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    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - December 17, 2020

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - December 17, 2020

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - December 17, 2020

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:04 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Space Game Comparison

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:39 AM PST

    A list of ten things that are more OP than cloaks.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:55 PM PST

    1. Local is the most OP thing in the game. No one should be able to AFK 99.99999% of the time have have intel on who is in system. Local should require fuel to operate or at the very least some sort of player interaction. Nothing else in the game is more OP than local.
    2. Station Tethering is the most OP thing in the game. If you're going to undock you should be vulnerable to attack. No one should be able to AFK 99.999999% of the time and have immunity from attack. Station tethering should require some sort of PLEX payment for every second it is active. Nothing else in the game is more OP than station tethering
    3. Warp Core Stabilizers are the most OP thing in the game. No hunter should ever have to suffer defeat 99.999999% of the time to a frigate which can fit multiple warp core stabilizers. warp core stabilizers should require a blood sacrifice to operate. Nothing else in the game is more OP than Warp Core Stabilizers.
    4. Shuttles are the most OP thing in the game. No ship should take 99.99999999 seconds to get a target lock on. Shuttles should do some sort of permanent damage to the pilot every moment he is flying it. Nothing else in the game is more OP than shuttles.
    5. Frig Holes are the most OP thing in the game. No one should be allowed to escape though an opening too small for a super cap to fit through. Frig Holes shouldn't be allowed to spawn in HK space EVER! Nothing else in the game is more OP than frig holes.
    6. Relic sites are the most OP thing in the game. No pilot should be able to earn 100mil ISK by playing a minigame. Every ISK faucet should require liberal application of bullets, missiles, bombs, torpedoes, or drones and the associated risks of the target fighting back. Nothing else in the game is more OP than relic sites.
    7. Stargates are the most OP thing in the game. No pilot should be able to travel from system to system without first spending 99.999999 hours fully scanning out all entrances and exits and researching their destination through a complex visual ID process that requires memorization and hand written notes. Nothing else in the game is more OP than stargates.
    8. Mining is the most OP thing in the game. No pilot should be able to mine 99.99999m3 per second without constantly pressing a key or a mouse button to force this to happen. Being AFK 95% of the time is a cancer on the rest of us who have to constantly spin our ships while hiding in station from cloaky campers. Nothing else in the game is more OP than mining.
    9. RP is the most OP thing in the game. No one should be subject to the cringy RP crap that people like The Wormhole Police spout. Just who do these people think they are? This isn't dungeons and dragons, it's a spaceship game! Nothing in the game is more OP than RP.
    10. reddit is the most OP thing associated with the game. No one should be able post stupid shit like this post i'm typing now and receive 99.99999999 downvotes. Nothing associated with the game is more OP than reddit
    submitted by /u/MotherClucker_Vinne
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    As of this morning I'm in the Christmas spirit.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:24 PM PST

    Escaped the Aubenall gatecamp in my exploration frigate :)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:40 AM PST

    RIP Cloaky Camping

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:03 AM PST

    BREAKING: ESS now introduced in wormholes aswell.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:58 PM PST

    Monthly Economic Report - November 2020

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:55 PM PST

    BR Black rise fight, Templis and friends vs Wangs and friends

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Some templis Leshaks were rfing an astra armor timer, Wangs dropped zealots, and DnG brought gilas. Some trash talk was shared in local as the gilas went to work afk bashing the astra, when Wangs undocked and excalated caps. RC excalated with tengus and went to work on the caps, the astra was full ecm fit and made holding down caps very difficult, and most of them got out, however a few were able to be held down and were butchered. Astra repaired, so isk war goes to Templis, objective goes to Wangs. GF all around, hope to do this again soon.

    Battle Report Tool (evetools.org)

    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    The reality of war - Imperium V's PAPI from a line member perspective

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:55 AM PST

    I have noticed that there are many curious observers who come to reddit for updates on the Great War, and struggle to find useful/insightful information beyond propaganda and memes (for which, I am most certainly guilty myself).

