• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    Eve Online It's that time of the year again, vote your best EVE thread/comment of 2020

    Eve Online It's that time of the year again, vote your best EVE thread/comment of 2020

    It's that time of the year again, vote your best EVE thread/comment of 2020

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:00 AM PST

    Folks, 2020 has been an interesting year and a bit of a shitshow - and that's just /r/eve.

    With WWB2 - Propaganda Boogaloo, the posting has been at its best and worst, and today we gather in this thread to honor the champions of /r/Eve

    There're no prizes for Keepstars, here we judge everyone on their ability (or lack thereof) to convert F1 prowess into verbose insults.

    This years categories are;

    * Best Post

    * Worst Post

    * Best Comment

    * Worst Comment

    * Best User

    * Worst User

    * Best Propaganda Piece

    * Best Artwork or Project

    * Best Video

    * Best Drama

    * Best Battle Report

    * Best Newbro Story

    * Best Corp/Alliance

    * Worst Corp/Alliance

    * Best Meme

    * Best CCP Smackdown

    To nominate please reply to the top comment with your recommendations. Any direct replies to the main thread will be removed

    To vote use your orange arrows to decide who you think deserves the crown. You can vote as many times as you like in as many categories as you like.

    This year prizes will include skins/plex. The exact amounts are unspecified at this time but we'll root around and see what we can find. We might apply user flairs as well just so you can wear your crown all through 2021.

    submitted by /u/ZeldenGM
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    Looking to contact whoever is in possession of Jamyl Sarum I's frozen corpse, from when the Drifters killed the Amarr Empress in 2015

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:34 PM PST

    TL;DR: I want to talk to whoever is in possession of this specific frozen corpse item, for some lore nerd stuff. If you don't have any plans to part with it, I'll pay ISK simply for you to coordinate with something and post a couple of short messages on the EVE Forums. If you are willing to part with the item, I'll pay handsomely for it. If you have any info about potentially contacting the person I'm looking for, any help would be profoundly appreciated.

    (Cool banner image of Jamyl)

    On 21 August YC117, or 2015, the Amarr Empress was killed by the Drifters in Safizon in the conclusion of a live event series CCP was running.


    100 Drifter Battleships arrived ongrid all at once, and fired ever one of their superweapons at the Avatar-class titan piloted by the Empress simultaneously, destroying it in a single shot before popping her pod - and leaving behind the body.

    By all indications, someone picked up the corpse that day - and has never spoken of it or revealed it since.

    In the lore of EVE, Empress Jamyl was an extremely important character with a vital connection to the story of the Sleepers and the Drifters. Way back in YC105 (2004 IRL), she became host to an AI entity of Sleeper origin, which may in fact be a core part of the lore of the Drifters, whose story continues today hand in hand with the Triglavians.

    I've written huge nerdy lore posts about this specific topic before, and you can read all about it here: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/speculation-why-tyrannos-polemos-may-be-the-true-commander-of-the-drifters-and-perhaps-something-other/274272/2

    In order to bring up and use some of this information, or draw some connections in the very real player lore of the game, all that would be necessary would be to post back and forth about a topic a few times on the forums with the person in possession of the item; I'm willing to pay ISK for this alone, should you not wish to part with the item, but would also pay a large amount of ISK for the item itself if you'd be willing to sell it.

    I have no confidence that this will bring anything, but it's been over five years since this event and I'd be overjoyed to be able to resolve some of the story strings the body is linked to.


    submitted by /u/Nickosaurus
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    D R E A D B O I S #6 - Pushing it

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:08 PM PST

    Molok bay doors revert to Avatar colors when you switch to the Bloodraider skin. #Unplayable #FactionTitanLivesMatter

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:22 AM PST

    LEGO Pacifier (made by Idus_choi)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:48 AM PST

    So, uh, I think that acceleration gate looks like a trap to me...

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    just reading the latest /r/eve posts

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:02 AM PST

    [Drama][Sh*tshow]This does not represent the official opinion of the CSM or CCP

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:28 PM PST

    Opinion: This is the best event so far

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:37 AM PST

    I think this is the best event we've had so far and it's a shame it won't be a permanent gameplay feature. It just checks all the boxes:

    • it has something for everyone--combat, mining, exploration
    • the rewards are generous
    • it creates pvp opportunities
    • it creates hunting opportunities
    • filaments

    We've had events that have mining (i think) or exploration in them before so that's not really new but this time around they got the rewards right. They are generous and they include the usual fare of skins and skill boosters, but we can also get True Sansha drops which add a more resilient market value to the rewards.

