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    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Eve Online M2-XFE Live Thread

    Eve Online M2-XFE Live Thread

    M2-XFE Live Thread

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST

    M2-XFE has now surpassed B-R in both ISK losses and Titans down. This officially makes it the largest fight in EVE history in every metric except number of Pilots.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:56 PM PST

    I don't think It will be the largest in Pilot numbers, and Can't be in total time, but in most other ways Its surpassed B-R now.

    submitted by /u/Karina_Ivanovich
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    Unedited, 12K view of the M2 Battle, all details max

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:53 PM PST

    Doomsdays Green.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:12 PM PST

    After today's fight, Einstein's words look prophetic

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:22 AM PST

    That white light is a LEGACY dread fleet being ushered to VALHALLA.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:56 PM PST

    Huge brawl forming in M2-XFE

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:35 PM PST

    Picture of the moment: https://i.imgur.com/1mVFurE.jpg

    4000+ in local, capitals, supers, titans committed on both sided.

    10% Tidi as expected, let's go


    Edit: 5000+ in local and doomsdays are being fired!

    Titans are rolling in and dying left and right: https://zkillboard.com/system/30004773/

    submitted by /u/Hoder_
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    It doesn't matter what side you are on, just enjoy the fireworks.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:27 PM PST

    So 8 Days in as a New Player and I got to Visit M2-XFE and Partake in Looting a Titan & being Part of the History Books!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 10:00 PM PST

    How Bloody Amazing the last week been for me in EVE Online. Hell I'm dirt poor and a shitty Alpha Clone still hanging out in Positive Sectors, but I thought I leave my comfort Zone and I headed out in this ship someone suggested to me on Discord:

    [Atron, *Simulated Atron Fitting] Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II 10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner Small Ancillary Current Router I 

    I actually made it there in one piece and I actually learned about gate campers and bubbles. I found a way around them if you warp to say another location before the gate say a Planet and then the Gate sometimes you can avoid their bubbles.

    About 2-3 Systems before M2-XFE I had insane lag / load time and I thought my game was broken and chat was flipping out. I realized and learned quickly about the Time Dilation that slows things down so the servers / clients don't 100% shit bricks instead 90% shit bricks haha.

    I had fun chatting with people. Overall people were nice a few people were rage quitting because they think a 20 year old game should be programmed from the ground up using Microsoft Azura Cloud or something and not understanding it's a old damn game and it's a neat method of dealing with Lag especially when this is not a Daily thing.

    I finally made it to the system I got a bit scared when I saw it so I warped away haha. I then warped to the Keep Something Keep Star? Star Keep? And then I flew away from it... I sadly got egged on to attempt to loot a Titan so I did and then ended up dying just right after haha. Here is my Death and Loot from the Greatest Eve War I have ever taken part in :)

    After I lost my ship I attempted to offer a Cinematic view of the fight and stream it for a while so people out there can enjoy it and take clips from it, etc as I'm sure it will be talked about for years to come and I thought at least I can do something useful and offer something.

    Sadly I got podded or something happen. My Screen finally turned white and I saw my corpse in Space. My time was finally up and my greatest eve adventure to date has ended.

    Who knows what will be in show for me Tomorrow when I wake up!

    Here is a Quick Video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg8LaE9it7s

    Here is the Actual Live Stream I did of it. Feel free to use the Footage if you like. You might need to scroll through it.


    Thank you from everyone on Reddit you are a big part of why I decided to give EVE Online a try. You people are pretty damn amazing no matter what Corp / alliance or the jerk who podded me <3

    Have yourselves a Wonderful evening!

    submitted by /u/StoneLegionYT
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    A good battle always gets a name

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:31 PM PST

    [Propaganda/Art] DD’s Green

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:41 PM PST

    CCP When

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:21 PM PST

    Need good hardware for this

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:00 PM PST

    PAPI spies uncover the Imperium's latest development in secret underground research facility

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:49 AM PST

    Friendly Neighborhood Repro Man (aka "I Found My Schtick")

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 01:56 PM PST

    M2- a nice screen - not the highest rez but still pretty.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:44 PM PST

    The Muninn Should be a Missile Ship; Here's Why

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:09 AM PST

    TL;DR: Change the Muninn into a missile ship because of its difficulty to balance as an artillery hull, and also because Minmatar are missing their secondary weapon system represented in the HAC line-up (every other race has both weapons represented). Its worth reading the rest to see the bigger picture before making a knee-jerk comment about "more missile ships" though. No its bonuses won't heavily favor RLML.

    To start this out, i wanted to talk about assault ships (Assault Frigates and HACs) and how every other race is setup. Each race has has their primary and secondary weapon system represented for assault frigates and HACs except minmatar. Only recently did CCP fix this with Minmatar assault frigates by changing the jaguar from projectile based, to missile based (since Minmatar's secondary weapon system is missiles). You can see this trend below:

    Assault Frigates:


    Retribution - Lasers (primary)

    Vengeance - Missiles (secondary)


    Enyo - Hybrid (primary)

    Ishkur - Drones/hybrid (secondary)


    Hawk - Missiles (primary)

    Harpy - Hybrid (secondary)


    Wolf - Projectiles (Primary)

    Jaguar - Missiles (secondary)

    Heavy Assault Cruisers:


    Zealot - Lasers (primary)

    Sacrilege - Missiles (secondary)


    Deimos - Hybrid (primary)

    Ishtar - Drones (secondary)


    Cerberus - Missiles (primary)

    Eagle - Hybrids (secondary)


    Vagabond - Projectiles (primary)

    Muninn - Projectiles (primary)

    As you can tell, every race has both their primary and secondary weapon systems represented for AF and HACs except minmatar. Even other T2 ship variants in minmatar's line-up include a missile ship, such as the claymore in the command ship line and rapier in the recon ship line. So everywhere else you look has this trend, but not minmatar's HACs.

