• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 26, 2020

    Eve Online Luckily they didn't find my "anime" collection

    Eve Online Luckily they didn't find my "anime" collection

    Luckily they didn't find my "anime" collection

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:35 PM PST

    Avatar Titan, watercolour on paper approx 16x12 inches

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:08 PM PST

    My ark is in the holiday spirit today by pulling a green Rudolf

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:43 PM PST

    My 10 yo daughter gave me this gift yesterday

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:54 AM PST

    Terrifying Nightmare before Christmas from my sister

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:55 AM PST

    My new favorite coffee mug

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:13 AM PST

    Happened to me

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:54 PM PST

    Krampus Fleet Op Success - Drunk Fleet Best Fleet

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:53 AM PST

    friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿) happy holidays

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:57 PM PST

    you know the rules, it's friday so it's time for this week's friendship friday nice thread. in this thread, we post without any caps at all and we post what we appreciate about eve and the people who play it. (◕‿◕✿) here are the rules:

    • do not use any capital letters. if someone forgets this rule or does not follow it, don't be that guy/gal. we're all about positivity and acceptance here, no matter the grammar (✿◠‿◠)

    • talk about what you appreciate or what is good with eve, or life, or whatever else you're appreciative of this week (◕‿◕✿)

    • players will agree with you in all lowercase

    • talking about what we appreciate will form a positive relational bond in the eve community

    happy friday friends, hope you all have relaxing weekends (◕‿◕✿)

    submitted by /u/Windsigh
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    Eve Online Small Gang PvP - Karma (ft. Vargur)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:08 AM PST

    Hey lads need to know where I can look for a good corp online or advertise myself as such

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:44 PM PST

    There was a good link i got

    that helps a lot but still not sure where to go to look.

    submitted by /u/WolfyTheWatchman
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    Dropped a bollock, saved by Moloks’

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Dropped a Bollock , Saved by Moloks'

    'T'was the night before Christmas all all through the house, nothing was stirring but Mc Crecket's Logitech Mouse...

    Out of the skies a red freighter arrives , then too our surprise it suddenly dies.

    A flash of light from the Titan , was just enough to smite him.

    Full of Cheer! Decisions unclear, fuelled by beer .... oh dear!

    Quickly cheer was replaced by fear as suddenly red dreads on screen did appear! It soon became clear that his end was near...

    For A cyno was lit , at 0 on his tit ! And who would have knew but it was by a blue!

    The clock stuck 12 as his shields hit 0 Would Santa bring McCrecket a hero?

    A wild Alrock appeared , quick on the ball as per the norm MAX MAX MAX login was his call!!

    Undocking en masses did ships of all classes

    Soon reducing the Dreads to little but ashes!

    Calm then returned as the spy toons burned...

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good fight!


    By Crowtree - aged 8 and a half

    submitted by /u/TA_Crowtree
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    EVE Online: Woe To The Miner

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Goons are broke, had to use new 'Paper Cut' doctrine

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Can't see modules on EVE Workbench

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:37 PM PST

    I've been unable to see modules on EVE Workbench for newer fits, there's just a dark circle around the ship.

    Anybody else having this problem?

    I'd let them know but I don't see any feedback links on their site.

    submitted by /u/Seymour______
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    5.6tril in indy is... only top 6%?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Question for people who gank

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:10 AM PST

    Do you kill everything or select your targets by ship and price.

    Any wh gankers able to tell me your idk per hour?

    What's a good fit for gallente?

    submitted by /u/Alton637
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    Merry Christmas! Just a mass genocidal sacrifice at the altar of CCP. God bless us, everyone.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Secret Santa surprise on Christmas morning

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 06:47 AM PST

    Fweddit has Christmas tradition of Secret Santa where everyone posts something similar to this.

    Eve name: Nemalex
    Present you'd like if they're
    space bourgeois: faction fit FAX
    space middle class: fax hull, or fax mods
    space proletariat: bricked abyssal mods??

    You are allowed to stay hidden during the process - and all contracts have to be up by Christmas day. I had paired with a gentleman that requested a meme carrier or NAG - so I promptly contracted him an old carrier that had an align time of a rock, and wished him a Merry Christmas.

    So on Christmas morning, I woke up and did the family man thing of logging into eve right away and had the following eve mail and contract.

    "I added some isk so you can mess with the fits if you want. Rigs are in cargo, same reason. There's enough money to add a highgrades set (raptures probably) but personally I'd recommend buying amulets for a rev or buffer apostle, instead of getting implants for either of these. "


    The contract included 3bil to purchase additional implants.

    Now I know that some of Fweddit have enough isk to pay for world war bee 45, but I was really taken back by this. To whoever you are - Merry Christmas.

    submitted by /u/Nemalex
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    Approaching 180 days: War retrospective and thoughts for the future

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:27 AM PST

    After coming back to the game after 7 years away this past June, I decided to try to nullsec after living almost exclusively in w-space before. I joined Goons, just in time to get invaded. Life has certainly been interesting :)

    It seems like there's a lot of hurf blurf that gets thrown around, so thought I'd try to share some perspective from someone on the Imperium side of things.