    In many events but not all, the basic concept is a short PVE site that any player can warp to which puts players on grid together which is when the magic happens. Though in the past they've spawned everywhere so it was possible to find a quiet system and farm the sites without seeing another player. This time they limited the site spawns to certain areas on the map forcing players together. They've done this before too but usually its bad because these locations can be a bitch to get to or they can be over crowded. To solve that problem we have filaments.

    The filaments have been the X-factor that have pushed this event into the top tier. Want to try lowsec but you're worried about gate camps on the way? Use a filament. Too many scary people in the area? Use another filament. Want to run highsec sites but the area is too crowded? Just use another filament, no need to jump 40 jumps to a different storm. Want to contest highsec sites and get some blinky yellow but you can't fund any scrubs? Use another filament--it's great!

    The other thing is the exploration sites. Most new players start with exploration, so they can participate in the event. You don't need a battleship to participate. It also gives an opportunity for hunter asteros and the like. You can hunt the players doing the exploration sites and there are areas densely populated with said players so it's easier to find targets.

    The cherry on top is of course the log in rewards, the event reward track (which is one of the weaker parts of the event), and the t1 arena filaments. I think it's good that the log in rewards are a bit less this year because they're still good enough to be worth while, but not so good that we'll have a mob of people complaining on the forums if they miss the last day like that one time when the last day had 1 mil sp. There was only like 16 days to collect 14 days worth of rewards so if you missed 2 days you were SOL on the last day. Wayyyy more leeway this time, you can miss like 5 days this time which is great because some people have jobs.

    I think from this event we can learn some things or confirm some things we already knew. First, the more you get random players on grid together the more exciting the game typically is. Even if they have no plans of fighting each other, it still creates an opportunity for interaction--friendly or otherwise. Second, filaments are great. They give the player more options without punishing us with something annoyingly tedious. They get the player into the action more quickly, or away from the action if that's what they're looking for. Third, including normal overseer rewards with the event rewards makes the rewards better without impacting the value of the items as much. Simply making the reward pool bigger makes all of the rewards more valuable. Instead of rushing to the market with items that quickly fall in value (some of them still do obviously), we get some rewards that will actually hold their value or even gain value in the long run in some cases.

    I know the custom around here is to voice extremely negative opinions about the state of the game and the devs, but I think they did good on this one. I honestly don't know where they found the time to include so much in this event and have it all kind of work. It has created such a cool fusion of PVE and PVP and I've been enjoying every minute of it.

    I think this is the culmination of every event we've seen so far. This one takes the best features of every event past and puts them all into one. I know many will disagree, but most people I've met out in the wild have been loving it. I've never seen local so lit up before outside of jita. People are chatting, interacting, blowing each other up and making tons of isk. I just wanted to come here and talk about it and let CCP know they did a good job for once. I hope they take note and I hope you guys are having as much fun as I am.


    submitted by /u/Recurringg
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    Space force troops are now called guardians

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:11 PM PST

    A treat for all those who haven't seen it - one of the ballsiest and coolest drivebys in Eve Online history

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Dat feeling when the shame becomes unbearable and the panic takes over

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:54 PM PST

    We've all been there; Sometimes the shitposting just takes over and you post things you come to regret. What do you do? Accept you're a terrible poster and continue your posting? Vow to post better in future topics? Try and delete your posts in shame and hope people dont notice?

    It seems today /u/PrizedTurkey went for the shame delete. I managed to save part of the comment chain and couldnt resist a callout.


    Personally i would have just left the posts up and lived with the shame. But then my posting is pretty bad so really thats just a normal day.

    Fellow r/eve posters: what would you do/have done if you were PrizedTurkey?

    submitted by /u/JoshuaFoiritain
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    Frowned upon things in EVE and why you should do them

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:45 PM PST

    There are some gameplay options frowned upon by most. In this post I will try to shed some light on the underlying motivation behind those actions. In no particular order:

    • Ripping out implants after a fight - first, it's to deny your opponent the satisfaction of a more expensive kill, second, make your potential zkill-checking future opponents think that you for example fly asklepians without omega thus making them underestimate your tank. Third is the zkill aspect. Lots of hate here about caring too much but why do you think the opponents wait for everyone to get in on the kill if not for zkill? If you don't hold the pod for everyone, the loser has less chance(time) of ripping them out. If you hold the pod, you yourself care about being on that shiny pod kill. Ripping implants out is just a counter to that.