    However, I will attempt to outline the current status of the war from a PAPI line member perspective. My experience of the war is a simple one - I join fleets every day, of all types, and I actively participate on the frontline.

    I do not have any special knowledge and I am but a simple grunt. But going out in fleets every day and getting 'face time' with Imperium on the frontline gives you a certain perspective on the reality of war which I am happy to share.

    What is the current status of the war?

    This is a surprisingly difficult question to answer. I will attempt to break it down into several categories - regional updates, participation and morale, and next steps/remaining goals. Let's start with the most simple and least controversial - regional updates.

    Status of the war by region

    When looking on dotlan at the regions, always filter by ihub owner. This is what really matters in terms of controlling the space, using jump bridges, installing cyno beacons and jammers etc.

    Fountain: At the moment it's reasonable to say that no-one REALLY wants Fountain. INIT were removed from the region, then moved back in, and now they've redeployed to Catch/Curse and seem content with leaving Fountain to it's fate. PAPI recently destroyed the ihub infrastructure in the two nearest constellations to Delve, presumably to prevent INIT basing from fountain and travelling with ease to/from Delve to support Goons.

    In turn, the NC. ihubs that replaced INIT's ihubs were destroyed, and now there are no ihubs at all in those constellations. It does genuinely seem the case that INIT are not bothered by Fountain and are 100% focused on their current redeployment. Fountain is therefore no longer a significant factor either way in the war, and nothing much happens there. Last time I was in Fountain was five days ago in a small roaming gang and it was dead.

    Period Basis: PAPI have secured this region, set up a jump bridge network, and it's now mostly relatively safe krabbing space. Imperium structures continue to be destroyed (such as the HIX keepstar recently) but aside from these structures, like Fountain it doesn't feel like a 'front line'. Sometimes Imperium will send harrassment gangs to the region to mess with jump bridges etc, but apart from that, it's pretty quiet.

    Querious: Unlike Fountain and Period Basis, Querious does have a war-footing feel about it and Imperium is still quite active in the region. There are certain systems they are very actively defending, such as the keepstar system of W6V and the constellation of 4QZ, which is next to the 1DQ constellation, and where PAPI have anchored a keepstar in QY1. Although the 90% of Querious has been secured for PAPI, it doesn't 'feel' that secure, in the way Period Basis does.

    You need your wits about you when travelling around Querious and the travel pipe that runs through the 4QZ constellation is very active with Imperium gangs. There is still work for PAPI to do in Querious and I believe we are at least 5-6 weeks away from fully securing the region (assuming we don't want to attack Keepstars without a friendly cynojammer).

    Delve: Oh my. Where does one begin? In Delve, there are 5 constellations fully under Imperium control, 5 under full PAPI control, 3 under mixed control, and 2 NPC constellations. For the moment, we in PAPI seem to have paused taking further constellations and are consolidating our position by raising ADM's, installing infrastructure, and removing Imperium structures in the constellations we do control. The pace of structure removal has slowed very recently, which I believe is related to the upcoming core changes.

    Imperium, for their part, are doing their level best to make PAPI's life as challenging as possible, with near 24/7 harassment operations that can sometimes be highly effective. The action in Delve is utterly non-stop. There is always something happening somewhere. The T5Z/1DQ gate is a constant yo-yo of control between PAPI/Imperium, with each side refitting against whatever the other brings, and an endless number of explosions. Ihubs on both sides are constantly being reinforced. If you want action, it's the best place to be in Eve right now.

    On the more strategic level, Imperium seem focused on destroying PAPI ihubs in key systems containing Imperium keepstars, so cynojammers cannot be installed. While Imperium were initially highly successful in this approach and it seemed something of a blind spot to PAPI, we seem to have upped our ihub defence game more recently and it's now quite rare for a key PAPI ihub to be successfully destroyed. Imperiums most recent big USTZ operations, in the last few days, were such ihub removal CTA's and PAPI managed to retain their ihubs.

    Participation and morale

    The relative participation levels on both sides have remained pretty constant. PAPI are, more or less, always able to outnumber Imperium by about the same ratio as the start of the war. What this means is that neither side has seen participation crash, and my perspective on the frontline is that Imperium still have a lot of fight left in them.