    Day 1: Giant party. Goons have their own DJ which is cool, but Mind1 is not only a DJ but he's a very fucking good one. Without a good objective yet, they run around and reinforce Paragon Soul while they wait for things to really start.

    First 45 days: Legacy does nothing, but Panfam + friends grossly outnumber Init and gradually glass most of fountain. Goons send help when requested, but don't region gate their supercap fleet. Doing so would have been really risky if Panfam was able to cross jump them into Delve, but it would have been interesting to see what would have happened. I also don't think Imperium realized just how incredibly risk averse and afraid of conflict Legacy was yet.

    Days 45-90: Actual invasion starts for real. Panfam also doesn't want to region gate their supercap fleet and builds a giant keepstar chain instead, all forces are now in Querious. The numbers are pretty overwhelming and systems start to fall.

    Around day 90 with the outer regions fairly conquered, PAPI attempts to drop a keepstar in Delve. The first one dies, but Goons feed a lot to kill it. The 2nd one sees the biggest turnout, sets world records, etc. It dies at great cost, then a 3rd and 4th keepstar die before the 5th goes up fairly unopposed. This is probably the lowest morale point of the war. Some (foolishly imo) thought we'd be able to keep killing them indefinitely, while others felt that feeding like we did to stop them was a mistake. It was impressive to kill keepstars while being outnumbered 2.5+ to 1, but maybe not the best use of resources.

    Had PAPI pressed hard after the KS drop, I think they could have had a chance to swing things dramatically. However, they slowly plodded along grinding into Delve. Morale improved, Imperium members learned how to make isk outside of Delve (along with some organized stuff from leadership), and it seemed like the focus shifted from tactical objectives being all important to having fun and enjoying the experience being more of a focus. As a result we are now approaching day 180 of the war and despite losing more ground in Delve, morale seems pretty high, people are excited to go on fleets, and people are having fun. It's unclear if 1DQ will fall.

    I think you also learn a lot about your enemies as you fight them. While we are all nerds having fun in a spaceship game, the leadership does set the tone and personality of the larger group. I've been impressed with Horde. They seem to be trying to copy a lot of what Goons have done, are using a "recruit everyone, no check" policy which hurts with AWOX in the short term but probably results in fast growth long term, and they seem focused on fighting and also having fun.

    I don't have much experience with Frat but they seem focused on catching up. While Horde has copied a lot of the culture of modern goons (which seems a LOT better than it used to be), Frat seems to be copying the "Krab like crazy" to power up approach. The people I know who sell significant quantities of injectors have mentioned that the vast majority are purchased by Frat. We talk about botting, make jokes about RMT, etc. but they are powering up at a significant rate.

    On the flipside, I think the future for TAPI is bleak. When the Mittani first started talking shit about Test and Legacy I thought it was an (intelligent) ploy, but the more I fight against them the more I realize that their leadership is not setting them up for success. Not only do their FCs seem afraid to fight on equal terms, but they will flee even with number advantages. And not just some junior FC, but fighting with Init in Catch I've seen PGL led fleets with a 20% number advantage just turn and flee and abandon an objective they burned all the way out there to defend because they didn't have enough of an advantage. Or a Legacy subcap fleet (Muninn vs Muninn) with a numbers advantage fighting on the hull timer of their own fort just bridge out rather than fight because numbers were kind of close. Another time recently Test had 3-1 numbers on a Goon fleet between them and where they wanted to go, but instead of fighting they docked up, handed ships over, and jump freightered around a KS chain to get home instead of fighting. This isn't just a Mittani schtick, this really is an alliance that seems terrified of an equal fight.

    It will be interesting to see where things go from here. I don't know if 1DQ will fall. I do know that the assumption that Imperium will cease to be a significant power or that Legacy will live in Delve seems misguided. Goons aren't strong just because they recruited everyone into a massive swarm that will fall apart when pressured, they are strong because of highly effective leadership and members that are extremely coordinated in how they approach the game. Even if you set the starting condition as Goons in NPC Delve and Init in NPC Fountain and Legacy owns all the space they are claiming to want to hold, what do you think the future holds for Legacy? I know which side I'd want to be on in that fight and it definitely isn't the side that has PGL as their primary FC.

    submitted by /u/Vilgan
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    Some Quality Eve Tears as a Christmas Present

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:41 AM PST

    From: Them

    Sent: 2020.12.23 23:02

    To: Me,

    I miss spoke, I have 87 planets and adding another 38 within the next few months. Eve is a huge place. There are plenty of other systems out there.