    • Cherry picking an exploration site - first, it minimizes your time in site, uncloaked and vulnerable. Second, it wastes your competition's time thus giving you more time. Third, the argument of site spawn mechanics doesn't hold up because every relic or data site despawns exactly one hour after the start of the first hacking attempt.

    • Risk-averse gameplay (pvp) - everybody likes to win. No one likes to lose. There is the rule of "don't fly what you can't afford to lose", but there is another - "don't take unnecessary risks in ships you would rather not lose". Lots of things fall into this category. Bringing too much logi, killing catalysts with your high grade drugged linked abyss garmur, undocking caps(supers?) to fight that pesky nanogang as well as bringing a well thought-out nanogang to hunt some gilas and underprepared kitchensink response fleet. Have you noticed that "honorable solo 1v1's at the sun" usually do not happen between anything more expensive than t1 battleships? If you like to fight when the odds of winning are not in your favor, you are free to do so. But don't complain when the expected 40% chance to win turns into 5% mid fight because the player(s) you aggressed are not happy with their 60% odds and bring out help and counters. Especially if they didn't want to fight you in the first place. If you got baited, it's their op success and your fault for taking the bait.

    • Killing non-pvp ships - a kill is a kill. If someone is out to shoot some spaceships, they are gonna shoot some spaceships. It doesn't matter what the target is. It's like fishing or hunting for sport. (While there are many opinions on RL hunting concerning animal rights and such, i'm sure there are subreddits better suited to discuss that than here). It's about being faster in tackling than the unaligned miner is at warping away Being more patient and sneaky than the dude who returns to run an already once combat-scanned escalation. Being just at the right place and time to land an orca kill on a gate. Outsmarting the hisec shitfit 4b machariel by tricking him into agressing your assault frig after suspect baiting. Smartbombing the elusive snake pod after somehow killing aforementioned garmur. And the bigger the kill or kill count the better you feel because you won, you bested someone, you came out victorious. The scale of your victory instantly measurable by isk cost. Of course, there's no denying the loot aspect. You don't know which covetor has fit expensive faction mining lasers or which nereus is hauling 15 large skill injectors.

    • Suicide ganking, scamming, spamming jita local, corp theft etc - purely to get more isk.

    There's plenty more but i feel this is already long enough. There are many more reasons for each of these activities that i have not mentioned like just for lulz or trolling or personal reasons etc. I just feel there's so much complaining goin on, maybe people just do not see it from the other side.

    tl;dr - every nasty thing is done for a reason.

    submitted by /u/paulwalden
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    Happy Holidays!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Third time's the charm

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:04 PM PST

    Looking for silly solo kills by frigates!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:00 PM PST

    So I got in a fight in game with some people. I say if you're pve fit, you should never engage a can flipper even if you're a BS/BC and they're a frigate, because they'll be pvp fit and it's very possible they saw what you were flying, and chose the fit based on it. They claim if they're a frigate you should just kill them and get safe and you'll be fine as long as you get away before they can come back with something bigger.

    I found this old thread full of examples of pvp frigates murdering PVE bigger ships:


    But that's very old. So I'm curious, where are the crazy kills of little tristans killing navy BC's that are more recent?

    submitted by /u/ericbomb
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    Wanted to stack storage and ended up making a keepstar in Starbound lol

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:52 PM PST

    Well that happened

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:54 AM PST

    Best kill I think I will ever get https://zkillboard.com/kill/89334977/

    submitted by /u/Spacespooky
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    Quick Reminder That The Last Time CCP "Wasted Money On A Shooter" Average Player Counts Went Up To Almost 50k

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:44 AM PST

    [Video] Abyssal PVP Arena 16

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:36 AM PST

    [Game World News] Galactic Hour News Roundup: No Peace in New Eden for Yoiul Festival Edition

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:17 PM PST

    Anyone know what is happening at the Emporer Academy in Amarr?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:10 PM PST

    There's lots of people with low security status, stealth bombers, and logistic ships.

    submitted by /u/Thedragonborn41
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    Yo if a Avatar was hovering over earth and the world decided to attack it, how much damage would it take?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:26 PM PST

    im curious now

    submitted by /u/GingkathFox
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    Playlist of all winter event challenges and how to do them. Should be helpful to a lot of people.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:28 AM PST

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