    Yesterday INIT fielded 350 pilots in defence of their staging Fortizar in Curse. Impressive numbers by any measure. The recent poke into 1DQ saw 2000 imperium form up at pace. Again, impressive numbers. The challenge for Imperium is that even these impressive numbers are not enough when the other side can, generally speaking, bring significantly more

    There is no question that activity outside of PvP within Imperium has slowed dramatically. Krabbers can't krab much, whereas the PAPI alliances can krab back in their home regions. You would imagine that the longer this situation persists, the more challenging it will become for Imperium, since even with their considerable resources war is very expensive and any resource is finite. But, that said, Imperium line member morale is holding up surprisingly well, and many of them truly believe they have a shot at turning this war around in the defence of the remaining five Delve constellations.

    Remaining goals and next steps

    You don't need any special intel or spai network to know that the next big move by PAPI will very likely be a push into either the 1DQ or E3OI systems/constellations. They are the only big strategic goals left. And make no mistake, when this happens it will likely be the biggest and most epic battle in the history of Eve Online.

    From the signals given out by PAPI so far, it seems we are going to wait for the core changes before making that push, thus forcing Imperium to core at least a good portion of their structures. Imperium won't core all of their structures, but it would be very surprising if they did not core their Keepstars as it would make defence of them significantly more challenging.

    Until then, it seems the war is mainly focused on PAPI securing the Delve constellations it does control, Imperium focusing on removing PAPI ihubs in key keepstar systems in Delve and Querious, and INIT opening a second frontline in Catch.

    There is a lot more that could be said about this war. So much is happening and there are so many different perspectives. This is just my perspective - as a PAPI line member joining fleets every day. I hope you found it informative, and if you are not currently involved in the war but would like to be, then I am duty bound to tell you that Dreddit is, indeed, recruiting.

    Yours sincerely,

    Dr Mibbles

    submitted by /u/Dr_Mibbles
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    Newbros go ice mining

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Our newbro pockets were running dry. With the Yoiul bringing ice everywhere we had to take advantage of this! As the low sec ice pockets should be the most rewarding, that's where we set our sights. Our final destination was going to be Central Point. Equipped with our mining vessels we departed from Amarr to take the long 16 jump journey through scary low sec.

    Distracted by one of the ice belts in Access, one of our Procurers ended up being tackled by a Hecate, so we had to turn the fleet around and come to his help. After that, we continued our journey to Central Point. Disappointed by the fact that our ventures couldn't fit ice miners, our Prospect rage tackled a Scorpion Navy Issue, so we took care of that as well.
    After taking a short break to take a look at the eve gate, our fleet got split up, with one part distracted by the beautiful ice and the other part falling for a bait Procurer. Warping out from the ice pocket, we took on a Stratios running exploration sites on an Azbel. Sadly the Megathron that came to his help was too strong for our measly mining fleet, so we lost one of our ventures trying to take him on.
    This scared us so much, we tried to hurry back to Amarr and safe high sec. We just had to take care of a scary Phantasm running combat sites in Exit along the way.

    Having finally got a taste of PVP, we reshipped in Amarr and headed to faction warfare space. A stabber thought we didn't pose much harm, but he thought wrong. A few minutes later, a Stabber Fleet Issue thought the same. Just after, we spotted a Rattlesnake running one of the event sites. He turned out to be afk and got mined to death. Sadly we lost 2 logi ventures who got scrammed by rats in this site. Apparently Sansha rats use Sansha scrams which actually hold ventures, who would've thought! Crispy as we are, we find another bait procurer, who is quickly neuted dry and killed.

    Thanks to everyone who came and whelped!

    submitted by /u/DrBreakalot
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    My new custom piece. It’s a beast!!!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Cloaky Camping is the Symptom, not the Disease

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:10 PM PST

    You only cloaky camp because you want cheap kills risk free!

    Cloaky Camping is the only way to avoid intel networks, complainers are just risk averse krabs!

    Just pay attention while you rat, it's not hard idiot!

