run C2 sites for an initial outlay of about 50-60M ISK. He or she could run five or six sites over about an hour and have their ship paid for. They would lose some ships in the long run, but it was perfectly possible to make a decent living and stay ISK-positive while enjoying challenging and active PvE content. It also gave the hunters something to hunt, and there was a feeling of a good balance between risk and reward.

    The situation now is radically different: a fitted Drake for C2 ratting is 130M ISK. A player now has to run (and survive) 10-12 C2 sites just to break even. The risk vs. reward is suddenly a lot less attractive.

    If I look back to 2018 and 2019 content in wormholes was easy to find, and there was an established 'doctrine' of ships you would encounter ratting depending on the wormhole class.

    In 2019:

    • C2 wormholes had plenty of Drakes, Myrmidons, and VNIs
    • C3 wormholes had regular numbers of Gilas and Rattlesnakes.
    • Rolling Megathrons and Ravens were common

    Late 2020 is a different world:

    • C2s are mostly empty.
    • C3s have the occasional Praxis.
    • Praxis is the most-common Rolling Battleship

    Gilas and Rattlesnakes are rare to even see now in wormholes - rare enough that in the last 6 weeks of daily hunting we have only killed one Gila and one Rattlesnake. A quick check of zKill even tells me that there have only been 3 PvP Gila losses in the last 4 days across all the wormholes in Eve.

    This change in frequency of ship types being encountered is being 100% driven by the relative price of ship hulls. The reality is that C2 and especially C3 sites require a decent ship and fit to survive - you cannot easily substitute down to a T1 Cruiser and still be able to run them, so the only substitute if you cannot afford a Faction Cruiser, Battlecruiser, or Battleship, is to look elsewhere in the game for engaging content.

    4. The Combination of #1 and #3 has Reduced the Prey to a Level where the Predators Won't Survive.

    This brings me to my own situation. We like to hunt: we hunt ratters and we specifically like to hunt other hunters. It is the engaging content in Eve that hooked us, and we love it.

    The lack of prey (local residents or day tripping ratters) has reached the level though where the predators are now also quickly disappearing.

    The number of hunting T3Cs we see is so low, and has fallen by such a dramatic amount, that instead of the 1-2 we would find in a typical night 12 months ago, we are now only finding 1-2 a week.

    The result is predictable: people we used to regularly fly with have stopped logging in and if they do, it is for a chat on Discord and then they go play a different game.

    I was actually moved to write this post when I logged in the other night during our prime time to find not a single person online in our Discord. I know this is also happening within a number of other groups.

    What Does CCP Need To Do if They Really Care About The Health of the Game?

    CCP needs to address the underlying problems causing the dramatic decline in wormhole content with urgency before an entire area of the game is decimated. Many of these problems are affecting other areas of the game too, but the overall result if they don't get this right is a steady stream of players leaving.

    Please CCP, admit some of these changes are long-term bad and reverse or modify them before it is too late. Wormhole content is literally dying in front of your eyes.

    submitted by /u/ExileNZ
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