    "But the Jaguar is Thukker, so the Vagabond should be the missile ship"

    Fun fact, the Jaguar is no longer Thukker. CCP changed the developer to Core Complexion when they updated it to missiles, but didn't change the paint job. Core Complexion is the same developer for the Claymore and Rapier, both are missile ships. Meaning, you can change the Muninn to Core Complexion and turn it into a missile ship, so you don't have to worry about stepping on the lore with making a Boundless Creation ship a missile ship (though the hound is boundless creation).

    The other thing about Core Complexion is that they are almost always fit with an application bonus (and are shield based). The claymore is a bit unique now because of the command ship rebalance, but the claymore used to have an explosion velocity bonus. Jaguar also has explosion velocity bonus. Rapier is a Force Recon, so its other bonuses are EWAR and doesn't prioritize application bonus (since it gets TP and web bonus anyway). But minmatar's other missile ships like the typhoon, bellicose, loki and vigil fleet issue all have explosion velocity bonuses.

    What about the Vagabond?

    If the Muninn were to be changed to Missiles, i think that would warrant the vagabond getting a very slight grid massaging so it can fit artillery and be the primary projectile HAC. No, this doesn't mean you'd be able to transfer the current Muninn fleet fit onto a vagabond.

    Adding around 70 PG to the vagabond would allow you to fit 720's with 1 RCU w/ LSE+MWD+TC+invuln, but you would have 1 LSE and 1 Invuln for tank, basically you'd be flying the old Muninn layout (when it was 3 mids). Unless you fit 2 PG mods, then you can fit 2 LSE's, but have much lower range.

    The vagabond would be much more balanced with artillery than the Muninn for the following reasons:

    1. Much harder to fit to get comparable tank/damage. You can only fit 2 gyro's current (possibly 3 after PG buff).
    2. No range mods, unless you drop 1 LSE for TC
    3. Not cap stable w/ invuln (unless you add PDU)
    4. No tracking bonus
    5. Fall-off bonus instead of optimal bonus, so your overall range drops and doesn't scale as well with tremor or depleted uranium/sabot

    The main benefit to the vagabond will be its speed, but that can potentially be a double edged sword because you can out-track your 720's if you're going too fast. And with no tracking bonus, like on the Muninn, it makes this even worse.

    What would the Missile Muninn bring to the table that isn't already represented in the HAC line-up?

    An application focused HAC.

    Cerberus = Long range, high damage but mostly kinetic locked and heavy shield

    Sacrilege = Moderate range, lower damage (no kin lock) and heavy armor

    Muninn = Moderate range, moderate damage (no kinetic lock) and application (flexible tank)

    Keep in mind that the application bonus wouldn't apply to RLML, only HAM and HML. I won't get too hung up the bonuses or slot layout, but as a rough idea it would be something like this:

    Minmatar Cruiser:

    5% bonus to rapid light, heavy missile and heavy assault missile launcher rate of fire per level

    10% bonus for heavy missile and heavy assault missile velocity per level

    Heavy Assault Cruiser:

    7.5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile damage per level

    7.5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile explosion velocity per level

    Slot layout: 5/5/5 w/ 5 launchers

    By changing the Muninn to missiles, we kill 2 birds with one stone. Preventing constant reiteration on a strong artillery hull and alpha comp and also properly balancing the Minmatar HAC line-up to represent both of Minmatar's weapon systems.

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    Brisc "Tech Tips" Rubal

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:43 AM PST

    Atlest one legacy Titan down. A old girl put to rest

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:06 AM PST

    Dear mods. Sticky a thread so we can watch the mouth breathers argue with each other over this tidi shitfest

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:53 PM PST

    Do it.

    submitted by /u/Napdizzle
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    The 64bit client ...

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:48 PM PST

    Thank you CCP!

    submitted by /u/TyberiusSaurfang
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    M2-XFE Footage

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:19 PM PST

    Battle at M2-

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:19 PM PST

    Even the European Commission acknowledges the fight in M2-XFE

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:24 AM PST

    Massacre of M2-XFE: pictures

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 09:09 PM PST

    Lotsa pretty toys

    I managed to kick my old computer enough to take a few pretty pictures of titans.

    I uploaded them here:


    No spin here.

    submitted by /u/joe-re
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    Survived my very first lowsec mining trip!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:27 PM PST

    Traveled 15 jumps out to Saranen 0.1 to get hedbergite. Managed to survive with 2 close calls and come back home fully loaded. Lowsec mining is a very different game than highsec but it was intense fun. Forgot to take a pic while doing it or after.

    submitted by /u/mycroft16
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