    All of these arguments fail to miss the point you need to think about when discussing balance and cloaky camping. The important question is: Why does cloaky camping exist, and is it necessary?

    The issue is that cloaky camping is necessary, as the only real tool available to force down Activity Defense Multipliers, which are a key component of Sov Warfare in nullsec. Without it, defenders would only need to expend trivial effort to hard lock their sovereignty into tight timezone windows, and force extremely difficult, almost impossible sov timers for attacks with 5.0 or 6.0 multipliers. However, it's a shitty solution to a shitty problem.

    I've been on both sides of cloaky camping usage in Sov Warfare situations. It sucks because a lot of it is just based on raw effort and resource expenditure, with little skill input on either side. As the attacker, are you willing to pay for all those accounts, log them in every day, and check for targets as unpredictably as possible? As the defender, how many hours are you willing to sit with people just waiting to counterdrop, and how many cyno alts do you have to burn through as they slowly set those toons red each time you use a new one? Do you have people willing to grind ADMs when you know the campers are asleep? The drops (and counterdrops) themselves are not high skill. Tackle, light cyno, bridge, shoot. It makes F1 monkeys feel cool, but quite frankly it's dead simple and quite easy.

    Whatever process occurs that aims to make this whole area of mechanics healthier needs to start with fixing Sov Warfare. Once that's been patched up, then there is opportunity to modify cloaky camping as necessary. And ideally that solution doesn't mess up the current mechanics of cloaking, which are used extensively across New Eden, just to balance one specific area of space in this game.

    submitted by /u/SerQwaez
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    Wightstorm Challenges

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:39 PM PST

    I'm not a scanner or an explorer, never was. I have limited skills in scanning and both the scanner probe and hacking minigames bore the hell out of me.

    Normally, this wouldn't be a problem because there are plenty of other things to do in EVE. But the Wightstorm challenges... oh boy. I've done so many of them that I finally hit the point where every challenge I have relates to finding these Wightstorm data sites. I thought to myself, 'well I want the skins so let me go scanning!'

    But in the last 6 hours I've been scanning through highsec, lowsec, and nullsec, I have yet to find a single site that isn't cloaky camped or already done by the time I narrow down where the site even is. CCPlease can we have the option to change out our challenges once a day? I'm sure some people feel the same way I do about the event combat sites or mining.

    It just feels unfun that I have to do content I can't even find or complete. Give me a challenge to lose 20 ships, visit Pochven and grind rep for 3 hours, or take a scam contract, literally anything except these data sites.

    submitted by /u/DamnDirtyCat
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    Can two war aggressors use support items on each other?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    Curious is two different attackers that were both at war against the same defender, would the two attackers be able to assist each other? Like using remote repair on each other. Or do they get the long barrel of Concord?

    submitted by /u/Kylson-58-
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    Panic sets in for Goons realising they are going to be losing Keepstars with assets in

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:48 AM PST

    Meanwhile in Horde's ganking SIG...

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Anybody know how control what damage is show in the log? I want to remove drone damage from the in space messages.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:41 PM PST

    How interesting that this <1 day old account is so consistent at tossing up a Hypernet Offer for a Marshal at every ~20 second intervals in Jita...

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:32 PM PST

    Gohin's Ess/Nano Hyrbid Ship Guide

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:47 AM PST

    Hi all!

    With the introduction of the ESS there has been a burst of content for those who are interested in small gang PVP! If you're like me and also interested, I've put together a small list of ships that I think perform well in both the ESS and Nano environments.

    Check it out here!!

    submitted by /u/GohinPostale
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    Abys Help

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:57 PM PST

    I'm practicing t3's in sisi. I don't understand how to use Mid/Short-Range Deviant Automata Suppressor. I fly near it and nothing happens. I bait drones into it and nothing happens. I don't understand what I am doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/o0_Squirrel_0o
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    After all the hype of how init is deploying to curse and how catch is "burning" lets take a look at the real situation. After so much of spin and meta shows they have managed to flip a grand total of 1 ihub.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:26 AM PST

    Solo Vagabond Brawling

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:55 AM PST

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