    You probably don't understand what greed is so I will school you up. Greed is an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power. It is also listed as one of the seven deadly sins. Your avarice is an uncontrolled longing for an increase in the acquisition or use and expoitation of material gain, social status, or some pixel power i suppose. But eve is a good way for people to project themselves to the world while hidding in the shadows. Instead of being the heros of high sec, you wish to create some sort of taxation, or a membership fee to use a service that may be temporary for you.

    It is cool, it just shows your true nature and no big deal on my end. I would rather give NPC my isk. As a matter of fact, i found some pocos not far away that are helle cheap on tax. Suppose i just go there and it will give me something to do this year, since i was considering moving anyway.

    Will see.

    Thanks jerky.

    Funny, i bet you like the show Magic Mike, as it is obvious that you copied the name. Totes GAYYY

    From: Me

    Sent: 2020.12.24 03:31

    To: Them,

    Hey bud,

    You do realize you sent me an email where you are just defining a word? Are you having some issues IRL? Wanna have a talk? I would be happy to shoot the shit if you need, real life issues should always come before a video game.

    As far as your number of planets and everything you do with PI, I am not here to measure our dicks against each other I will make what income I make and that is it.

    To the specifics of your comments about my greed, just for your own personal information the POCOs and the war dec fees for them are all paid from my personal wallet, the proceeds of which go to SRP and programs to help our youngest members with things like free ships and skill injectors as well as expanding our market hub options in various regions. I firmly believe in supporting my youngest members as much as possible. At this point I have spent in the neighborhood of 60 billion isk out of my own personal income.

    I dont tell you this out of malice or spite I just find your borderline biblical email mildly amusing by just how far off the base you are you are.

    To top it all off, this drama is over 100m 1 time payment that we collect from anyone that askes for a blue package. If your PI empire is as expansive as you claim it to be then that would save you money after less than 2 weeks.

    If you feel that strongly about moving be my guest I have no intent of holding you back, I appreciate the chuckles from the last email.


    From: Them

    Sent: 2020.12.24 19:38

    To: Me,

    LMAO... I will get to the best part at the end.. omg your zkillboard tells all of a miner who still does not know how to play this game. I tell you what, since your showing trends of a noob, I will be willing to give you some advice on flying 4 bill worth of ship and implants outside of highsec.

    I guess if you can afford to lose it and you got it like that, but man losing that, and your pod must have hurt a little. I wonder if you rage quit and now your back seeking revenge. That is cool bro, if you ever need to talk about it, I will be here. Trust me, we have all made rookie mistakes before, its just that you made several already this year.

    Your too funny BTW. You must be completely invovled in this game and this game only, with nothing else going on IRL. Your probably one of those guys who spent your tax return to purchase someone elses toon so that you could skip to the good stuff. You say that you have spent upwards of 60 billion? Wow,,, What an impressive achievement. Anyone can purchase plex and sell it in the same day. I on the other hand, well i am having a wonderful life. I am retired in my 40's with a fantasitic payday every month. My life is awesome and this game means nothing. I can tell tho that it means everything to you, as well as helping out newbros. So nice to see you helping everyone who plays into your game style.

    My simply stating how many colonies that i have only puts into perspective just how much isk you will be losing in the long run. The fact is, i am totally game rich too and feel that people like you give eve a terrible name. I am sure you try to justify it by "helping the newbros" lol. But hey, if thats what it takes to get you up in the morning to log on and keep playing, then by all means, make what income you make and thats it RIGHT.

    I love the idea that i must have struck some kind of nerve for you to write me such a long love letter. I am actually honored that you would take that much time out of your day. You are probably writing me while mining ice either in essence or the domain area. Thats cool. I am in HS, stress free and chillin, planning on starting up a new account so that i can infiltrate your organization, then figuring out a way to take you down when you least expect it. Because, that is really how i became space rich, but you no nothing of that i am sure. So my friend, i will be flying with you soon enough ok. Who knows, perhaps i am already a member, maybe in dream corp, or Nefarious.. Either way, check out one of my last poco kills. Pretty sweet kill.... If your curious, I am the one in the carrier.

    Peace out Magic Mike.

    He wrapped up the last email with a link to him killing a POCO in 2016 with a carrier and a dread. It was just so.. *Chef's Kiss* magical!

    Talking about how awesome he is IRL, Linking to his 30% efficient Killboard, making Gay jokes like 2005 again, criticizing a half page email length in a two page response and getting biblical with the seven deadly sins.

    I Just have a mental image of an angry bitter old man sitting in church angry about the kids on the interwebs. There could be no greater christmas gift.

    *UPDATE* We have already got more tears from this guy, he also tried to contact some of the corps in our alliance, I have a plan to mess with him some more I will post a new thread in a few weeks when we execute on it.

    submitted by /u/fullyarmedcamel
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    Yo I might wanna play dis game

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 08:26 PM PST

    How shitty of a computer can play it

    And can you customize your own ships and stuff wepons and all that

    submitted by /u/hmmmhowboutnomabyno
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